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September 3, 2009


1.)    Update on PA Budget Impasse

2.)    “Health Care” Debate Continues

3.)    President Obama to Address ALL School Children


1.)  After Sunday Pennsylvania will be the only state in the nation without a budget.  Connecticut just approved theirs and it goes into affect on Sunday.  As the chorus for spending/taxing seems to be drowning out the drumbeat for getting spending under control, the pressures to resolve the budget are growing.  On Monday the Harrisburg Patriot News called the continuing impasse embarrassing and laid the blame at the feet of Senate Republicans.  But is that accurate?    On Monday Governor Rendell took his proposed natural gas tax off the negotiating table.  That’s good news, but did you know? 

a.)  This year Pennsylvanians worked until April 14 just to pay their tax
                   bill. That  is the 11th latest among the country's 50 states.

b.)  Federal, state and local taxes consume 28.5 percent of
                  Pennsylvanians' income, 41 percent if the federal deficit spending is
                  added to the mix.

c.)  Pennsylvanians pay an average $4,463 per capita in state and local
                  taxes, spending more on taxes than they do on food, clothing and
                  housing combined.

d.)  Pennsylvania ranks in the top 20 in state and local taxes, spending,
                   property taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes and debt per capita.

            e.)  Under Governor Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania's debt obligation has
                  increased from $6.8 billion to $9.5 billion in the 2009-10 budget
                  proposal, a 40 percent increase in seven years. Annual payments on
                  bonds have been increased 250 percent since Rendell took office.

Past budget decisions now mean legislators must make tough decisions this year.  Spending must be cut.  The question is do enough legislators from both parties have enough courage to do the right thing and work to cut spending and not increase an already heavy tax burden on Pennsylvanians. 

Additionally, the AFA of PA knows that our tax dollars have been used to fund activities which the majority of Pennsylvanians do not approve.  Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) grants to the Philadelphia Equality Forum are examples of such fiscal mismanagement. As of the beginning of August Equality Forum was still awaiting the receipt of four state grants. 

Yesterday Democracy Rising PA called the use of the secretive practice of ‘walking around money’ or pork barrel grants unconstitutional.  Former Senator Vince Fumo, who began serving his 4 ˝ year jail term on Monday for defrauding the Senate and two nonprofits of several million dollars, was instrumental in getting the pork barrel grants for Equality Forum approved through DCED.

2.)  United States Senators and Representatives will be back in session on September 8th.  So-called health care reform is right at the top of their respective agendas.  On Monday Senator Bob Casey, Jr. said he expected to get a health care bill on the President’s desk by the end of October at the latest.  Have legislators listened to their constituents during the August town hall meetings? 

3.)  On Tuesday, September 8 President Obama is planning an address to all of America’s school children.  The purpose?  Well, it has changed since it was first announced earlier this week.  Initially, suggested activities included asking pre-K to 6th grade students to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president."  After hearing the speech, teachers were also asked to lead the students in a discussion about what the President wants them to do.  When these suggested lesson plans from the White House became public, outrage and accusations of indoctrination followed.

Action Steps

1.)  Do you feel that you are being taxed enough?  Then contact your State Representative and State Senator and let them know that the inclusion of tax hikes in the new budget would not be appreciated.  Click here and key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner. 

2.)  Yes, abortion and euthanasia (check out Section 1233 of H.R. 3200)  are a part of the ‘health care’ bills.  Every effort to offer amendments to stop abortion coverage was voted down by Democrats.  NOTE:  some legislators are trying to say the Hyde Amendment makes it illegal to federally fund abortions (in reality, it only prevents coverage of abortions through Medicaid).  However, the Hyde Amendment must be approved each year as part of the Health and Human Services Appropriations bill and it was not passed this year.  Many supporters of HR 3200 are trying to hide behind the Hyde Amendment.   Contact Senators Specter and Casey  and your U.S. Congressman and let him or her know your thoughts on the federal takeover of our health care system which would result in a government takeover of 6% of the U.S. economy. 

3.)Click here to read the full story.  Consider calling your school to see when the planned airing of the President’s remarks are.  If possible, visit your child’s classroom to see firsthand what the President is telling your child – take notes.  If you can’t visit your child’s school during that time slot, then you may want to consider keeping them home that day.



















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