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News Release
For Immediate Release:  May 28, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Legalizing Same-sex Marriage -- Senator Leach is Wrong Again, Pro-family Group Says

(Harrisburg) – Yesterday Senator Daylin Leach introduced what proponents of homosexual “marriage” call a “marriage equality” bill.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a supporter of natural one man one woman marriage, opposes this assault on true marriage.

“Senator Leach is yet again out of step with the majority of Pennsylvanians.  One day earlier this year he introduced a bill to force insurance coverage of contraceptives  and another to force hospitals to provide emergency contraceptives to sexual assault victims.  About a week and a half later he introduced a bill to legalize physician assisted suicide.  Now he introduces a so-called marriage equality bill -- further proof he does not understand Pennsylvania or her people,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA noted.

In September 2005 the Philadelphia Inquirer reported on an offensive blog maintained by then State Representative Leach.   The writer of that article stated, “His blog is laced with references to pornography and strip clubs, a lust for whiskey and women, and disdain for President Bush and Céline Dion.  Then there are some politically incorrect quips about Palestinians and "a third-world type" who cleans hotel rooms.”   After complaints from the AFA of PA, local public outcry and a letter from Barry Morrison, then regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in Philadelphia, calling some of Leach’s  writings "offensive" and complaining that they "reinforced negative stereotypes,” Daylin Leach permanently removed his blog. 

“Newly elected PA Senator Daylin Leach is among those trying to hijack the civil rights movement by equating homosexuality with race and ethnicity.  Unnatural homosexual ‘marriage’ has nothing to do with equality and civil rights and everything to do with 2 percent of the nation’s population trying to remake marriage in their image.   The majority of Pennsylvania voters want their legislators to give them an opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, not move in the direction Leach is headed,” further stated Gramley.

Senator John Eichelberger’s marriage protection amendment would get Pennsylvania back in the mainstream of America and join the thirty states that have already passed constitutional amendments defining marriage as between one man and one woman. 

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