AFA of PA Action Alert

March 15, 2010

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Employment Non-Discrimination Act

2.)    Health Care Bill Released


1.)  Last June open homosexual Congressman Barney Frank introduced HR 2981 the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would force businesses to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.  It will not only force these hirings, but it would force business owners to permit male employees who think they are women to use the women’s restroom.  It is currently in the Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

2.)  Late Sunday night the Democrats made public their new 2309 page reconciliation health care bill.   In your spare time, you can read it by clicking here. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is telling the media that this bill will be the law of the land by next Sunday.  Will the American people continue speaking up and saying ‘no’ to this bill?

Action Steps

1.)     Contact your Congressman and ask him or her to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 2981 – the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.  Click here for contact info. The National Center for Transgender Equality is sponsoring Lobby Days March 15 and 16.  Those who oppose this bill, must be ringing the phones off the hook in voicing that opposition.

2.)    Contact your Congressman and ask them to vote ‘No” on this new health care bill.  We do not need a government takeover of health care and we oppose tax-payer funded abortions.

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