August 26, 2020


Governor Wolf Tells Legislature to Legalize Recreational Pot


Governor Wolf and Lt. Governor Fetterman have finally recognized that businesses are hurting as a result of COVID.  Not that they’ve acknowledge it’s the administration’s policies that have created the dilemma for businesses and Pennsylvania as a whole, but they “have the solution.”  Their answer:  legalize recreational marijuana.

This from Fetterman’s twitter account:  “We’re looking at a multi-billion dollar COVID deficit here in PA.  Legal Weed is serious public policy for these serious times.”

Of course, we already knew he was pushing hard for the legalization of recreational marijuana, now Wolf has jumped on board with both feet! 

Governor Wolf is pointing to Colorado as the example.   Wolf is looking at revenue and ignoring the human devastation that has happened.  Here are a few examples:  legalization increased use especially among 12 to 17 year olds, as a result there was a big increase in school suspensions; college age students also saw a big jump in use; the majority of DUI arrests were pot users; hospitalizations related to marijuana has increased 82 percent since 2008. 

Action Steps

Let your State Senator and State Rep know that you oppose all efforts to legalize recreational marijuana. Click here

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