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News Release
For Immediate Release:  November 4, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Pennsylvania’s Message to Washington Via the Ballot Box –‘We’re not just complaining, we’re voting’

(Harrisburg) – Yesterday Pennsylvania voters chose seven new judges to her ‘higher courts.’   Six of the seven winners in yesterday’s races for Supreme, Superior and Commonwealth Courts were pro-life judges.  Only one Democrat won in those three major races where seven critical seats were filled in Pennsylvania’s court system.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, noted that Pennsylvanians are no longer just throwing things at their television screens in frustration, but they are taking their frustration to the ballot box and the streets.

“Yesterday conservatives had great wins at the ballot box.  Those wins in the higher courts of our Commonwealth cannot be downplayed by supposed Democratic gains in mayoral races in Allentown, Pittsburgh, York and Harrisburg.  One headline lauded these so-called gains, but in reality the Democratic incumbent got re-elected or another Democrat got elected to fill the seat in a bastion of liberalism.  No surprises there, “noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Pro-life judicial winners included one new Supreme Court Judge, three new Superior Court Judges and two new Commonwealth Court judges.  Only one of the four Superior Court Judges elected is pro-abortion. 

Yesterday the ballot box, tomorrow the streets of Washington, DC to participate in Congresswoman Michelle Bachman’s press conference concerning health care reform at high noon on the West Lawn of the US Capitol Building.   Buses from both ends of the state are organizing to make yet another trip to our nation’s Capitol.  The AFA of PA knows of fourteen that are going.  As on 912 concerned Pennsylvanians will join other concerned Americans in saying ‘Enough is enough’ and again asking the question, “Can you hear us now?”

“It is very encouraging to see those concerned with the direction our nation is heading stop yelling at their televisions, become educated on the stands candidates take and then get out and vote.  Additionally, with about a week’s notice grassroots organizers have come together and again organized buses to make the trip to DC to deliver a message to those who were elected to represent them that we are watching how well they listen to us and we vote,” Gramley further commented.

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