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                    NEWS RELEASE ARCHIVES 2005





CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

                      Dr. Amy Gutmann  1-215-898-7221

University of Pennsylvania Bowing to Those Suffering A Mental Disorder

(Philadelphia) –  Outrageous is the response of a Pennsylvania pro-family organization at word that the University of Pennsylvania will be offering gender neutral housing beginning this fall.  In a statement sent to the University, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) issued a warning to the University of Pennsylvania concerning the inherent dangers in offering gender neutral housing.

“When the university added ‘gender identity’ to their non-discrimination policy in early 2004, we encouraged them not to give into homosexual, bisexual and transgender activists who presented a laundry list of demands – including gender neutral housing.  To make such changes are a great disservice to the entire student body,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA stated today. 

In the statement to the President, Dr. Amy Gutmann and the Board of Trustees, the AFA of PA noted that the danger of sexual assault, whether creating a gender-neutral environment or allowing transgenders to have a room on the floor of a dormitory, is creating dangerous situations for all of the students involved.

"We are calling on the University of Pennsylvania to do what's best for their students," Gramley said, "and that would not be to cave in to homosexual and transsexual activists that are trying to eliminate distinctions between male and female.  Doing such is putting their students in danger. Gender neutral housing is simply a cave-in on the part of the University.”

In a November 2004 article Dr.  Paul McHugh, a University Distinguished Service Professor or Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, responded when confronted with a request for sex reassignment surgery, “. . . we psychiatrists have been distracted from studying the causes and natures of their mental misdirections by preparing them for surgery and for a life in the other sex. We have wasted scientific and technical resources and damaged our professional credibility by collaborating with madness rather than trying to study, cure, and ultimately prevent it.”  (emphasis added)

Public institutions are not legally compelled to make available gender neutral accommodations. Since the terms "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" are not included in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act or the PA Fair Educational Opportunities Act.  State colleges and universities are not required to include them in their non-discrimination policies, and thus are not required to provide gender neutral housing.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Commonwealth Court Says It’s Okay for Men to Come to Work in a Dress and to Shower With Female Co-Workers – A Case of Judicial Activism, Pro-family Group Asks

(Harrisburg)—Yesterday’s Commonwealth Court decision to uphold the Allentown human relations ordinance which added “sexual orientation” and “gender identity is an outrage, a traditional values group said today.  According to the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) this is not something that the majority of citizens in Allentown want and is additional evidence of judicial activism as state law does not extend this type special protection to homosexuals.

“Gone unreported in media stories today are the acts of intimidation and harassment on the part of homosexual activists as concerned citizens in Allentown attempted to circulate and/or sign petitions the summer of 2002 after the City Council effectively pushed the ordinance changes through in April of that year.  These concerned citizens simply wanted an opportunity to place the matter before all the voters in Allentown to see if the city council-approved language was what the people really wanted.  Homosexual activists knew that if the people had a chance to vote the ordinance changes would be removed.  I believe the majority of Allentown citizens still oppose the ordinance” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The Commonwealth Court has opened the door for men who believe they are women to come to work in a dress and to use the women’s restroom and shower facilities.  Even openly homosexual Congressman Barney Frank opposes adding ‘transgender’ or ‘gender identity’ to the proposed federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act because he knows that by so doing radical transgender activists will demand that men who think they are women be permitted to use the women’s restroom and shower facilities in the workplace. The June 3, 2005 issue of the Washington Blade confirms his continued stand against the addition of ‘gender identity’ or ‘transgender.’

In May 2003 Teamsters Union Local 773 forced Carbon County to reinstate a transgender prison guard because of Allentown’s addition of “gender identity” to their human relations ordinance.  This was a message to all those who do business with companies and organizations based in Allentown:  Your business dealings will be directly affected by the addition of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to Allentown’s Human Relations Ordinance.  Does the Carbon County prison still have a man dressed as a woman guard? How man strip searches of female inmates has he conducted?

In a press release dated May 31, 2003 the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition stated,” Although the incident occurred a county away, this may have been the first victory for Allentown’s nondiscrimination law.” 

“The Commonwealth court ruling said cities have broad latitude to take steps to protect the health, safety and welfare of their citizens.  Extending special protections to homosexuals will not accomplish either as according to the CDC 2 out of 3 cases of AIDS are men who have sex with men, 1out of 5 male homosexuals are victims of same-sex domestic violence and those involved in homosexual activity are more prone to substance abuse, eating and psychological disorders,” responded Gramley.  “This is not the direction a city would want to take to protect its citizens.”

The AFA of PA again outlines to the City Council of Allentown and now the Commonwealth Court the following observations included in a fax dated August 2, 2002.

q    In many areas where such ordinances have been passed, the Boy Scouts and Salvation Army have been discriminated against.

q    Council is putting its stamp of approval upon a lifestyle that, according to the Oxford University Journal of Epidemiology, shortens the lives of men who have sex with men by up to 20 years.  The Centers for Disease Control recognizes that bisexuals are a proven "bridge" infecting women with HIV.

q    Religious organization which received any city funds and employ four people would be required to hire practicing homosexuals. (Article 181, Section 02)

q    "Gender Identity" as defined in the ordinance opens all sorts of doors for radical transsexuals.  Even openly homosexual Congressman Barney Frank opposes such language because he knows so-called "transgender" activists will use that language to literally demand that men who believe they're women be allowed to use women's restrooms and showers.

Only time will tell whether Allentown will become another ‘gay-friendly’ city like Philadelphia which currently ranks eighth in the nation in number of AIDS cases.  Of course, all this will be with the approval of the court system in Pennsylvania.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




( Harrisburg ) --  This past weekend, as in previous years, Harrisburg ’s Pridefest 2005 included ‘commitment ceremonies’ for homosexuals who live together.  According to a statewide pro-family group this is just another tactic to desensitize Pennsylvanians to the dangers to society if same-sex marriage is legalized.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), in a faxed statement to Governor Rendell, outlined some of the devastating affects such action would have upon the very foundation of Pennsylvania ’s society – her families. 

q    Scandinavian countries have had some form of same-sex marriage for a decade – marriage is no longer viewed as important, in some areas up to 80%of all births are out-of-wedlock

q    Homosexuality will be viewed and taught in schools as a safe, alternative lifestyle while in reality the health ramifications are enormous – according to the CDC , almost 60% or 2 in 3 cases of AIDS involve men who have sex with men (MSM), cases of anal cancer soar among MSM, 1 in 5 gay men claim they are victims of domestic violence, according to the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association  those involved in the homosexual lifestyle are more prone to substance abuse, cancers, STDs, and psychological disorders, the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology reports that a man involved in the homosexual lifestyle can shorten his life by up to 20 years.    

q    Studies have consistently shown that children need a mother and a father.   Children raised in same-sex households grow up confused about their sexuality and are more prone to early sexual experimentation and substance abuse.

q    Parents of natural families will be discriminated against if they try to protect their children from homosexual indoctrination within the public school system.  This has already happened in Massachusetts where the father of a kindergarten student was arrested when he requested permission to opt his child out of pro-homosexual classes and parents who tried to videotape a pro-homosexual assembly for middle school students were forced to leave the school or face arrest.  Even a reporter was refused admission. 

q    If the definition of marriage is changed to include same-sex relationships, it can be changed to include any other type relationship.  In June 2005 addressing an Ivy League school, ACLU president Nadine Strossen stated that her organization has "defended the right of individuals to engage in polygamy.” 


Additionally, the governor’s spokesman, Chuck Ardo, has indicated that Governor Rendell believes the courts should decide the definition of marriage.  This is exactly what homosexual activists are wanting.  Consistently voters have voted to protect traditional marriage and decisions by activist judges have overthrown the will of the people.


“The majority of Pennsylvanians know the definition of marriage as to be between one-man and one-woman.  Their elected officials made this quite clear in 1996 with the passage of the Defense of Marriage Act. We don’t need activist judges to redefine marriage as anything different than what Pennsylvanians know it to be.  Governor Rendell needs to stand and defend the traditional family,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


The issues that homosexuals who live together have voiced concern over – hospital visitation rights, inheritance of property, etc. – can all be addressed through legal means without legalizing same-sex marriage. 


“The legalization of same-sex marriage would be a move to force upon the general populace the recognition of a lifestyle that most in Pennsylvania view as immoral and wrong.  This is not a civil rights issue, as homosexual activists are trying to make it; it has nothing to do with skin color or any unchangeable characteristics.  People are not born homosexual.  It is an effort to legitimize abhorrent behavior, Gramley remarked.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

                      District Attorney James Epstein  1.724.662.3800




( Pittsburgh ) – For the second time this year the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide anti-pornography group, has contacted the Mercer County DA, James Epstein, and sent evidence that the Headliners Club, a Mercer County ‘gentlemen’s club, continues to advertise as a BYOB in the New Castle News.  According to Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, this is against the law,


“In May 2003 67.3% of West Salem Township voters overwhelmingly voiced their opinion in opposition to the existence of bottle clubs in their township.  The voters decided it was time to restore a sense of decency to their community and they took action to do just that.  The club had to comply by July 26, 2003 . All citizens in Mercer County are looking to the District Attorney to do what is best for their families and that is to enforce the law.”


Under the law a bottle club is an establishment that does not have a license to sell liquor but operates as a BYOB or the operator may provide alcohol.   According to the Bottle Club Law:  "If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote "yes," then an establishment commonly referred to as a bottle club shall not be operated in the municipality after 30 days from the certification of the vote on the question.”


The letter to DA Epstein says in part, “This whole scenario – two years in the making -- is becoming very frustrating to the citizens of West Salem Township as they know it is illegal for Eric Boron to allow alcohol into his establishment.  Yet, they also know that, without your commitment to strict enforcement of the bottle club law the Greenville/West Salem Police will not act.


Eric Boron will continue operating as he always has.  His arrogant disregard for the law is a slap in the face to all voters in West Salem Township who gathered names on petitions, educated their fellow citizens and voted to ban bottle clubs.”


The AFA of PA encourages the Mercer County DA to strictly enforce the bottle club law.  The ripple effect of such enforcement would be felt across the county, especially in the reduced number of sexual assaults which would potentially go hand in hand with a strict enforcement of this law.  The AFA of PA asks the DA to give the Greenville/West Salem Police Department the ‘green light’ to investigate possible illegal activity that is taking place at the Headliners Club.


The inaction of the West Salem Township supervisors is also a cause of concern for the residents that placed them in office.  Even though the Headliners Club is grandfathered in when it comes to zoning, it can be regulated through the passage of a licensing ordinance.  As in the case of Eric Boron’s business in Pulaski Township , Lawrence County , the supervisors can take such a legal step after the opening of a sexually oriented business and have their actions upheld by the PA court system.


“We are encouraged to hear that Brookfield Township in Trumbull County , Ohio is proposing regulations for such businesses and encourage the West Salem Township Supervisors to follow the lead of their neighbor to the west,” Gramley stated.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

AFL-CIO’S PROBLEMS ESCALATE – Two Unions Leave -- Passage of Anti-Marriage Resolution Creates Rift Between Rank & File Members and Leadership

(Harrisburg) – Yesterday’s departure of the Service Employees International Union and the Teamsters from the AFL-CIO is just one indication that they are in trouble, a statewide pro-family group said today.  The group asserts their biggest problem will come when the rank and file members realize that the AFL-CIO does not support their marriages and families.

“On March 3rd the Executive Committee voted unanimously to condemn all efforts to protect one-man, one-woman marriage through constitutional amendments.  Their message to the majority of rank and file members is that 'you and your marriages and families are not important.’  The problems for the AFL-CIO have only just begun,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA).

The AFL-CIO resolution has seen little publicity beyond a few homosexual publications.

The re-election of John Sweeney for a fourth term as president will only escalate the problems between unions, rank and file members and AFL-CIO leadership.  On June 1st the AFA of PA, in a letter delivered to John Sweeney, joined a broad coalition of national and state organizations, legislators and union members in condemning the Executive Committee of the AFL-CIO in their promotion of same-sex marriage.  

The AFL-CIO resolution states that a federal Marriage Protection Amendment to the U.S. Constitution "and its state counterparts threaten the rights of working people by creating an environment across the nation that is hostile to the rights of domestic partners, regardless of their sexual orientation.”

It concludes with a broad endorsement of homosexual and "transgender" activists' political agenda: "The AFL-CIO reiterates its longstanding support for the full inclusion and equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the workplace and in society.”

Gramley responded adamantly, “When the rank and file members of the AFL-CIO learn what their Executive Committee has endorsed, they will be outraged.  The average union member supports one-man, one-woman marriage and the organization that is supposed to represent their best interest has undermined the entire concept of traditional marriage.

Even openly homosexual Congressman Barney Frank opposes adding ‘transgender’ or ‘gender identity’ to the proposed federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act because he knows that by so doing radical transgender activists will demand that men who think they are women be permitted to use the women’s restroom and shower facilities in the workplace. The June 3, 2005 issue of the Washington Blade confirms his continued stand against the addition of ‘gender identity’ or ‘transgender

“If Barney Frank recognizes the problem with the addition of transgender and gender identity language to workplace non-discrimination policies, this is just additional proof of how off-base the AFL-CIO is when it comes to this issue.  This is one more reason for union members with deeply held religious beliefs concerning homosexuality to direct their dues elsewhere.  The American Family Association Center for Law and Policy is one of several legal organizations that have offered their services free of charge to any such union member,’ remarked Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




( Harrisburg ) – The revelation that the Pennsylvania Employee Benefits Trust Fund is investigating the possibility of extending domestic partner benefits to same-sex couples is very troubling, the president of a statewide pro-family group said today. 


“This will not only cost Pennsylvania taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, but is an attempt to redefine marriage. Governor Rendell has been laying the groundwork for the past two years to do just that,” Diane Gramley of the American Family Association said in response to the Trust Fund’s decision. 


“Neither same-sex nor heterosexual live-in relationships are recognized as legal unions in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania .  To extend benefits to the live-in partners in these type relationships is another effort to undermine marriage,” Gramley continued.


The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) publicly demands corporations, municipalities and states extend benefits to the same-sex partners of their employees. However, in 2003 they stopped paying 100% of the health benefits of the cost was so prohibitive.


“In their cost analysis, the Pennsylvania Employee Benefits Trust Fund needs look no further than the actions of the NGLTF.  But they do need to take a close look at the statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and the fact that one in three men who participate in homosexual sex has AIDS and the fact that there is a syphilis epidemic among homosexuals,” stated Gramley.


On March 7, 2003 the Washington Blade reported,


"(NGLTF Executive Director Lorri) Jean's first crisis at the Task Force surfaced several months after she took office (in 2001), sources said, when the NGLTF's unionized staff threatened to go public with a dispute over domestic partner benefits. During contract negotiations, Jean called for dropping a longstanding NGLTF policy of paying 100 percent of the health insurance premium for staff members' domestic partners, saying the benefit was prohibitively expensive.  She had no objections to the existing policy of paying 100 percent of the health insurance premiums for employees themselves. But a 100 percent benefit plan for domestic partners could not be sustained, Jean said, at a time when the group had a $500,000 debt, including an outstanding loan of $300,000."

NGLTF's public position on so-called "domestic partner" benefits is published on the NGLTF website, as follows:

"It Will Cost Too Much.  The most common reason cited by companies who do not implement DP benefits is the perception that to do so would be cost prohibitive. ...these concerns are baseless. ...If a company cares about its employees and about the values of fairness and nondiscrimination, it should treat all employees equitably, no matter the pricetag."

Gramley said it is NGLTF's private rather than its public position on the issue that reflects the economic realities of adding to an employer's "insurance pool" new individuals whose homosexual lifestyle makes them more likely to be disproportionate consumers of healthcare services, thus driving up premium costs for the pool of employees as a whole.

The Corporate Resource Council, a non-profit consulting firm based in
Scottsdale , AZ., reports that "executives at many companies can expect that the cost of health care for domestic partners will be higher -- and perhaps significantly higher -- than for married couples.  One bit of evidence comes from a small group plan in California that paid 17.1 percent more last year for same-sex couples than for opposite-sex couples."  (See Executive Summary on page 3 at: )

"Taking high risk enrollees and same-sex medical costs into account, some employers can expect 3 to 5 percent higher costs if only 1 or 2 percent of their employees choose domestic partner benefits," the council said.

Gramley cited numerous medical and other studies that document the disproportionate health care consequences associated with homosexual behavior:

Domestic Violence


“The New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project announced this week ( July 21-27, 2005 ) that reports to them of domestic violence in LGBT relationships increased 16 percent in 2003 and 21 percent in 2004.

“We’ve seen a steady rise in reports of domestic violence and the level of violence involved over the last two years,” said Clarence Patton, acting director of AVP. “In 2004 alone, there was a 35 percent increase in serious injuries and a 71 percent increase in deaths or murders that occurred as a result of the violence.

"It is likely the incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population.  As many as 650,000 gay men may be victims of domestic violence each year." (p. 14)  The researchers estimate battery occurs in 50 percent of gay male couples (p. 12).  (Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them, by David Island and Patrick Letellier, co-editors of the National Lesbian & Gay Domestic Violence Network

"One in five urban gay men is battered by his partner, a new study by Georgetown University's School of Nursing and Health Studies shows."
( Newscenter at )

Mental Illness

"(P)eople with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders."  (Journal of the American Medical Association at )

Life-threatening Disease and Substance Abuse

Compared to heterosexual men, men who engage in homosexual behavior are at increased risk of HIV infection, hepatitis, HPV and all other STDs, anal, prostate and colon cancers, eating disorders, depression and anxiety, and use alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs more often.  (Gay and Lesbian Medical Association at )

"Homosexual men are at significantly increased risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices. ...Women who have sex with women are at significantly increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than are heterosexual women."  (Executive Summary, "Health Implications Associated with Homosexuality," 1999, Medical Institute of Sexual Health at )

Premature Death

"(L)ife expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality were to continue, we estimate that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday." (International Journal of Epidemiology, Oxford University at


firstpage=657&journalcode=intjepid )

"Among young gay and bisexual men in Vancouver, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has reduced life expectancy by up to 20 years." (Canadian Medical Association Journal at )

”Pennsylvanians should not be asked to financially support such a dangerous lifestyle and that is what they will be asked to do if same-sex domestic partner health benefits are offered to state employees.  Pennsylvanians do not want marriage redefined and this move by the Pennsylvania Employee Benefits Trust Fund is one step closer to doing that,” noted Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


Statewide Organization Reacts to President Bush’s Nomination of Judge John Roberts


( Harrisburg ) – “President Bush kept his promise,” was the initial reaction of the president of a statewide pro-family group.  Last night President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts to fill the seat vacated by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on July 1st.  Today Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, said she is pleased with President Bush’s choice.


“President Bush has kept his promise of nominating a strict constructionist to the bench in the model of Justices Scalia and Thomas.  This choice will get the nation back on course where justices will interpret the law and not legislate from the bench.  We do not need justices which view the Constitution as a living document changing as the years go by.”


Judge Roberts rules based on the application of existing laws and specific facts of the cases before him, rather than making new laws or creating new policies based on personal opinion.

 It’s not surprising that The National Journal has said that “John Roberts seems a good bet to be the kind of judge we should all want to have * all of us, that is, who are looking less for congenial ideologues than for professionals committed to the impartial application of the law.”


Upon his nomination to the D.C. Circuit, 152 members of the D.C. Bar wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee to note that Judge Roberts is “one of the very best and most highly respected appellate lawyers in the nation, with a deserved reputation as a brilliant writer and oral advocate.”  Signers, ranging from Democratic lawyers like Lloyd Cutler and Seth Waxman to former President George H.W. Bush’s White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray, cited his   “unquestioned integrity and fair-mindedness.” 

Anne L. Bryant and Julie Underwood of The National School Boards Association have noted that Judge Roberts “is always willing to take the time to do things right; and he is willing to support others who exhibit similar values.  Above all, he personifies the qualities of an outstanding jurist with his even-temper and respectful demeanor.”


“President Bush has nominated a fine judge to fill the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy – a judge who has historically issued unbiased and fair opinions based upon the Constitution and who has not attempted to legislate from the bench.  The AFA of PA is calling on Senator Arlen Specter to quickly move this nomination out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and to the floor of the Senate.  We are confident of speedy and fair confirmation hearings,” concluded Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078
                     Fran Bevan    1.724.864.598


( Harrisburg ) --  Six months to the day after Governor Schweiker signed H.B. 1493 into law making it Act 143 on December 3, 2002, a lawsuit was filed questioning the constitutionality of the bill.  This bill added "actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender and gender identity" to Pennsylvania 's hate crimes law.  The names of two concerned Pennsylvanians, Diane Gramley and Fran Bevan , were listed as the plaintiffs -- each acting in their individual capacities and not as representatives of the organizations they lead.  On July 7th the Commonwealth Court handed down its decision declaring that these concerned Pennsylvanians did not have standing in the case.  However, Judge Pellegrini's dissenting opinion stated that he believed Gramley and Bevan did have standing, as would any citizen of Pennsylvania in circumstances such as these.

"We, of course, are disappointed in the court's decision.  To say that we, as concerned Pennsylvanians, don't have standing is ridiculous.  To watch this bill morph into something the original sponsor had no intention of it becoming and then to allow the law to stand without review is truly frightening.  This bill was authored by homosexual activists, lobbied for by homosexual activists and has already been used by homosexual activists to try to take away the First Amendment rights of eleven Christians in Philadelphia in October.  All Pennsylvanians with deeply help religious beliefs that homosexual acts are wrong remain in danger of being charged with a hate crime if they speak publicly against such a lifestyle.  Is a local pastor next?" remarked Diane Gramley.

Additionally, Fran Bevan commented, "The court's action doesn't change the fact that H.B. 1493 started out as an agricultural vandalism bill and was then gutted entirely.  In June 2001 the Senate changed the original purpose of the bill and created a hate crimes bill.  It was so bad most of the original sponsors, including the primary sponsor, removed their names from the bill, yet it retained the same bill number.  The court's decision lets a bad bill stand without review." 

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania is a statewide pro-family organization affiliated with the Tupelo, Mississippi-based American Family Association.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley    1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078




(Philadelphia) – Today’s unveiling of an historical marker is another example of revisionist history, a statewide traditional values group said.  After addressing the quarterly meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) on June 15 and waiting two weeks for the answers posed by Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, the AFA of PA sent a fax June 29 reiterating the questions.  A phone call during the late afternoon of June 30 from the PHMC answered three questions -- according to the PHMC the marker commemorating the 1965 homosexual rights protest will be unveiled at 10:00 a.m. July 1 at the National Constitution Center.  However, apparently the National Constitution Center is not large enough to contain the “throngs” who are anxiously waiting the unveiling of this marker as attendance is by invitation only.  Or possibly the PHMC knows that the majority of Philadelphians and Pennsylvanians will not approve of the marker when they discover this desecration of their city!


“This historical marker is an outrage to our Founding Fathers and our nation’s history.  Number 2 of the Historical Marker Nomination Form says, ‘Be sure to explain why this marker will have meaning for people for the whole state or country, not just from your community.’  This event has meaning to less than 3% of the entire population of the United States of America and should never have been approved,” stated Gramley. 


The lifestyle this historic marker is commemorating is not about civil rights and does not represent the 40 conservatively dressed homosexuals involved in a march in Philadelphia in 1965.  The homosexual lifestyle and this marker now commemorate the activities that took place at Philadelphia’s Philly Pride Presents Parade on June 12.  On those floats were partially dressed women in tight leather, who were bending over with their buttocks exposed being spanked with bare hands, whips, and other objects.  In addition, as the Philadelphia police stood by as this illegal activity occurred, simulated sex acts took place on another float.  Homosexual activism has taken on a new look and Philadelphia was witness to that on June 12.


“This issue nor the parade 40 years ago has anything to do with civil rights.  Homosexual activists are hijacking the civil rights movement. People are not born gay – it is not an immutable or unchangeable characteristic – there is no gay gene.  Thousands who have come out of the lifestyle are proof of that,” Gramley continued.


To use the beginning of the Fourth of July weekend for this ceremony is an additional assault on our Founding Fathers and our nation’s history.  The final location of the historical marker next to Independence Hall at Sixth and Chestnut Streets is an overt attempt to revise history to say that our nation’s leaders in generations past would approve of the 1965 homosexual rights march and the lifestyle it represents.


“It is quite evident where our Founding Fathers stood on morality and to use the Fourth of July weekend to unveil an historical monument that commemorates a lifestyle that the majority of the nation views as immoral is not only a slap on the faces of our Founding Fathers, but also a slap on the face of each American who upholds morality.  Thanks to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Pennsylvania has become a national embarrassment,” Gramley concluded.


The celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, should be a reminder of the words of some of America’s Founders when it came to morality and the survival of our nation.


“The practice of morality being necessary for the well-being of society . . . “ – Thomas Jefferson


“We are now to rank among the nations of the world; but whether our Independence shall prove a blessing or a curse must depend upon our own wisdom or folly, virtue or wickedness.  – George Mason (Father of the Bill of Rights)


“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.  As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”  -- Benjamin Franklin


“Religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness.  While the people are virtuous, they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” – Samuel Adams


“Government is a firm compact sanctified from violation by all the ties of personal honor, morality, and religion.” – Fisher Ames (author of the First Amendment)


“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” – John Adams




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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




( Harrisburg )  -- On June 8 the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) contacted each Pennsylvania Senator and Representative concerning the expenditure of state tax dollars in the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.  This most notably was through grant money in the amount of $185,000 received by Philadelphia-based Equality Forum.  Although some in Harrisburg have expressed surprise upon receiving the memo from Representative Daryl Metcalfe, who is working to block state dollars from being spent to promote homosexual tourism in the Philadelphia area, the information of expending these tax dollars was not new information to them.


“Since it became apparent earlier this year that our tax dollars were being used to promote homosexuality, the AFA of PA has been informing Pennsylvanians of the situation.  It has become evident that most legislators did not originally know of this expenditure of hundreds of thousands of hard-earned tax dollars.  However, now that this outrage has been exposed it is time for them to step up to the plate and take action to more wisely spend our money and not promote a lifestyle that the majority of Pennsylvanians view as wrong.  We commend Representative Metcalfe for taking those initial steps,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the statewide pro-family organization, the AFA of PA.


On May 2 using the Right to Know Law the AFA of PA requested information from the Department of Economic and Community Development (DCED), the source of the Equality Forum grants.  Receipt of that information shows that $185,000 has been given to Equality Forum since December 2003.  This money is ostensibly used for ‘tourism promotion.’  What type tourist is being attracted to Philadelphia ?


The AFA of PA continues to wonder whether the arrest of 16 homosexual men having sex in the Center City Strawbridge department store restroom is considered community development by the DCED. These arrests happened just one week before the official opening of Equality Forum.  


Or possibly the arrest of eleven homosexual men engaged in sexual activity in the same department store two years ago is more along the line of community development since a ten-year-old boy was witness to that activity.


These type anonymous activities are substantiated by the Centers for Disease Control which warns that men who have sex with men "have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."


“This is not about a divisive political issue, but right and wrong.  Should tax dollars be used to promote a lifestyle which, according to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, shortens the lives of the male participants by up to twenty years?  Should tax dollars by used to promote a lifestyle which, even the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association acknowledges, exposes those involved to more HIV/AIDS, other STDs, substance abuse, eating and psychological disorders?  Should tax dollars be used to promote the ‘tourism’ of those involved in this lifestyle?  The answer is a resounding ‘NO.’ Cities and states need to make decisions based on the well-being of the majority of its citizens, not the buying power of 3% of the population which is homosexual.  Additionally, as a reminder Philadelphia has the highest number of AIDS cases in Pennsylvania ,” Gramley stated.


The majority of Pennsylvanians across the state are outraged that their tax dollars are being used to help fund Equality Forum.  This year’s activities included discussions promoting Abraham Lincoln as gay and workshops on overturning existing state marriage laws and how to get homosexual special rights laws passed. 


There is apparent double-speak coming out of Harrisburg .


  • On one hand, Pennsylvania is in such a financial bind that we must have 61,000 new slot machines to create revenue for us to survive
  • On the other hand we have enough extra money in the budget to promote a lifestyle which is destroying the lives of Pennsylvanians.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




( Washington , D.C. ) –  Yesterday the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) approved a slightly revised version of the original resolution calling on SBC churches to investigate homosexual activism within the schools in their respective areas.


“This vote on the moderately changed SBC resolution addressing the problem of homosexual activism within the schools was a huge success for the children of America ,” said Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania and one of the original signatories of the joint statement in support of the resolution.


Support by Christian and pro-family groups and organizations has steadily grown.  The original joint statement was signed by less than fifty on June 14 when the statement was sent to Dr. Gene Mims, chairman of the SBC Resolutions Committee, and all members of the committee.  By June 17, it had grown to 58 and is now up to 63 organizations which support investigating schools and holding them accountable for the presence of pro-homosexual clubs, curriculum and programs.  The majority of these organizations are statewide.  The number of supporters is expected to continue growing, with future joint efforts to protect children anticipated.


“Unfortunately some media accounts have stated that the ‘investigation’ clause was removed from the resolution before the vote.  This is untrue.  In fact, the word ‘investigate’ is stated twice in the approved resolution,” Gramley continued.


The resolution acknowledges that problems exist in many of our nation’s schools and that homosexual activists are using that setting to indoctrinate students.  Parents are being asked to find out what is taking place in their child’s school and take the appropriate steps to protect their children from harm.


Gramley further stated, “This resolution is a clear message that homosexual activism within schools is a real problem and that we, who are concerned with the safety and well-being of our children, are going to take steps to protect them.  Our schools must no longer be used as places of social re-engineering which allow the lie that ‘gay is okay’ to be perpetuated.”


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078


SBC Resolution Support Among Christian and Pro-Family Groups Continues to Grow


( Washington , D.C. ) -- Support for the Southern Baptist Convention “Resolution on Homosexuality in Public Schools” continues to grow.  The initial letter to Dr. Gene Mims had the names of almost fifty Christian and pro-family groups.  The list of organizations which support the resolution has grown to 58 with an addition of sixteen organizations since June 14.



“These grass roots leaders are concerned about what is happening to our children in the public school setting --  how homosexual activists are using the schools as an avenue to desensitize our kids and normalize this abhorrent behavior. The overwhelming support has been phenomenal and I am very grateful to be able to work with such a great group of concerned grassroots leaders in this effort to protect our most precious legacy, our children,” Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania and one of the original signatories on the letter to Dr. Mims said today.


The increase in support now involves the leadership of ten state affiliates of the American Family Association, eleven state affiliates of Concerned Women for America, eight state affiliates of Eagle Forum, sixteen state affiliates of Focus on the Family, home education groups (including the Southern Baptist Church and Home Education Association) and other independent statewide pro-family groups.


E. Ray Moore, Director of Exodus Mandate, remarked, “We are deeply grateful to Diane Gramley for her efforts to recruit and rally pro-family and Christian organizations in support of the resolution to investigate homosexuality in public schools co-sponsored by Drs. Voddie Baucham and Bruce Shortt. This wide spread support shows that there is a rising tide of concern about homosexuality in our public schools and growing support for Christian schools and homeschooling.”


The new signatories are as follows:


Kevin McCoy, Executive Director

West Virginia Family Foundation, Inc.


Tammy Bellinger, State Director
Concerned Women for America of Arizona


Jane Carron, State Director
Concerned Women for
America of Florida


Kathy Valente, State Director

Concerned Women for America of Illinois


Tammy Mosher, State Director

Concerned Women for America of Massachusetts


Pat Hanson, Director

Concerned Women For America , Texas-South


Orlean Koehle, State President

Eagle Forum of California


Violet Vestevich, President

Eagle Forum of Michigan


Fran Bevan, President

Eagle Forum of Pennsylvania


Joe Glover, President 

Family Policy Network  

Michael S. Heath, Executive Director

Christian Civic League of Maine


Brian Camenker, President

Article 8 Alliance of Massachusetts


Mark Forton, Chairman

Michigan Conservative Union


Brannon Howse, President & Founder

Worldview Weekends of America


Denise Kanter

Considering Homeschooling Ministry


Ron Shank, State Director

Tennessee Family Policy Network




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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley    1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078


Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Continues Ignoring Its Mistake, Pro-Family Group Says


( Harrisburg )—Yesterday Diane Gramley, president of the statewide pro-family organization, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, questioned the commissioners of the PA Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) about their vote in March to approve an historical marker commemorating the 1965 Philadelphia homosexual rights parade.    During their meeting Gramley presented a list of questions concerning the marker – questions which Chairman Spilove and the commissioners chose to ignore.  The yet unanswered questions are as follows:


  • How was this marker approved?  PHMC Guideline # 5 states, “That historically recognized personages shall no longer be living, and that the place of their accomplishments shall have become established.”  Guideline # 2 states, “That only historical subjects (rather than current events) be considered.”  
  • How many of our tax dollars will be used to create and install the marker?
  • Exactly where will the historic marker be placed and when will it be unveiled?
  • Will Governor Rendell unveil the marker at that time as Equality Forum said that he would do during their week-long homosexual event in April/May?

“The Commission is not following its own guidelines – participants in the 1965 parade helped fill out the application for the marker and some attended Equality Forum on May 1st.   Many historians who follow “gay history” do not recognize the parade in Philadelphia as significant.  Number 2 of the Historical Marker Nomination Form says, “Be sure to explain why this marker will have meaning for people for the whole state or country, not just from your community.”  This event has meaning to less than 3% of the entire population of the United States of America and should never have been approved,” stated Gramley. 


In light of eye-witness accounts of the illegal activity taking place at this past Sunday’s Philly Pride Presents Parade, the PHMC Commissioners approval of this historical marker is, in essence, commemorating and normalizing these actions also.  One float in the parade included partially dressed women in tight leather, bending over with their buttocks exposed being spanked with bare hands, whips, and other objects. Another float had simulated sex acts taking place on it.    


“As was reiterated to the PHMC Commissioners yesterday, Pennsylvanians do not want their truly historic places desecrated by such a marker.  The majority of Pennsylvanians do not approve of the homosexual lifestyle and furthermore they know that this is not a civil rights issue, but a lifestyle choice.  We are demanding answers from Chairman Spilove and the other Commissioners.  We are also asking the PHMC to rescind their approval of this marker commemorating this so-called ‘historic event,’” Gramley said.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


Pro-Family Groups Rally to Urge Southern Baptist Convention to Vote on Resolution Protecting Children From Homosexual Activism Within Schools


( Washington , D.C. ) – Today a group of almost fifty statewide pro-family groups from around the nation sent a letter to Dr. Gene Mims, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) urging him to move the ‘Resolution on Homosexuality in Public Schools’ out of committee.  In addition, Dr. Bobby Welch, president of the SBC and all members of the Resolutions Committee will receive a copy of the letter.


Click here to read the letter.


“We, as pro-family leaders, see the need for the passage of such a resolution. But it will get nowhere until it is out of the Resolutions Committee.  Unfortunately, homosexual activism within the public school system is a harsh reality and we, as Christians, must take steps to protect our children from this deadly indoctrination. We are encouraging the SBC congregations in our respective states to contact the members of the Resolutions Committee to ask them to move this resolution forward.  In the hopes that this resolution will be voted out of committee, we are also asking messengers attending the SBC Convention to vote in favor of the resolution, ” said Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) and a signatory on the letter.


The signatories include the leaders of pro-family groups from the three states with the largest number of SBC congregations -- Eagle Forum of Texas and Concerned Women for America , Texas – the state with the largest number; the Eagle Forum of Virginia and two North Carolina pro-family groups – the Christian Action League of North Carolina and the North Carolina Family Policy Council.  The SBC will meet June 21 – 22 in Nashville , Tennessee – the Eagle Forum of Tennessee has signed the letter also.  Additionally, many of the signers of this letter were involved in the effort to get state marriage amendments defining marriage as between one man and one woman passed last year in their respective states.  Many work now to have the same type amendment passed in their states.


“This coalition of concerned pro-family leaders was brought together in less than a week.  The response has been amazing and the AFA of PA is very pleased to be a part of this effort.  Each signatory knows, through research and the testimony of concerned teachers, parents and students that something must be done to rein in the advances toward the normalization of the homosexual lifestyle in the public school system,” commented Gramley.


A total of nine state affiliates of the American Family Association, ten state affiliates of Concerned Women for America, seven state affiliates of Eagle Forum, sixteen state affiliates of Focus on the Family, home education groups (including the Southern Baptist Church and Home Education Association) and other independent pro-family groups signed onto the letter to the Southern Baptist Convention.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271-9078 or 1.814.437.5355


Groups Plan ‘Flight of Hope’ Over Homosexual Event in Philadelphia


( Philadelphia ) – Through the joint effort of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) and Repent America there will be a “Flight of Hope” over today’s Pride Parade and Festival in Philadelphia .  A plane flying over the event will fly a banner of hope –
Jesus Christ –


“This will be the second homosexual event in Philadelphia within recent weeks.  The City of Brotherly Love is in the middle of an all out effort to fully embrace the homosexual lifestyle.  The City’s effort leaves the impression that homosexual acts are normal without being honest to the fact that there are many who want out of the lifestyle.  As long as these individuals are not being told the truth that there are thousands who have come out of homosexuality, they will be trapped in a situation in which they want removed.  This joint effort will let those know there is hope and many have found that hope,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said today.


Sponsors of the Pride Parade and Festival include Philadelphia ’s Department of Commerce.  According to their website this is “the umbrella organization for all economic development activity in the City. Its goal is to stimulate and coordinate economic development projects, programs and activities in all areas, and to promote Philadelphia as a thriving economic engine with a superior quality of life.”  Apparently once again Philadelphia tax dollars are being used to sponsor a homosexual event.


“If one of the goals of Philadelphia ’s Department of Commerce is to promote Philadelphia as a place with a superior quality of life, one must wonder why they are promoting a homosexual parade and festival.  Is Philadelphia ’s Department of Commerce also promoting Philadelphia as the seventh in the nation in the number of cumulative AIDs cases through 2003?  According to the Centers for Disease Control the vast majority of these cases are men who have sex with men. Are tax dollars being used today to warn of those dangers?  Apparently not!  Mayor Street needs to change course in his efforts to promote this dangerous lifestyle.” remarked Gramley.



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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




( Harrisburg ) – Today the American Family Association of PA (AFA of PA) called on state legislators to reign in the amount of tax dollars available for homosexual events. Each State Senator and State Representative received an e-mail from the AFA of PA asking them to investigate the use of tax dollars to promote the homosexual lifestyle and to overturn marriage laws.


Through the Right to Know Law the AFA of PA has obtained documentation from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) showing that in the past 18 months Philadelphia-based Equality Forum has received $185,000 for their annual week-long event.


“The majority of Pennsylvanians will be outraged when they learn that their tax dollars are being used to promote an event which includes panel discussions on Abraham Lincoln being homosexual, workshops on how to overturn existing marriage laws and getting homosexual special rights laws passed on the state and local levels,” Diane Gramley president of the AFA of PA said.


The grant applications were made under the auspiciousness of ‘Tourism Promotion.’  In the e-mail to state legislators, Gramley included the following documentation:


  • “Tax dollars should not be used to promote a lifestyle which, according to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, shortens the lives of the male participants by up to 20 years, exposes those involved to greater risks of HIV/AIDS and other STDs, cancers, substance abuse and eating and psychological disorders.  The findings of a new study mirror the findings published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. This new study entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, and has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).

As a reminder, Philadelphia has the greatest number of AIDS cases in Pennsylvania .  In addition, the restrooms in the Strawbridge Department Store in Center City are a common meeting place for homosexual men to meet to engage in homosexual sex.  Two years ago a 10-year-old boy was the witness to such activity.


  • The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders" - including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major depression, and substance abuse.
  • A Detroit homosexual newsmagazine columnist last month wrote regarding his partner: "This is his first relationship, so he has not yet been ruined by all the heartache, lies, deceit, and game-playing that are the hallmark of gay relationships...A study I once read suggested that nine out of 10 gay men cheat on their lovers."
  • The Centers for Disease Control warns that men who have sex with men "have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."


In addition, the official tourism site for Pennsylvania , which falls under the umbrella of the DCED has a page which specifically targets homosexuals.  It lists ‘gay-friendly’ locations in several cities in Pennsylvania . Again – use of tax dollars to promote an extremely dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle.


“Pennsylvanians do not want this type tourism promoted.  In addition to the state tax dollars, Equality Forum received money from the City of Philadelphia .  In recent days a Philadelphia City Council committee passed a smoking ban in restaurants and bars.  Why would Philadelphia take this step when, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, smoking may only shorten the lives of male smokers by 7.2 years.  But, according to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, men who engage in homosexual sex can shorten their lives by up to 20 years.  Which is the more dangerous?” questioned Gramley.


Governor Rendell felt the need to legalize 61,000 slot machines.  Perhaps if the budget was trimmed more and less grant money made available to promote dangerous lifestyles that would help eliminate the so-called financial crisis that led to gambling expansion.


“Legislators must take steps to prevent our tax dollars from being used to promote homosexual events which rewrite history and give advice on overturning marriage laws.  Additionally, the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle seeks to desensitize to the real dangers involved in participating in that choice Tourism by the traditional family should be more important than promoting tourism by the homosexual community which only comprises 2% of the population,” Gramley concluded.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078




( Harrisburg ) – Today, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group joined a broad coalition of national and state organizations, legislators and union members in condemning the Executive Committee of the AFL-CIO in their promotion of same-sex marriage.   A letter to AFL-CIO president John Sweeney was delivered by 10:30 a.m. today by Federal Express.  The AFA of PA has in turn contacted the PA AFL-CIO president, Bill George, asking him to use his influence to have the Executive Committee rescind the resolution supporting same-sex marriage.


An AFL-CIO resolution supporting same-sex marriage passed unanimously in March, but there has been little publicity of this action beyond a few homosexual publications.

The AFL-CIO resolution states that a federal Marriage Protection Amendment to the U.S. Constitution "and its state counterparts threaten the rights of working people by creating an environment across the nation that is hostile to the rights of domestic partners, regardless of their sexual orientation.”

It concludes with a broad endorsement of homosexual and "transgender" activists' political agenda: "The AFL-CIO reiterates its longstanding support for the full inclusion and equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the workplace and in society.”


Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA responded adamantly, “When the rank and file members of the AFL-CIO learn what their Executive Committee has endorsed, they will be outraged.  The average union member supports one-man, one-woman marriage and the organization that is supposed to represent their best interest has undermined the entire concept of traditional marriage.”


The letter urges the AFL-CIO Executive Committee to “respect and honor the views of your own rank-and-file membership by voting -- during your upcoming July 25-28 annual convention in  Chicago -- to rescind your March 3rd resolution."  


"In anticipation that the AFL-CIO Executive Committee may refuse to rescind its opposition to constitutional protection of marriage," the group wrote, "(we will also) communicate our commitment to ensure that legal counsel and representation are provided at no charge to any union member who wishes – in response to your resolution – to exercise any or all of the above-stated legal rights to withhold funding from the AFL-CIO and its affiliate unions."


“The AFA of PA is urging all Pennsylvanians to contact the PA AFL-CIO headquarters here in Harrisburg as well as local offices to join us in pressuring the national AFL-CIO to rescind its homosexual "marriage" resolution,” Gramley stated.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078




( Harrisburg ) – Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a traditional values group, faxed a letter to the school board members of Shippensburg Area School District warning of the potential dangers of allowing a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) to begin meeting in the school. 


“It is important for all students to feel safe within their schools, tolerance and acceptance should be extended to all students. However, a Gay, Straight Alliance is not the answer. No school should promote a lifestyle which, according to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, can shorten the lives of the males involved by up to 20 years,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said today.


Students are encouraged by the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to start GSAs in their schools.  Thus GSAs are greatly influenced by GLSEN and have been used to promote the acceptance of the dangerous homosexual lifestyle.  In addition on April 30 a Boston school hosted a GLSEN conference in which the pornographic book “The Little Black Book – Queer in the 21st Century” was made available to anyone – including middle school students.


A brief description of the book follows:




The book describes various gay sex acts including watersports, fisting, oral sex, ingesting body fluids, rimming, mutual masturbation, etc., in explicit language.

The booklet tells teens that they have three "sexual rights and responsibilities" including: "You have the right to enjoy sex without shame or stigma! You have the right to safer sex materials that speak to your desires! You have the right to take action for your community! Be heard, you are the expert!"



“For the wellbeing of students, schools should keep GLSEN at arms length.  For the past two years the AFA of PA has requested a list of Pennsylvania schools which have participated in the GLSEN-sponsored “No Name Calling Week.”  We are still waiting.  Is GLSEN trying to hide something from concerned parents?” questioned Gramley.


Concerned parents and taxpayers have also seen GSAs encourage participation in the Day of Silence in April. During this taxpayer-funded day students remain silent to show support for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues.  GSAs have been used to further promote the homosexual lifestyle through diversity days and diversity training for teachers and students.  These GSA-related activities are of great concern to parents and school administrators alike.


“The AFA of PA has encouraged Shippensburg school board not to approve the GSA.  The issues of name-calling, bullying and tolerance can be dealt with in other ways besides the existence of a GSA.  All schools have a legal liability to protect all students and promoting homosexuality would do the very opposite,” concluded Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




(Pittsburgh) -- Strict constructionists judges sitting on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in 1995 and 1996 could have avoided the attack by the ACLU on the Keystone School District in Knox, Pennsylvania, a pro-family group said today. The Black Horse Pike decision was handed down during that time period.  This places the residents living in the Third Circuit (Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and the U.S. Virgin Islands) under one of the most restrictive interpretations of the U.S. Constitution when it comes to graduation prayer.  There are such varied interpretations among the circuit courts that eventually the U.S. Supreme Court will have to sort it all out!


 The American Family Association of Pennsylvania president, Diane Gramley, stated, "Within the past 50 or 60 years too many judges have viewed the Constitution as a living, breathing, changing document.  Thus it changes with the times and culture.  This is not what our Founding Fathers intended."


Historically this nation's schools were first started so the general populace would be able to read the Scripture and the first colleges were started to train those wanting to become ministers of the Gospel.  A look around our nation's capital will reveal this unmistakable link to our Christian roots.  There are Scripture references on historic buildings and monuments from the Supreme Court Building to the Jefferson Monument.  At our Capital Building in Harrisburg one must pass several references to God before even walking into the front entrance. 


"The tragedy of Monday evening, May 23 is that while the Keystone School board was struggling with how to comply with the ACLU demands pertaining to the historic presence of prayer at their graduation services, fourteen senators in Washington, D.C. were working on a so-called compromise to not end the unprecedented judicial filibuster against President Bush's nominees.  President Bush wants to nominate judges who will interpret the Constitution as the Founders intended, not read between the lines or legislate from the bench.  The actions of the Gang of Fourteen will be felt around this nation for decades to come," cautioned Gramley. 


One must not forget the actions of President Thomas Jefferson the day after he penned the now-famous words -- wall of separation between church and state -- in his letter to the Danbury Baptist Church on January 1, 1801.  Those actions?  He went to church -- in the chambers of the House of Representatives.  Can there be any doubt where even Thomas Jefferson would have stood on the issue of graduation prayer at Keystone High School this evening?


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078


(Philadelphia) -- In a recent e-mail to Palisades School District's Superintendent Dr. Marilyn Miller, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group asked for clarification on today's Diversity Day speakers.  No response has been received from that e-mail or the phone message left for the principal, Richard Heffernan.

"The AFA of PA was contacted by a concerned parent whose child will be forced to attend Diversity Day. Upon further investigation, we discovered that today's Diversity Day is worse than a repeat of January 18th's Diversity Day where the parents' of students could at least opt them out of the workshops and they could do a writing assignment," Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA commented today.

Today parents are forced to place their child in a situation where they must attend one of the four options or receive a zero for Social Studies class.  Additionally, the AFA of PA has discovered that three of the four speakers are advocates for the homosexual lifestyle.  The AFA of PA again asks - 'is this diversity?'

Dr. Mohamed Bugaighis will once again be making a presentation on life as a Muslim in the U.S. after the September 11th terrorist attacks.  But the other three speakers are the main concern of the AFA of PA.

q      Dr. Jeanne Stanley is the Director of the Bryson Institute of the Attic Youth Center in Philadelphia.  This center works with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth (LGBTQ).  Apparently this collaborative program is geared toward religious forums.  Will her presentation cause a division in the family on the issue of homosexuality.

Representatives from Planned Parenthood are Justin Sitron and Monifa Bishop.  Their topics will include racism and stereotypes.  Planned Parenthood has proven to be quite one-sided.

The AFA of PA's questions to the school included:

q      Is this the same Justin Sitron who is the Vice-President of the Main Life Youth Alliance?  This alliance provides LGBTQ and straight youth with social, educational and supportive activities in Philadelphia's western suburbs.

q      Is Monifa Bishop the Lesbian Health Service Coordinator of theCallen-Lorde Health Center?  This is New York City's "premier healthcare facility serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community."

"The AFA of PA's questions about the speakers remain unanswered.  From this line-up of speakers, parents cannot help but wonder if the school district doesn't have an agenda to desensitize their children to the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle.  Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught in schools," continued Gramley.

In the e-mail to Dr. Miller the AFA of PA included information about the legal liability of schools which expose students to pro-homosexual programs and messages.

"A school has the responsibility of protecting the children in their charge and must not forget the fact that those involved in the homosexual lifestyle are more likely to be exposed to HIV/AIDS and other STDs and have more instances of anal cancer, breast cancer, substance abuse and eating and psychological disorders.  Facts that even the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association acknowledges.

Additionally cases of syphilis and gonorrhea are running rampant among those engaged in homosexual activity," Gramley continued.

The AFA of PA has spoken with this year's organizer of Diversity Day and we have received assurances that if there is a Diversity Day next year there will be changes. Our suggestion has been that speakers include those with a different message on homosexuality as there are tens of thousands of former homosexuals. 

Our concern continues to be -- 'What message are the students receiving this year?"


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




(Pittsburgh) -- The signatures of fourteen United States Senators on a "Memorandum of Understanding on Judicial Nominations" was a betrayal to these Senators' constituents and the American people, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group said this evening. 


"This so-called compromise is a betrayal to fairness and confirms there will be a ideological litmus test on all future nominees.  All President Bush's judicial nominees deserve an up or down vote -- not just a select few that these rogue Senators name in a compromise," Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said. 


The three that were specifically named in the memorandum have had their lives put on hold for years and are finally being told they will get an up or down vote.


Priscilla Owen has waited four years, two weeks, and one day

William Pryor -- two years and one month

Janice Rogers Brown -- twenty-two months


But what about the others who still wait in the wings -- David McKeaque,  three years and six months; Susan Neilson, three years and six months; Richard Griffin, two years and eleven months; Henry Saad, three years; William Myers, two years and one week.

The AFA of PA agrees with Senator Bill Frist that if Owen, Pryor and Brown deserve an up or down vote, so do the others who are awaiting a yes or no answer to their confirmation.  It is unfair to President Bush and these nominees to do any less than respect them enough to vote on them. 


"The memorandum states, 'Nominees should only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances.'  Who defines these extraordinary circumstances?  Owen and Brown, who have overwhelming support from the people who put them into office and their fellow judges, were deemed out of the mainstream and deserving of a filibuster.  One reason was their stand on parental consent before minors got an abortion.  Again, who defines extraordinary circumstances?" Gramley asked.


This backroom wheeling and dealing will not lessen the tension.  It will instead drive a deeper wedge between the two factions.  The three signatories who are up for re-election in 2006 -- Senator DeWine (Ohio), Senator Chafee (Rhode Island) and Senator Snow (Maine) perhaps need to be reminded of the clear message sent to former Senator Tom Daschle last November when he insisted on his obstructionist's ways.


"This evening's actions by fourteen breakaway Senators will hamstring the President's efforts to get strict constructionists judges on the bench.  The American people expect fairness from their elected Senators and these fourteen have shown all Americans this evening that they do not believe in fairness.  Nor do they believe in a President's right to nominate judges that he believes will do the best job of upholding our nation's Constitution and the Founding Fathers original intent when they penned the words.  The ideological litmus test has now officially been put into place," commented Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078


(Philadelphia) -- The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, notes that the process for judicial confirmation continues to be stalled as the filibuster of President Bush's judicial nominees remains in place, but also notes that Senator Arlen Specter may hold the key.  The day after the November 2004 election, Senator Specter described Roe vs. Wade as "inviolate" and compared its importance to the Brown vs. Board of Education case that desegregated public education. He added that "the president should be mindful of these considerations" when sending up nominees.  This statement led to an effort to stop Senator Specter from becoming the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"At that time the AFA of PA and other pro-family, pro-life organizations around the nation decried his statement and noted that someone holding such a position would not use his influence to get a fair up or down vote on President Bush's pro-life judicial nominees, " Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said today.

Responding to the backlash, Senator Specter issued several statements. The AFA of PA is reminding Senator Specter of those statements and is asking him to keep his word. 

Senator Specter's statement immediately after the November 2004 AP story:

"Contrary to press accounts, I did not warn the President about anything and was very respectful of his Constitutional authority on the appointment of federal judges.

"As the record shows, I have supported every one of President Bush’s nominees in the Judiciary Committee and on the Senate floor. I have never and would never apply any litmus test on the abortion issue and, as the record shows, I have voted to confirm Chief Justice Rehnquist, Justice O’Connor, and Justice Kennedy and led the fight to confirm Justice Thomas.

"I have already sponsored a protocol calling for a Judiciary Committee hearing within thirty days of a nomination, a vote out of Committee thirty days later, and floor action thirty days after that. I am committed to such prompt action by the Committee on all of President Bush’s nominees.

"In light of the repeated filibusters by the Democrats in the last Senate session, I am concerned about a potential repetition of such filibusters. I expect to work well with President Bush in the judicial confirmation process in the years ahead."
[end of statement]

If Senator Specter is truly concerned about a repeated filibuster by the Democrats then it is time for him to step forward and support the Constitutional Option of a simple majority vote on all President Bush's judicial nominees. 

"An end must come to the unprecedented judicial filibuster, never before used as a partisan blocking tool until 2003 and 2004 -- never before used to block judicial nominees with majority support as  these have.  All President Bush's judicial nominees deserve an up or down vote," continued Gramley.

But one cannot ignore the fact that during Senator Specter's fight to claim the chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was supported by Planned Parenthood for his stand on abortion.  The Log Cabin Republicans endorsed him during his re-election campaign and came to his defense last fall during the controversy over his warning to President Bush.  They endorsed Specter  because of his sponsorship of homosexual special rights bills.

And according to a March 7, 2005 article by Robert Novak, "Conservative misgivings about Sen. Arlen Specter's rise this year to become chairman of the Judiciary Committee were validated last week. Without consulting the Republican leadership, Specter launched a procedure that undercuts party strategy for confirming President Bush's judicial nominees. Ironically, however, Democrats are so intransigent that not even Specter's temporizing has moderated them so far."

"If Senator Specter is ' very respectful of his (President Bush's) Constitutional authority on the appointment of federal judges' as he stated in November 2004, then it is time for him to step up to the plate and work to restore the Constitutional Option.  He must support Senator Bill Frist's efforts to see President Bush's nominees get an up or down vote.  The Senate's constitutional authority gives them the role of advisor and reviewer, not blocker of a President's judicial nominees.  The next few days will reveal whether Senator Specter really believed what his statements made in the fall said," Gramley concluded.

In a letter sent to President Bush during the heated debate over Senator Specter's chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the AFA of PA stated:

"During the Senator's hotly contested fight in the Primary, he (Specter) gave the impression that he shared your concerns and values on issues that are important to all Americans.  Is this to be a repeat of his broken promise of 1986?  During that Primary he promised to support all President Reagan's judicial nominees, but almost immediately after his election he played a key role in defeating the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Robert Bork.  The reason:  Judge Bork failed to view the Constitution as a "living, growing document, responsive to the needs of the nation."  Judge Bork believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and shares your views against judicial activism.  Obviously a view not shared by Senator Arlen Specter."

Only time will tell.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


(Philadelphia) –  Today by a vote of 8-1 the regional appeals panel of the  Northeastern Jurisdictional Committee on Appeals moved  to reinstate Beth Stroud's credentials as a United Methodist minister.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a state-wide pro-family group, views this decision as one without Biblical basis and calls on the full Judicial Council to quickly review the case and reach the correct Biblical conclusion.

“Scripture is clear on the issue of homosexuality – it is sin – no greater or lesser than any other sin.  One who is living in sin should not be in a leadership position in any church, let alone a pastor of a church.  It sends the message that the Bible is not the infallible Word of God,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

On December 2, the clergy court found Stroud guilty of violating denomination law forbidding the ordination and appointment of "self-avowed practicing homosexuals. The appeals panel partially reversed that decision by reinstating Stroud’s clergy status on a legal error.  Stroud has indicated that she will not participate in the activities of an ordained minister until a final decision is made by a higher court.

Paragraph 304.3 in the 2000 Book of Discipline, states that "self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be accepted as candidates, ordained as ministers or appointed to serve" the church

I attended the final day of Beth Stroud’s trial in December.  There were accusations of ‘spiritual violence’ against her because of the trial  while real spiritual violence was being ignored in Philadelphia with the ‘hate crimes’ charges against the Philadelphia 11.  There are ‘rules to the game’ and you cannot try to change the rules simply because you do not like them.  The Episcopal Church is paying the price for their decision on openly gay V. Gene Robinson and if the United Methodist Church makes the wrong decision in this case, they will also see a mass exodus of the faithful who believe the Bible for what it says,” Gramley concluded.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

PROGRAMS CUT ACROSS THE STATE, BUT STATE TAX DOLLARS SPENT ON PHILADELPHIA ‘GAY’ EVENT  -- Economic Development ?? – 16 homosexual men arrested in Strawbridge department store restroom

( Philadelphia ) – The American Family Association of Pennsylvania ( AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, has contacted the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) asking for an explanation of the use of tax dollars to help support the homosexual event – Equality Forum.  The AFA of PA is also wondering whether the arrest of 16 homosexual men having sex in the Strawbridge department store is considered community development by the DCED. 

The majority of Pennsylvanians across the state will be outraged when they learn that their tax dollars are being used to fund discussions promoting Abe Lincoln as gay, the legalization of same-sex marriage and laws giving special protections to homosexuals.  Using the Right to Know Law, the AFA of PA has sent a formal request to the DCED concerning the use of tax dollars for this event.  In addition to state funding, the residents of the City of Philadelphia have contributed up to $80,000 of their tax dollars in support of Equality Forum.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a major sponsor of Equality Forum, in fact, we have been told that up to $100,000 in tax dollars are being used to help fund this week’s Equality Forum.  This is outrageous when programs across the state are having their funding cut,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said today.

“This event is not about community and economic development nor is it about tourism.  This event is about promoting a very dangerous lifestyle and our tax dollars are being used to help in this promotion.  Sixteen homosexual men were arrested for having sex in the restroom of Strawbridge department store one week ago.  Is this the type of ‘community’ development that the DCED is promoting with our tax dollars,” questioned Gramley. 

In February 2003 when similar arrests were made at the Strawbridge store, one of the witnesses to the homosexual sex acts was a 10-year-old boy.  How many young boys were once again exposed to this activity in a public restroom?  The danger of homosexual molestation is very real.

"Dr. Gene G. Abel, professor of psychiatry at Columbia and Emory-Morehouse University , whose research is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, found "that, on average, 150.2 boys are molested per homosexual pedophile offender, whereas only 19.8 girls are molested per heterosexual pedophile offender," World Net Daily reported.  Thus, men involved in homosexual behavior "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring five times greater than the molestation of girls."

Those involved in the homosexual lifestyle are more prone to substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, anal and other cancers and eating and psychological disorders.  We are calling upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to stop using our tax dollars to sponsor an event that promotes homosexuality,” stated Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355

                      Governor Ed Rendell:  1.717.787.2500

                       Barbara Franco (Executive Director PHMC):  1.717.787.3362




(Philadelphia)  -- In recent weeks the PA Historical and Museum Commission approved an historical marker to commemorate the 1965 homosexual rights protest at Independence Hall.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has contacted Governor Rendell's office and the PA Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) expressing concern and outlining reasons why the marker should not have been approved under the PHMC guidelines.  Today's article in the Philadelphia Inquirer confirms that the AFA of PA was correct in its assertion that the plaque should never have been approved.  


'Today, even (Franklin) Kameny is surprised at the elevation of his "fringe" status. He noted that Pennsylvania plans to put a historical marker on the site of the 1965 picketing.

"Now we're considered historical personages," Kameny said. "In many ways, after the ensuing 40 years, there are still many issues. Nevertheless, I feel that we have succeeded considerably more than I ever dreamed."


"Franklin Kameny was one of the protesters.  According to the PHMC guidelines the persons being considered for recognition must no longer be living.  Apparently Mr. Kameny is alive and well since he is attending the May 1st event," commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


Guidelines for historical markers set down by the PHMC on December 2, 1987 include:


q    That only historical subjects (rather than current events) be considered.

q    That historically recognized personages shall no longer be living, and that the place of their accomplishments in history shall have become established.


"This decision is driven by current events, not a truly historic happening.  It is doubtful that the place of their accomplishments in history has been established to qualify for a historical marker," continued Gramley.


Equality Forum is stating that Governor Rendell is to unveil the historical marker on May 1st at Independence Hall.


The AFA of PA continues to call upon Governor Rendell not to be a part of this desecration of Independence Hall.  We are also asking the PA Historical and Museum Commission to reconsider their approval of this marker since it should not have been approved under their own established guidelines.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078


(Pittsburgh) --   Mt. Lebanon School District in Allegheny County is considering a proposal which would require each K-12 student to pay a $20 per year activity fee.  In essence each family with deeply held religious beliefs opposing the homosexual lifestyle are being asked to contribute an additional $20 per year per child to support activities such as the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network's (GLSEN) Day of Silence, which has become a part of the school calendar at Mt. Lebanon.

Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, in an e-mailed statement to the district, expressed concerns about the increased monetary requirement of parents to support an activity that goes directly against their religious beliefs. 

According to the Post-Gazette article, " The fee is being considered in an effort to raise at least $100,000 to help defray the $1.5 million the district is spending this year on athletic and nonathletic extracurricular activities and additional costs it incurs for student field trips."

"Parents in schools which participate in the Gay Day of Silence are already supporting, through their tax dollars, a day which seeks to normalize a dangerous lifestyle which is diametrically opposed to their religious beliefs.  To ask them to dig into their wallets deeper to help support students who remain silent during a taxpayer-funded school day is outrageous," Diane Gramley president of the AFA of PA said.

The e-mail states in part:

Dear Dr. Wilson,

Last Wednesday April 13 Mt. Lebanon High School was one of several schools in Allegheny County which participated in the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network's Day of Silence. Last week the Post-Gazette and Tribune-Review reported that there are plans to begin charging a $20 Activity Fee for each K-12 student in the school district.  In addition to paying school taxes, now parents who have deeply held religious beliefs against homosexual acts are being asked to pay an additional $20 per year per child for their student to attend school while those who support 'gay,' lesbian, bisexual and transgenders remain silent during a taxpayer-funded school day! This is outrageous!

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania realizes this activity fee is not necessarily in support of the Day of Silence.  But the Day of Silence has become a part of the school year at Mt. Lebanon, so the activity fee would also go towards its support.

It is of utmost importance that you understand the lifestyle which is being endorsed by the school's participation in the Day of Silence.  According to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, men engaged in homosexual sex can shorten their lives by up to 20 years.  CDC statistics show that the vast majority of HIV/AIDS cases are men who have sex with men.  The CDC also recognizes that bisexuals are a known bridge for AIDS.

For a school to, in anyway, support an effort to normalize such a dangerous lifestyle is irresponsible.


end e-mail

 At the very least, the AFA of PA is asking the district not to charge parents an additional $20 annual fee to help support the activities of the Day of Silence.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


The American Family Association of Pennsylvania Joins Almost 200 Others in Calling for an End to the Judicial Filibuster


(Harrisburg) --  Today during a press conference in Washington, D.C. a letter was released calling for an end to the filibuster of judicial nominees and a restoration of Senate tradition.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization, joined almost 200 other signatories representing other pro-family groups, authors, radio talk show hosts, civil rights and legal organizations.


"An end to the judicial filibuster is crucial for our Constitution to work as our Founding Fathers intended.   Senate tradition must be restored and this President must be given the option every President has had since the beginning of our representative republic, the right to nominate judges and expect a clear up or down vote before the full Senate -- not have his nominee be stopped in his or her tracks by the minority party in the Senate Judicial Committee," stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


The AFA of PA is calling of the Senate leadership to use their Constitutional Options and stop the filibuster of judicial nominees.


Below is a copy of the letter released during the Washington, D.C. press conference:



National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters


The Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.

The Honorable Mitch McConnell

The Honorable Rick Santorum

The Honorable Jon Kyl

The Honorable Elizabeth Dole

The Honorable Arlen Specter

United States Senate

U.S. Capitol

Washington, DC


April 4, 2005


Dear Senators:


As the representatives of millions of American voices, we write to ask you to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur.


We believe that short of a compromise that guarantees an up or down vote at the end of debate, the Constitutional Options available to you will serve to honor the Constitution, restore Senate tradition, and protect judicial independence. 


We believe that generations of Americans are called at moments to lay foundations for the future, and that this is one such moment.


The independence of the judiciary was a core reason for our national birth.  The threat to the judicial independence was high among the grievances that our Founding Fathers listed to King George III in the Declaration of Independence.  The Framers firmly established an independent judiciary, but one subject to a written Constitution and the checks and balances of the other branches that it prescribes.


In recent times, partisan special interests have threatened judicial independence again by inserting ideology into the Senate confirmation process of federal judges.  Now the Minority has changed 215 years of Senate tradition by abusing the filibuster for the first time against nominees with clear majority support.


The Senate must act as steward of the federal courts by returning the power to confirm judges to the Constitution’s simple majority requirement.  While it is the right of the President to expect the Senate to give Advice and Consent within a reasonable period of time, it is the duty of every Senator to offer Advice and Consent through an honest, up or down vote.  


Moreover, the unprecedented abuse of the filibuster is a device intended to undermine the prerogatives of the Presidency as well as the tradition of the Senate.  It must not stand.  You must not waver.  The President, this President, must have the freedom to nominate appellate judges and Supreme Court justices who will restore the courts to their constitutional role.


We are convinced that the proof of history is overwhelming that the Constitutional Options are a conservative response that do not threaten but will restore Senate debate rules and tradition.    


As you know, the right of unlimited debate in the Senate ended in 1917 when President Wilson demanded that the Senate not filibuster matters of national security.  The Senate adopted the “cloture” rule.  The last amendment to that rule came in 1975 – thirty years ago.  For three decades, there has been a broad consensus supporting 60-vote threshold to end debate, at least for legislative filibusters.  In 1995, nineteen (19) Democrat senators voted to end debate after three weeks with a 51 vote threshold.  That proposal’s purpose was to limit the legislative filibuster.  Senate Republicans were a new majority that year, but unanimously opposed the change.  The Democratic leadership and a majority of Senate Democrats joined Republicans in opposing the proposal. 


That failed vote in 1995 and the absence of any other amendment efforts for three decades is ample evidence of bipartisan agreement to preserve the legislative filibuster, demonstrating a two-century-old consensus.  Clearly, however, the partisan abuse of the cloture rule in the last Congress to obstruct honest votes on judicial nominees has fractured the consensus as to filibusters on nominations. 


We understand that Article I of the Constitution allows the Senate to adopt rules for itself, but that right belongs to this Senate as much as it did to the first Senate.  We call for a restoration of Senate traditions, returning to the majority vote on Advice and Consent the Constitution mandates.


We ask you also to put partisan advantage aside.  While there is no doubt that the Minority’s filibusters have helped Republicans win recent elections, we are certain that Republicans will do the right thing for themselves and the Nation by ending the partisan obstruction now.  


We call on the Senate Leadership and the Republican Majority to end the filibusters on appellate nominees and well before a Supreme Court vacancy occurs.





C. Boyden Gray, Committee for Justice

Kay R. Daly, Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Harvey Tettlebaum, Republican National Lawyers Association

David A. Keene, American Conservative Union

Gary L. Bauer, American Values

Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform

Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation

Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family

James D. Daly, Focus on the Family

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council

James J. Fotis, Law Enforcement Alliance of America

Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship Ministries
Mark Earley, Prison Fellowship Ministries
Connie Mackey, Family Research Council

Lisa DePasquale, Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute

L. Brent Bozell III, Conservative Victory Committee

Dr. William A. Donohue, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

Jim Backlin, Christian Coalition of America

Dr. Carl Herbster, AdvanceUSA

Ray Ruddy, Gerard Health Foundation

Kurt Entsminger, Care Net

Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Eagle Forum's Court Watch

Duane Parde, ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council)

Matt Kibbe, Freedom Works

Peter A. Samuelson, Americans United for Life

Clarke D. Forsythe, Esq. AUL's Project on Law and Bioethics

Richard Land, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Dr. Barrett Duke, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Dr. John C. Eastman, The Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence

Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice

James Bopp, Jr., James Madison Center for Free Speech

Samuel B. Casey, Christian Legal Society

Kelly Shackelford. Liberty Legal Institute

Mathew D. Staver, Liberty Counsel

Alan E. Sears, Alliance Defense Fund

Roy Innis, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Lanier Swann, Concerned Women for America

Dr. Keith Wiebe, American Association of Christian Schools 

Jeffrey Mazzella, Center for Individual Freedom

Brian McCabe, Progress for America

Phyllis Berry Myers, New Black Leadership Coalition

Nancie Marzulla, Defenders of Property Rights

Kevin W. Blier, Center for American Cultural Renewal

Steven Mosher, Population Research Institute

Ken Connor, Center for a Just Society

Rick Scarborough, Vision America

Michael Valerio, Vision America

Gary Marx, Judicial Confirmation Network

Ron Robinson, Young America's Foundation

Michael Howden, Stronger Families

Manuel Lujan, Jr., Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute

James L. Martin, 60 Plus Association

Penny Nance, Kids First Coalition

Charles W. Jarvis, USA Next (United Seniors Association)

Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries

Dr. Gary Cass, Center for Reclaiming America

Mark Sutherland, Joyce Meyer Ministries

Dr. S. Dale Burroughs, Biblical Heritage Institute

Mike Snyder, The Wilberforce Forum

Bishop Keith Butler

Pastor Rod Parsley, Center for Moral Clarity

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition

Andrea Lafferty, Traditional Values Coalition

Jeff Ballabon, Center for Jewish Values

Bill May, Catholics for the Common Good

Oliver N.E. Kellman, Jr., National Faith Based Coalition

Rev. Rusty Thomas, Eijah Ministries

Dr. Paige Patterson, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Steve Lemke, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

 Dr. Craig Blaising, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas

Austin Ruse, Culture of Life Foundation

Thomas Glessner, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates

Leslee Unruh, Abstinence Clearinghouse

Thomas A. Shields, Coalition for Marriage and Family

Bradley Mattes, Life Issues Institute

Warren Kelley, National Center for Freedom & Renewal

Robert B. Carlson, American Civil Rights Union
Chuck Muth, Citizen Outreach

Jennifer Bingham, Susan B. Anthony List

Paul Caprio, Family-PAC Federal

Larry Cirignano,

William Greene,

C. Preston Noell III, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Phil Burress, Citizens for Community Values

Alvin Williams, Black America’s PAC (BAMPAC)

Donald E. Wildmon, American Family Association

Stephen M. Crampton, AFA Center for Law & Policy

Dr. Patricia McEwen, Life Coalition International

Rev. Keith Tucci, Life Coalition International

Richard Ford, Heritage Alliance

Karen Testerman, Cornerstone Policy Research

Gregory K. Blankenship, Illinois Policy Institute

Mary Anne Hackett, Catholic Citizens of Illinois

Irwin Essenfeld, Renew Illinois Foundation

Mary T Erickson, Illinois Citizens for Life

Peter LaBarbera, Illinois Family Institute

Thomas Smith, America 21 (Tennessee)

Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Society, Pro-life Law Center (Chicago)

Denise Mackura, Ohio Right to Life

Russell Johnson, American Restoration Project (Pastor, Fairfield Christian Church, OH)

James E. Barrett, Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Gary Glenn, American Family Association of Michigan

Len Deo, New Jersey Family Policy Council

Dr. Steven J. Kidder, New York State Family Policy Council, Inc.

Michael S. Heath, Christian Civic League of Maine

Kenneth Endean, Maine Association of Christian Schools

Lisa E. Roche, Esq, Maine Right to Life Committee

Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

Kris Mineau, Massachusetts Family Institute

Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania

Dr. Ed Johnson, Minnesota Association of Christian Schools

Tom Prichard, Minnesota Family Council

Michael N. Duff, United Families Idaho

Julie Lynde, Cornerstone Institute of Idaho

Chuck Hurley, Iowa Family Policy Center

Kelly M. Rosati, JD, Hawaii Family Forum

Dr. James Efaw, Colorado Association of Christian Schools

Gene Mills, Louisiana Family Forum

Sadie Fields, Christian Coalition of Georgia

Rev. Reece Yandle, South Carolina Association of Christian Schools

Brad Fleming, Maryland Association of Christian Educators

Douglas P. Stiegler, Family Protection Lobby - Maryland

Dr. Ronald Konopaski, United For Life- San Francisco 

Dr. Joe Haas, North Carolina Christian School Association

Bill Brooks, North Carolina Family Policy Council

Robert E. Regier, South Dakota Family Policy Council

Kent Ostrander, The Family Foundation of Kentucky

David Bydalek, Family First (Nebraska)

Len Munsil, The Center for Arizona Policy

Micah Clark, American Family Association of Indiana

John Stemberger, Florida Family Action, Inc

Forest Thigpen, Mississippi Center for Public Policy

Michael  L. Jestes, Oklahoma Family Policy Council

Julaine K. Appling, The Family Research Institute of Wisconsin

Joe Bob Mizzell, Alabama Baptist Christian Life Commission

Tim Parish, Rocky Mountain Association of Christian Schools.

Dr. Ken Hutcherson, Antioch Bible Church, Redmond, WA

William F. Large, Alaska Republican Party

Hiram Lewis, Esq., West Virginia GOP

Dorcas K. Harbert, GOP County Chair, Monongalia County, Morgantown, WV
Charles Bolen, Past Chairman, West Virginia Young Republicans

Former Congressman Mick Staton (R-WV)

West Virginia Senator Larry Kimble (R-WV)

Mark Coyle, former Communications Director, WV Republican Party

Grant M. Lally, Irish American Republicans

Brian McCarthy, Irish-American Republicans

Don A. Daughtery, Wisconsin Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Maclin  Davis, Tennessee Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Mark E. Foster, Oregon Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Craig Hymowitz, Philadelphia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Jefferson  Knight, Florida Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Paul D. Seyferth, Kansas Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Frank B. Strickland, Georgia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

William M. Todd, Ohio Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Corey R. Weber, California Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Thomas E. Wheeler, Indiana Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

William B. Sellers, Alabama Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Brian T. Egan, New York Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Ann Browning, California Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Cameron Quinn, Virginia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

Lee Goodman, Virginia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter

David Blackwood, Maryland Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter
Mark Chadwick, Southern Arizona Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter
Keith Carlson, Orange County (CA) Republican Lawyers Association

Rhet Miles, Chairman of the Benton County, Arkansas, Republican Committee

Ron Shuping, The Inspiration Television Networks

Janet Parshall, nationally syndicated Radio and TV host

Martha Zoller, Radio Talk Show Host and Political Analyst (Georgia)

Kevin P. Doran, Radio Talk Show host (New York)

Mike Siegel, Radio host and author of Power Talk: The Influence of Talk Radio

Chris Dickson. "The Dickson/Chappell Report", (Midwest)

Dom Giordano 1210 AM Radio (Philadelphia)

Adam McManus, Radio Host of "Take A Stand" (Texas)

Dave “Doc” Kirby, Radio Host (Alabama)

Inga Barks, Radio Host (Southern CA)

Marta Montelongo, Radio Host (Central CA)

Vicki McKenna, Radio Host, News/Talk 1310 WIBA (Wisconsin)

Brian Farrar, Syndicated talk show host, Michigan Talk Radio Network

Mark R. Levin, author of Men in Black

Craig Shirley, author, "Reagan's Revolution; The Untold Story of the Campaign that Started it All."

Carol A. Taber, (former publisher, Working Woman and Working Mother magazines).

Victor K. Williams, Professor of Law, Catholic University of America School of Law

Clint Bolick, Esq. (Arizona)




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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
                     Wayne Spilove (Chairman PA Historical/Museum Comm.)
      1.717. 214-7125


(Philadelphia)  The recent decision by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) to approve a historical marker to recognize a homosexual demonstration in Philadelphia in 1965 is a blatant attempt to rewrite our history and desecrate one of the most important historic sites in America, a traditional values group said today.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has sent faxes to Governor Rendell and Wayne Spilove, chairman of PHMC blasting the Commission's decision last week and asking that the decision be reversed.  Governor Rendell is expected to unveil the historical marker on May 1st.

"Homosexual activists continue their attempt to rewrite history.  This decision is a slap in the faces of our Founding Fathers.  They met and debated the suppression by the English monarchy in this building.  Finally "with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, (we) mutually pledging to each other (our) lives, (our) fortunes, and (our) sacred honor" they signed the Declaration of Independence.  This historical marker is an affront to our Founding Fathers sacred honor and the sacrifices they made," Diane Gramley president of the AFA of PA said today. 

In announcing the decision, Spilove spoke of events which advanced 'civil rights' in America.  Apparently he is confused, as the debate on homosexuality has nothing to do with civil rights, but rather forcing the acceptance of abhorrent sexual behavior on all America.  Homosexuals have never been denied the right to vote, never had to sit in the back of the bus, never had to attend segregated schools, and there have never been "Gay Only" water fountains.  Homosexual activists are attempting to hijack the civil rights movement.

Guidelines for historical markers set down by the PHMC on December 2, 1987 include:

q    That only historical subjects (rather than current events) be considered.

q    That historically recognized personages shall no longer be living, and that the place of their accomplishments in history shall have become established.

"This decision is driven by current events, not a truly historic happening.  Two of the organizers of the homosexual protest in 1965 helped fill out the application for the marker.  Obviously they are still alive and it is doubtful that the place of their accomplishments in history has been established to qualify for a historical marker," continued Gramley.

  It was quite evident where our Founding Fathers stood on the issue of homosexual acts -- it was viewed as repugnant.  Thomas Jefferson authored a bill penalizing sodomy by castration.  Pennsylvania's law stated:  That if any person or persons shall commit sodomy . . . he or they so offending or committing any of the said crimes within this province, their counsellors, aiders, comforters, and abettors, being convicted thereof as above said, shall suffer as felons. [And] shall forfeit to the Commonwealth all and singular the lands and tenements, goods and chattels, whereof he or she was seized or possessed at the time . . . at the discretion of the court passing the sentence, not exceeding ten years, in the public gaol or house of correction of the county or city in which the offence shall have been committed and be kept at such labor.

"This move by the PHMC is an assault on all Americans who cherish the true history of this nation.  To take one of our most cherished historical buildings and desecrate it in such a manner is unthinkable and, not just Pennsylvanians, but all Americans should be outraged by this decision.  We again demand that this decision be reversed," Gramley stated.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

                       Kim Gandy (NOW President) -- 1.202.628.8669




(Pittsburgh) -- The continued hypocrisy of an organization which carries the words "for women" as part of its title is astounding.  Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) again attempted to get a response from NOW concerning the Terri Schiavo case.


 "Their silence in this situation continues to be deafening.  NOW's blatant hypocrisy is very revealing of an organization who will push for 'emergency contraceptives,' 'abortion rights,' and 'lesbian rights,' but turn its back on a disabled Florida woman," Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said again today.


Terri Schiavo left no clear directive as to her wishes in a situation such as she finds herself. After receiving over $1.6 million to be used for her rehabilitation, her husband, Michael Schiavo, suddenly remembered that she did not want to remain alive 'artificially.'  She is not, and never has been, on life support.  She receives nourishment by feeding tube because Mr. Schiavo refuses to allow nurses to feed her soft foods by mouth.  If one considers food and water life support, then we are all in trouble.


The AFA of PA is calling on NOW to break the silence and take a stand in defense of this disabled woman in Florida.


Below is the text of the e-mail sent today by the AFA of PA:


Dear Ms. Gandy,


As Terri Schiavo's court-sanctioned murder proceeds, NOW's hypocrisy also continues.  The silence of NOW, who purports to be an organization to protect women's rights, is deafening.  Organizations such as yours, obviously, have only the desire to protect those whom you deem worth protecting or who have a radical enough agenda. 


It has been over a week since the following letter was faxed to you, still we have heard nothing from you.  Terri Schiavo has been without food and water for a week.  Her death is not the "peaceful' death described by Michael Schiavo's attorney, George Felos.  This type death is best described by someone who has seen many die in this manner: 

Dr. Stevens, a physician with the Christian Medical Association, addressed the pain of dying from starvation and dehydration.

"Most so-called experts have never seen someone die in this manner. Unfortunately, having worked for 13 years in Africa, where the most common cause of death in children is dehydration from gastroenteritis, I have seen hundreds if not thousands of patients with dehydration and some of them so far gone, that despite resuscitation attempts, they died."

Dr. Stevens explained, "As dehydration begins, there is extreme thirst, dry mouth and thick saliva. The patient becomes dizzy, faint and unable to stand or sit; has severe cramping in the arms and legs as the sodium and potassium concentrations in the body goes up as fluids go down. In misery, the patient tries to cry but there are no tears. The patient experiences severe abdominal cramps, nausea and dry-heaving as the stomach and intestines dry out.

"By now the skin and lips are cracking and the tongue is swollen. The nose may bleed as the mucous membranes dry out and break down. The skin loses elasticity, thins and wrinkles. The hands and feet become cold as the remaining fluids in the circulatory system are shunted to the vital organs in an attempt to stay alive. The person stops urinating and has severe headaches as their brain shrinks from lack of fluids. The patient becomes anxious but then gets progressively more lethargic.

"Some patients have hallucinations and seizures as their body chemistry becomes even more imbalanced. This proceeds to coma before death occurs. The final event as the blood pressure becomes almost undetectable is a major heart arrhythmia that stops the heart from pumping.

"Contrary to those that try to paint a picture of a gentle process, death by dehydration is a cruel, inhumane and often agonizing death."

This is the manner in which this disabled woman is dying in Florida.  The Shiavo situation has drawn a stark line between those who are really concerned with the lives of women and those who only talk about it.  Those who have remained silent, i.e. NOW, will have the death of Terri Schiavo upon their heads.  Never again will NOW be able to say they are concerned with the rights and well-being of women.  That lie has been exposed.


Diane Gramley


American Family Association of Pennsylvania



begin letter


March 16, 2005



National Organization for Women

1100 H Street NW, 3rd Floor

Washington, D.C. 20005



Via Facsimile:  202.785.8576


Dear Ms. Gandy:


The National Organization for Women professes to be an advocate for the equality of all women.  Your website is filled with support for women's rights, LGBT rights, gay marriage rights, abortion rights, emergency contraceptive rights and even the rights of disabled women.  Where does your organization stand on the Terri Schiavo case?  There is no apparent reference to this situation on your website.  Are her rights not as important as the rights of other women?


I believe the slow starvation and dehydration death of a disabled woman should be a top priority for an organization that purports to be a stanch advocate for women.  Terri Schiavo's husband is treating her like a piece of property to dispose of at will and NOW doesn't see a problem?


NOW's website also states it wants to stop "violence against women."  Again the questions:  'which women?" and "what type violence?"  What greater violence can there be to a woman, or anyone, than a slow death by starvation and dehydration? 


Apparently NOW is only interested in the rights of certain women.  But a brain-damaged woman in Florida whose husband is going to great lengths to see dead is not important enough to have rights.  How can an organization that supposedly fight for women's rights stand silently by?  The time to come to Terri's defense is running out and NOW is nowhere to be seen or heard. 


We, as a pro-life, pro-family organization, are asking for an explanation of NOW's silence and apparent hypocrisy in the case of this brain-damaged Florida woman facing a slow death through the removal of her feeding tube.




Diane Gramley




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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


( Philadelphia ) – Yesterday’s decision to throw out the lawsuit brought by a former student against Temple University is outrageous, a state-side pro-family group said today.  Michael Maravage suited the university because of  its attempt to involuntarily have him committed to a mental hospital because of his objections to the school’s presentation of Corpus Christi , a play which depicts Jesus Christ as having sex with his disciples and him being crucified because he was the ‘King of Queers.’  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania ( AFA of PA) said the decision is disappointing and shows once again that Philadelphia is not a friendly place for Christians to reside.  Christians who oppose a homosexual production can now, not only look forward to be charged with a hate crime, but are under the threat of being committed to a mental hospital.

“The City of Philadelphia can no longer lay claim to its motto ‘City of Brotherly Love .’  If William Penn were alive today, he would not recognize the city and its policies because it is so far removed from what he envisioned it to be.  He would be rolling over in his grave if he knew that the production Corpus Christi was even permitted in Philadelphia ,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA noted.

Even more outrageous was the apparent bias of the judge, a Temple alumna.  The judge excluded evidence that was favorable to Michael Marcavage, systematically including evidence that was favorable to Temple University officials. The evidence favorable to Marcavage included doctors who said he was perfectly normal when he arrived at the hospital.  The judge incorrectly instructed the jury on Pennsylvania law and left the jury with little choice but to find as it did in the case.

“The fight is continuing in this battle, as the AFA Center for Law and Policy is appealing the decision.  Until this issue is resolved, Christians in Philadelphia will live under the threat of being committed to a mental hospital if they oppose a homosexual production in the city.  While Christians in all of Pennsylvania face being charged with a hate crime if they speak out against the homosexual lifestyle because of the continued existence of Act 143, the law which added ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to the state hate crimes law,” concluded Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


NOW's Silence in the Terri Schiavo Case is Deafening, Traditional Values Group Says


(Pittsburgh)  -- The National Organization for Women portrays itself as a champion for women -- even, according to its website, women with disabilities --


But where does the organization stand on the Terri Schiavo case?  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) made that inquiry asking for an explanation of NOW's silence and apparent hypocrisy in the case of the brain-damaged Florida woman facing a slow death through the removal of her feeding tube.


In a message to NOW Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, noted that NOW's website was filled with support for women's rights, LGBT rights, gay marriage rights, abortion rights, emergency contraceptive rights, but no mention of Terri Schiavo was evident. 


"Apparently NOW is only interested in the rights of certain women.  But a brain-damaged woman in Florida whose husband is going to great lengths to see dead is not important enough to have rights.  Terri Schiavo's husband is treating her like a piece of property to dispose of at will and NOW doesn't see a problem?" Gramley questioned.


NOW's website also states it wants to stop "violence against women."  Again the questions:  'which women?" and "what type violence?" 


"What greater violence can there be to a woman, or anyone, than a slow death by starvation and dehydration?  Our society does not view that as an acceptable action toward the most heinous criminal.  The SPCA or PETA would be outraged if such a thing happened to an animal.  How can an organization that supposedly fight for women's rights stand silently by?  We are still awaiting NOW's reply.  The time to come to Terri's defense is running out and NOW is nowhere to be seen or heard," Gramley remarked.


The AFA of PA also noted that NOW is not the only left-wing rights organization that is absent from the effort to preserve Terri's life and allow her parents to care for her.  The fight to save Terri has drawn a stark line between those who want to preserve life and those who want to destroy it.  If Terri's court ordered starvation is allowed to proceed many true advocates for those with disabilities recognize this as a first step toward euthanasia for the disabled. 

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  February 22, 2005

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


(Pittsburgh) --  Today in a faxed statement to Pittsburgh's Mayor Tom Murphy, the American Family Association of PA (AFA of PA) expressed concern that he had  proclaimed January 24-28 as "No Name Calling Week" for Pittsburgh's schools. Even though no schools participated, the door was opened by the mayor for city school children in grades 4-8 to learn that 'gay is okay.'  No Name Calling Week" has a nice sound to it, but one must look behind the scenes to see who is pulling the ropes.

The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is the main organizer behind this week and their goal is to teach children that homosexuality is simply a safe, alternative lifestyle. On January 13 GLSEN was one of 22 gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender organizations that signed a "Unity Statement" advocating, among other things, same-sex marriage and LGBT inclusive sexuality education.  In September 2003 GLSEN made available to the nation's high schools " Exploring the Debate Over Marriage Rights for Same-Sex Couples" curriculum.

"Parents know that bullying is not acceptable and that all children should be protected from those who would bully. But they do not want their children taught to view as normal a lifestyle that they know is wrong and dangerous.  They do not want their children taught that same-sex marriage is equal to one man, one woman marriage," president of the AFA of PA, Diane Gramley, stated.

The goal of any anti-bullying program should be to stop bullying of any sort -- not to single certain groups out to portray them as more of a target of bullying than others.  Schools are especially wise to leave the 'gay' and 'lesbian' issue to parents.  The AFA of PA strongly disagrees with Stephen Glassman, chair of the PA Human Relations Commission, that the words 'gay,' lesbian,' 'bisexual,' and 'transgendered,' must be included as part of the program. 

Gramley went on to say, "Steve Glassman is mistaken to say these words must be included in the program.  The addition of these words seeks to normalize the homosexual lifestyle.  Why would one want to normalize such a dangerous lifestyle?  True compassion would be to be honest about the dangers of engaging in the homosexual lifestyle.  On the other hand it is bullying to tell children that they are 'homophobic' if they do not view homosexuality as normal."

There are many news accounts of homosexual students who have been bullied, sued their schools and won.  But many times the opposite is true and those with an opposing view are the ones bullied into silence.  In October 2004 a federal district judge ordered the Ann Arbor (Michigan) Public Schools to pay $102,738 in attorney fees and costs because school officials prevented a student from expressing her religious views against homosexuality.  And lets not forget, also in October, the eleven Christians in Philadelphia who were charged with 'ethnic intimidation' and faced 47 years in prison and up to $90,000 in fines for reading Scripture and holding signs opposing the homosexual lifestyle.  Who actually is being bullied in these cases?

A portion of the letter to Mayor Murphy follows:

"This is the second year that they (GLSEN) have used the anti-bullying mantra to get into schools with "No Name Calling Week."  Why target children this young with the 'gay is okay' message?  All children need to be protected from bullying . . . period!  Certain groups should not be targeted.  In reality, teaching children that they may be homosexual if they have friends of the same sex is a form of bullying.  Those who are involved in a homosexual relationship are more prone to substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and other STDs, eating and psychological disorders.  According to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, men who have sex with men shorten their lives by up to 20 years.  These statistics are what should be taught children.  Not that 'gay' students are more likely to be bullied nor that they are born that way and their lifestyle is normal.

There is no doubt that GLSEN is targeting grades 4-8 with 'No Name Calling Week' and their message of tolerance for lifestyles and family structures that parents may not approve.  The AFA of PA made three requests of GLSEN to provide a list of all the schools in Pennsylvania that participated -- we are still awaiting its arrival.  Apparently GLSEN will not tolerate anyone making a simple inquiry into the names of schools that are participating.

On January 13 a joint unity statement was released by the leaders of 22 national gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender organizations.  GLSEN's name was among the twenty-two.  The unity statement includes the following statements:

q    We must advocate for HIV/AIDS policies - including age-appropriate, LGBT-inclusive (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) comprehensive sexuality education . . . .

q    And we must continue our vigorous fight for the freedom to marry . . . ."




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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  February 18, 2005

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




(Philadelphia) --  All the charges have been dropped against the four remaining adult defendants of Repent America who were arrested in October during the homosexual Outfest event.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, is pleased with the judge's decision to dismiss the charges, but questions Common Pleas Judge Pamela Dembe use of the words Nazis and KKK. 


"It is very disturbing that in her statements Judge Dembe compared the activities of Repent America to those of Nazis and the KKK.  This in addition to the fact that the video she viewed has been available since the arrests.  This was not new evidence, yet it took the City of Philadelphia 18 weeks to decide no crime had been committed.  This was an obviously egregious violation of First Amendment rights and the charges should never have been filed," Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said today.


"In light of all that these Christians have been through in the last few months to have the judge compare what they did in October to the demonstrations of two of the most notorious white supremacist hate groups in American history is unbelievable. The AFA of PA is demanding an apology from Judge Dembe for this hateful and bigoted comparison of peaceful Christians to these hate-filled groups," continued Gramley.


The actions of the City of Philadelphia law enforcement officials are more reminisce of a police state which arrests people for merely expressing a point of view at odds with the government's politically correct view point.  Perhaps the judge should have mentioned this in her statement.  The AFA of PA agrees with Representative Yewcic that Philadelphia has become a national embarrassment.


"Thursday's decision closes the book on just one chapter of this story.  The hate crimes law will continue having a chilling effect upon the First Amendment rights of all those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle.  Changes must be made," Gramley concluded.


The eleven Christians were arrested in Philadelphia on October 10, 2004 for reading Scripture and holding banners proclaiming homosexuality as sin.  The felonies and misdemeanor charges included 'ethnic intimidation' stemming from the state hate crimes law.  This law had been revised to add the words 'actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender and gender identity' in December 2002.  Charges against all but five were dropped in December.  Each faced 47 years in prison and up to $90,000 in fines. 



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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  February 14, 2005

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

                      Kevin Jennings (GLSEN) 1.212.727.0135, ext. 113


(Pittsburgh) --  The week of January 24-28 was the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) event "No Name Calling Week" in middle schools in America.  According to GLSEN thousands of administrators and schools participated, yet how can one obtain a list of participants?  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania  (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, made the attempt not once, but three times.  As of today, no list has been received.

Three phone calls to GLSEN were made -- January 24, 27, and the 31st.  The first phone call was answered by Riley Snorton, media contact person for GLSEN.  A request was made for a list of all the schools in Pennsylvania participating in' No Name Calling Week' be e-mailed to Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA and a contributor to American Family Radio.  The list was never received and two follow-up phone calls resulted in voice mail messages with the same request being left. 

"GLSEN is targeting grades 4-8 with 'No Name Calling Week' and their message of tolerance for lifestyles and family structures that parents may not approve.  Apparently, they will not tolerate anyone making a simple inquiry into the names of schools that are participating.  Why the secrecy?" asked Gramley.

On January 13 a joint unity statement was released by the leaders of 22 national gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender organizations.  GLSEN's name was among the twenty-two.  The unity statement includes the following statements:

q    We must advocate for HIV/AIDS policies - including age-appropriate, LGBT-inclusive (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) comprehensive sexuality education . . . .

q    And we must continue our vigorous fight for the freedom to marry . . . .

Possibly some of GLSEN's secrecy is that parents would be very upset if they knew that an organization with easy access to their children in the public school setting had signed onto such a statement.  Parents do not want their children indoctrinated or taught LGBT-inclusive comprehensive sexuality education or that same-sex marriage is equal to traditional one-man, one-woman marriage. 

"Our message to GLSEN is that we are still waiting for the list of Pennsylvania schools which participated in "No Name Calling Week."  Pennsylvania parents want to know who has access to their children and what their children are being taught during taxpayer-funded school days," Gramley stated.


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MEDIA ADVISORY                                





January 25, 2005


(Philadelphia) – The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) continues to ask legislators to throw out the hate crimes law signed by Governor Schweiker on December 3, 2002.  Its passage, as warned, is placing a chilling affect upon the free speech rights of Christians.


On October 10 eleven Christians from Philadelphia-based Repent America were arrested and charged with crimes including criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct, and obstructing highways.


The ethnic intimidation charge stems from the state hate crimes law.


“Pennsylvania is increasingly becoming like Sweden.  Last July Ake Green, the pastor of a Swedish Pentecostal church, was sentenced to one month in prison by a Swedish court, for inciting hatred against homosexuals.  He was prosecuted in early 2004 for ‘hate speech against homosexuals’ for a sermon he preached citing Biblical references to homosexuality.  That is exactly what has happened in Philadelphia – these Christians have been charged with hate crimes simply for reading from the Bible Scripture dealing with homosexuality.  But instead of facing one month in prison, they are facing 47 years,” Diane Gramley president of the AFA of PA stated.


The prosecutor for the Swedish cases claims “collecting Bible cites on this topic as he (Pastor Green) does makes this hate speech.”  The Philadelphia City Prosecutor, Charles Ehrlich, is no different than the Swedish prosecutor as he referred to preaching from the Bible as “fighting words.” 


The Swedish hate crimes law forbids any criticism of homosexuality.  Apparently Pennsylvania’s hate crimes law is being used the same way.  Christians are no longer permitted their free speech rights in Philadelphia, if they quote Scripture references dealing with homosexuality. 


Freedom is dead in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  January 13, 2005

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




(Philadelphia) – Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) contacted the state representatives who voted in favor of the hate crimes bill in November 2002 asking for an explanation of the case involving the eleven Christians in Philadelphia.  In November 2002 legislators assured Pennsylvanians that changes to the law adding "actual or perceived sexual orientation" and "gender or gender identity" would not infringe upon the First Amendment rights of Christians.  On October 10, 2004 those assurances proved false as the Philadelphia 11 was charged with ethnic intimidation for preaching at the annual Outfest event in the City of Brotherly Love.  The AFA of PA vigorously opposed passage of the law and said it would, at the very least, chill the free speech rights of those who oppose the normalization of homosexuality.


 “Our prediction of the arrest of Christians under this law became true in October.  We are now asking for an explanation from legislators who voted in favor of the bill.  Secondly for the protection of Pennsylvanians free speech rights, we are asking for a repeal of the law signed by Governor Schweiker on December 3, 2002,” said Diane Gramley president of the statewide pro-family group.


Legislators in favor of the hate crimes law were either misled themselves or were misleading their fellow legislators. During debate on the floor of the House when legislators expressed fear that the proposed hate crime law would infringe upon the First Amendment rights of those who oppose homosexuality, their fears were downplayed.  Some quotes in defense of passage of the hate crimes law from the November 26, 2002 Legislative Journal include: 


Representative Cohen from Philadelphia County:  “Mr. Speaker, it seems to me that imaginations are running rather freely in this debate by opponents of this bill.  This bill is not – is not – about calling names.  This bill is about breaking bones and causing serious injury or death.  This bill is not about what ministers or Sunday School teachers say.  This bill is about what thugs, hooligans, and murderers do.  This bill is not about jokes that are offensive or tasteless.  This bill is about blood in the streets.”  (page 2269)


Representative Nickol from York County:  “So I think it pretty well speaks to the fact that what we are doing here is not outlawing fighting words or outlawing ethnic slurs or doing anything of that nature.  What we are dealing with here are actual crimes committed against someone, not words."  (page 2270)


Representative Metcalfe of Butler County specifically asked for clarification, "It was mentioned that this bill was not about verbal communication. It was not going to infringe on the ability of people who believe in the Word of God and believe that homosexuality is an abomination, that it was not going to prevent these people from stating that and preaching against homosexuality . . . . So it would not infringe on people's rights to do that, is what was said." 


Representative Nickol from York County responded, "Mr. Speaker, the gentleman is correct."  (page 2273)


The question the AFA of PA has for Representative Nickol is "If the gentleman is correct why are five Christians currently facing ethnic intimidation charges in Philadelphia for preaching against homosexual acts?"


Our question for Representative Cohen is "Where are the thugs, hooligans and murders?  Where is the blood on the streets of Philadelphia?"


"Michael Marcavage and the other members of Repent America were simply exercising their First Amendment rights.  The only way to restore the freedom of speech for all Pennsylvanians is to repeal the hate crimes law that was passed in November 2002.  The assurances of those in favor of its passage have proven to be empty promises," Gramley stated after reviewing the November 26, 2002 debate on the floor of the House.


Canadian homosexual columnist Eleanor Brown said it best, ""The religious right says we (homosexual activists) are trying to outlaw the Bible. And they’re right. A legal precedent has already been set."...

 "Those who deny that the Bible condemns homosexuality need to learn to read. The inability to accept reality is truly sad, and makes us all look like morons."...

"As a community, we must accept that the religious right has some basis for its fear...Hate speech can lead to violence. But hate speech does not necessarily lead to violence.  Speech should not be banned. Thought cannot be censored. I know many of us believe it should. 'I believe in free speech but....' is one of the gay community’s most common refrains.  We need to stop saying the 'but.' "



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Copyright 2002 - 2008    American Family Association of  PA