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Action Alert Archives 2009    



December 30, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     PA Gambling Expansion

2.)    Health Care Bill

3.)    Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Bailouts


1.)   Rather than enjoy a typical extended Christmas break, both the PA House and Senate will reconvene on January 5th.    Is the legalization of table games on their agenda?    

2.) United States Senators and Congressmen will be home for a three week break.  This would be an excellent time to contact them about the health care bill.  There is more indication that the House will simply vote on the already passed Senate bill rather than have the House and Senate versions reconciled in a conference committee.  Remember the Senate version has taxpayer funded abortion.  When the House version was debated, an amendment was introduced by Congressman Brad Stupak (D-MI) and Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) that forbid the use of tax dollars for abortion.  This amendment passed by an overwhelming vote of 240 to 194, but this will mean nothing if the Senate bill  ( H.R. 3590 ) is simply moved forward in the House. 
Click here for ten more reasons to oppose the so-called health care bill. 

3.)    Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are the government-owned mortgage companies.  In 2008 the American taxpayer ‘donated’ $200 billion to help them through their troubled times.   Apparently that wasn’t a large enough ‘donation’ so we gave them another $200 billion this year.  But in a sneaky move on Christmas Eve the Treasury rushed to their rescue again!

4.)    Two more days and 2009 will be history – unbelievable!  Click here to listen to a short summary of 2009 and the incoming 2010.  The AFA of PA greatly depends upon end of the year donations by our supporters. 

Action Steps

1.)  Contact your State Representative and State Senator and ask them to vote ‘no’ on legalizing table games in PA.  Click here for contact info; if you do not know who your State Senator and Representative are, key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner of this linked page. 

2.)  When the Stupak/Pitt Amendment forbidding taxpayer-funded abortion passed in the House several Pennsylvanian Democratic Congressmen voted for it.  These were Jason Altmire, Chris Carney, Kathy Dahlkemper, Michael Doyle, Tim Holden, Paul Kanjorski, and John Murtha.  All Republicans voted for it.  The above Democrats need to be specifically contacted and asked to vote ‘No’ on any ‘health care’ bill that includes abortion. If neither of these are your Congressman, please also contact yours.   Click here for contact info for all PA Congressmen. Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. need to also be contacted and asked to vote ‘no.’   If at all possible, please try to arrange a meeting with your Congressman and Senators Specter and Casey at their District Office nearest you during this Christmas break.  If would be great if you could take a few friends or family members with you!  Click here for District Office info. 

3.)  Treasury lifted the $400 billion cap on borrowing by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae at least until 2012!   This move was made in spite of the fact that they will post an almost $100 billion loss for 2009.  For the rest of the story click here.





























December 23, 2009

Yes, it’s two days before Christmas, but the battle in the Senate to impose socialized medicine on America continues.  Senator Reid is hoping we are too busy with last minute Christmas preparations to pay attention to what’s going on in D.C.  Lets prove him wrong!

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Health Care Bill Makes Death Panels Permanent

2.)    Senator Specter


1.)    Pro-life Senators have raised a Constitutional Point of Order on the Senate floor against Section 3403 of Senator Harry Reid's manager's amendment that the Senate adopted Tuesday morning and is now part of the pro-abortion, government-run health care bill. The section, on page 1020, says "it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection." That would be a problem for any section of any bill but the language is especially worrisome because it is the so-called death panels section where regulations are imposed on doctors and patients by the Independent Medicare Advisory Boards.   Click here to watch Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) explain how the section containing death panels can never be changed or repealed by future Congresses.  

2.)     Received an e-mail from Senator Specter, as many of you may have, in it he says, “This legislation is an important step in seeing to it that adequate health care becomes a right in America and not just a privilege.   It is not the bill that I would have preferred and there is an opportunity to improve it in conference. I would like to see a strong, robust public option. I would like to see more clear-cut language on a woman’s right to choose. . . .  I consider the legislation similar to the Civil Rights Act of 1965.”   (emphasis was in the original e-mail)

Since when is health care a right in America or anywhere else!  The Constitution does not give the federal government the authority to get involved in health care – period.  Americans have been ‘asleep’ at the wheel for too long!  The  Declaration of Independence say, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  I don’t see health insurance listed as a right nor did the Founding Fathers intend in their vision of a limited federal government to include mandated health insurance coverage for all Americans. (The "individual responsibility" provision in Section 1501 of the Senate healthcare bill (H.R. 3590) requires anyone who fails to buy a "qualifying" health insurance plan to pay an annual tax penalty of $750 per adult family member and $375 per child, or up to a maximum penalty of $2,250 per family. The House bill requires purchase of insurance or a fine and imprisonment of up to one year.)

Action Steps

1.)     There will be a vote TODAY on the constitutionality of that section of the health care bill which would prohibit future Congresses from overturning that section.   It will take 60 votes to clear the constitutional hurdle in the Senate.  Contact both Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them not to support this unconstitutional language.  Click here for contact info.  While you have them on the line go ahead and ask them once again to vote ‘no’ on the entire bill – HR 3590.  The final cloture vote – requiring 60 votes to pass – will be Wednesday afternoon.   With the final vote –requiring on a simple majority to pass -- being Christmas Eve. 

2.)    Perhaps Senator Specter needs reminded what the Declaration of Independence and Constitution really say.



































December 21, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Health Care Update

2.)    Sign This Petition

3.)    Yet Another Proposed Strategy!

4.)    A gift from God?


1.)  At 1:08 a.m. this morning the vote for cloture on the Senate health care bill passed with the minimum number of votes needed – 60. All Democrats and Independents voted for it and all Republicans voted against cloture.   Remember the 2,000 –plus page bill is attached as an amendment to H.R 3590, Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009.  I have received many reports from folks on this alert list that they were not able to get through to any of Senator Casey’s offices to leave a message over the weekend.  One person called all the numbers and was only able to get through to the Pittsburgh and Bellefonte offices to leave a message.  Either his voice mail was really full in all the other offices or the phones had been turned off.  I will not venture a guess, but you can come to your own conclusions on that one.  But we still have an opportunity NOW to contact his offices to give him our opinion on so-called health care reform.  Pray that Senators’ eyes will be opened to the dangerous door they are about to step through with socialized health care. 

2.)  Former Governor Mike Huckabee is holding a rally in DC today.  He wants to deliver at least 25,000 signatures on a petition asking Senator Ben Nelson  to vote no on that final cloture vote

3.)  Another strategy has been thrown out there that has potential.  If you can’t get through to Senator Casey’s office, call your local radio, TV or newspaper outlet and express your outrage at not being able to contact your elected representative to voice your opinion on the health care bill.  Perhaps they will then cover the story.

3.)  Days before Christmas, archaeologists today unveiled what they said were the remains of the first dwelling in Nazareth that can be dated back to the time of Jesus

Action Steps

1.)    There is at least one more critical vote that will require 60 votes for cloture; if we can convince at least ONE of the anticipated 60 ‘yes’ votes to vote ‘no’ this bill would be dead.  So, as Pennsylvanians, let’s target our “pro-life” Senator – Bob Casey, Jr.  Here’s his contact info again.  Please contact his DC office and the district office nearest you; if you can’t get through to those numbers, keep calling till you get through to one of his offices. Ask him two things: 1.) Have you read the entire bill?  2.) Would you and your family be willing to drop the insurance coverage you have as a US Senator and be covered under this proposed plan? 3.)  After asking these questions, then simply ask him to vote “NO” on the health care bill.

Washington, D.C. office:  toll free -- 866-802-2833 or (202) 224-6324  or fax: (202) 228-0604

Senator Casey’s district offices:

·        Harrisburg Toll Free: (866) 461-9159; Fax: (717) 231-7542

·         Philadelphia (215) 405-9660; Fax: (215) 405-9669

·        Pittsburgh (412) 803-7370; Fax: (412) 803-7379

·        Scranton (570) 941-0930; Fax: (570) 941-0937

·        Erie (814) 874-5080; Fax: (814) 874-5084

·        Bellefonte (814) 357-0314; Fax: (814) 357-0318

·        Allentown (610) 782-9470; Fax: (610) 782-9474

2.)    Click here to sign Governor Huckabee’s petition ASAP.   

3.)    If after attempting to contact Senator Casey’s offices again and you are still unable to, then consider calling your local media outlets.  Those numbers should be in your phone book.

4.)    Click here to read about the archeological find! 
























December 19, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

Senator Nelson Bought Off; 1:00 a.m. Monday vote planned


Apparently it just took a big enough ‘money offer’ to get Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) to change his stand on abortion in health care!  The price was $300 million in Medicaid assistance similar to what Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu received to buy her vote.  During a Saturday morning press conference he announced his support for the Senate health care bill.  Several pro-life groups have spent Saturday analyzing the Reid manager’s amendment which contains the compromise language.  Section 38 adds a provision allowing states to opt out of providing abortion coverage through the exchange and adds further layers of accounting requirements that pro-life groups are calling gimmicks to hide abortion funding.  This amendment language is nothing like the one passed in the House earlier this month.  The new "public option" managed by the Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) will cover abortions. Each state through OPM can provide two multi-state plans and only one of them will exclude abortions.

According to Eagle Forum the bill will also:

  • Costs almost $1 trillion - $871 billion (and that's CBO's modest estimate not factoring in the full ten years after it goes into effect),
  • Cuts Medicare by hundreds of billions of dollars,
  • Raises and imposes a vast array of new taxes on the American people,
  • Allows for federal funding of abortion,
  • Retains the CLASS Act (which the Democrat Chairman of the Budget Committee has described as nothing more than a "Ponzi Scheme"),
  • Massively expands Medicaid, giving special treatment to a select few states so that taxpayers in VA, AR, and OH will have to pay higher taxes to subsidize the Medicaid program of a favored few, such as NE, MA, and VT.

Action Steps

1.)    Call and leave messages at Senator Casey’s Washington office NOW.  If you wait until the offices open Monday morning, your call will be too late because the cloture vote is scheduled for 1:00 a.m. Monday morning.      If that voice mail is full, call the district office nearest you.  The message:  “Even though it is less than a week till Christmas, we are watching your vote.  A vote for cloture is a vote for abortion.”  Make sure you leave your name and address so he knows you’re really from PA.    Calls to Senator Specter’s office can also be made, click here for his contact info.   

It is now believed that when/if Senator Reid gets his version passed, he’s going to deliver it to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and say, “Here vote on it without amendments.”  That will avoid a conference committee which would have worked out the differences in the House version and the Senate version and come up with the compromise bill which would then have to go back to both the House and Senate for final votes.  So, it appears that the vote on final passage will be THE vote in the Senate for the health care bill.  This scenario would place the bill on the President’s desk for his signature before the end of the year, which is their goal.

Here’s Senator Casey’s contact info:

Washington, D.C. office:  toll free -- 866-802-2833 or (202) 224-6324  or fax: (202) 228-0604

Senator Casey’s district offices:

Harrisburg Toll Free: (866) 461-9159; Fax: (717) 231-7542

Philadelphia (215) 405-9660; Fax: (215) 405-9669

Pittsburgh (412) 803-7370; Fax: (412) 803-7379

Scranton (570) 941-0930; Fax: (570) 941-0937

Erie (814) 874-5080; Fax: (814) 874-5084

Bellefonte (814) 357-0314; Fax: (814) 357-0318

Allentown (610) 782-9470; Fax: (610) 782-94

2.)    Click here to sign Governor Huckabee’s petition ASAP.   

3.)    If after attempting to contact Senator Casey’s offices again and you are still unable to, then consider calling your local media outlets.  Those numbers should be in your phone book.

4.)    Click here to read about the archeological find! 


































December 16. 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Copenhagen Global Warming Conference

2.)    What Will Senator Casey Do?

3.)    Air Force Base Being Held Hostage!


1.)     The international global warming conference with 192 countries represented began meeting one week ago today.  President Obama is scheduled to attend the last day of the conference on the 18th.  Is he poised to cede America’s sovereignty?  Click here to see what the ramifications of signing this treaty are?   Remember even if the President signs a treaty, according to the Constitution the treaty must be ratified by 2/3 of the Senate before the US is obligated to follow its dictates.  But, does anyone doubt that this Senate would ratify it?  Click here to view how free speech is “encouraged” in Copenhagen.  

2.)    As you recall, on December 8th the attempt to take taxpayer funded abortion out of the Senate version of health care was tabled by a vote of 54-45 – effectively killing the amendment.  Also remember that in an effort to ram this takeover of health care through before Christmas, the Reid health care bill was tacked onto the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009.  Senator Bob Casey has been non-committal as to whether he would support the final bill if it still contains the abortion language. 

3.)    The White House is essentially holding a United States Air Force Base in Nebraska  hostage to force Senator Ben Nelson to vote for the health care bill.  He’s the Senator who introduced the now tabled amendment that would have removed taxpayer funded abortion from the Senate version of health care.  He is still saying he will vote ‘no’ on final passage, so the Obama Administration is trying a new tactic.  Read here for more details. 

Action Steps

1.)     Sign this petition.  It will be sent to President Obama, Senators Specter and Casey and your Congressman.  Click here.  Encourage others to also sign the petition.   Remember the Markey/Waxman bill passed in the House on June 26 by a vote of 219-212.  The push in the Senate has slowed, but that’s because they’ve been pushing through hate crimes, $1.1 trillion spending bills and health care ‘reform.

2.)    Please contact Senator Casey’s office and urge him to take a strong pro-life stand and vote ‘NO’ on HR 3590.  Please e-mail AND call the district office nearest you.  Click here for contact info.  Feel free to contact Senator Specter’s office and ask him to vote “NO; on HR 3590.   It may be a wasted call and e-mail, but he can’t say he didn’t hear from his constituents.

3.)    If you are disturbed by the White House blatantly placing our national security at risk by threatening to shut down Offutt Air Force Base which houses the US Strategic Command, please let the President know.  E-mail using the form here or call using the Comment Line at 202-456-1111.  Encourage Senator Nelson by sending him a note by clicking here or call at (202) 224-6551.





























December 9, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Copenhagen Conference is in Session

2.)    Healthcare Debate Continues – Pro-life Amendment Tabled

3.)    Hate Crimes in PA


1.)     Yesterday the ‘climate change’ conference  in Copenhagen, Denmark began.  On Monday, here in the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, to be a danger to humans.    This will be used as leverage to force Congress to pass Cap and Trade, saying that Congress will pass less stringent laws than EPA regulations will be if it’s left up to them to address so-called climate change.

2.)    Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson did introduce a pro-life amendment to the bill; however there was a motion to table the amendment and it passed last night by a 54-45 vote, in essence killing the amendment.    Senator Casey did vote against tabling the amendment whose language was modeled after the Stupak Amendment to the House version of the health care bill.  This language would have prevented the use of tax dollars for abortion.  However, “pro-life” Senator Casey has NOT committed to vote ‘no’ on the overall bill, if the final version still contains taxpayer funded abortion. 

3.)    The State House will meet several days in December before the Christmas break.  As you recall H.B. 745,  the state hate crimes bill, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in a surprise move on November 17th.   This bill adds ‘actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the state’s ethnic intimidation law.  However, the terms are not defined.  Click here for a list of sexual orientations that are apparently protected under this bill. The bill now moves to the House Appropriations Committee which is scheduled to meet on December 14, and 15.  Currently no committee agenda has been posted for any of those days.

Action Steps

1.)  Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Minority Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, has a “Skeptic’s Guide” on his website, click here.   Contact Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘No’ on Cap and Trade    Click here for contact info, please call and e-mail their DC office and the district offices nearest you. 

2.)  While you have Senators Specter and Casey on the line ask them to vote ‘No’ on HR 3590  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act because it does everything but protect patients and is not affordable.  Make it very clear that a vote for this bill is a vote FOR abortion and against the family.

3.)  If your State Representative is on the House Appropriations Committee,   it is CRUCIAL that you contact him or her and ask that they vote ‘no’ on SB 745 in Committee.   But even if your State Rep is not on this committee, contact him or her to vote ‘no’ on HB 745.  Click here for contact information; key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner to find your State Representative.  Remember a similar law was used to arrest eleven Christians in 2004 for singing choruses and reading Scripture at a homosexual event in Philadelphia. It was declared unconstitutional last year.






























December 2, 2009 

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Health Care Debate Begins in Senate

2.)    State Hate Crimes Bill


1.)  On Monday the US Senate began debate on so-called health care reform.  Senator Harry Reid has said this ‘real crisis’ must be addressed by Christmas and if it takes being in session on Saturdays and Sundays they will pass health care reform because it “is simply too hazardous to our country's and our constituents' health not to work as much and as long as we have to."  The Reid health care bill was tacked onto the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009.  Polls show the majority of American people are more concerned with Congress seeking to ‘reform’ health care than they are about their health care coverage.   The Congressional Budget Office found that people who purchase insurance individually will see their premiums jump by as much as 13 percent.  Those who get insurance through their employer or other group plan will see their premiums stay the same or drop by up to 3 percent.     For more info on the costs click here. 

 Remember abortion is still part of the Senate bill, but even if abortion is removed America does not need a nationalized health care system. is organizing rallies/vigils in support of health care around the country and I’m sure you’ve see their TV ads.  A ‘vigil’ is scheduled to take place in Carlisle on December 8th.  One hundred people showed up at the one in September.  The question is who will Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey listen to – the few hundred who have expressed support for a government takeover of health care or the thousands who have gathered at town hall meetings and TEA Parties opposing this effort to take over the best health care system in the world? 

2.)The State House will meet several days in December before the Christmas break.  As you recall H.B. 745,  the state hate crimes bill, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in a surprise move on November 17th.   This bill adds ‘actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the state’s ethnic intimidation law.  However, the terms are not defined.  Click here for a list of sexual orientations that are apparently protected under this bill. The bill now moves to the House Appropriations Committee which is scheduled to meet on December 7, 8, 9, 14, and 15.  Currently no committee agenda has been posted for any of those days.

Action Steps

1.)  E-mail and call Senators Specter and Casey’s DC office and the district office nearest you and ask them to vote ‘no’ on HR 3590  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act because it does everything but protect patients and is not affordable.  

2.) If your State Representative is on the House Appropriations Committee,   it is CRUCIAL that you contact him or her and ask that they vote ‘no’ on SB 745 in Committee.   But even if your State Rep is not on this committee, contact him or her to vote ‘no’ on HB 745.  Click here for contact information; key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner to find your State Representative.  Remember a similar law was used to arrest eleven Christians in 2004 for singing choruses and reading Scripture at a homosexual event in Philadelphia. 
































November 20, 2009

As of today over 4.5 million Pink Slips have been delivered to Congress!  Be a part of this effort . . .  Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congressthe 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer? You can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.    Click here.

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     State Hate Crimes Bill

2.)    Senator Casey Says he Does Not Want to Draw Lines in the Sand.”


1.)     While we were looking ahead to Thanksgiving and Christmas, the State House Judiciary Committee voted H.B. 745 out of committee on Tuesday.  Click here to read the roll call for the committee vote.  This is a resurrection of the state hate crimes (ethnic intimidation) law. Remember this is the law that was used to arrest eleven Christians in October 2004 for reading Scripture and singing choruses at a homosexual event in Philadelphia.  It was declared unconstitutional last year.  As you read the bill,   you will notice that there are no definitions of ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity.’  So, as in the federal hate crimes law, it covers all sexual orientations including pedophilia, incest and bestiality.

Here are some statistics you can check out from the PA Human Relations Commission to see how many homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders have been assaulted in Pennsylvania in the last few years.  As you will see, there is no epidemic of attacks on homosexuals.

 Page 17 of PA Human Relations Commission Annual Report - 7.1.05 to 6.30.06

Page 18 of PA Human Relations Commission Annual Report - 7.1.04 to 6.30.05

2.)     Senator Harry Reid has introduced his version of health care.  Apparently he was competing with Nancy Pelosi to see who could write the longest bill.  His is 2,074 pages long compared to her ‘short’ 2,019 bill.  On Tuesday Senator Casey appeared to back off from support of the Stupak Amendment which forbids the use of tax dollars for abortion.  Click here for the complete story.   The vote for cloture on Reid’s health care bill is planned for tomorrow evening. 

Action Steps

1.)    Contact your State Representative and State Senator and ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.B. 745 when it comes to the floor for a vote. Click here for contact information;  key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner to find both your State Senator and State Representative.  BUT in the meantime if your State Representative is a member of the House Appropriations committee , contact him or her NOW and ask them to vote ‘NO’ on H.B. 745 when it is brought up for a vote in committee.  This bill is not necessary and will discriminate against those with deeply held religious beliefs that engaging in homosexual acts is sinful.

2.)     Call and e-mail Senators Specter and Casey and ask them to vote ‘NO’ on the health care bill   Click here for contact info. 




















November 12, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Pray for Pastors Participating in Act of Civil Disobedience in DC

2.)    Invited to Participate in a Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer

3.)    March on Harrisburg

4.)    Update on Health Care Bill


1.)     On October 28th  President Obama signed the federal hate crimes law expanding it to include homosexuals and sexually confused individuals.  Some pastors are gathering at 1:30 on Monday, November 16 in Washington, DC in front of the Department of Justice for a press conference and time of preaching.   They will then travel to the DuPont Circle area of Washington to the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual lobby group, where they will pray.    Some of those participating have already heard their fellow pastors saying they will stay away from addressing the sin of homosexuality for fear of being charged with a hate crime.  Pastor Paul Blair, founder of Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ, summed up the sentiments of participants, when he observed: "Pastors have preached the Bible in America for more than 400 years, pointing the people to Jesus Christ and standing against sin. If preaching the Bible is now against the law, then let us be arrested. If not, may every pastor in America know that he can stand strong and proclaim Biblical Truth without fear of persecution or prosecution."

2.)    Each year the Iowa Chapter of Concerned Women for America invite fellow Iowans to participate in a Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer the third Thursday in November.  They choose this day because it falls right after the elections and right before Thanksgiving and the rush of the Christmas season.  This year they have a special invitation.

3.)    March on Harrisburg this Saturday from 1:00 till 5:00. 

Event Agenda:
1:00 PM - Meet at City Island Parking Lot
2:00 PM - March begins from City Island to Capital Steps
2:30 PM - Rally begins on Capital Steps

            Speakers will address several topics including the possible tolling of I 80.

4.)    After a visit from former President Bill Clinton, Senator Harry Reid has decided to place the House health care reform bill that passed on Saturday on the Senate calendar for a vote next week. 

Action Steps

1.)    Pray for these pastors and leaders participating in the Washington witness on Monday.  Check out their website here. 

2.)    CWA Iowa has invited the entire nation to join them in a Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer next Thursday November 19th.

3.)    Consider participating in the Harrisburg rally on November 14th Click here for more information. 

4.)    Contact Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘no’ on the health care bill.  Click here for contact info. 



























November 7, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

Pelosi Bill Passes in the Dead of Night


Well, it took the entire day but Nancy Pelosi was finally able to “convince” enough Congressmen that her ‘Affordable Health Care for America Act”  was what was best for the country no matter what over 80% of Americans said.  At a little after 11:00 this evening the bill passed by a vote of 220 to 215 – two votes more than what was needed.  Thirty-nine Democrats voted ‘no’ and Congressman Joseph Cao of the 2nd District in Louisiana was the lone Republican vote for the bill – but, hey, that makes it bi-partisan! 

Action Steps

Click here to see how your Congressman voted – then determine what your message will be to him or her when you call/e-mail.  Pennsylvania Democratic Congressmen Jason Altmire and Tim Holden opposed Pelosi and’s threats and voted ‘no’ on the bill.  They need to be thanked for their courage.  Their opposition will not go unnoticed by House “Leadership.”  In addition to contacting your Congressman, please thank Congressmen Altmire and Holden. 































November 7, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

Vote on Pelosi’s “Health Care” Bill Scheduled for Today   


After much arm twisting, if appears Nancy Pelosi believes she has the votes to pass her massive health care bill (now over 2,000 pages).  Early this morning, House Democrats agreed to an up or down vote on Blue Dog Democrat Bart Stupak’s (D-MI) amendment that would prevent federal dollars from being used for abortion in the health care bill.  This brought an immediate outcry from Planned Parenthood and others that passage of this amendment would lead to back alley abortions.  There is still major fighting going on between anti-life and pro-life Democrats over this bill.  Click here to read more information. 

Action Steps

1.)  Contact your Congressman and ask him or her to vote ‘NO’ on H.R. 3962.  Here’s a link to all the Blue Dog Democrats in this Congress.   PA Congressmen on this list:  Jason Altmire, Chris Carney, Kathy Dahlkemper, Tim Holden, Patrick Murphy.  In addition to calling your Congressman call these five also.
































November 5, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Can’t be in Washington today?

2.)    Senator Robert Casey, Jr. Wants Your Thoughts!

3.)    Scholastic Books Pushing Homosexuality


1.)     As our fellow Pennsylvanians gather on the steps of the US Capitol today to join with Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and others who oppose the Pelosi/Reid health care plans, we can help them here on the home front. 

2.)    Senator Bob Casey, Jr. apparently believes everything is going ‘hunkydory’ and wants to hear from YOU!  He wants to know your thoughts on the 2008 election, what’s happened in the past year and what our priorities should be for next year.  Do you have any thoughts for him?

3.)    Scholastic Books has decided to include the pro-homosexual book for 9-12 year-olds, Luv Ya Bunches, in its middle school book fairs. This troubling book is already in the Scholastic Book Club catalogue, which is distributed to elementary school children.

Author Lauren Myracle "who regularly makes the list of the most banned and challenged authors in the US -- capitulated on the language, removing words such as 'geez', 'crap', 'sucks', and 'God', but refused to replace the lesbian parents of her character Milla with a heterosexual couple." Scholastic Books includes Luv Ya Bunches on it's "Teacher's Picks" page as one of the "Best Books" for grades 3-5.

Action Steps

1.)    For those who were not able to make the trip to Washington, DC today, we can still   help send a message to our Congressman.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to push for a vote on her bill on Saturday.  CALL your Congressman TODAY and again tomorrow and ask him or her to vote ‘NO’ on HR 3962 – Pelosi’s 1,990 page “Affordable Health Care for America Act” -  Click here for contact info. 

2.)    Click here to send Senator Casey your thoughts and suggestions.  

3.)    AFA affiliate the Illinois Family Institute is urging parents to notify your children's schools that

a.)    because Luv Ya Bunches is listed in the Scholastic Book Club catalogue, the catalogue is not to be distributed to your child;

b.)    you will not be ordering any books from Scholastic Books;

c.)    if Luv Ya Bunches is included at the Scholastic Book Fair, your child is not to be taken to the fair during or after school hours.

You can also leave an e-mail message to let Scholastic know that as long as they carry books that affirm homosexuality as moral you will not be purchasing books from them.  Click here to send the e-mail. 

Also  contact:
Jeanie Salgado, Scholastic Book Fairs: (407) 829-8265
Scholastic Book Group: (212) 343-4731
Scholastic Books feedback line (212) 343-6834






























November 3, 2009

Dissatisfied with the 111th Congress?  Then join 4 million other Americans and send them all Pink Slips!   Click here to send 535 pink slips-- one to each U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator.

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Don’t Forget to Vote Today

2.)    Nancy Pelosi’s Health Care Bill

3.)    March on DC

4.)    March on Harrisburg


1.)     Today is a crucial election for the future of Pennsylvania.  We will be voting on one new Supreme Court Judge, four new Superior Court Judges and two new Commonwealth Court Judges.  As well as a retention vote on two sitting judges – one for Superior Court and one for Commonwealth Court.  The term for each of these judges’ is ten years.  A lot of damage can be done over ten years if the wrong judges are voted into office.

2.)    The end of last week Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi rolled out her health care bill “Affordable Health Care for America” – all 1,990 pages of it.  She is calling for a vote by the end of this week!!   

3.)    Representative Michelle Bachmann is calling on concerned Americans to join her at noon on Thursday, November 5th for a press conference on the steps on the West Lawn of the US Capitol. 

4.)    A rally demanding fiscal responsibility is planned at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on Saturday November 14th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  The keynote speaker is former Congressman Dick Armey.  
Event Agenda:
1:00 PM - Meet at City Island Parking Lot
2:00 PM - March begins from City Island to Capital Steps
2:30 PM - Rally begins on Capital Steps

Action Steps

1.)    Vote today.  If you know of shut-ins who may need a ride, please offer to take them to their polling place.  Remind your family and friends to vote.  Check out our voter guides, but especially check the candidates’ websites to see who has endorsed them.  Click here for Supreme Court; here for Superior Court; and here for Commonwealth Court. 

2.)    Contact your US Congressman and ask him or her to vote ‘NO’ on H.R. 3962.  America cannot afford the price tag and government takeover associated with Nancy Pelosi’s “Affordable Health Care for America.  Additionally, American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for abortions.  Click here for contact information. 

3.)    Want to send a more poignant message?  Join Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann at the noon news conference on November 5th on the steps of the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol; then show up at your Congressman’s door that afternoon to personally deliver your message to him or her!

    4.)  Consider participating in the Harrisburg rally on November 14th.  Click here for more information. 

































October 28, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     President Obama Set to Sign Hate Crimes

2.)    Pornography Awareness Week

3.)    George Soros Attacking State Representative Daryl Metcalfe


1.)     President Obama is inviting homosexual activists to attend the signing of the Defense Authorization Act with the hate crimes amendment as part of the final bill.  I wonder if he would invite the Philadelphia 11 who were arrested in 2004 and charged with a hate crime for reading Scripture and singing chorus at a homosexual event in Philadelphia.  Perhaps he could take the opportunity to guarantee them that Christians who believe that engaging in homosexual acts are sinful will not be prosecuted under this new expansion of the hate crimes law.  But, somehow I don’t believe they are on the ‘invited guests’ list.

2.)    This is Pornography Awareness Week.  A week set aside to educate on the dangers of pornography – both to the user, his/her family and potential victims.

3.)    If you live in the Pittsburgh area you may have seen ads running asking that State Representative Daryl Metcalf resign over comments he made about a group of veterans traveling the country pushing for passage of ‘cap and trade.’  This group “Operation Freedom” traveled through PA between October 20th and 22nd.  They sent an e-mail to state legislators asking for their support.  Representative Metcalfe, an Army veteran, does not throw punches.  He replied back, “I believe that any veteran lending their name, to promote the leftist propaganda of global warming and climate change, in an effort to control more of the wealth created in our economy, through cap and tax type policies, all in the name of national security, is a traitor to the oath he or she took defend the Constitution of our great nation!”  His comments did not set well and ‘somehow’ got into the hands of the leftist organization Keystone Progress, which in turn sent out an alert to their supporters demanding Representative Metcalfe’s resignation.  He has done some research of his own and found out that this ‘veterans’ group is funded by George Soros and  

Action Steps

1.)    Contact President Obama and express your concerns about the passage of the hate crimes amendment.  Click here for contact information. 

2.)    Click here for more information on how you can participate in Pornography Awareness Week.  These include facts about the dangers of pornography use as well as a ‘Community Awareness Survey’ to check for the prevalence of pornography in your area. 

3.)    Contact Representative Metcalfe and thank him for taking a bold stand for veterans, the Constitution and democracy.  Click here.   He is under attack because so-called ‘progressive’ groups such as Keystone Progress and Operation Freedom don’t like vocal legislators who oppose their agenda. 




























October 23, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Glassman – Jennings Tie Cannot Be Ignored

2.)    Senate Passes Expansion of Hate Crimes Law


1.)     Stephen Glassman is currently the Chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission.  He is a homosexual activist who co-founded the Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition (SPARC) in the late 90’s.  During that time he was also on the board of the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN).    Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s ‘safe schools czar, was the founder and Executive Director of GLSEN.  This should be of major concern to all Pennsylvanians.  Click here for more information. 

2.)    Late Thursday afternoon the US Senate passed the Defense Authorization Act which still had the hate crimes amendment as part of the final bill.   Here’s the language to the hate crimes amendment – as you see there is no definition of ‘sexual orientation.’  So apparently this bill extends protections to many sexual orientations – click here for some examples. Here’s our news release.   

Action Steps

1.)    Contact Governor Ed Rendell and your State Senator to express your concerns about the ties between Stephen Glassman and Kevin Jennings.  Ask the Governor and your Senator to immediately remove Glassman from the PA Human Relations Commission.  Click here for Governor Rendell’s contact info.  Click here for your State Senator.  

2.)    As you can guess both Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. voted ‘yea’ on the Defense Authorization Act with the hate crimes language.  They were both co-sponsors of the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Prevention Act.  Did any of you receive a letter from them guaranteeing that Christians’ First Amendment rights would be protected?  Consider calling their District Office nearest you and asking for an explanation for their vote to expand hate crimes legislation beyond anything it was ever intended to do.  Click here for contact info.
































October 19, 2009 

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Obama Political Machine Pushing 'Health Care Reform’

2.)    All Important November 3rd Elections


1.)     Organizing for America (OFA) – formerly Obama for America – is a project of the Democratic National Committee.  They recently sent out an e-mail blast asking that their ‘volunteers’ organize  a “Time to Deliver Call Party” on October 20th, asking friends and family to bring their cell phone and come to their home to “reach out to friendly voters whose voices are particularly critical in this debate. We'll talk to them about the President's plan and then we'll ask them to call on their representatives to support reform.”  Their goal is 100,000 calls into Washington on Tuesday!  The AFA of PA has put together a list of 25 such groups meeting in Pennsylvania tomorrow to make a push for Obama’s health care plan, but there are many more groups meeting and making phone calls tomorrow right here in PA.   The usual ‘suspects’ like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, are on that list, but there are also areas you would not expect like Jeannette, Lancaster, Lititz, Houston, Meadville and Mercer.  Remember theses are volunteers for ‘Organizing for America’ and they will be stirring their grassroots people to call Congress to support so-called health-care reform.  The OFA website especially notes, “President Obama will be joining a call party and then speaking directly to all the other events that evening via an exclusive live webcast, sharing the latest info on the fight for reform and our campaign for change.”  Remember their goal is 100,000 calls from across America . . . time for us here in PA to counter this effort!

2.)    November 3rd is a critical election here in Pennsylvania.  We will be electing a Supreme Court Judge, four Superior Court judges and two Commonwealth Court judges.  Each of these is for 10 year terms.  There will also be local races for row officers, school board and local judgeships.  The AFA of PA has created a voter guide for the top three judicial races.  Remember that under the law judicial candidates are limited as to how they can answer questions for a voter guide, the AFA of PA encourages you to check the websites of all candidates (this information is included on our voter guides) to see what organizations have endorsement them.  Many times that will say a lot about a candidate. 

Action Steps

1.)    If taxpayer funded abortion, health care coverage for illegal aliens, health care rationing and government-mandated health insurance concerns you, then on Tuesday and Wednesday make phone calls to your US Congressman and Senators Specter and Casey.  Call the Congressional and Senatorial district offices nearest you and (1) tell them the insurance industry did NOT pay you to call and (2) ask them to vote ‘no’ on the government ‘health’ care bill when it comes  to the floor of their respective chamber of Congress.  Contact information for your Congressman can be found here and Senators Specter and Casey can be found here. Keep calling until you get through to one of their offices. 

2.)    Don’t forget to vote on November 3rd and take a friend or family member with you to vote! Here’s the link to the judicial voter guides:  Supreme Court -- click here ; Superior Court -- click here ; and Commonwealth Court -- click here




























October 15, 2009

As of today over 3.25 million Pink Slips have been delivered to Congress!  Be a part of this effort . . .  Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congressthe 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer? You can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.    Click here.

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Hate Crimes – Will Our Senators Promise?

2.)    Radical Homosexual Nominated for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

3.)    Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Has An Idea!


1.)     Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. are both co-sponsors of the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Prevention Act., which, as you recall, was added as an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act.  This bill was voted out of the House last Thursday.  Click here for the language of the hate crimes amendment.  Today the Defense Authorization Act was voted out of the Senate Armed Services Committee and now will go to the full Senate for a vote.  Republican members of this Committee refused to sign off on the bill because it’s so bad!   Since our two US Senators are such strong supporters of this bill, we need in writing a guarantee from them that we will not be arrested and charged with a hate crime for believing that engaging in homosexual acts is sinful.

2.)    President Obama has nominated Chai Feldblum to be a commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  She is co-director of Workplace Flexibility 2010, which she described at a 2001 UCLA symposium as a homosexual rights group aimed at "[changing] the American workplace and revolutionize social mores." Feldblum believes homosexual sex is moral and is the architect of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which, if passed, will force businesses to hire homosexuals and men who think they are women.  These businesses would also be required to let these confused individuals use the bathroom of their choice.  Click here for more information. 

3.)    Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has become one Republican the Democrats thoroughly hate.   She takes bold stands for traditional values when too many fear to trod down that path.  We are facing mandated government health care coverage, cap and trade that will skyrocket not only our household energy costs, but everything else we purchase, and funding ACORN – that’s right beginning at midnight October 31st they will once again receive taxpayer dollars!  Click here for the transcript of Congresswoman Bachmann on the Glenn Beck program last night. Towards the end of the transcript, please read the percentages very carefully.

Action Steps

1.)  Call Senator Specter’s and Senator Casey’s district office nearest you.  Since they plan on voting for the Defense Authorization Act with the hate crimes amendment, no matter how many constituents call them asking for a ‘no’ vote, we need a guarantee from them!    If you teach Sunday School or are a pastor teaching from Romans 1 or other Scripture that calls homosexual acts sinful, if you are a parent teaching your children about God’s plan for sexuality and marriage, if you teach in a Christian school, you need an guarantee that your First Amendment rights will not be infringed upon by this law. Ask for it in writing and have it mailed to your home address.  When your receive this guarantee, make a copy and mail it to the AFA of PA at P.O. Box 1048, Franklin, PA   16323.  You file your original away and we will do the same on this end ready to pull it out to remind them of their promise when the first Christian is arrested and charged with a hate crime for teaching against engaging in homosexual acts. The goal of this bill is to silence those who do not ‘celebrate’ homosexuality.  Click here for contact information. 

2.)  While you have Senators Specter and Casey’s offices on the line, ask the two Senators to oppose the nomination of Chai Feldblum to be a commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  Her history and her statements show she seeks to radicalize the workplace in America.

3.)Congresswoman Bachmann has a plan to help get and keep the attention of our two US Senators and our Congressman – three phone calls every day is all it takes!  Here’s her plan in her words, “But if we have to keep the pressure up and that's why your listeners have to melt the phone lines every day. When they wake up and comb their hair and take their vitamin, pick up their phone and call their two Senators, call their Member of Congress. . . .   And then the next day you pick up the phone, you give the same message. Trust me, hardly anyone picks up the phone. Hardly anyone makes the phone calls. . . . We have to make those phone calls now until the end of the year.”  Specter’s and Casey’s contact link is in number 1, here’s the link for your Congressman. 
































October 13, 2009

Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congressthe 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer? You can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.    Click here.

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Health Care Bill Vote

2.)    Hate Crimes Law Passes in the U.S. House

3.)    President Speaks at Homosexual Fundraiser/Homosexual March on Washington

4.)    How are Schools Affecting the “Homosexual Debate”?


1.)    The vote in the Senate Finance Committee on the Baucus health care bill is currently scheduled for TODAY. Now there is question as to whether there is actually a bill or is there simply an outline which the Senate plans on ‘filling in’ once the Baucus “Bill” passes!   But there is no doubt that this ‘bill’ does include taxpayer-funded abortions and a mandate that all Americans must obtain health insurance or pay a fine. 

2.)    Last Thursday afternoon the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed in the U.S. House as an amendment to the must pass Defense Authorization Act – a bill that funds the military for the next year.  Obviously the Democratic majority did not believe it would pass as a stand alone bill, so over in the Senate, Senator Harry Reid attached the unrelated hate crimes bill on to the Defense bill as an amendment.  Remember this amendment still does not contain a definition for ‘sexual orientation,’ thus could include bestiality and pedophilia and others – click here – WARNING: graphic descriptions. Democrats deliberately placed Congressmen in a tough situation last Thursday by placing the hate crimes amendment on the must-pass Defense Authorization Act – vote to continue funding the military and vote to expand the definition of a ‘hate crime’ to include ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or vote against the Defense Authorization Act.   Many Congressmen made the tough choice and voted ‘no’ on the bill – it passed by a vote of 281 – 146.  Click here for the roll call.   Votes to give special protections to homosexuals included Pennsylvania Congressmen Jason Altmire, Robert Brady, Kathy Dahlkemper, Charlie Dent, Michael Doyle, Chakah Fattah, Tim Holden, Paul Kanjorski, Patrick Murphy, John Murtha, Todd Russell Platts, Allyson Schwartz and Joe Sestak.  The bill now goes to the Senate.    Some history:  Hate crimes legislation was first enacted shortly after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.  and defined hate crimes as those carried out on the basis of race, color, religion and national origin.  Note all these are inherent traits except ‘religion’ which is also protected by the First Amendment.  This expansion approved by the House on Thursday expands the very concept of hate crimes to include hate crimes protection simply because of the sexual activity in which one engages.  As with most legislation, the intentions were good, but the results have been questionable.  Even now the FBI reports that of the 8,000 hate crimes committed annually more than half are based on race.  In actuality no hate crimes legislation is necessary – there are already laws on the books to deal with crime.  This new expansion will allow the federal government to intervene in matters that should be dealt with by local authorities. 

3.)    On Saturday President Obama received a standing ovation as he reiterated his promises to about 3,000 homosexual activists who attended the annual banquet of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual lobby.   He affirmed his intention of delivering to homosexuals those things which he had promised on the campaign trail.  The White House website outlines his agenda.   His promises included: getting rid of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, passing hate crimes legislation and allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military by getting rid of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy.’  The following day several thousand homosexual activists and their “allies’ marched to the Capitol Building with their demands in hand.  All demanding Obama keep his promises.  USA Today  noted that Sunday’s homosexual march was critical for young ‘gays and lesbians’ to be able to organize.  The Washington Post Reports that homosexuals are tired of getting their agenda passed piecemeal and they want it accomplished on the federal level.  (I don’t believe Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution would agree with their tactic, but we’ve allowed the federal government to overstep it’s constitutional authority for too many decades.  When and where will it stop?)

4.)    Do you know anyone attending higher education?  Many of these supposed institutions of higher education have become arenas for homosexual activism – even those with the label ‘Christian’ or ‘religious’ are not immune from this agenda.  A close look at their policies, majors, classes offered and campus clubs reveal a lot of what your student can expect.

Action Steps

1.)    Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. are not members of the Senate Finance Committee, however they need to hear from you.  Contact them – e-mail AND call – asking that they vote ‘no’ on the health care bill.  Click here for contact info. 

2.)    While you have Senators Specter and Casey on the line about the so-called health care bill, please also ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 2647 – the Defense Authorization Act. You need to be aware that they are both co-sponsors of the hate crimes amendment, but they still need to hear from those who oppose them.  If your Congressman voted ‘no’ on this bill, please thank him

3.)    If President Obama’s agenda to force Americans to ‘celebrate’ homosexuality concerns you, please contact him using this form or call the comment line at 202-456-1111.   Here’s a picture of the Saturday event.  Here’s the link to a high resolution picture of the 912 March  -- what do they tell you?

4.)    If you have a child or grandchild attending a college or university, I strongly urge you to look under the veneer and ask some tough questions of that school.  – especially if you are helping pay for tuition.  What are their views on promoting homosexuality or transgenderism?  Do their policies reflect a view that they are simply alternative lifestyles equal to heterosexuality?  What are their ‘hook-up’ policies?  Recently Tufts University in Boston passed a written policy banning sex in the dorm room if the roommate was present.  Students in Pennsylvania schools who were interviewed thought that was overkill – the roommates should just communicate better and agree between themselves not to have sex with their ‘hook-up partner’ while the other was present; the school didn’t need to get involved.  So . . . what is your child’s school policy? 





























October 6, 2009

(Have you sent all members of the 111th Congress a Pink Slip yet?  Click here for more info.)

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Committee Vote on Baucus Health Care Bill Postponed

2.)    Congressional Speeches Opposing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Last Tonght

3.)    Homosexual Activists in Washington This Weekend

4.)    President Obama Speaks at Human Rights Campaign Fundraiser

5.)    Beware of This Film in Your Area


1.)    Senate Finance Committee Chairman Senator Max Baucus promised his members that before voting on his health care bill they would have a "reasonable" amount of time to review the bill's price tag, as assessed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.  That report has not been delivered yet, thus the Committee vote is expected later this week.

2.)    Congressman Patrick Murphy (PA-8) has taken over the effort to repeal the ban on open homosexuals serving in the military. Beginning at 9:00 this evening he has arranged for some of his colleagues who have signed onto H.R. 1283 as co-sponsors to deliver speeches condemning the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy.    Pennsylvania Congressmen Robert Brady, Michael Doyle, Chakah Fattah, Patrick Murphy, Allyson Schwartz and Joe Sestak are listed as co-sponsors. 

3.)    October 11th is “National Coming Out Day.”  This is a day homosexual activists set aside so those who want to ‘come out’ as homosexual to their friends, family and co-workers will feel more free to do so.  Many universities and schools ‘observe’ this day.  However, this year homosexual activists plan on being in Washington, DC all weekend strategizing and training as to how to get their demands met.  Thus far they are disappointed in what they call President Obama’s inaction to meet all their demands. 

4.)    The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), according to them the largest ‘gay’ lobby in the nation, will be holding its 13th Annual National Dinner on Saturday October 10th.  Their keynote speaker will be President Barack Obama.   What kind of promises will he be making to these homosexual activists?  He is only the second President to speak at the HRC dinner; Bill Clinton was the first in 1996.

5.)    Since 2005 the AFA of PA and many individuals in Venango County have been the targets of two homosexual activists – Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson – who used their ‘gay marriage’ announcement in our local paper and the angry letters to the editor that ensued to film a documentary.  Since the brief time of  homosexual activism that we saw created here locally with the encouragement of these two Washington, DC activists, it actually appears that they also used local homosexuals, most who just want to live their lives like everyone else, to create the fervor that Hamer and Wilson needed for their ‘documentary’.  I have not seen the film, nor do I plan to.  They showed up outside the church I attend twice and asked questions and filmed the people leaving.  I had their camera stuck in my face enough other times to know what their intentions are. The picture of me at this site is from 2006 when they literally ran me down at a protest the AFA of PA organized in support of the Marriage Protection Amendment when Governor Rendell was in Oil City.  I had refused to agree to be in their film and as soon as they saw me they bounced.   

Action Steps

1.)    Neither Senator Specter nor Casey are on the Senate Finance Committee, but please contact them and ask them to vote ‘NO’ on the Baucus bill.  It DOES include abortion coverage, would force all doctors to perform abortions even though they are morally opposed to the procedure and would not require photo ID when someone is signing up for health care coverage.  Click here for contact information. 

2.)    If any of the above listed Congressmen represent you, please contact him or her and ask that their name be removed as sponsor of this dangerous bill (HR 1283)  that will place our national security at risk. For more information on why this is so dangerous, go to the Center for Military Readiness website here.    To better understand who Patrick Murphy is read Elaine Donnelly’s article “Murphy’s (LGBT) Law for the Military” by clicking here. 

3.)    Click here for more information on the National Equality March.  Pray that the Church will not be afraid to speak the truth when it comes to the issue of homosexuality.  If the Church doesn’t get this right and take a strong stand on this and other moral issues, our nation is in BIG trouble. 

4.)    If it concerns you that President Obama is speaking at the HRC National Dinner on Saturday evening, please contact the White House comment line at 202-456-1111, fax at 202-456-2461 or e-mail using the form here.   Remember this is the President who did not allow a National Day of Prayer event at the White House in May, but gave recorded remarks for Ramadan in August. You can either watch the video of him giving his remarks or read the text at the bottom of this page.   Obama also included ‘same-sex families’ in the list of American families in the White House Proclamation on Family Day

5.)     Hamer and Wilson have made it very clear that they plan on using “Out in the Silence” for ‘outreach' and even a curriculum has been created to go along with it.  They say on their website, “The use of OUT IN THE SILENCE as a tool for outreach, education and activism will ensure that these and other exciting outcomes will be multiplied in small towns and rural communities across the country . . . .” Pennsylvania PBS stations will be showing it this fall and it will move into the national arena in 2010.   I don’t recommend going to the film; but if it’s showing near you, a letter to the editor might help expose if for the propaganda piece that it is.  Click here for the list of screenings – notice that the majority are on university/college campuses.  Click here for the news release we recently issued with some more information to help expose the film.   To keep the local agitation going Joe Wilson maintains a blog  although I don’t see many locals leaving comments!


































October 2, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Registered to Vote?   Deadline Approaching

2.)    “Healthcare” Bill Update

3.)    Send ALL Congressmen and US Senators a Pink Slip

4.)    PA Budget Update   

5.)    Beware HPV Vaccination


1.)    The November 3rd General Election is fast approaching.  Don’t think this is an ‘off year’ – there’s never an off year because each election cycle will in some way impact you and your family.  In just a few short weeks, Pennsylvanians will be voting for Judges on all level.  Additionally, there will be row officers, school board members and other local elected officials to consider.  Do your homework and vote for the one who best understands what the Constitution says and is willing to uphold it.

2.)    The healthcare debate changes on a daily basis!  But it appears there will be a vote on the Baucus bill on October 6th in the Senate Finance Committee.  Senator Harry Reid wants to get this bill onto the floor of the Senate for debate as quickly as possible, maybe even by Thursday, October 8th.   In fact, he’s so concerned about YOUR health care that he has cancelled the Senate Columbus Day recess!  Or, is it that he doesn’t want YOUR Senator to have another opportunity to interact with YOU and hear your concerns about the government takeover of healthcare?    Some things to consider follow – each of these amendments were voted down by the Democrats:

a.)    Grassley (R-IA) amendment to require that all immigrants, both legal and illegal, prove their identity with photo identification when signing up for federal healthcare programs.  (Baucus bill requires ‘verification’ of name, place of birth and social security number.  Without a photo ID, this does not protect against false or stolen identifies or Social Security numbers.)

b.)    Hatch (R-UT) amendment to prohibit federal funds from being used for elective abortions and health plans that cover such abortions.

c.)    Hatch (R-UT) amendment to ensure respect for the conscience rights of health care workers who choose not to perform abortions because of moral or religious objections.

d.)    Bunning (R-KY) amendment to require that final legislative language and a final CBO score be made publicly available on the committee website for at least 72 hours prior to voting.

e.)    Ensign (R-NV) amendment to require any "czar" handling health care issues to be subject to the Senate confirmation process.

f.)      Cornyn (R-TX) amendment to ensure that nothing requires individuals or employers to change the coverage they currently have.

g.)    Enzi (R-WY) amendment to allow individuals who would otherwise be enrolled in Medicaid through the expansion of the program the right to choose to enroll in private coverage.

3.)    Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congress – the 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer?  Well, there’s a plan . . .

4.)    Pennsylvania is still without a budget.  Governor Rendell has told legislators that he wants one passed by this Sunday, but things are unraveling again!  The existing $28 billion budget proposal includes increased taxes and fees and an expansion of gambling by legalizing table games.  It is not sustainable without placing a further tax burden on Pennsylvanians.  But where are the so called Blue Dog Democrats – the ones who claim to be fiscally conservative?

5.)    Warnings were issued about the dangers of the HPV vaccination when it was first recommended that all girls and young women between the ages of 11 and 26 receive the three-shot series.  The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease which may lead to cervical cancer.  The vaccine is being touted as a way to prevent cervical cancer and many Pennsylvania pediatricians and doctors are adding it to the list of ‘recommended vaccinations’.  Upon the recommendation of their trusted physicians, parents are giving the okay to begin administering the three-shot round.  But those dangers still exist and a 14 year old girl died in England this week within hours of receiving the shot at school.  A 15 year old from the same school was also adversely affected and taken to the hospital.  She is expected to recover.   But what about Pennsylvania? 

Action Steps

1.)    You must be registered to vote by October 5th in order to vote in the November 3rd General Election.  You can register at your county's voter registration office or by clicking here.

2.)    Neither Senator Specter nor Casey is on the Senate Finance Committee. But they need to hear from you!  Please call and e-mail Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote against the Baucus bill when it comes to the floor of the Senate for a vote.  The bill will force taxpayers to pay for abortions, give illegal aliens healthcare and force doctors to perform abortions even when it is against their deeply held religious beliefs.  Click here for contact information. Please target Monday or Tuesday for two phone calls to each Senator – one to their DC office and the other to the district office nearest you. 

3.)    . . . . for a cost of $29.95 you can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.  They will be delivered by Fed Ex to the Congressmen and Senators’ offices.  Thus far almost two million pink slips have been delivered!  As we said at the 912 March, “Can you hear us now?”  Click here to have those pink slips delivered by Fed Ex.  If you were to attempt this on your own, it would cost you $235 in stamps alone and the letters would sit for weeks in an irradiation facility before reaching Washington, D.C.  We can’t wait that long!

4.)    The Pennsylvania House Blue Dog Democrats have been silent on the budget!  Now is the time for them to publicly stand for the fiscal conservatism they claim.  Here’s who they are: Representatives
Gary Haluska , R. Ted Harhai , William Kortz , Nick Kotik, John Pallone, Joseph A. Petrarca, Harry Readshaw, Tim Seip, Timothy Solobay, Jesse White.  
Please consider contacting each one and asking them to publicly state they will only support a balanced budget that reigns in excessive spending and does not add more of a tax burden to the already heavy load that the Pennsylvania taxpayer bears.  If you don’t know who your State Rep is, key in your nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner of this page

5.)    According to the National Vaccine Information Center, America’s Vaccine Safety Watchdog, there have been 410 ‘events’ in girls aged 6-17 after they received the HPV vaccination – many times after just the first round of shots.  Please note that recently there has been numerous diagnosis of diabetes that has been traced directly back to the HPV vaccination.  There have been 256 ‘events’ for young women aged 18-30. 

Click here for a Fact Sheet we have up on our website.  Please, do the research before you agree to have your daughter receive the HPV vaccination.  Remember HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and if your daughter and her future husband do not engage in pre-marital sex, they will not contract it.   God addressed the need for sexual purity throughout Scripture and the rapidly increasing number of sexually transmitted ‘diseases’ (the politically correct term is ‘infections’) attest to His wisdom.  Up until the 1960’s there were only two STDs – syphilis and gonorrhea – both treated with penicillin.  Now the number – many of which are incurable -- is staggering.


















September 24, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Tomorrow Muslims March on Washington, on October 9-11 Homosexuals Will

2.)    Hate Crimes Legislation is on the Move!

3.)    Do You Know What the AFL-CIO Did Last Week in Pittsburgh?


1.)     Tomorrow 50,000 Muslims are supposed to gather in Washington, D.C. for a Day of Islamic Unity.   About half way down their ‘unity page,’ the reasons for the rally are explained.  They have the same First Amendment right to assembly as we who went to Washington, DC on 912 did.  However, there are many troubling aspects and one is the close ties one of the key organizers has to terrorists who have orchestrated attacks on US soil.  Click here for more details.  

On October 9-11 homosexuals will be gathering in Washington for their National Equality March to organize, strategize and receive training on how to get their demands met.

These activities are centered around National Coming Out Day – October 11.  The idea for this day:  If you’ve always felt like you were a homosexual, bisexual or transgender, that is the day that homosexuals have set aside to give you the chance to proclaim to your friends, neighbors, family, co-workers who you “really are.” 

It will be interesting to see how much media coverage these gatherings get!

2.)     The FY10 Defense Authorization conference committee begins meeting this week with the goal of completing a conference report before October.  It is imperative that all Americans become aware of this backdoor attempt to rewrite the nation’s criminal law and put religious liberty at risk.  Please do all you can to encourage those who value liberty to persuade their senators and representatives to remove the hate crimes bill from the Defense Authorization.  If the bill is necessary then let it go through regular order and be voted on without hitching a ride on a bill that actually protects Americans.

3.)    Today the G20 began its two-day meeting in Pittsburgh . . . who knows what global impact will result from this summit.  Last week Pittsburgh played host to the AFL-CIO annual conference.  What came out of the conference will also have a global impact. 

Action Steps

1.)  In response to the “Day of Islamic Unity,” Wallbuilders has a good idea!  All American Christians should respond and make this Friday a day of prayer – and please encourage others to participate with you. We know that our contest is with spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12), and we firmly believe that He Who is within us is greater than any other god or force (1 John 4:4),   Bob Knight helps explain what is likely to happen tomorrow.  Click here. 

 I believe October 9-11 should also be days of prayer for marriage and the traditional family.  The country needs prayer and these days would be a great time to zero in on the fact that America needs to turn back to God.

2.)    Congressman Louie Gohmert, a former judge says, “Existing federal law in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2(a) states that if anyone “induces” a crime’s commission, that person is as guilty as the one who actually committed the crime. I have asked and it is clear that any religious leader who teaches or preaches that homosexuality is wrong and harmful to society can be charged if someone hears them and in their own mind is induced to commit a crime.  It doesn’t matter if the charge holds up in court or not – the threat of prosecution will force leaders to alter their teaching over time.” 

There it is from someone who understands the judicial system.  Pastors free speech will be chilled, at the least, with passage of the Defense Authorization Act if it still has the hate crimes amendment attached.  Please contact Senators Specter and Casey (Don’t expect much from them as they are both co-sponsors of the hate crimes amendment, but they need to hear from constituents and you may mention their co-sponsorship of this discriminatory bill when you call them!) and your Congressman. Ask them to remove the hate crimes bill/amendment from the Defense Authorization Act . . . our military deserves a straight up or down vote on this bill that authorizes funding to equip our service personnel.  Click here for his or her contact information.

3.)Click here to read our news release concerning the AFL-CIO diversity resolution passed last week.  Apparently union leadership is completely out of touch with the rank and file members.  If you know a union member, please share this information with them.






























September 18, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    H.B. 1861 - State Attack on Marriage  

2.)    Attempts to Expand Gambling in Pennsylvania

3.)    H.R. 2262 – Federal Pro-Homosexual Bullying Bill

4.)     U.S. House Votes to Formally Scold Congressman Joe Wilson


1.)     H.B. 1861 passed in the State House Wednesday by a vote of 145 to 52.  This bill will increase rates and license fees for various things including increasing the marriage license fee from $3.00 to $28.00 - an 833% increase!  Of that $28.00, $25.50 will go to the Commonwealth and $25.00 of that will be forwarded to domestic violence programs funneled through the PA Department of Welfare.  Sounds like a good idea, until you look a little closer at what some of this money will be used for. The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence will obtain a large junk of this money and it will also be used in cases of same-sex domestic violence.  This organization is also a member of the ‘Value All Families Coalition” and opposes a Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment.   Additionally, the spring 2009 newsletter of the PA Coalition Against Rape (also a recipient of the increased fees) reveals that organization’s questionable views on how to deal with sexting.  So, these increased fees will not only place a hardship on some young couples seeking to marry, but most of the fees will go to organizations that encourage same-sex relationships and don’t see a problem with teenagers sending nude pictures of themselves to other teens over their cell phones.  Should our elected officials pass laws that specifically fund anti-marriage and anti-decency organizations?  Click here for the roll call vote I believe you may be surprised by some of the ones we consider pro-family who voted “YES” on this bill!  (Normally a roll call vote list distinguishes between the parties with different fonts, however this one does not . . . so the Republicans are the first two columns on the left down to ‘Barbin’ where the Democrats begin.  The last one listed is Keith McCall, he is a Democrat and the Speaker of the House.)

2.)    Two bills -- SB 1033  and H.B. 21  -- would legalize table games in Pennsylvania.  I believe we are all still waiting for the $1 billion property tax relief promised in 2004 when the legislative body approved slot machines!  Act 71 passed at that time and has not been fully implemented because of financial, legal, and ethical problems the PA Gaming Control Board has encountered.  Most states which rely heavily on gambling revenue have turned to other sources to help in their budget shortfalls.  Pennsylvania appears headed in the wrong direction.

3.)    The AFA of PA believes all students should be provided a safe learning environment; however is it safe to promote a lifestyle to students that increases their health risks?  Those who engage in homosexual activity have increased risks of domestic violence, eating and psychological disorders, substance abuse and sexually transmitted diseases.   Should schools be forced to ignore these risks and tell students it is okay to engage in this activity?  Homosexual activists never support bills which simply say ‘all’ students should be protected from bullying. They demand that a list be part of the bill and ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ be on that list.  See for yourself, click here to read H.R.2262.  This is a proposed amendment to the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act that was introduced on May 5, 2009. If passed, it will require schools that receive Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act funding to implement comprehensive anti-bullying policies that enumerate categories often targeted by bullies, including. . .sexual orientation and gender identity.   Schools that already receive funding for drug prevention education would either have to include homosexuality, cross-dressing, and "transsexuality" or lose federal funding for their drug prevention programs. And this would apply not just to high schools but to elementary schools as well.

4.)    Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) vocally expressed his “concerns” over the health care misinformation contained in President Obama’s speech before the joint sessions of Congress last Wednesday.  His outburst took everyone by surprise and immediately after the speech he apologized to the President and his apology was accepted.  (I’m going to interject here:  I agree with Congressman Wilson, but it was not the appropriate setting to express his outrage and he recognized that immediately after the words leaped from his mouth.  His son told him he just had ‘a town hall moment.’)  The apology to the President was not enough for the Democrats and they demanded a formal apology from the Congressman from the floor of the House.  He refused and on Tuesday they voted 240-179  to formally scold him.  

Action Steps:

1.)     H.B. 1861, the bill raising marriage license fees from $3.00 to $28.00 and other fees that will help fund anti-family and anti-decency organizations, now goes to the Senate.  Contact your State Senator and ask him or her to vote ‘NO’ on H.B. 1861. Click here for contact info.   On this linked page, key in your nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner, if you do not know who your State Senator or State Representative are. 

2.)    While you have your Senator on the phone about H.B. 1861, also ask him or her to oppose S.B. 1033, which would legalize gaming tables.   Then call your State Representative – click here for contact info – and ask him or her to oppose H.B. 21 which would also legalize gaming tables. 

3.)    Contact your U.S. Congressman and ask him or her to oppose H.R. 2262 – the pro-homosexual bullying bill that will force schools to teach K-12 students that ‘gay is okay.’  Click here for contact info. 

4.)  Click here to check out your Congressman’s Scorecard to see how he voted on the resolution condemning Congressman Wilson’s actions.  If you’d like to send Congressman Wilson a word of encouragement, you can do that through his website by clicking here. 




















































September 16, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     While We Were in DC Homosexual Activists Continued Pushing Agenda

2.)    Senator Bob Casey Votes to Continue Funding ACORN

3.)    Did you attend Saturday’s rally?  Has your local newspaper reported on it?

4.)    Bill to Repeal Federal Defense of Marriage Act Introduced


1.)     This past weekend as many were taking a stand against bigger government and other aspects of President Obama’s agenda, homosexual activists were busy strategizing to continue their push to redefine America.  On Saturday and Sunday the Rainbow Pride Connection Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Conference was held at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua NY (just north of Erie).  Additionally, the National LGBT Bar Association held their Annual Career Fair and Conference in Brooklyn, NY from September 10-12. 

2.)    Senator Casey was one of only seven Senators to vote to retain HUD funding for ACORN.  Click here to read the news release issued by the AFA of PA yesterday morning.  

3.)    Has your local newspaper reported on the 912 March on Washington?  If not, maybe you should help them out!

4.)    Yesterday Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduced a bill to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  He already has 69 sponsors.  Currently Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and openly homosexual Congressman Barney Frank do not support the bill instead opting to fully concentrate on other pro-homosexual bills like the misnamed bill the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.  Staffers say Nadler is expecting to get over 100 sponsors to force leadership to back his bill also.

Action Steps

1.)    Even as we revel in the fantastic 912 March and Rally on Saturday, we cannot let our guard down.  The war for the heart and soul of this nation is far from over.  H.B. 300  would add ‘actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity’ to the PA Human Relations Act.  If your State Representative is listed as a co-sponsor, ask him or her to remove his name.  If your State Rep’s name is not listed, call him or her and say ‘thank you for not supporting H.B. 300.’  Also, contact your State Senator and ask him to co-sponsor S.B. 707, the Marriage Protection Amendment bill, introduced by Senator Eichelberger.  Click here to find contact information for your State Senator and State Representative. 

2.)    If you think it was a bad idea for Senator Casey to vote for continued  funding of ACORN, give him a call.  His contact info is here. 

3.)    If you attended the 912 March on Washington and your local newspaper has not reported on the event or reported in a very slanted manner, why not consider writing a letter to the editor to tell of your experience.  Most newspapers have a 200 word limit, but your letter need only be a couple sentences long.  Click here for the contact for most PA papers. 

4.)    Contact your Congressman and ask him or her to oppose the effort to repeal DOMA.  This is the only law on the books that protects states from being forced to accept homosexual ‘marriages’ from another state.   Click here for contact info.


































September 8, 2009

Today’s Speech to America’s School Children

It seems President Obama has changed course on his speech.  Click here to read the text.

But still parents do not trust Obama and his administration.  One reason can be found in Farmington, Utah where last week parents found out that their children were subjected to a pro-Obama Hollywood propaganda video.  “In the clip, a parade of entertainers vow to flush their toilets less, buy hybrid vehicles, end poverty and world hunger, and commit to "service" for "change."   Actress Demi Moore leads the glitterati in a collective promise "to be a servant to our president." Musician Anthony Kiedis pledges ‘to be of service to Barack Obama.’”  Click here to read Michele Malkin’s complete article. 

 Additionally, Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel discovered the actions of the administration and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan are against the law!  Duncan sent a letter to school principals, sidestepping school boards and superintendents, “encouraging” them to stop regular class time so classes could tune into Obama’s live speech on Tuesday.  The US Department of Education provided lesson plans, sample activities and questions that teachers could use to promote the event. The letter went on to encourage teachers to “build background knowledge about the president by reading books about Barack Obama.” 

However, Federal law specifically forbids Obama, Duncan or any officer from exercising “any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system.” 20 U.S.C. § 3403.

There has been outrage among parents, but also school boards and superintendents are not happy that the President has chosen to ignore their authority.  Some parents have kept their kids home today.  Many schools are taping the speech for review by the school board and administrators before showing it to the students.  Some will seek parental permission before showing it at all.

Action Steps:

1.)    Check your school district’s website to see if they are providing parents with information about the president’s speech.  Click here and then on your county and finally on ‘School District” on the left side bar on this page.  Let the school know your opinion on the President speaking to America’s school children.  

2.)    President Obama’s speech is supposed to be streamed live here. 



















September 3, 2009


1.)    Update on PA Budget Impasse

2.)    “Health Care” Debate Continues

3.)    President Obama to Address ALL School Children


1.)  After Sunday Pennsylvania will be the only state in the nation without a budget.  Connecticut just approved theirs and it goes into affect on Sunday.  As the chorus for spending/taxing seems to be drowning out the drumbeat for getting spending under control, the pressures to resolve the budget are growing.  On Monday the Harrisburg Patriot News called the continuing impasse embarrassing and laid the blame at the feet of Senate Republicans.  But is that accurate?    On Monday Governor Rendell took his proposed natural gas tax off the negotiating table.  That’s good news, but did you know? 

a.)  This year Pennsylvanians worked until April 14 just to pay their tax
                   bill. That  is the 11th latest among the country's 50 states.

b.)  Federal, state and local taxes consume 28.5 percent of
                  Pennsylvanians' income, 41 percent if the federal deficit spending is
                  added to the mix.

c.)  Pennsylvanians pay an average $4,463 per capita in state and local
                  taxes, spending more on taxes than they do on food, clothing and
                  housing combined.

d.)  Pennsylvania ranks in the top 20 in state and local taxes, spending,
                   property taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes and debt per capita.

            e.)  Under Governor Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania's debt obligation has
                  increased from $6.8 billion to $9.5 billion in the 2009-10 budget
                  proposal, a 40 percent increase in seven years. Annual payments on
                  bonds have been increased 250 percent since Rendell took office.

Past budget decisions now mean legislators must make tough decisions this year.  Spending must be cut.  The question is do enough legislators from both parties have enough courage to do the right thing and work to cut spending and not increase an already heavy tax burden on Pennsylvanians. 

Additionally, the AFA of PA knows that our tax dollars have been used to fund activities which the majority of Pennsylvanians do not approve.  Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) grants to the Philadelphia Equality Forum are examples of such fiscal mismanagement. As of the beginning of August Equality Forum was still awaiting the receipt of four state grants. 

Yesterday Democracy Rising PA called the use of the secretive practice of ‘walking around money’ or pork barrel grants unconstitutional.  Former Senator Vince Fumo, who began serving his 4 ½ year jail term on Monday for defrauding the Senate and two nonprofits of several million dollars, was instrumental in getting the pork barrel grants for Equality Forum approved through DCED.

2.)  United States Senators and Representatives will be back in session on September 8th.  So-called health care reform is right at the top of their respective agendas.  On Monday Senator Bob Casey, Jr. said he expected to get a health care bill on the President’s desk by the end of October at the latest.  Have legislators listened to their constituents during the August town hall meetings? 

3.)  On Tuesday, September 8 President Obama is planning an address to all of America’s school children.  The purpose?  Well, it has changed since it was first announced earlier this week.  Initially, suggested activities included asking pre-K to 6th grade students to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president."  After hearing the speech, teachers were also asked to lead the students in a discussion about what the President wants them to do.  When these suggested lesson plans from the White House became public, outrage and accusations of indoctrination followed.

Action Steps

1.)  Do you feel that you are being taxed enough?  Then contact your State Representative and State Senator and let them know that the inclusion of tax hikes in the new budget would not be appreciated.  Click here and key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner. 

2.)  Yes, abortion and euthanasia (check out Section 1233 of H.R. 3200)  are a part of the ‘health care’ bills.  Every effort to offer amendments to stop abortion coverage was voted down by Democrats.  NOTE:  some legislators are trying to say the Hyde Amendment makes it illegal to federally fund abortions (in reality, it only prevents coverage of abortions through Medicaid).  However, the Hyde Amendment must be approved each year as part of the Health and Human Services Appropriations bill and it was not passed this year.  Many supporters of HR 3200 are trying to hide behind the Hyde Amendment.   Contact Senators Specter and Casey  and your U.S. Congressman and let him or her know your thoughts on the federal takeover of our health care system which would result in a government takeover of 6% of the U.S. economy. 

3.)Click here to read the full story.  Consider calling your school to see when the planned airing of the President’s remarks are.  If possible, visit your child’s classroom to see firsthand what the President is telling your child – take notes.  If you can’t visit your child’s school during that time slot, then you may want to consider keeping them home that day.































August 27, 2009


1.)     Why We Need to Stop the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

2.)    Graduation Tests – a bad idea

3.)    912 March on DC


1.)      United Nations believes kindergarten students should be taught about masturbation!  Every kindergartener in America will be given this sex ed lesson if the Senate ratifies the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Click here to read the story. 

2.)    From Mars R & R Services in Butler County concerning the Keystone Exams -- a proposed graduation exam:  (for a more complete analysis click here )

A little background: 

6.3.09 --  Senate Education Committee unanimously blocked the State Department of Education from going forward with a $201 million contract with a Minnesota testing company to implement the Keystone Exams. For two hours prior to the vote Education Secretary Gerald Zahorchak was skewered for proceeding with a seven-year contract without legislative approval at a time when Pennsylvania faces a $3.2 billion deficit.

8.13.09 --  Joint Concurrent Resolution by Representative Clymer and Representative Youngblood.

This Resolution is at the request of the NAACP and intends to do the following:

*A unified message from the General Assembly to Governor Rendell asking for him to cease all implementation and funding of the final-form regulation.

*The PA Constitution vests the power to make education policy and funding decisions in the General Assembly and the executive power in the Governor.

*The General Assembly and the Governor have an opportunity to work together and do what the Constitution and the People sent them here to do.

The basic message of this is:

The People have spoken, the General Assembly has spoken, the Governor has spoken.  Since the Department of Education will not listen to the General Assembly, maybe they will listen to the Governor.  So the General Assembly is reaching out to him for this assistance. 

8.25.09 -- In one day we got 85 co-sponsors and we are now up to 136 co-sponsors who have signed onto support the Bi-partisan Joint Concurrent Resolution in regards to students and Keystone Exams.

Following are the State Reps who have not yet signed on to the Joint Concurrent Resolution co-sponsored by Representatives Youngblood and Clymer at the request of the NAACP, which is a non-partisan resolution.

There are 136 co-sponsors, and the House has been in session only one day since this was circulated by Reps. Youngblood and Clymer. Only 30 more co-sponsors are needed. The purpose behind this resolution is to demonstrate to IRRC (who will be reviewing the regulations) that there is not sufficient legislative intent, slow down the regulatory process, allow time for another discharge resolution for SB281  to come before the full house, and eliminate funding from the Governor’s budget. (There were sufficient votes in the full House the last time SB281 was brought forth to pass the House, which is why the Senate Ed. Committee passed SB281 onto Appropriations Committee, where it currently sits and can be brought forth again after required days pass.) Recall that SB281 has already passed in the Senate 48-1.

The following State Representatives have not signed on as co-sponsors:









































Delaware County






Ed Committee







Keller, Mark














Ed Committee










O'Brien, Denny


Ed Committee





Curry, L.

Ed Committee





Daley, P










Legis. Black Caucus


Deluca, A



O'Brien, Mike

Ed Committee






Ed Committee
























Ed Committee/BlCaucus

Taylor, John







Evans, D.
























George, Bud









Smith, K




Ed Committee














Taylor, Rick










Ed Committee



Ed Committee/BlCaucus





White, Jesse













Ed Committee


3.)     Interested in going to Washington, D.C. to deliver a message to those who are working to remake and redefine America?

Action Steps:

1.)    Check out the Parental Rights website  to see why this UN Conventionon the Rights of the Child MUST be stopped. If your Congressman is not a co-sponsor ask him or her to sign on as a co-sponsor of H.J. Res. 42 Click here to review the list of co-sponsors.  Neither of Pennsylvania's US Senators are co-sponsors -- please ask Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. to sign on as co-sponsor sof S.J. Res. 16. 

2.)    If your State Representative is currently on the list under Number 2 above, please consider contacting him or her and urging them to sign on as a co-sponsor for the Bi-partisan Joint Concurrent Resolution in regards to students and Keystone Exams.  If interested, they can contact either Representative Paul Clymer or Representative Rosita Youngblood. 

3.)    Click here for a list of Pennsylvania locations where buses will be leaving to make the trip to Washington, D.C. on September 12th.    If you know of any others, please let us know so we can update the list.  It would be helpful to have the exact location, address, time of departure, cost, and contact person, but simply the town and contact information is sufficient. 
















August 18, 2009


1.)     Governor Continues Pushing for Gambling Expansion

2.)    President Obama Files for Revocation of Defense of Marriage Act


1.)     Even as the budget impasse continues into its seventh week Governor Ed Rendell continues demanding gambling expansion be a part of the final bill.  He wants table games in all Pennsylvania casinos and video poker machines in local bars and restaurants.  This past Friday the Pennsylvania House heard hours of testimony in favor of gambling expansion from casino CEOs and gambling lobbyists.  But some how they neglected to invite even one to testify in opposition to gambling expansion!

2.)    Late yesterday President Obama’s Justice Department filed legal paperwork challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act. (DOMA).  Click here to read the AFA of PA news release issued earlier today for more details.

Action Steps:

1.)    If you don’t think gambling expansion is a good idea for Pennsylvania, please contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to oppose any attempt to expand gambling.  Click here and key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner for contact information. 

2.)    If the federal Defense of Marriage Act is revoked, every state in the union will be required to legalize same-sex marriage – even those 30 that have passed Marriage Protection Amendments!  If this concerns you, please contact President Obama, Senators Specter and Casey and your Congressman.  Since there has been some controversy about the White House sending unsolicited e-mails defending the health ‘care’ bill, perhaps calling the Comment Line would be better than an e-mail.  It is 202-456-1111.


































August 12, 2009


1.)    Who’s Really the ‘Mob’ Behind the Town Hall Meeting Confrontations?

a.)    Report from Senator Specter’s Lebanon Town Hall Meeting Yesterday.
 -- the AFA of PA has reviewed the Senate health care bill that was voted out of committee on July 15th

2.)    Has Your Congressman Cancelled His/Her Town Hall Meeting?

3.)    House Resolution 615 – has your Congressman signed on?

4.)    AARP Supports Obamacare!


1.)  In addition to President Obama’s political organization, “Organizing for
     America,” getting involved to push for his so-called health care bill, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and AFL-CIO have announced their efforts to push through this health insurance takeover.  Click here to watch what happened in Denver when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was there last week.  Also, click here to read Michelle Malkin’s take on the demonization of citizens who have asked tough questions of their legislators at town hall meetings.   We need to remember that President Obama and his radicals have thrown so many issues into the mix that even though health care is the center of our attention right now, bills like Card Check are still inching their way through.  Keep in mind that if Card Check does pass that means the unions will have millions of dollars in additional dues that they can use in organizing to push Obama’s agenda.

a.)    An eyewitness report from Senator Specter’s Lebanon town hall meeting yesterday – thanks to Louis Petolicchio, Course Director for the Constitutional Organization for Liberty (COOL)

Just a few highlights regarding the Specter town hall in Lebanon I attended this morning:

  • Doors at HACC were not scheduled to open until 9:00 AM; people concerned about Obamacare were in line at 7:00 AM
  • Specter made a brief statement and then opened it up for questions; problem is that unknown to the audience, Specter's people had given numbered cars to select people and they were the only ones allowed to ask questions!  You could feel the air get sucked out of the room when Specter said only people with cards could ask questions because everyone felt the event was rigged.  Fortunately, because so many real Americans were early, the scheme back-fired and the majority of the questions dealt with the issues of concern; this prompted one attendee to get up and demand the right to speak (that's the video that's been run on TV all day)
  • Specter either is ignorant about the House bill which is the crux of the debate or lying about some things because when challenged on the euthanasia aspects of the bill, he claimed it was a malicious lie (the language of the bill clearly indicates otherwise)
  • Overwhelming majority of attendees are not happy with these healthcare "reform" plans
  • A TEA Party rally was held outside during the town hall which several hundred people who could not get into the town hall (which held 250) attended
  • There were a couple of verbal efforts by the union thugs to initiate confrontation but they were blown off
  • The Lebanon City police were great - polite but firm and they worked well with the HACC security people
  • Despite the one episode that generated all of the media attention, the majority of attendees were very civil but very vocal in their opposition to Obamacare and I am proud of the character of my neighbors
  • I was also impressed with the knowledge my fellow citizens demonstrated about Obamacare in general and the US Constitution in particular, and the ardent defense that so many were willing to make in defense of the Constitution was very encouraging
  • The Obamabots were the true 'organized mob'; they had pre-printed campaign-style signs, "Healthcare Now" stickers and other paraphernalia, and it was obvious many had been shipped in from outside of the area because they had received marching orders to do so

2.)    In response to constituents demanding answers from their elected officials, many Congressmen are announcing the cancellation of Town Hall Meetings or they will be holding “telephone town hall meetings.”  Congressman Michael Doyle will be holding such a meeting the end of this month.  But we have some suggestions?

3.)    Louisiana Congressman John Fleming, a family doctor, has introduced a resolution concerning health care reform, but many aren’t signing on because it would require them to use the health care system that they are trying to push on the rest of us.

4.)    AARP is saying they aren’t endorsing any health care bill, but their actions are saying something else.  Members of the organization expressed their discontent at a meeting recently and the AARP representative unplugged her microphone and went home!

Action Steps:

1.)    Senator Specter has another town hall meeting tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.:
Open House Town Meeting
Belmont Complex
415 Butler Road
Kittanning, PA 16201

Make your signs, take your questions, plan on being there early because the unions and other pro-health care takeover groups will be there to try to drown out grassroots Pennsylvanians.  Additionally, before going check out AFA of PA’s review of the Senate health care bill – click here.

2.)    If your Congressman has cancelled his or her town hall meeting or just plans on having a ‘telephone’ town hall meeting, here’s what you can do:  visit their District office in pairs (no more than 6 people) and meet with the member or his/her Chief of Staff.  Obama's ACORN force is doing the same.   If the member is not there, have a petition to leave behind ready.  Take a picture of leaving it behind, in case the District office claims they haven't heard from their constituents.

3.)    Ask your Congressman to support of House Resolution 615.    Click here for more details. 

4.)    If you haven’t seen this video of an AARP meeting about the health care bill, check it out.  Do you know anyone who is a member of AARP?  They might like to know what their dues are helping support.   Additionally, AARP opposed the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment and Prop 8 in California. 


































August 3, 2009


1.)     Senator Specter Shouted Down at Philadelphia Town Hall Meeting

2.)    Thank Pennsylvania Senator Richard Alloway

3.)    U.S. House Votes to Give ‘Cash for Clunkers” $2 Billion More!


1.)     Senator Arlen Specter held a Town Hall Meeting in Philadelphia yesterday.  His guest was Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and their main topic of discussion was the health care reform efforts in Washington.  They received an unexpected response from the crowd. (Thanks Southeastern TEA Party organizers!) Click here to watch the You Tube video. 

2.)    Rev. Gerry Stoltzfoos of Hanover was finally permitted to pray in Jesus’ name last Wednesday – in the Senate.  State Representative Will Tallman, a member of Rev. Stoltzfoos’ church, had invited him to open the House session in prayer in June.  However, House leadership reviewed the prayer and told him he had to make it a ‘non-denominational’ prayer and could not include ‘pray in Jesus’ name.’  Under those restrictions, Rev. Stoltzfoos declined to deliver the prayer.  Enter State Senator Richard Alloway also of Adams County, who invited the pastor to open the Senate in prayer without restrictions.

3.)    With news that the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program was running on empty this past Friday the House hurriedly passed a bill to “Rob Peter to Pay Paul.”  They allocated $2 Billion from an alternative fuel loan program to give to the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program.  And guess what – 18 of Pennsylvania’s 19 Congressmen voted ‘Yea’!  The bill now goes to the Senate for a vote.

Action Steps:

1.)    Don’t forget to gather like-minded friends and neighbors, bring your signs and video cameras and attend Town Hall Meetings being held in your area.  Also, check the AFA of PA Scorecards  to see how legislators voted on key issues and go with some questions about those votes.  (NOTE:  Kathleen Sebelius said during Sunday’s Town Hall Meeting that there is no bill yet – what does she call H.R. 3200?  Additionally, this ‘no bill yet’ was voted out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Friday!) Senator Specter has listed his Town Hall Meetings through August 13th here.    We also know that he will be holding one on August 20th at 1:00 p.m. at the AFSCME headquarters on Liberty Street in Franklin.  Still no word on when and where Senator Casey  will be holding Town Hall Meetings.  Check with your Congressman to see when their Town Hall Meetings will be.  Tomorrow Congressman Glenn Thompson’s staff will be available from noon till 3:30 at the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, 1259 Liberty Street in Franklin.

2.)    (a) Thank State Senator Alloway for extending the invitation to Rev. Stotlzfoos to open the Senate session in prayer.  His e-mail address is or his phone number is (717) 787-4651.

(b) Thank Pastor Gerry for taking a stand for Jesus.   His contact information is or call 717-624-3411.

(c ) Contact House Speaker Keith McCall and ask why the House leadership restricts the First Amendment rights of those with deeply held religious beliefs.  Click here for his contact form.   His phone number is (717) 783-1375.

3.)     Contact Senators Specter and Casey and ask them to vote ‘No’ on H.R. 3435 – the $2 billion additional allotment for ‘Cash for Clunkers.’
































July 31, 2009


1.)     Health Care

2.)    Town Hall Meetings


1.)     Last night it appeared that abortion may be taken out of the House version of the so-called ‘health care reform bill,’ but it only lasted a few hours!  An amendment was introduced and passed in Committee which said health care legislation moving through Congress may not impose requirements for coverage of abortion, except in limited cases. It was approved in the Energy and Commerce Committee after conservative Democrats joined Republicans to support it.  Well, Committee Chairman Henry Waxman didn’t like the outcome and called for a second vote after ‘twisting the arms’ of Democrats who had previously voted ‘yes.’  The final outcome of that vote was 30-29 against the amendment. 

Here are some more problems outlined by Eagle Forum:

·        On page 5 the government will force all taxpayers to pay for health care for millions of people who don't now buy insurance because they don't need it, or because insurance doesn't cover what they do need. 

·        Page 22 Government agents will audit and then harass small business owners to force them to pay for insurance they cannot afford. 

·        Page 102 Anyone who does not enroll in an Exchange-participating plan will be "automatically enrolled under Medicaid."  There’s your universal health care!

·        Pages 404 and 407 contains language that opens up funding for health and translation services for illegal aliens. 

·        Pages 425 and 429, Seniors must submit to "advance care planning consultation" (a.k.a. end-of-life discussions) every five years, or more often if there is "a significant change in the health condition of the individual. 

·        Page 768  provides for optional "nurse home visitation services" without specifying who has power to exercise the option. Among the various purposes listed are "increasing birth intervals between pregnancies" (think China). 

·        Page 772 will impose mandatory coverage of abortion on demand in all health plans.

·        Pages 909 and 910 opens the door for grants to ACORN.

2.)     Senators and Congressmen will be home for August break the entire month.  There will be opportunities to visit them in their district offices and to participate in town hall meetings. 

Action Steps

1.)    President Obama has been dealt his first major defeat in not getting health care voted on by the August recess as he had originally demanded, but neither he nor the Democrats have lessened their determination to socialize America’s health care.  As listed above this bill is no good – period.  Please contact your Congressman and ask that he or she vote ‘no’ on HR 3200.  Further government interference in health care will NOT fix the problems that do exist; they will only increase those problems and create more.

2.)    Please plan on taking this opportunity to gather up friends and neighbors who share your values and set up an appointment to visit district offices and attend town hall meetings.  I’ve heard many of them have become quite lively across the nation and legislators are taken aback at their constituents’ passion.  Click here to watch one Iraq War veteran demand an apology from his Senator in Missouri.   Our US Senators and Congressmen also need to hear from concerned Pennsylvanians.  Go to these meetings with an armload of questions on hate crimes, health care, stimulus money used for porn movies, cap and trade, etc.  For some ideas go to our website.  Senator Specter has his currently scheduled town hall meetings up on his website here.  Since nothing was posted on Senator Casey’s website, I spoke to his district office in Pittsburgh (his DC number was busy) and they said the Senator will issue a news release when town hall meetings are scheduled, but he does not intend to place that information on his website.  So, I guess we have to keep checking the papers if we want to talk to him!  Check with your Congressman’s office or website to see when town hall meetings are scheduled for them.  They MUST hear from WE THE PEOPLE (their employers) this MONTH!























 July 29, 2009

1.)     Sonya Sotomayor Voted Out of Senate Judiciary Committee

2.)    Did Your Congressman Oppose Defunding Planned Parenthood?

3.)    Marriage Protection Amendment Bill Still Seeking Co-Sponsors

1.)      On July 28th by a party line vote (discounting South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham’s vote for Sotomayor) Judge Sonya Sotomayor was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Her confirmation now goes before the full Senate, where a final vote is expected next week.  The Investor’s Business Daily has an excellent analysis of the committee vote and the dangers posed if Sotomayor is confirmed next week.  

2.)     Last Friday Congressmen had an opportunity to defund Planned Parenthood – the majority chose not to take this step.  On June 25th five of Pennsylvania’s Democratic members of Congress signed onto a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi advising her to keep abortion out of the ‘health care reform’ debate.  Unfortunately last Friday, four of these five voted ‘no’ on defunding Planned Parenthood.  Yesterday the AFA of PA faxed each of them a letter.  For more information, click here for our news release. 

3.)    Senator John Eichelberger is still seeking co-sponsors to his Marriage Protection Amendment bill – SB 707.  Senators have a clear choice – they can either co-sponsor Senator Eichelberger’s bill or co-sponsor Senator Daylin Leach’s same-sex marriage (SSM) bill – SB 935.  There’s no middle ground here – each Senator either supports traditional marriage or same-sex marriage.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Call and e-mail Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘no’ on the Sotomayor confirmation.  Click here for contact information. 

2.)    Does Congressman Michael Doyle, Tim Holden, Paul Kanjorski or John Murtha represent you in Washington? If so, please contact him and ask why they  did not vote to defund Planned Parenthood after signing onto the June 25th Pelosi letter.

3.)  Senator Eichelberger has a list of co-sponsors to SB 707 up on his website – click here.   Also, here’s the link to Senator Leach’s SSM bill, click here.     If your Senator is not posted as a co-sponsor on one or the other bill – where does he or she stand on the issue of marriage?  Please call and find out!  Click here for contact information. 

























July 24, 2009

1.)     Scorecards are Completed

2.)    Health Care Reform – biggest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade!

1.)     The Scorecards for Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. and Pennsylvania’s nineteen Congressmen are completed. They will be updated as necessary.  Click here

2.)    H.R. 3200, “America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009” is currently in markup in the Energy and Commerce Committee.  It is being delayed by Blue Dog Democrats who are uneasy with the impact to the deficit and the haste of the Administration to get something passed.  Also, click here to read pro-life Democrats June 25th letter to Nancy Pelosi. 

Here are some problems associated with the bill:

·        A Minimum Health Benefits Committee will be created to define the minimum requirements for insurance companies.  The bottom line: Individuals must provide a public healthcare plan or pay a 2.5% tax penalty and employers must do the same or pay an 8% tax penalty.

·        There is a MANDATE for access for abortions so organizations like Planned Parenthood will get contracts to build abortion clinics in neighborhoods across America whether wanted or not.  Currently 87% of US counties do not have abortion clinics . . . that all changes if Obama’s ‘health care reform’ becomes law.

·        This bill would implement, de facto, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) pre-empting more than 200 state laws such as parental consent and late term abortion laws.

·        There is no conscience protection for healthcare providers.

·        It also mandates the collection of LGBT statistical data for the first time.

The language of the bill says it all!  In the 1018 page piece of legislation the words “choice,” “options,” and “freedom” can be only found 85 times.  The words “require,” “limit,” and “must” can be found 700 times!!  There are 1,000 mentions of the Secretaries of Health, Labor, Defense, and Veterans Affairs because of their involvement.  Absolutely NO MENTION of “freedom,” “liberty,” or “patient driven” in the whole bill!

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  Contact your member of Congress and ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 3200.  2/3’s of the American people do not believe that tax payers should fund abortion, yet Obama ‘s idea of ‘health care reform’ requires it.  Besides does the Constitution give the federal government the power to be involved in the health care industry?  Click here for congressional contact info. 

















July 16, 2009

Hate Crimes Vote Will be Today . . . Unless the Lord Intervenes

At 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday morning Senator Harry Reid filed the hate crimes bill as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill and filled the ‘amendment tree’ so that Republicans cannot offer amendments.  Reid filed cloture immediately after that.   Click here to read the 17 page amendment. 

There is a required 30 hours between the time cloture is filed and a vote can take place.   That would mean Amendment number 1151 to S 1390 would come up for a vote as early as 3:45 this afternoon.

The following is an excerpt from the letter the AFA of PA faxed Senators Casey and Specter Wednesday evening:

·        Jesse Dirkhising was a 13-year-old Arkansas boy who was murdered about the same time Mathew Shepard was murdered in Wyoming, Jesse was brutally sodomized by two homosexual men who were family ‘friends.’  He died suffocating in his own vomit as the two men took a lunch break from their ‘entertainment.’ You never heard of Jesse Dirkhising because of the media silence on this case.  The Washington Times notes that when homosexual Matthew Shepard was murdered in Wyoming in 1998, there were no fewer than 3,000 media stories about that killing. But The Times says in the month following Dirkhising's murder, there were only 46 stories.   

·        Mary Stachowicz of Chicago was murdered in 2002 by homosexual Nicholas Gutierrez.  He raped, battered, strangled and stabbed to death the 51 year old mother of four after she expressed her religious beliefs that the homosexual lifestyle was immoral.

·        In September 2006 another Shephard died – this time it was Jason Shephard in Philadelphia.  He was picked up by Bill Smithson, a co-worker who identified as homosexual.  Smithton slipped Jason the date-rape drug GHB and when he resisted Smithton’s sexual advances Jason was strangled.

In each of the above cases the murderers were not charged with a hate crime, yet each is serving a life sentence.  Now, let’s reverse the scenario and the murdered becomes the murderer.  If Amendment 1151 to S1390 with the ‘sexual orientation’ language becomes law, Jesse Dirkhising, Mary Stachowicz and Jason Shepard would each be charged with a hate crime if they had reversed the tables and been the murderer.  This will create unequal protection under the law – certain groups will have greater protection than others.  This is not the American way.

All violent crimes are hate crimes and all violent criminals should be severely punished.  While we all want to decrease hatred and bigotry in our society, we do not believe that passing a constitutionally-questionable law is the answer.  We must enforce existing laws so that all violent criminals know they will pay for their actions.”

Even though Senators Casey and Specter are co-sponsors of this bill, now amendment, they need to hear from their constituents:  that’s us!

FYI:  Senator Dick Durbin, during his defense yesterday of fast tracking this amendment, compared those who oppose the hate crimes language with those who opposed anti-lynching bills of decades before. 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Pray.

2.)    Contact Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Robert Casey, Jr., ask them to vote ‘no’ on Amendment 1151 to S1390 – the hate crimes amendment.  Click here for contact information. Tell them this bill is unnecessary and creates unequal protection under the law.  Please contact them, even if you have already.   They need to hear from you again!































July 15, 2009

1.)    Hate Crimes to Advance as Amendment – Vote This Week

2.)    Senate Scorecard

Matthew Shepard’s mother Judy is in Washington, D.C. this week and Senator Harry Reid has promised her he will introduce the hate crimes bill as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.  This will probably take place this morning, thus at this point we do not have the amendment number or the exact language. Cloture will then be filed and the final vote will not come before late Thursday or early Friday morning.  (As a side note here:  Reid has also said he will support an amendment to place an 18-month moratorium on ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ if it’s introduced.  Passage of such would allow homosexuals to serve in the military openly. For more information on the dangers to our military, go to Elaine Donnelly’s website Center for Military Readiness.)

Homosexual activist organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign have pulled out all the stops to see that the hate crimes bill is passed.  They and their allies have been bombarding Senators’ offices all this week.  Remember this bill has already passed in the House and President Obama has promised to sign it if the Senate passes it. 

If this bill passes, two major changes will take place:  1.)  gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability will be added to the federal hate crimes law as protected categories  2.)  it removes the requirement that a victim be engaged in a federally protected activity such as going to the post office, serving on a jury or attending public school before the federal government can prosecute.

The real purpose of this bill is to silence or, at the very least, chill the First Amendment rights of those with deeply held religious beliefs that engaging in homosexual acts are sinful.  Swedish Pastor Ake Green faced hate crime charges because he preached from Romans 1 in his own church.  In British Columbia, a Catholic counselor was fined $1,000 for saying a homosexual couple’s lifestyle was “not normal or natural.”  Here in PA we know how hate crimes laws can ‘evolve.’  Less than two years after members of the House supporting hate crimes assured Pennsylvanians this was all about thugs, hooligans and blood on the streets, 11 Christians were arrested for singing choruses and reading Scripture at a Philadelphia homosexual event.  Click here to listen to my April 29th interview with Michael Marcavage as we talk about that fateful day in October 2004. 

Remember ‘sexual orientation’ is not defined in this bill and an amendment to specifically not protect those engaged in pedophilia (a sexual orientation) was rejected by the Democrat-controlled House. 

2.)The AFA of PA has started a new project – creating a scorecard to follow the votes of Senators Specter and Casey and one to follow the votes of the 19 PA Congressmen.  The Senate Scorecard is complete – although it will change as more votes are cast – and is up on our website.  The Congressional one is still in the works, but will be up on our website as soon as it is completed.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Contact Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘no’ on the Hate Crimes Amendment.  Click here for contact information, please e-mail AND call their district office nearest you. 

Additional points: 

n      The Matthew Shepard hate crimes legislation is not necessary (Wyoming, where Shepard was murdered, does not have a hate crimes law yet his murderers are each serving a life sentence.  They received the death penalty, but Shepard’s parents do not believe in it and asked that the murderers serve life sentences instead.)

n      There is no epidemic of hate crimes-- There were nearly a million assaults in 2007.   242 assaults included some kind of bodily injury in which there was some motive attributed to bias or hatred because of a selected group.






























AFA of PA Action Alert

July 8, 2009

Stop the Hate Crimes Blitz Day!

Tomorrow United States Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. need to hear from you.  They need to be asked to oppose the hate/thought crimes bill.   This bill needs to be stopped – not amended, not watered down, but STOPPED!

Please click here for contact information for Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr.

If we don’t want the thought police trying to read our minds to determine the motives of what we do, this must be stopped.  Its real purpose is to silence, or at a minimum, chill the free speech rights of those with deeply held religious beliefs that the homosexual lifestyle is wrong.

If this bill passes, the murderer of a seven-year-old girl or a grandmother will not receive as stiff a penalty as the murderer of a homosexual male or transgender.  Additionally, federal dollars will be directed to local authorities to help in the murder investigation for the homosexual and transgender.

Call Senators Specter and Casey and ask them to vote ‘no’ on the hate/thought crimes bill.  Click here for contact information.   Please call both their DC offices AND the district office nearest you. If you don't get a real person at one number, please continue calling until you speak to a live person.   Also, consider dropping the senators an e-mail.

Please forward this to other concerned Pennsylvanians.






























July 4, 2009

1.)     What Does It Really Mean?

2.)    Does Your Legislator Believe No New Taxes Are a Reality?

1.)      On July 4th1837 John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States and the first President who was the son of a President delivered a speech in Newburyport, Massachusetts at the request of that town’s citizenry.  He said in that speech delivered eight years after he left the Presidency, “Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the World, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day? – And why is it that, among the swarming myriads of our population, thousands and tens of thousands among us, abstaining, under the dictate of religious principle, from the commemoration of that birth-day of Him, who brought life and immortality to light, yet unite with all their brethren of this community, year after year, in celebrating this, the birth-day of the nation?  Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth? That it laid the corner stone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.  The Fourth of July celebration -- next to Christmas, the most joyous and most venerated festival – don’t tell the ACLU!  Click here to read his full remarks.  Perhaps we should spend some time in prayer today for our nation.

2.)    Does your state legislator believe a balanced budget can be passed without a tax increase?  Click here to see. If you’d like to speak to him or her about this, click here for contact information – key in your county or zip in the upper right hand corner. 


































June 29, 2009

1.)     Update on Cap and Trade – How your Congressman Voted

2.)    Harold Koh confirmed to be Legal Counsel of the Department of State.

3.)    Hate Crimes Update

1.)     On the afternoon of Friday June 26th H.R. 2454 passed in the House by a vote of 219 to 212.  A 300 page amendment was added to this 1,200 page bill at 3:00 a.m., just hours before the final vote!  Remember this bill will raise the energy costs of every American family of four by about $3000 per year. 

Here’s a rundown of how PA’s 19 Congressmen voted:   Jason Altmire   - NO; Robert Brady – YES; Christopher Carney – NO; Kathy Dahlkemper  -- NO; Charles Dent – NO ; Michael Doyle – YES; Chakah Fattah  -- YES; Jim Gerlach – NO; Tim Holden  -- NO; Paul E. Kanjorski – YES; Patrick J. Murphy – YES; Tim Murphy – NO; John Murtha  -- YES; Joseph Pitts – NO; Todd Russell Platts – NO; Allyson Schwartz – YES; Joe Sestak  -- YES; Bill Shuster – NO; Glenn Thompson – NO

2.)      On Thursday by a vote of 62-35 the Senate confirmed Harold Koh to be Legal Counsel of the Department of State. Both Senators Specter and Casey voted for confirmation.   What will Koh be doing in the State Department?  He would be responsible for advising the State Department on all domestic and international legal issues. He would also be responsible for helping to formulate foreign policies and for developing the department’s stances on international law. 

What does he support?  He favors gay rights, same-sex marriage and abortion and is opposed to the death penalty and was the 2005 recipient of the National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (NLGLA) Allies for Justice Award.

Mr. Koh has been quoted as being in favor of subordinating domestic law to international law. In a book titled The Best American Legal Commentary, he was quoted as saying the goal of integrating America into a global constitutional system is incorporating international law into the American legal system.

His perspective is indicative of what scholars call “transnational progressivism,” which is a movement and political view that endorses a concept of subordinating domestic law to international law.

A 2004 Columbia Human Rights Law Review article quoted him as saying, “[The t]ransnational legal process forces states to become more law abiding by incorporating international law into their domestic legal and political structures.”

3.)    Also, on Thursday a so-called hearing on S 909 – the hate crimes bill -- was held.  Of the five who were asked to testify only one was opposed to passage of this bill.  Even Attorney General Eric Holder testified in favor of the bill.  Fed Ex has delivered over 700,000 letters opposing S909 to the Senate.  These have made an impact!  But President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are ignoring the outpouring of opposition and are saying they want this passed ASAP.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Call your Congressman and, if they voted ‘no’ on H.R. 2454 – the giant tax increase—thank them; if they voted ‘yes’ ask them if they will help you pay your increased energy bills!  Click here to find your Congressman and contact info. 

2.)    Contact Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘No’ on S. 909.  NOTE:  Each of our Senators is listed as a co-sponsor!  Click here for contact info.  We suggest you contact both their DC office AND the district office nearest you.  






























June 26, 2009

Massive Tax Increase – Cap and Trade Bill – Vote Today or Tomorrow

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) is pushing for a vote on her ‘legacy bill’ H.R. 2454  today or tomorrow even though all her arm-twisting and promises have not currently produced enough ‘yes’ votes.  This bill is also known as “The American Clean Energy and Security Act," and the Waxman-Markey plan.  The vote will be V-E-R-Y close and we have an opportunity to convince our Pennsylvania Congressmen that this is not a good idea.

What will this bill do?  According to the ‘Title’ on the bill, it is “To create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy.”  They always have nice sounding titles, but the reality is something quite different. 

The 1,200-plus page Waxman-Markey climate change legislation is nothing more than an energy tax in disguise that by 2035 will raise:

    • Gasoline prices by 58 percent
    • Natural gas prices by 55 percent
    • Home heating oil by 56 percent
    • Worst of all, electricity prices by 90 percent

The average family-of-four costs rise by $2,979 per year. In the year 2035 alone, the cost is $4,609. And the costs per family for the whole energy tax aggregated from 2012 to 2035 are $71,493.

Additionally these increased costs will kill jobs and kill our economy by forcing many businesses to relocate, outsource jobs overseas or even close their doors altogether.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  Contact your Congressman and ask him or her to vote “No on H.R. 2454  – the Cap and Trade Bill.”  Click here for contact information. 

























June 12, 2009


1.)     House Resolution 131 – a Message to the Architect of the Capitol

2.)    Bus Radio Playing in Your Child’s School Bus?

3.)    Report from Taxpayer Protest Day -  June 9th in Harrisburg

4.)    New US Policy – to promote abortion and homosexuality overseas

5.)    Federal Hate Crimes Update/Reminder

Details and Action Steps:

1.)     House Resolution 131 was introduced on May 20th.  To help balance the lack of truthfulness about America’s Christian heritage in the new Capitol Visitor Center, this resolution directs the Architect of the Capitol to engrave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the National Motto of "In God We Trust" in the Capitol Visitor Center.  There are 89 co-sponsors, is your Congressman one of them?   If not, click here to contact your Congressman about co-sponsoring House Resolution 131.  (BUT check out number 4 below before calling your Congressman.)

2.)    Bus Radio – an assault on our children.  What does your child listen to during the bus ride to school?  Click here for more information on this school-sanctioned raunchiness.   If your child’s school bus plays the objectionable songs and ads, it’s because the school board has approved it!  The FCC is permitting the public to comment about Bus Radio through Monday, June 15th and will issue a report to Congress later in the year.  Even if your child’s school does not currently permit Bus Radio on its busses, what will they do in the future?  After reviewing the information on Obligation, Inc’s website, please consider leaving a comment at the FCC’s website.  Click here for information on commenting.   The overwhelming responses have been opposed to Bus Radio, although some bus drivers have left comments saying it’s a good thing.  Do we want these bus drivers listening to Bus Radio with its raunchy songs, ads and contests targeting not only students, but bus drivers? 

3.)    I was able to participate in the Taxpayer Protest Day in Harrisburg on Tuesday.  As we visited legislators’ offices, it was evident that some just don’t get   it.  Click here for a list of legislative supporters and here to watch the rally. 

4.)    On Wednesday HR 2410, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, passed by a vote of 235 to 187 the House now says new US foreign policy WILL promote homosexuality and abortion.  How Pennsylvania’s Congressmen voted:  Jason Altmire – yes; Robert Brady – yes; Christopher Carney – yes; Kathy Dahlkemper – no; Charles Dent – yes; Michael Doyle – yes; Chakah Fattah – yes; Jim Gerlach – no; Tim Holden  -- yes; Paul E. Kanjorski – yes; Patrick J. Murphy – yes; Tim Murphy – no; John Murtha – yes; Joseph Pitts – no; Todd Russell Platts – no; Allyson Schwartz – yes; Joe Sestak – yes; Bill Shuster – no; Glenn Thompson – no  (If he or she didn’t vote the right way, then let them know.  Click here for contact info. 

HR 2410  has many problems, here are a few:

Section 333: Discrimination Related to Sexual Orientation.

o     Specifically it will require the Ass. Sec for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor to track violence or criminalization based on actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity and include in its annual human rights practices report how countries are restricting individuals fundamental freedoms, including freedom based on actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity [NOTE: Rep. Pence offered an amendment to change this provision, but it was rejected]

o        Require the Sec. of State to work through appropriate diplomatic channels to get foreign countries to reform or repeal laws that criminalize homosexuality or consensual homosexual conduct

o        Require all foreign service officers to undergo courses covering human rights reporting and advocacy work that deals with identifying discrimination/acts of violence that relate to actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity

·         Section 334: Office for Global Women’s Issues.

o        Given President Obama’s rescission of the Mexico City Policy and Sec. of State Clinton’s statement that “we are now an administration that will protect the rights of women, including their rights to reproductive health care” and “reproductive health includes access to abortion,” there are serious concerns that this office will be used to promote the legalization of abortion abroad. [NOTE: Rep. Smith offered an amendment to change the goals of the new office and to prohibit the promotion of abortion, but it was rejected during Committee mark-up]

·         Fiscal Concerns

o        The legislation increases authorized spending levels by nearly 9% across the board.  Some individual programs will receive a 32% authorization increase. 

o        UN will stand to receive substantial increases, which is a backdoor avenue to increasing the amount directed to the UNFPA. 

5.)     Don’t forget the phone blitz concerning the hate crimes bill – S909-- is scheduled for June 15-17.  Please call both Senator Specter’s and Casey’s offices. The message is:  ‘Vote NO on S 909.’ Click here for contact info. Additionally, the AFA of PA has created a bulletin insert that you can ask your pastor to include in this week’s bulletin or you can share with folks at church or in Sunday School.  

































June 9, 2009

1.)     Gearing up for phone blitz re federal hate crimes bill.

2.)    Graduation Tests

 3.)  Have you called your State Senator about the Marriage Protection Amendment?

1.)     BE READY:  A phone blitz into the Washington offices of U.S. Senators is planned for next Monday, June 15th.  This is to lay an additional roadblock before the federal hate crimes bill --  S 909, which has been dubbed the Pedophile Protection Act because Democrats in the House refused to allow an amendment to be added that specifically forbid the protection of pedophiles if this becomes law.  Why was this amendment necessary?  Because the bill does not contain the definition of ‘sexual orientation’!  Thus conceivably it could be used to protect all sexual orientations.  Click here for a list. 

2.)    The history in Pennsylvania has been for the past 20 years, that despite schools recessing for the summer months, some of the most provocative and influential education legislation is passed with the omnibus school code bill which accompanies the state budget during the months of June and/or July annually. In the past, many reforms would get sneaked in which could not get passed throughout the year, as parents and taxpayers are clearly distracted and naturally focused on their schedules, kids, and their summer months of vacation.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education signed a $201 million contract with a Minnesota testing company for the implementation of graduation exams.  However, they encountered one little problem ‘on the way to the school house.’ What they were doing had not been cleared by legislators in Harrisburg and on June 3rd the Senate Education Committee unanimously voted to block the contract.

  Senator Jane Orie has introduced S.B. 281 which spells out that the Department of Education must get legislative approval before implementing, entering into contracts or expending any Treasury monies for the use of high school graduation tests. 

3.)     Senator John Eichelberger and his staff are working on the language of the Marriage Protection Amendment.  He is still seeking co-sponsors of the bill.  Currently these are the co-sponsors Senator Eichelberger has listed: 

White, D.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  If your State Senator is a member of the Senate Education Committee,  please contact him or her and say ‘thanks,’ for voting to block the $201 million graduation test contract with the Minnesota company. 

Senate Bill 281 was pulled from the Appropriation's Committee yesterday. We expect it to be placed on Tuesday’s agenda, but please contact Senator Jake Corman, Chair of Appropriations, by sending him an email encouraging him to run it on Tuesday and furthermore for his support at the following email address:

2.)  If your Senator’s name is not on the above list of co-sponsors of the Marriage Protection Amendment, please contact your Senator and ask him or her to step forward to protect traditional one man one woman marriage and be a co-sponsor of the bill.  Click here for contact information. If you don’t know who your State Senator is, enter your nine-digit zip code or county in the upper right hand corner of this page. 

Additionally, if you have not signed our petition in support of the Marriage Protection Amendment, please click here and forward this link to like-minded individuals in your address book. You can also download a petition to circulate, by clicking here

































June 6, 2009

D-Day --  June 6, 1944

As the troops made final preparations for the invasion, their commander – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower – issued his military order expressing confidence in their efforts, wishing them luck, and urging them to "beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."  

Back home, Americans crowded into churches and synagogues to pray for the Allied invasion forces, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt led the nation in a 6½ minute extended time of prayer for the troops.  

June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded -- but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.

Sixty-five years ago tonight as citizens in America and the other Allied nations involved in the D-Day invasion prepared to retire for the evening, how many grandparents, parents, wives and children lay wondering if their grandson, son, husband or father had made it ashore unscathed?  As we retire tonight let’s not forget to praise and thank God for this great nation and His hand in its founding.  Let’s never forget the sacrifices of our soldiers and their families, both in the past and those serving today.

Lets also remember, America is worth fighting for, working together and with God’s help to set her back on the right path.

Why not consider having a special time of prayer for America each day now through July 4th

























June 5, 2009

1.)     Kevin Jennings, Founder of GLSEN, Appointed to Department of Education

2.)    MN Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduces bill to defund ACORN

1.)     On May 19th Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the appointment of several do the U.S. Department of Education. The most disturbing one was Kevin Jennings.  He is the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network.  He also served as its Executive Director until last fall, when he took a position in the Obama campaign to raise monies from America’s homosexuals to help elect Barack Obama to the Presidency.  Remember the Gay Straight Alliance clubs in schools, of which there are many in Pennsylvania, were the brainchild of GLSEN and Kevin Jennings.  Click here to see the result of GSAs in Massachusetts.  Another brainchild of Jennings was the Gay Day of Silence held each year in middle and high schools around the country.  Click here to read our news release for more details.   

2.)    Yesterday Congresswoman Bachmann introduced the Taxpayer Protection and Anti-Fraud Act  which would prohibit any organization that has been indicted for violations of state or federal election laws from accessing taxpayer dollars through Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs.  Remember ACORN employees have been indicted in Nevada and Pennsylvania.  (Additionally, if you want to track the 111th Congress, Congresswoman Bachmann has a great website – click here. 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Call Education Secretary Arne Duncan at 202-401-3000 and urge him to withdraw Jennings’ appointment as Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. Or e-mail him at: Also, contact President Obama at 202-456-1414 and Senators Bob Casey, Jr. and Arlen Specter and urge them to press for the withdrawal of Jennings’ appointment.  Click here for contact info for Senators Specter and Casey. 

2.)    Click here to sign Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s petition in support of defunding ACORN or any other organization that has been indicted on violations of election laws.  Also, call your Congressman and ask him or her to sign onto the Taxpayer Protection and Anti-Fraud Act as a co-sponsor. 

































May 29, 2009

1.)     Same-sex Marriage Bill Introduced in Pennsylvania

2.)    Time Warner Cable to Sponsor Homosexual GIFT Cruise and Pride Festival

1.)     On May 27, 2009 Montgomery County Senator Daylin Leach introduced a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania as well as recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states/nations.   Click here to read our news release.

2.)    Time Warner Cable is the presenting sponsor of the G.I.F.T. Cruise on Goodtime III in Cleveland on Saturday, June 13th. Cleveland G.I.F.T. is affiliated with the International Gay/Lesbian Bowling Organization.  The event runs from June 12 through 14.  Additionally, on June 20th they are one of the sponsors of Cleveland's "Pride" Festival.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    If you have not signed our petition in support of Senator John Eichelberger’s Marriage Protection Amendment bill, please click here. Also print a copy of the petition to circulate.  Additionally, you need to contact your State Senator and ask him or her to support and co-sponsor Senator Eichelberger’s bill.  Click here for Senators’ contact information.  Also, please contact Senator Eichelberger to tell him ‘thanks’ for stepping forward to sponsor the Marriage Protection Amendment.

2.)    Do you have Time Warner Cable for your television, digital phone or internet?  As a customer you should be very concerned with what activities they choose to sponsor.  Please contact them and express your concern with their sponsorship of the GIFT Cruise and "Pride" Festival in Cleveland.  Here’s the number 1-877-77-CABLE (1-877-772-2253) (for Franklin customers only call 1-814-432-5217) or use the e-mail form at




























May 18, 2009

1.)     Primary Election Tomorrow

2.)    Marriage Protection Amendment to be Introduced

3.)    Taxpayer Protest

1.)     Don’t forget to vote tomorrow.  Checkout our voter guides, but especially check out who has endorsed the judicial candidates by clicking here. 

Supreme Court voter guide 

            Superior Court voter guide 

            Commonwealth Court voter guide

2.)     Senator John Eichelberger (R-30th) – will announce his introduction of the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment on May 19th at a 10:45 a.m. press conference and rally on the steps of the Blair County Courthouse in Hollidaysburg.  Plan to attend if you live in the area. 

3.)    Paying too much in taxes?  Concerned with the governor’s proposed 2009/2010 budget?  Then why not plan to send a message to legislators in Harrisburg by shutting the Capitol down for one day.  Click here for more information. 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    If possible attend the press conference in Hollidaysburg on Tuesday (but only after you vote!).  Thank Senator Eichelberger for taking the lead role in introducing this amendment.  You can e-mail him at or phone number at (717) 787-5490 or (814) 695-8386.  Contact your State Senator and ask him or her to support the Marriage Protection Amendment.  Click here for contact info – if you don’t know who your State Senator is, key in your nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner.  

2.)    Make plans to attend the Taxpayer Protest on June 9th.   Take the lead in organizing a trip to Harrisburg for the Protest.   Bring a van load of family, friends and neighbors or lead a caravan! Come and go as best fits your schedule or plan to stay for the entire day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Click here for a flyer for distribution. 


























April 21, 2009

Who is the ‘Hater’ . . . You decide.

On Sunday night Miss California, Carrie Prejean, lost her bid for the Miss USA title.  Was it because of her answer to one of the judge’s questions?  She believes so, additionally, so do the organizer and the judge who asked the question.  Openly homosexual judge Perez Hilton asked Miss California if she believed same-sex marriage should be legal in all 50 states.  She answered that she believed marriage should be between a man and a woman.  Hilton was noticeably upset as Miss Prejean gave her answer and afterwards called her a “dumb b - - - -“ during an interview.

Those who support traditional marriage are called mean, bigoted and hateful by those who support same-gender marriage.  Watch these videos to determine who the true hater is.

9-minute NBC Today Show:

4-minute MSNBC interview:

To ‘add fuel to the fire,’ Keith Lewis, the Executive Director of Miss California USA/Teen USA, sent Perez Hilton a statement about the incident.

"As co-executive director of Miss CA USA and one of the leaders of the Miss CA family, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss CA USA 2009 believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman. Although I believe all religions should be able to ordain what unions they see fit, I do not believe our government should be able to discriminate against anyone. Religious beliefs have no place in politics in the Miss CA family."

Action Needed

1.)    Pray for Carrie Prejean as she continues her education at San Diego Christian College.   Her strong Biblical stand for traditional marriage may create some difficult situations in the coming days.  Join Miss Prejean in praying for Perez Hilton.

2.)    If the comments of Keith Lewis, Executive Director of Miss California USA concern you, please consider contacting him at



























April 20, 2009

1.)     Federal Hate Crimes Legislation Update

2.)    Kathleen Sebelius Nomination – Vote in Senate Finance Committee

3.)    Did You Know That You are a Terrorist? 

4.)    TEA Party Update – mark July 4th on your calendars! 

1.)     The newest federal hate crimes law is scheduled for a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 22nd.  This would give “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” the same federal protection as race. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) have reintroduced the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 (H.R. 1913).  During debate in last session’s attempt to get this bill passed, Rep. Artur Davis, who supported the bill, admitted that a minister could be charged with the hate crime of incitement for preaching that homosexuality is a sin, if a congregant later committed a crime against a homosexual.  This new bill is the exact language as the previous version.  Senator Arlen Specter is the Ranking Republican member of this committee.

2.)    Pro-abortion Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is President Obama’s choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services.  Governor Sebelius has a 20-year pro-abortion history.  She has received campaign contributions from abortionist George Tiller and opposed almost every piece of legislation that would restrict his abortion business.  Remember Tiller supports abortion up to the day of birth, has an on-site Nazi-like crematorium where the babies’ bodies are burned and ‘baptizes’ aborted babies if the parents request it.  In addition there was that little matter of unpaid income taxes on the part of the governor.  Questions are being raised, but is there enough concern?

3.)    Click here to read the Department of Homeland Security report.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Contact Senator Specter and ask him to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 1913 – the hate crimes bill – in the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Click here for a list of all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.   Click here for contact information for Senator Specter.

2.)    Even as the Senate Finance Committee is beginning to raise questions about Governor Sebelius’ integrity, a vote is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21st.   Neither of our PA Senators are members of this committee.  So, please call Senators Specter and Casey and ask them to vote ‘no’ on pro-abortion Kansas Governor Sebelius for Secretary of Health and Human Services if her nomination reaches the floor of the Senate.

3.)    Contact the White House and ask the President whether he believes supporters of life and the traditional family are terrorists.  You can leave a comment at 202-456-1111 or use the webform at





























April 7, 2009

1.)     Update on H.R. 1388

2.)    Registered to Vote?  You have until April 20th the register to vote in the May 19th Primary.  Click here to register.

3.)    Is Your Child’s School Observing the Gay Day of Silence?  Congressional Resolution in Support of Day of Silence Has Been Introduced.

4.)    Is There a Tea Party Near You?  Click here

1.)     The U.S. House passed the final version of H.R. 1388 on March 31st and it awaits the President’s signature.   It is overflowing with funding for organizations such ACORN and Planned Parenthood.  (Click here; the version awaiting the President’s signature is No. 6) 

However, H.R. 1388, as passed by the Senate, contains language in Section 132A that forbids funds going to any entity that is: Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of proselytization, consistent with section 132.

Even though the language urging a “study” of ways that young people could be forced into “mandatory” service for the government was removed from the final version of the bill.  There’s another bill that has been introduced that would do the same thing.  H.R. 1444  under Section 4(b)6, states: “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.” 
H.R. 1444 would establish a Congressional Commission on Civic Service to “study” ways of improving volunteerism and national service. The plan to encourage “national service” will include children in primary schools!    More on this later.

2.)     The Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has designated April 17th as this year’s Day of Silence.  Since GLSEN no longer provides a list of participating schools, call your child’s middle or high school to see if it will be permitting students to participate . . . this is especially important if there is a Gay Straight Alliance in that school.  But not having a GSA does not guarantee that your child’s school is not participating; only a phone call will determine that.  Click here for more information. 

Sadly some in the House of Representatives have bought into GLSEN’s lie and seeks to put their stamp of approval upon the Day of Silence.  There is a resolution  -- HCON 92 IH -- before Congress asking the federal government and all public schools to officially recognize and celebrate the Day of Silence and its goals, which extend far beyond the elimination of bullying.  To read the document go to the Library of Congress by clicking here and typing in HCon 92 IH in the "Search Bill Summary and Status" box and hit the 'search' button.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  Contact your U.S. Congressman  and ask him or her to vote ‘no’ on Congressional Resolution 92.  Additionally, contact both Senators Specter and Casey and ask them to vote ‘no’ on this resolution.  The Day of Silence is not about preventing bullying in schools, but about pushing a radical agenda on a captive audience of school children. 



















April 2, 2009

1.)     Public Comment Period for HHS Conscience Rules Ends April 9th

--Ask Senators to Support Coburn Amendment

2.)    Have You Sent Your Red Envelope Yet?

1.)     President Obama is expected to rescind the collection of new regulations the Bush administration put on the books to provide better enforcement of three federal laws making sure medical staff and facilities are not forced to participate in abortions.  The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is taking public comment through April 9th.  Planned Parenthood is directing thousands of comments supporting the rescission of the Provider Conscience Clause.  Several steps have been taken to counter this and you can help too.

a.)    In anticipation of the President’s rescission of the conscience clause, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is sponsoring an amendment that would protect the right of conscience for health care workers.  His budget amendment "ensures that the funds made available through the budget’s health care reserve fund will not be used to violate the conscience of health care providers." 

b.)    Additionally, Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Pennsylvania’s Senator Bob Casey sent President Obama a letter last week telling him the Provider Conscience Clause should remain.  These are the only Democratic members of the Senate who are not strong abortion advocates.

c.)    You can send a public comment to HHS, see below for instruction

2.)     There has been an ongoing campaign to send a message to President Barack Obama.  The message?  Abortion kills!  Have you sent your red envelope yet?

Here’s what to do: 

a.)     Get a red envelope

b.)    Address the empty envelope as follows: 

     President Barack Obama
     The White House
     1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
     Washington, DC 20500

c.)     Place this message on the outside:

This envelope represents one child who died in abortion.  It is empty because that life was not allowed to offer anything to the world.

Life begins with conception.

d.)     Stamp it, mail it, and invite others to do the same.

If concerned, these are the additional steps you can take: 

1.)  Contact Senator Arlen Specter at (202) 224-4254 or use the webform at
Ask Senator Specter to support the Coburn Amendment to the budget bill.

2.)Contact Senator Casey at  (202) 224-6324 or toll free: (866) 802-2833 or use the webform at  Thank him for the letter sent to President Obama last week telling him the Provider Conscience Clause should remain.  Also, ask him to support the Coburn Amendment to the budget bill.

---- Click here for contact information to district offices and fax numbers. 

3.)     Here’s how you submit public comment to HHS.  Click here to read the actual rescission order.  Click here to read some talking points from the Christian Medical Association that can be used.  For more information on this issue, you can read Newt Gingrich and Rick Tyler’s article “Obama’s Attack on Medical Civil Liberties.” 

n      Comments could include postcards, emails and letters highlighting the importance of protecting the choices of healthcare providers who oppose abortion and the need for regulations to implement laws that protect the freedom of conscience.  If conscience laws are not implemented and enforced, health care providers may be driven out of the practice of medicine thereby only adding to healthcare shortages, and reducing or eliminating women’s options to choose pro-life medical care. (see the rescission order linked above for contact information.)

n      However, the best and fastest way to submit comments is via e-mail at    (Include specific examples in your comments, if possible.)  NOTE:  Comments must be submitted by April 9th.

























March 25, 2009

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Since its introduction in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRD) has been ratified by every United Nations member except for the United States and Somalia. The CRC was signed by President Clinton in 1995, but early opposition in the Senate persuaded Clinton not to submit the treaty to the Senate for ratification. Remember that under the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) of the U.S. Constitution, ratified treaties preempt state law. Since virtually all laws in the U.S. regarding children are state laws, this treaty would negate nearly 100% of existing American family law. Moreover, it would grant the government authority to override parental decisions by applying even to good parents a standard now only used against those convicted of abuse or neglect. 

Senator Barbara Boxer of California wants this treaty brought before the Senate for ratification by this summer.  If necessary, she will use Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s clout to get the process going. 

On February 25th I interviewed Michael Farris of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association and about this threat.  Click here to listen to that interview. 

A Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is needed.  Click here to read why. 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)Sign the petition supporting the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.   If your Congressman is not a co-sponsor of this Amendment, please contact him or her and ask for their support.  Click here for the list of co-sponsors.    Click here for contact info for your Congressman. 
























March 24, 2009

1.)    GIVE Act

2.)    Update on Employee Free Choice Act – Card Check

1.)     On March 18th H.R. 1388, Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act or GIVE Act,   passed out of the House by a vote of 321 to 107.  Check who voted how – you may be surprised who voted for this bill –here’s the roll call . Congressman George Miller offered an amendment which struck Title VI – the Congressional Commission on Civil Service charged with researching the possibility of “a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed.”  The Miller Amendment passed, thus the final version of the bill sent to the Senate did not contain the provision authorizing a commission to study the feasibility of a mandatory service requirement for America’s youth.

However as you consider the following, remember in a speech delivered in Colorado last July candidate Barak Obama said that he wanted to create a "National Civilian Security Force” as big and well-funded as the U.S. military.  Many wonder if this may be the beginning of that ‘security force.’

Here are a few of the troubling aspects of this bill:

(a.)  It will raise the number of paid ‘volunteers’ in these programs to 250,000 by 2014.

(b.)  It establishes programs for a National Civilian Community Corps.  According to Title 1, Subtitle E, Section 1501, “It is the purpose of this subtitle to authorize the operation of, and support for, residential and other service programs that combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service, including leadership and team building, to meet national and community needs.

(c.)  Funding may be used to “establish or implement summer of service programs,” “integrate service-learning programs into the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula at the elementary, secondary, or post-secondary, and post-baccalaureate levels,” and “involve high school age youth in the mentoring of middle school youth while involving all participants in service-learning.”  The programs listed are only the tip of the iceberg in this huge expansion of ‘volunteerism.’

(d.) Twenty-five ‘campuses of service’ will be named each year from applicants for additional funding.

(e.)  There are additional programs outlined under Title 1, Subtitle B, Section 1201 for “Elementary and Secondary Students.”

(f.)   The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the bill would cost about $6 billion over the 2010-2014 period.

According to a report by Canada Free Press, "'volunteerism' that kept America running since the days of its founding" would be "wiped out with the stroke of a pen." "The Give Act puts the finishing touches to Public Allies New Leadership for New Times, modeled after Saul Alinsky's 'Peoples Organizations' and operating under Michelle Obama," the commentary said.

H.R. 1388 is now awaiting a vote in the Senate – possibly by the end of this week!

2.)    Senator Specter has said he will vote ‘no’ on cloture and apparently delivers the death blow to Card Check! 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)Contact Senator Bob Casey and Senator Arlen Specter and ask them to oppose H.R.1388.  Also, thank Senator Specter for saying he will vote ‘no’ on allowing the ‘card check’ bill to advance.  Here’s the contact information.

E-mail Senator Casey using the web form: and then call his D.C. office at (202) 224-6324  or fax: (202) 228-0604 and/or the district office nearest you. 

Senator Casey’s district offices:

·        Harrisburg Toll Free: (866) 461-9159; Fax: (717) 231-7542

·         Philadelphia (215) 405-9660; Fax: (215) 405-9669

·        Pittsburgh (412) 803-7370; Fax: (412) 803-7379

·        Scranton (570) 941-0930; Fax: (570) 941-0937

·        Erie (814) 874-5080; Fax: (814) 874-5084

·        Bellefonte (814) 357-0314; Fax: (814) 357-0318

·        Allentown (610) 782-9470; Fax: (610) 782-9474

E-mail Senator Specter using the web form: 

And then call his D.C. office at (202) 224-4254 Fax: 202-228-1229 or the his district office nearest you. 

  •  Philadelphia (215) 597-7200; Fax: 215-597-0406
  • Pittsburgh (412) 644-3400; Fax: 412-644-4871
  • Harrisburg (717) 782-3951; Fax: 717-782-4920
  • Scranton (570) 346-2006; Fax: 570-346-8499
  • Allentown (610) 434-1444; Fax: 610-434-1844
  • Erie (814) 453-3010; Fax: 814-455-9925
  • Wilkes Barre (570) 826 6265; no fax listed






























March 20, 2009

H.B. 300 Update

On Monday, March 16th, the AFA of PA distributed 203 packets of information to legislators in Harrisburg – one for each member of the State House.   These packets explained what the ramifications on Pennsylvania citizens would be if H.B. 300 was to become law.

The following day hundreds of homosexual activists and ‘their allies’ held a “Rock the Dome” rally in support of H.B.300.  As outlined in this Post Gazette article, the game plan is for those who identify as homosexual to contact their State Representatives in the next few weeks to ask them to support H.B. 300.  Thus we must counter that effort and contact our State Reps and ask them to oppose this bill.

NOTE:  Bruce Kraus, the Pittsburgh City Council member mentioned in the Post-Gazette article, is an openly homosexual man who was elected to City Council in 2008. Since that time he has convinced the City Council to start a Domestic Partner Registry in Pittsburgh and is pushing Allegheny County to adopt a county-wide ordinance similar to H.B. 300.

To put these demands in perspective:

To the media, homosexual organizations quote the debunked Kinsey studies to say that 10% of the population identify as homosexual.  If that were the case, 1,100,000 Pennsylvanians would be homosexual.  But these organizations know those numbers are not accurate because in legal briefs filed by them, they acknowledge that less that 3% of the population identify as homosexual.  In fact, the Human Rights Campaign, which claims to be the largest homosexual lobby group in the nation, commissioned a study last year which showed that 2.9% of the U.S. population identify as ‘gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.’ If Pennsylvania follows the national trend, that means approximately 319,000 Pennsylvania residents identify as ‘gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.’  This very small percentage is trying to force the remaining 10,681,000 Pennsylvania residents through force of law to accept their lifestyle choice as normal. 

H.B. 300 is currently in the House Appropriations Committee.  If your State Representative is on this Committee he or she needs to hear from you.  Their next scheduled meeting is March 23rd, although at this point in time they do not have an agenda posted so we do not know if H.B. 300 is to be discussed that day.

BUT there are other steps you can take . . .

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  Even if your State House member is not on the House Appropriations Committee, please contact him or her and ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.B. 300.  Click here to find your member of the House. 

2.)  If H.B. 300 is voted out of this Committee, the Majority Leader Rep. Todd Eachus and the Speaker of the House Keith McCall control which bills get called up for a floor vote.  Please call them and ask that H.B. 300 NOT be brought forward for a vote.  State Representative Todd Eachus’ Hazleton District Office number is (570) 450-7905; Harrisburg office number is (717) 787-2229.  Representative Keith McCall’s Lansford (Carbon County) District Office number is (570) 645-7585; his Harrisburg numbers are (717) 787-4610 and (717) 783-1375.


























March 11, 2009

H.B. 300 Voted Out of House State Government Committee – Next Steps

Each vote today on H.B. 300 was 12-11 -- right down party lines.  Democrat Representatives John Galloway, Jaret Gibbons, and Rick Taylor were not present for the votes. 

To start the day off, Representative Marguerite Quinn (R-Bucks) made a motion to stop the vote on H.B. 300 until changes could be made; Representative Jim Cox (R- Berks) seconded the motion.  The motion failed.

Additionally, Minority Chairman Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre) and Representative Kathy Rapp (R-Warren), especially need to be thanked for their work and efforts and votes so far to try to stop this.  Also, special kudos go out to freshman Representatives Tim Krieger (R-Westmoreland) and Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield). 

Again, there have been no hearings or debate on this bill.  The intention is to ramrod it through.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Please take the time to thank each member who voted ‘No’ on H.B. 300 – all the Republicans.  Click here for contact information.

2.)    The AFA of PA has put together a bulletin insert to help educate the people in the pew as to the dangers of this bill.  Please ask your pastor to place this in bulletins on March 15th as the vote in the Appropriations Committee is simply the next step in the fast track to a floor vote possibly as soon as the end of next week!  You will need Adobe Reader to open this document.  If you don’t have this, click here for the free download.































March 10, 2009

1.)     Vote on David Ogden for U.S. Deputy Attorney General Wednesday

2.)    Kansas Governor Sebelius is Not a Good Choice for HHS

1.)     Why should David Ogden’s nomination be opposed? 

·        Ogden has not just represented major pornographers in prominent cases; he has been a leader in an effort to get courts to proclaim greater protections for pornography and pornographers. 

·        He VOLUNTEERED to represent plaintiff’s challenging the Children’s Internet Protection Act, which was designed to protect children by keeping pornography from school and public library computers.  He insisted that the Congress, which voted overwhelmingly in favor of the act, was acting unconstitutionally in passing CIPA

·        Ogden filed a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in the child pornography case, U.S. v. Knox.  In the disgusting films involved in Knox, children were posed so that the focus of the camera was on their genital areas though they were not completely naked.  The films were a pedophile’s dream.  Ogden argued that such material is protected by the U.S. Constitution and that Knox should be acquitted. 

·        There are other issues that Ogden has prominently championed such as abortion and homosexuality

2.)     President Obama has nominated Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services.  Operation Rescue which is headquartered in Wichita, Kansas knows first hand just how bad this nomination is.   According to them

·        In an interview published twenty years ago on October 29, 1989, in the Wichita Eagle, Sebelius, who was then a member of the Kansas House of Representatives said, “I think for me and a lot of other people, there are certain inalienable rights established for a person, but those are not applied in utero.”

·        Sebelius has ties to late-term abortionist George R. Tiller, who is currently facing 19 criminal counts of having committed illegal late-term abortions. To understand how radical her support for Tiller truly is, it is important to understand what kind of abortion business Tiller operates – he aborts to day of birth; has an on site Nazi-like crematorium where the babies’ bodies are burned; baptizes aborted babies in phony religious ceremonies

·        She opposed a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in Kansas, saying it was not needed (there was an existing state law already banning gay marriage) and that it went 'far beyond the bounds of that law.' The constitutional amendment passed with 69 percent of the vote in 2005...Sebelius was a guest speaker at the Stonewall Democrats annual meeting in Denver last August, just prior to the Democratic National Convention."


1.)    The final vote on the Ogden nomination is scheduled for March 11th.  Please contact Senator’s Specter and Casey and ask them to oppose both the Ogden and Sebelius nominations.  Please contact both their D.C. office and the district office nearest you.  Here’s the contact info:

Senator Specter’s D.C. number is 202-224-4254; fax number 202-228-1229
Allentown District Office phone is 610-434-1444; Fax # is 610-434-1844
Erie District Office phone - 814-453-3010; fax # 814-455-9925
Harrisburg District Office phone - 717-782-3951; fax # 717-782-4920
Philadelphia District Office phone - 215-597-7200; fax # 215-597-0406
Pittsburgh District Office phone - 412-644-3400; fax # 412-644-4871
Scranton District Office phone - 570-346-2006; fax # 570-346-8499
Wilkes-Barre District Office phone - 570-826-6265; no fax number listed

Click here to use the e-mail form. 

Senator Casey’s D.C. number is (202) 224-6324; Toll Free: (866) 802-2833;
Fax: (202) 228-0604
Harrisburg District Office phone is (717) 231-7540 Toll Free: (866) 461-9159;
Fax: (717) 231-7542
Philadelphia District Office phone- (215) 405-9660; Fax: (215) 405-9669
Pittsburgh District Office phone - (412) 803-7370; Fax: (412) 803-7379
Scranton District Office phone - (570) 941-0930; Fax: (570) 941-0937
Erie District Office phone - (814) 874-5080; Fax: (814) 874-5084
Bellefonte District Office phone - (814) 357-0314; Fax: (814) 357-0318
Allentown District Office phone - (610) 782-9470; Fax: (610) 782-9474

Click here to use the e-mail form. 























March 9, 2009

1.)     Radical Pro-Homosexual Bill on Fast Track for Committee Vote

2.)    Representative Sam Rohrer to Introduce Tenth Amendment Resolution – Plus a Rally at the Capitol Rotunda on Monday, March 16th

1.)     Late last week Representative Dan Frankel introduced H.B. 300 – the bill that will add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to the PA Human Relations Act.  It is now on a fast track for a vote in the House State Government Committee on Wednesday, March 11th!  

If this bill passes, it will force churches which receive any government funding for soup kitchens, schools, day cares, etc. to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender individuals.  It will also force all businesses with four or more employees to allow men who think they are women to come dressed as a woman in a dress, high heels and makeup.  Additionally, these businesses would be required to allow these individuals to use the women’s restroom.  These sexually confused individuals would also be permitted to use the women’s restroom at a city/county park and the women’s locker/shower room at a city/county pool.

The vote will come less than a week after H.B. 300 was introduced.  There have been no hearings or debate on the bill.  Additionally, according to the PA Human Relations Commission, there is no evidence that discrimination is taking place (page 17).  The real goal of this bill is to force all Pennsylvanians to accept the homosexual lifestyle as normal.

No religious exemption will fix this bill.  It is yet another attempt to hijack the civil rights movement and equate the homosexual, bisexual and transgender lifestyle choices with the unchangeable characteristics of race and ethnicity. 

2.)     This morning I interviewed Representative Rohrer for this week’s program.  Go to his website to read the resolution that he is to introduce on Wednesday, March 18th.   He also has a video posted.  If at all possible, please plan to attend the noon rally at the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg on March 16th.   Click here to listen to the interview with Representative Rohrer.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Contact each of the House State Government Committee members with one message – vote “NO on H.B. 300 – the bathroom bill.”  Click here for contact info.



















March 6, 2009

Two Bills Attack Life and Traditional Values

This week alone has seen two attacks – one by a PA State Representative and the other by a PA State Senator – on life and traditional values.

n      Yesterday Representative Dan Frankel introduced H.B. 300 which would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act.  This Act deals with employment, housing and public accommodation. If this bill passes, it will elevate ‘sexual orientation’ – a changeable characteristic – to the level or race or ethnicity –unchangeable characteristics.  This bill defines ‘employer’ as anyone employing four or more employees.  Again it has a very convoluted ‘religious exemption,’ but rest assured that if your church receives any government grants for soup kitchens, programs helping kids, etc., you will be forced to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and sexually confused individuals.  BUT a religious exemption – good or bad—does not make this a good bill.  Homosexual activists are trying to make this a civil rights issue and ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ have nothing to do with civil rights and everything to do with forcing all Pennsylvanians to accept these lifestyle choices as normal.  Also, businesses with four or more employees will be forced to allow men who think they are women to use the women’s restroom, locker room or fitting room. Don’t think it can happen?  Check out these stories in Cleveland and Philadelphia.

The  AFA of PA does not support a ‘religious exemption’ because it does not protect the person sitting in the church pews who are Christian landlords or business owners. 

n      Also, yesterday State Senator Daylin Leach introduced S.B. 404 which would permit physician assisted suicide – although he calls it a “Death with Dignity” bill! 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    H.B. 300 is currently in the House State Government Committee.  Contact those members by clicking here.  Ask them to vote ‘No’ on H.B. 300.  As you review the sponsors of H.B. 300, you will notice that most of the Democrats on the House State Government Committee are listed.  The ones supporting this bill will have a “Rock the Dome” rally in the Capitol Rotunda and a lobby day in Harrisburg on March 17th.  How can we respond?

2.)    S.B. 404 is currently in the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Click here for members’ contact information.   Ask them to vote “No’ on S.B. 404.






































February 27, 2009

TransAction Day is Today!

If your school has a Gay Straight Alliance or GSA, the parent organization -- the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) -- has an opportunity for that club to participate today.  It’s their newest ‘Day of Action’ – TransAction Day which is to ‘encourage dialogue’ on transgender issues.  Click here for more details and be sure to follow the “Resources” links on that page’s left sidebar.  Your reading will be a true eye opener as to what this organization’s agenda is. 

Political activism anyone?  Another agenda of GLSEN is to use the GSA for creating activists to further the homosexual/transgender cause.  This was taking place in central PA yesterday at Dickinson College.  Following is an article that was in the Patriot NewsAnd by the way, our tax dollars helped fund this activity and teachers who attended got Act 48 credit!  Click here to view the registration packet. 

Gay-Straight Alliance student summit in progress at Dickinson College

by RICK SELTZER, Of The Patriot-News

Thursday February 26, 2009, 2:27 PM

The LGBT Center Coalition of Central Pennsylvania and Dickinson College are holding a Gay-Straight Alliance Student Leadership Summit today at the college in Carlisle. Approximately 160 high school and college students from across Central Pennsylvania are attending along with faculty members from their schools.

The summit is broken into a series of workshops designed to help high school and college students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning their own sexuality, and those who support them. The workshops included "Allies & Advocacy" sessions, panel discussions on religion and sexuality, and a workshop on HIV.

"Central Pennsylvania is a challenging place for LGBTQ youth," said Louis Marven, the director of administration and youth services at the LGBT Center Coalition. "We want to work toward being a culture where sexual preference, gender identity and expression are valued as components of diversity."

This is the second year the LGBT Center Coalition, which is based in Harrisburg, has held a student leadership summit. Harrisburg Area Community College hosted it last year.

"We became involved because we felt that we needed to advocate and be seen as an important resource for the LGBT community," said Paula Lima, the director of the Office of Diversity Initiatives at Dickinson College.

The summit is scheduled to end at 3:15 today.


1.)    If your school has a GSA, click here for a list of Pennsylvania GSAs check to see if it plans on participating in the TransAction Day.  If so, ask the school what materials will be handed out (request copies of the materials be set aside for you to pick up) and whether any class time will be used to discuss transgenderism.

2.)    This USA Today article “explains” this convoluted issue of ‘gender identity’ – turns out they are confused too. 

3.)    If you don’t think giving your tax dollars to a homosexual activism training seminar is a good idea, contact your State Senator and State Representative and let them know.  Click here  for contact information – if you don’t know who your elected officials are, key in your nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner of this webpage.





























February 26, 2009

1.)     Senator Specter Did Not Fight to Remove “Health Care” Provisions From Stimulus Bill, Why?

2.)    David Ogden, Nominee for Deputy Attorney General Voted Out of Committee

3.)    Ten Companies Homosexual Activists Hate

4.)    FYI – 2009 Omnibus bill

1.)     Here’s his answer given this past Monday  – end of life cases need to be closely monitored and if it’s going to cost too much  . . . well, maybe the patient – for the good of the country and to lower the deficit -- should write a living will and ask that all lifesaving treatment be withheld.

2.)    The 14 -5 Judiciary Committee vote came this morning to endorse David Ogden for the No. 2 position at the Department of Justice.  Remember he’s the guy who the “adult entertainment” industry endorsed.  All Democrats voted in favor of Ogden's nomination. Those opposing Ogden were Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).  Of course, that means Senator Arlen Specter helped vote him out of committee.  Specter said the committee had received 11,000 phone calls, letters, and other contacts opposing Ogden.  No vote before the full Senate has yet been scheduled, but will probably come within a few days.

3.)    Here are the ten companies homosexual activists have on their “Don’t Buy” list because they don’t have policies which homosexuals view as ‘gay-friendly’ or their owners have donated to family-friendly causes.  10.) A-1 Self Storage Company; 9.) Auto Zone; 8.) Brown-Forman Corporation; 7.) Cinemark; 6.) Domino’s Pizza; 5.) Salvation Army; 4.) Manchester Grand Resorts; 3.) Urban Outfitters; 2.)  Wal Mart; 1.)  Exxon Mobil

4.)    On Wednesday the 2009 Omnibus bill (H.R. 1105 ) passed by essentially a party-line vote of 245 to 178.  Click here to view the roll call.   In fulfilling their promise of ‘no earmarks,’ Congress kept the number down to around 9,000!  Additionally, President Obama President has reinstated $50 million for the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA). For the first time in eight years, the U.S. will be knowingly subsidizing forced abortion and sterilization.

The day before the vote, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), valiantly attempted to intercede on the behalf of pro-life groups to offer amendments that could restore pro-life riders, including the elimination of funding UNFPA.  Some amendments were not permitted – due to new “House rules”—and others were defeated.

The passed version eliminates the popular D.C. school choice program which currently serves 1,900 children.  Since 2004 the applicants have outnumbered the available $7,500 scholarships by a 6-to-1 margin – obviously a very ‘unpopular’ program with parents of children attending Washington, D.C. public schools!   The omnibus bill also gives Planned Parenthood a $7 million raise, it has language that will reintroduce the Fairness Doctrine, and it has funding for controversial 'school bullying' programs which in the past have promoted homosexual programs to children."

The bill will now go to the Senate for a vote.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Make two phone calls to each Senator – one to his Washington office and the other to the district office nearest you.  Call Senator Bob Casey and Senator Arlen Specter with two requests:  Vote ‘NO’ on the David Ogden confirmation for Deputy Attorney General and Vote “NO” on H.R. 1105 – the 2009 Omnibus bill. 

 Senator Specter’s D.C. number is 202-224-4254;
       fax number 202-228-1229

Allentown District Office phone is 610-434-1444; Fax # is 610-434-1844
Erie District Office phone - 814-453-3010; fax # 814-455-9925
Harrisburg District Office phone - 717-782-3951; fax # 717-782-4920
Philadelphia District Office phone - 215-597-7200; fax # 215-597-0406
Pittsburgh District Office phone - 412-644-3400; fax # 412-644-4871
Scranton District Office phone - 570-346-2006; fax # 570-346-8499
Wilkes-Barre District Office phone - 570-826-6265; no fax number listed

      Senator Casey’s D.C. Phone: (202) 224-6324; Toll Free: (866) 802-2833;
      Fax: (202) 228-0604

      Harrisburg District Office -- Phone: (717) 231-7540;
      Toll Free: (866) 461-9159; Fax: (717) 231-7542
       Philadelphia District Office - Phone: (215) 405-9660; Fax: (215) 405-9669
       Pittsburgh District Office - Phone: (412) 803-7370; Fax: (412) 803-7379
       Scranton District Office - Phone: (570) 941-0930; Fax: (570) 941-0937
       Erie District Office - Phone: (814) 874-5080; Fax: (814) 874-5084
       Bellefonte District Office - Phone: (814) 357-0314; Fax: (814) 357-0318
       Allentown District Office - Phone: (610) 782-9470; Fax: (610) 782-9474

Legislators say phone calls or faxes are the most effective way of communication, but if e-mail is your best option, here are the links to the webforms.

Senator Specter

Senator Casey



















February 25, 2009

1.)     Two Upcoming Votes on Anti-family, Anti-Life Nominees

a.)     Dawn Johnsen to be the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel

b.)    Deputy Attorney General Nominee David Ogden

        2.)  Time for a laugh – video on ‘Profiling’

1.)Vote on Dawn Johnsen in the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled for after 2:00 p.m. TODAY.  Here are a few problems with her nomination: Legal Director, National Abortion & Reproductive Rights Action League (currently NARAL Pro-Choice America), Washington, D.C., 1988-1993; Co-Chair of Separation of Powers/Federalism Issue Group. NOTE: This group is the relatively new Leftist answer to the Federalist Society; problematic quotes include - "In recent years, however, courts and state legislatures have increasingly granted fetuses rights traditionally enjoyed by persons.  Some of these recent 'fetal rights' differ radically from the initial legal recognition of the fetus in that they view the fetus as an entity independent from the pregnant woman with interests that are potentially hostile to hers." D. Johnsen, "The Creation of Fetal Rights:...", 95 YALE L.J. 599 (1986) and in his book, Bearing Right, William Saletan notes that in the late 1980s, Dawn Johnsen and Marcy Wilder, top lawyers at NARAL, "drew a hard line on parental involvement" in abortion decisions.  Saletan quotes an internal NARAL memo by Johnsen and Wilder:  "In practice, both consent and notification laws amount to a parental veto power over a minor's decision to an abortion.  Do not, as part of an affirmative legislative strategy, introduce even a liberalized version of a parental consent or notification law."

b.)   Vote on David Ogden in the Senate Judiciary Committee is currently scheduled for Thursday, February 26th.  Ogden brings lots of baggage to the table, although during confirmation hearings he had several memory lapses these included the adult entertainment industry’s endorsement of him his legal opinion that child pornography is protected by the First Amendment;  his defense of Playboy and Penthouse in obscenity cases; and his opposition to the Children’s Internet Protection Act or any attempt to protect children from obscene material on the internet. 

2.)  For a little comic relief, click here to watch this “Profiling” video


1.) Dawn Johnsen and David Ogden are not nominees who would best serve America and what she has historically stood for.  In Chairman Patrick Leahy’s absence, Senator Dianne Feinstein will be presiding over the hearing.  Here’s the link to all the members,  but in particular contact Senator Dianne Feinstein by calling (202) 224-3841 and Senator Arlen Specter, the ranking Republican member.  Contact Senator Specter’s district office nearest you AND his D.C. office.  Ask them to vote ‘no’ on confirming these two nominees.

Senator Specter’s D.C. number is 202-224-4254; fax number 202-228-1229

Allentown District Office phone is 610-434-1444; Fax # is 610-434-1844
Erie District Office phone - 814-453-3010; fax # 814-455-9925
Harrisburg District Office phone - 717-782-3951; fax # 717-782-4920
Philadelphia District Office phone - 215-597-7200; fax # 215-597-0406
Pittsburgh District Office phone - 412-644-3400; fax # 412-644-4871
Scranton District Office phone - 570-346-2006; fax # 570-346-8499
Wilkes-Barre District Office phone - 570-826-6265; no fax number listed

Legislators say phone calls and faxes are much more effective than e-mails, but if you have to e-mail click here to use the form. 


































February 9, 2009

Senator Specter Says He Will Side With Democrats on “Spendulus” Package

On Friday Senator Arlen Specter joined Republican Susan Collins (Maine) as the only two Republicans siding with the Democrats on the ‘Stimulus” bill. This move gives the Democrats the 60 votes they needed to move the bill forward. 

The anti-Christian components remain in the bill as an amendment to remove this clause offered by South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint failed.

Section 803 of the bill (p. 157), “Higher Education Modernization, Renovation and Repair”, establishes a multi-billion dollar grant program to renovate and repair public and private colleges and universities. The Senate Committee Report allocates $3.5 billion for this grant program (p. 65). Hidden within Section 803, on page 164 of the bill is a limitation on these funds which prohibits the money from being on facilities that are used for “sectarian instruction, religious worship, or a school or department of divinity; or in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission.”

·         This prohibition is very broad and extremely ambiguous. It would prohibit religious student groups like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or the Catholic Students Association, and community churches from using any facility that is renovated using these funds, even if they are currently permitted to use them. Institutions of higher education would have to choose between kicking these groups out and turning down tens of millions in federal funds.

The final vote is expected today.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  E-mail Senator Casey using the web form: and then call his D.C. office at (202) 224-6324 or the district office nearest you. 

Senator Casey’s district offices:

·        Harrisburg Toll Free: (866) 461-9159

·         Philadelphia (215) 405-9660

·        Pittsburgh (412) 803-7370

·        Scranton (570) 941-0930

·        Erie (814) 874-5080

·        Bellefonte (814) 357-0314

·        Allentown (610) 782-9470

            2.)   E-mail Senator Specter using the web form: 

And then call his D.C. office at (202) 224-4254 or the his district office nearest you. 

  •  Philadelphia (215) 597-7200
  • Pittsburgh (412) 644-3400
  • Harrisburg (717) 782-3951
  • Scranton (570) 346-2006
  • Allentown (610) 434-1444
  • Erie (814) 453-3010
  • Wilkes Barre (570) 826 6265



















February 5, 2009

Anti-Christian Components in Senate ‘Spendulus” Bill

Here are the problems:

Religious Freedom on College Campuses

·         Section 803 of the bill (p. 157), “Higher Education Modernization, Renovation and Repair”, establishes a multi-billion dollar grant program to renovate and repair public and private colleges and universities. The Senate Committee Report allocates $3.5 billion for this grant program (p. 65). Hidden within Section 803, on page 164 of the bill is a limitation on these funds which prohibits the money from being on facilities that are used for “sectarian instruction, religious worship, or a school or department of divinity; or in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission.”

·         This prohibition is very broad and extremely ambiguous. It would prohibit religious student groups like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or the Catholic Students Association, and community churches from using any facility that is renovated using these funds, even if they are currently permitted to use them. Institutions of higher education would have to choose between kicking these groups out and turning down tens of millions in federal funds.

·         The primary effect of the funding restriction is to encourage colleges and universities to deny equal access to their facilities for religious organizations and to encourage all universities to identify and eliminate religious activities, programs, and instruction on their campuses. This is a blatant attack on the First Amendment and a deceptive attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court and purge the public square of faith and prayer.

·         This funding restriction is unconstitutional. In the 2001 Good News Club v. Milford Central School Supreme Court decision, the Court ruled that restricting religious speech within the context of public shared-use facilities (or schools) is unconstitutional. Not only is the bill’s ambiguous funding limitation unconstitutional; it is not stimulus; and it will lead to numerous ACLU lawsuits. 

·         DeMint Amendment #189 will remove this unconstitutional funding prohibition from the bill and allow thousands of religious groups, student organizations and community assemblies to continue to use these college facilities which are critical to their functions. Support for the DeMint Amendment to the Senate “Stimulus” bill is needed!

Additional problems can be found by clicking here.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  E-mail Senator Casey using the web form: and then call his D.C. office at (202) 224-6324 or the district office nearest you. 

Senator Casey’s district offices:

·        Harrisburg Toll Free: (866) 461-9159

·         Philadelphia (215) 405-9660

·        Pittsburgh (412) 803-7370

·        Scranton (570) 941-0930

·        Erie (814) 874-5080

·        Bellefonte (814) 357-0314

·        Allentown (610) 782-9470

             E-mail Senator Specter using the web form: 

And then call his D.C. office at (202) 224-4254 or the his district office nearest you. 

  •  Philadelphia (215) 597-7200
  • Pittsburgh (412) 644-3400
  • Harrisburg (717) 782-3951
  • Scranton (570) 346-2006
  • Allentown (610) 434-1444
  • Erie (814) 453-3010
  • Wilkes Barre (570) 826 6265




































February 5, 2009

Several Items—:

1.)     State College Mayor says “DOMA is dumb.”

2.)    This is the ad that the Super Bowl turned down.

3.)    U.S. Deputy Attorney General nominee supports child porn –confirmation hearing begins today!

4.)    Prevention First Act

5.)    Governor Rendell says video poker will help fund tuition aid

6.)    Sign this petition to stop the Freedom of Choice Act

1.)     Last March State College Mayor Bill Welsh performed the same-sex commitment ceremonies for four ‘gay’ couples in the HUB student center on the main campus of Penn State.  This month he stated during a borough council meeting that the DOMA is dumb.  Click here to read our news release.

2.)    Click here to view the pro-life ad that the Super Bowl turned down. 

3.)    The confirmation hearings for U.S. Deputy Attorney General are to begin today!  David Ogden has been tapped by President Obama for this post.  However, Mr. Ogden carries ‘some baggage’ with him.  This from a Morality in Media news release:  “Mr. Ogden has a long history of making “ACLU-minded” arguments in court cases involving obscene materials, harmful-to-minors materials, and child pornography.” 

Keep in mind in the following snippet from the porn industry news agency XBIZ article that “free speech” means permitting obscenity and pornography to freely flow.    

 “Diane Duke, Free Speech Coalition's executive director, hailed the selection of Holder and nomination of Ogden.

"Clearly the current administration is appointing people in these high-level positions who will respect and uphold the Constitution," she told XBIZ. "After eight years of government-imposed atrocities on our constitutional rights, it will be refreshing to have a voice of reason in the AG’s office rather than one dictated by a fundamental extremist minority."

Adult industry attorney Colin Hardacre, of the Los Angeles-based Kaufman Law Group, echoed Duke's take on President Obama's two picks for the top government law jobs.

"It is a nice change of pace to see the president choosing smart people with experience," he told XBIZ. "This is a good sign for the adult industry."

4.)    Rather than a frontal assault, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) may be pushed through incrementally.  Here’s one example:  On January 6, Senator Harry Reid introduced the Prevention First Act (S. 21)  which disingenuously claims to be aimed at reducing unintended pregnancies and abortion.  In reality what it does is provide continued (and elevated) funding to family planning programs that provide and counsel in favor of abortion, mandates health coverage of contraception, miseducates the public on emergency contraception, and forces religiously-based hospitals to provide emergency contraception.


5.)    In the 901 page 2009-2010 budget, Governor Rendell wants to fund tuition aid through legalizing video poker machines.  And back in 2004 how many said that once slot machines were legalized that would be the foot in the door for video poker and other gambling expansion?  Additionally Rendell wants to decrease the number of school districts from the current 501 to 100!   Click here to read the gambling story. 

6.)    Americans United for Life goal is 1 million signatures on their petition.  They are almost there!  Click here to sign the Fight FOCA petition.  

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)     Call and e-mail Senators Specter and Casey to express concern about the U.S. Deputy Attorney General nominee David Ogden and about Senator Reid’s bill S. 21, the Prevention First Act. 

E-mail Senator Casey using the web form: and then call his district office nearest you. 

Senator Casey’s district offices:

·        Harrisburg Toll Free: (866) 461-9159

·         Philadelphia (215) 405-9660

·        Pittsburgh (412) 803-7370

·        Scranton (570) 941-0930

·        Erie (814) 874-5080

·        Bellefonte (814) 357-0314

·        Allentown (610) 782-9470

             E-mail Senator Specter using the web form: 

Senator Specter’s district office locations. 

  •  Philadelphia (215) 597-7200
  • Pittsburgh (412) 644-3400
  • Harrisburg (717) 782-3951
  • Scranton (570) 346-2006
  • Allentown (610) 434-1444
  • Erie (814) 453-3010
  • Wilkes Barre (570) 826 6265

2.)    To express concern about the legalization of video poker machines, one of the most addictive forms of gambling, contact your State Representative and State Senator.  If you don’t know who your elected officials are, click here and enter your nine-digit zip code or county in the upper right hand corner. 

























February 2, 2009

Time to Take a Look at the Senate “Stimulus” Packet --
A Debt our Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren Will be Paying

From Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s office:

* The interest payments alone on the stimulus would cost $350 billion over the next ten years, which means the next generation will have to pay the bills.

* The bill contains nothing in it that would stimulate the economy, but it’s only a down-payment on big government spending.

Wasteful Spending Provisions

* $2 billion earmark to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Dept. of Energy defunded last year because the project was inefficient
* $650 million for the digital television (DTV) converter box coupon program
* $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (arctic ship)
* $448 million for constructing the Dept. of Homeland Security headquarters
 * $248 million for furniture at the new Dept. of Homeland Security headquarters
* $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees
* $400 million for the CDC to screen and prevent STD's
* $1.4 billion for a rural waste disposal programs
* $125 million for the Washington, D.C. sewer system
* $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities
* $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion
* $75 million for "smoking cessation activities"
* $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges
* $75 million for salaries of employees at the FBI
* $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction
* $500 million for flood reduction projects on the Mississippi River
* $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas
* $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings
* $500 million for state and local fire stations
* $650 million for wildland fire management on Forest Service lands
* $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities
* $1.2 billion for "youth activities," including youth summer job programs
* $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service
* $412 million for CDC buildings and property
* $500 million for building and repairing NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
* $160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service
* $5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the VA "National Cemetery Administration"
* $60 million for Arlington National Cemetery
* $850 million for Amtrak
* $100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint
* $75 million to construct a new "security training" facility for State Dept Security officers when they can be trained at existing facilities of other agencies.
* $110 million to the Farm Service Agency to upgrade computer systems
* $200 million in funding for the lease of alternative energy vehicles for use on military installations.
* $275 million for "watershed and flood prevention operations"

Bad Policy

* Eliminates fees on loans from the Small Business Administration, thus pushing private capital toward unproductive businesses and away from productive businesses.
* Increases the definition of "youth" for certain summer job programs from age 21 to 24.
* $160 million to the Job Corps program at the Dept. of Labor, but not for job programs - rather, to construct, alter or repair buildings.
* Requires a government study on the impact of minimum wage laws on the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa.
* A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.
* $79 billion State Fiscal Stabilization (slush) Fund to bailout the States by providing billions of dollars for "education" costs of any kind.
* $47.843 billion is appropriated for a variety of energy programs that are primarily focused on renewable energy development and energy onservation/efficiency. Not one dollar is appropriated to make fossil fuels more affordable in the near future. More than $6 billion of these funds go to environmental clean ups.
* Increases eligibility for "weatherization" assistance to households 200 percent above the poverty level.
* The "Making Work Pay" credit of $500 to every individual making less than $75,000 (or $1000 to couples making $150,000 or less) would pay people whether they are productive or not - akin to welfare.
* The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP – food stamps) would temporarily suspend the 3-month limit for non-working adults to receive SNAP benefits, thus giving incentives not to find a job.
* Installs government as the creator of broadband deployment regardless of whether the specific local/regional market can sustain it.
* Funds new "green jobs" job-training program without eliminating inefficient job-training programs or consolidating duplicative job-training programs.
* $890 million to the Social Security Administration without any provisions to reduce improper payments, or any plan to increase solvency of the trust fund.
* Nothing requires the products that are purchased with these funds be here in America. Lithium ion batteries, for instance, are primarily made in Asia.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  The bill is currently in the Senate.  Call and e-mail Senator Casey at (202) 224-6324 and use the web form: and Senator Specter at 202) 224-4254 and use web form:

























January 29, 2009

Additional Problems with “Stimulus” Package

  • The Institute for Health Freedom (IHF) warns that the economic stimulus bill mandates electronic health records for every citizen without providing for opt-out or patient consent provisions.  "Without those protections, Americans’ electronic health records could be shared—without their consent—with over 600,000 covered entities through the forthcoming nationally linked electronic health-records network," says Sue A. Blevins, IHF president.
  • Even though millions of dollars for contraception and abortion handouts were removed from the so-called stimulus package, another $335 million is set aside for condoms and sexually explicit "STD prevention" programs. 

In addition to funding graphic sex-education programs and birth-control methods such as condoms, the CDC has come under fire for pouring taxpayer funds into irresponsible and obscene STD prevention programs, which sometimes openly promote promiscuity.   In 2006 the CDC scheduled a National STD Prevention Conference with a panel called, “Are Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs a Threat to Public Health?” The panel invited speakers claiming abstinence-until-marriage programs were ineffective and are even dangerous.  The CDC has also granted millions of dollars to events featuring prostitutes, transgender beauty contests, and "sex workshops." 

·         Republican officials are concerned that the Democratic-written legislation makes people who came to the United States illegally eligible for tax credits of $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple.

A House-passed version of the bill and one making its way through the Senate both disqualify nonresident aliens from receiving the credits. But neither requires a worker to have a Social Security number to get the credits.

Did you know that Pennsylvania’s “pro-life” Senator Bob Casey yesterday voted against reinstating the Mexico City Policy?  Click here to read our news release. 

What a great idea – The Rangel Rule!  In light of the IRS problems/back taxes/interest owed by Congressman Charles Rangel and new Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Republican Rep. John Carter of Texas yesterday introduced a bill so that all U.S. taxpayers would enjoy the same immunity from IRS penalties and interest.  If the “Rangel Rule Act of 2009” passes, any taxpayer who wrote “Rangel Rule” on their return when paying back taxes would be immune from penalties and interest.  I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for passage of this bill, but it does send a message highlighting the ‘above the law’ attitude of some in positions of power and the IRS’ willingness to turn a blind eye to such illegal activity when it comes to these cases. 

Also, if you have time please read this Wall Street Journal article entitled “A 40 Year Wish List – You won’t believe what’s in that stimulus bill.”


1.)  It is being reported that already left-wing groups are targeting the Republicans and the eleven Democrats who voted against the ‘stimulus’ package.  The messages conveyed to those who voted ‘no’ are “You’ve just ended your political career” and “We’ll see that you are voted out of office next election cycle.” 

They need to hear a different message from us.  Click here for contact information.

These are the Pennsylvania Congressman who voted ‘no’ on H.R. 1:  Republicans — Dent, N; Gerlach, N; Murphy, Tim, N; Pitts, N; Platts, N; Shuster, N; Thompson, N. and Democrat Paul Kanjorski, N.

2.)  H.R. 1 --  the ‘Stimulus’ package has now gone to the Senate where it awaits final passage.  President Obama is still demanding that this be on his desk so he can sign it into law by President’s Day.  Call and e-mail Senator Casey at (202) 224-6324 and use the web form: and Senator Specter at 202) 224-4254 and use web form:

























January 27, 2009

Stimulus Bill Debate Begins Today

Debate on the $825 stimulus bill will begin today – one day earlier than expected. Apparently as more people raise questions about the stimulus bill, the Democrats are trying to rush it through.

 Many problems exist within the bill, one of which is money allocated for abortions to women who would not normally qualify under current Medicaid rules because of their income level.   After backlash from around the country and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s ridiculous comments about abortion being a good way to stimulate the economy, President Obama is asking the Democrats to remove that provision

The “stimulus” bill will extend the Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) program, without extending the Title V abstinence education program.  These two programs have historically been reauthorized or extended together.  By reauthorizing TMA, but not abstinence education, this package will silently kill the Title V program.

But additional problems exist – these include the following:

1.)     The $825 billion package will exceed more than $1.1 trillion when adding in the interest ($300 plus billion) between 2009-2019 to pay for it. 


2.)    The Capitol Hill Democrats’ plan includes funding for contraceptives; regardless of where anyone stands on taxpayer funded contraception, there is no question that it has NOTHING to do with the economy.


3.)    The legislation could open billions of taxpayer dollars to left-wing groups like the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which has been accused of voter fraud, is reportedly under federal investigation; and played a key role in the housing meltdown. 


4.)    Here are just a few of the programs and projects that have been included in the House Democrats’ proposal:

·         $650 million for digital TV coupons.

·         $600 million for new cars for the federal government.

·         $6 billion for colleges/universities – many which have billion dollar endowments.

·         $50 million in funding for the National Endowment of the Arts.

·         $44 million for repairs to U.S. Department of Agriculture headquarters.

·         $200 million for the National Mall, including $21 million for sod.


5.)     The plan establishes at least 32 new government programs at a cost of over $136 billion.  That means more than a third of this plan’s spending provisions are dedicated to creating new government programs. 

For more information see what House Republican Leader John Boehner says by clicking here.

Also, if you have the time read Professor Emeritus at the University of Hartford Dom Armentano’s and retired Professor of Economics Michael Rozeff views on the Obama economic plan 


1.)  President Obama has said the nation’s budge deficit will be $1 trillion plus ‘as far as the eye can see.’  With a stimulus package such as what has been introduced through H.R. 1 that is what will happen.  If you think this so-called stimulus package is a bad idea, contact your Congressman and ask him or her to vote ‘No’ on H.R. 1.  Click here for information on Pennsylvania’s Congressman in the 111th Congress. 

































January 26, 2009

1.)     FYI – Students for Equality Day

2.)    No Name Calling Week – Nice Sounding  . . . but

1.)     Tuesday, January 27 is Students for Equality Day.  On this day “high school and college students across the country are to wear the same shirt to school as a way to show unity within the community in the fight towards LGBT equality, particularly marriage equality.”  The date exactly one week after the inauguration of Barack Obama was chosen to send him a clear message that they (homosexual activists and their allies) expect action on same sex marriage and other GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) issues. 

2.)     Additionally another assault in our nation’s schools this week is yet another Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) “Days of Action.”  It is ‘No Name Calling Week’ and it is geared towards grades 5-8.  GLSEN has various ‘action days’ for older students including the ‘Day of Silence’ in April and ‘Ally Week’ in October and this year the new ‘TransAction Day’ on February 27th.  This day deals with transgendered individuals. 

The AFA of PA believes all students should be provided a safe learning environment and any bullying should be dealt with immediately.  But to promote the acceptance of a dangerous and immoral lifestyle under the guise of ‘safe schools’ or anti-bullying’ places all students at risk.

Unlike the Day of Silence where you used to be able to obtain a list of participating high schools, GLSEN has NEVER revealed which middle schools are participating.  Why are they afraid that parents will find out that they are involved in their child’s school?  It is because behind the nice sounding name, “No Name Calling Week,” is the effort to get the ‘gay is okay’ message in front of these impressionable students.  Even a look at the lesson plans, which they do post online, opens the door for any teacher who wants to push that same message of ‘gay is okay.’  The lesson plans are divided between K-4 (although ‘No Name Calling Week” is supposed to just be targeting middle school) and grades 5-8.

Each of the K-4 lessons has a list of “Literature Suggested for extension of lesson themes.”  Click here for a list of K-12 books with homosexual themes that may be in your child’s school library.  But a closer examination also shows some of the books listed as suggested literature in the “No Name Calling Week” lessons are listed on the Gateways to a Better Education website linked above.. GLSEN is not nearly as blatant as they used to be when they listed ‘Suggested Reading’ books such as The King and King or Heather Has Two Mommies, now they use innocent sounding books entitled Oliver Button is a Sissy, The Misfits, or It’s Okay to be Different.  


1.)    If your child is in elementary or middle school, why not consider calling the principal to see if they plan on participating in ‘No Name Calling Week.”

2.)    If your child attends a school which has a Gay Straight Alliance, click here to see, members of that club may decide to be a part of the Students for Equality Day and other protests this group may be planning.  With the help of the internet, it’s not just GLSEN that is targeting your kids anymore; it’s these other groups – many of which have just been in existence since shortly after November 4th when California voters successfully passed their Marriage Protection Amendment.   Homosexual activists are still ‘fighting mad’ and are trying even harder to target the next generation and mobilize them to support their cause of ‘equality.’






















January 14, 2009

1.)     Will the Cross at Site of Flight 93 Memorial be Removed?

2.)    Freedom of Choice Act

3.)    How Much is a Trillion Dollars?

4.)    FYI:  Obama’s Inauguration Lineup

  1. Shortly after Flight 93 crashed into the field in Shanksville on September 11, 2001, a temporary memorial sprang up as Americans from across the country came to pay tribute to the heroes of Flight 93.  One of the first items left at the site was a cross donated by the Somerset Christian and Missionary Alliance Church.  Click here to view a picture of the cross taken in July 2008.  Now, we have been told that there is a very real possibility that the cross will not be part of the final Flight 93 National Memorial.  Too many are under the impression that religious symbols cannot be permitted at government parks or memorials.  In response, we wrote a letter to the National Park Service.  Click here to read our news release about this letter, plus the one to President Bush about the treatment of the landowner of the crash site and the 275 acres surrounding it. 
  1. President-elect Obama has promised Planned Parenthood that one of the first things he will do is sign the Freedom of Choice Act into law.  This is one of those ‘nice sounding’ bills that is extremely dangerous.  Just what would this bill do if signed into law?  It would abolish all pro-life regulations across the nation, from parental notification laws to bans on federal funding of abortions --- check out the last section of the bill. 
  1. How Much is a Trillion Dollars -- from the National office of the AFA.
  1. We’ve all heard that Pastor Rick Warren will be offering the opening prayer for President-elect Obama’s inauguration and the homosexuals are very upset with Obama.  But did you know who else will be praying at events during that week?  During a pre-inaugural event at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, the invocation will be delivered by openly homosexual V. Gene Robinson, Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire. Robinson has said he will not refer to the Bible during his prayer because it is offensive to some.   This event will be attended by both President –elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden. 

The inauguration itself will not only include Warren, but Rev. Joseph Lowery who will be delivering the benediction.  Rev. Lowery supports civil unions and special rights for homosexuals.  He also opposes efforts to pass Marriage Protection Amendments.

Additionally the Lesbian and Gay Band will be performing in the inaugural parade and a Washington-based Gay Men’s Chorus will be performing at the same Sunday event that Robinson will be offering the invocation. 

The day after the inauguration during the national prayer service at the National Cathedral, Rev. Sharon E. Watkins will deliver the sermon.  She is the president and general minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  She has not taken a position on same-sex marriage and the church she pastored before becoming president cannot reach a consensus on the issue, according to Watkins.


1.)    Pray for America as though her existence as a free God-fearing nation depended upon it – because it does.

2.)    Contact the National Park Service and ask them to keep the cross as part of the Flight 93 National Memorial.  You can call (814) 443-4557 or fax (814) 443-2180.  You can also e-mail using the contact form by clicking here.   

3.)    Contact your U.S. Congressman and Senators Specter and Casey asking them not to support the Freedom of Choice Act.  This act is not about freedom nor is it about choice, but it is about taking away the freedom of babies to live, taking away the parental rights of pregnant teenage girls and taking away the choices between life and death of a newly created child. Click here for Congressional contact information.  To contact Senator Specter and Senator Casey click here.   Please call the district office nearest you as well as e-mail your Congressman and Senators Specter and Casey.

4.)    Click here for the ‘How Much is a Trillion Dollars’ alert from AFA National. 






















January 7, 2009

State Senator Ferlo and Hate Crimes Legislation

State Senator Jim Ferlo (D-38) has told his colleagues that passage of a hate crimes bill should be their top priority this term. Forget the out-of-control government spending, forget the over $1billion budget deficit, lets add ‘actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the PA hate crimes law.  Senator Ferlo made this announcement even before they were sworn in yesterday!

Click here to read our news release for more details.  


If you think passage of such a law is not a good idea, please contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to oppose any hate crimes bill that may be introduced this session.  These type laws create unequal protection and make one victim more important than another.  Please call the district office nearest you and e-mail your elected officials.  Click here and key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner for contact information. 












Copyright 2002-2009 American Family Association of PA