AFA of PA ACTION ALERTlesbian-wedding-cake-topper

April 30, 2015


Word’s Out That Justices Will be Deliberating on the Marriage Case Tomorrow


We have heard the United States Supreme Court Justices will be deliberating on the marriage case tomorrow! Truly a time to fast and pray.

As Mat Staver with Liberty Counsel said, “This is the most divisive and culturally destructive issue to face America since the Supreme Court’s abortion decision in Roe v. Wade. The difference between the Supreme Court’s 1973 abortion decision and this one is the coercive nature of it. As horrific as Roe v. Wade is, that Supreme Court decision did not force people to participate in abortion. A decision that says same-sex marriage is a constitutional right will result in coercion against religious freedom and conscience rights. ”

These words were confirmed on Tuesday by the administration’s own attorney! Justice Samuel Alito asked, “In the Bob Jones case, the Court held that a college was not entitled to tax-exempt status if it opposed interracial marriage or interracial dating. So would the same apply to a university or a college if it opposed same-sex marriage?”
Solicitor General Donald Verrilli responded, “It’s certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is — it is going to be an issue.”

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