News Release
For Immediate Release:  April 20, 2012

Obama Seeks to Give Special Protections to Students Who Identify as Homosexual

(Harrisburg) — Today President Obama took another step down the path of pushing the normalization of homosexuality on our nation’s school children — endorsement of the homosexual-affirming bills Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA) — S 555   and the Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA) — S 506.      The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a child advocacy and traditional values group, recognizes the danger these endorsements pose to students.  The AFA of PA believes all students should be provided a safe learning environment.  That includes not encouraging them to engage in homosexual activity and telling students about the dangers inherent in that lifestyle choice.

“The timing of these endorsements are not coincidental.  Today is the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network’s  Day of Action the “Day of Silence.”  Obama’s endorsements of the Student Non-Discrimination Act  and the Safe Schools Improvement Act are yet more efforts to give a green light in allowing our school children to be guinea pigs in this social experiment homosexualizing our nation’s school.  The White House is more concerned about what the kids are eating at lunch, warning about the dangers of obesity, than it is about the real dangers of engaging in homosexual sex.  This is an election year ploy to garner the homosexual vote,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Pennsylvania Senator Robert Casey’s introduction of S 506 is additional proof that he is not his father.  Robert Casey, Sr. would have worked to protect children from malicious indoctrination that will take place in schools if this bill is passed.  It’s main purpose is not safety, but advancing the idea that ‘gay is okay’ and to silence students with deeply held religious beliefs that engaging in homosexual acts is sinful.  It will amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and load already overburdened schools with additional reporting and policy changes.

Senator Casey also is a co-sponsor of S 555 whose stated purpose is “To end discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity in public schools . . . ”  This bill will specifically target those who oppose the portrayal that homosexuality as a ‘safe, alternative lifestyle.’

“Christian students and all public schools will be on the losing end if these bills are passed.  Christian students will be silenced.  Schools will be forced to permit male students who believe they are female to use the girl’s restroom and gym locker rooms and shower facilities.  Schools will also be forced to allow boys to come to school in makeup, high heels and a dress.  They will be forced to allow ‘gay’ proms and ‘gay’ speakers to address students.  These are not about safety, but are an effort to push the envelope further and will demonize anyone who objects.  These endorsements are further evidence of Obama’s radical agenda,” Gramley concluded.

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