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              CURRENT ACTION ALERT 2005 -- Part 1






August 12, 2005


Tomorrow is Pride Picnic (GayDay) at Knoebels Grove Amusement Park


It recently came to our attention that the family-owned Knoebels Grove Amusement Park near Danville is the location of the eleventh annual Pride Picnic at Knoebels.  See below for information from a homosexual website in the Harrisburg area:


Knoebels Grove Amusement Park - Elysburg PA
11th Annual Pride Picnic at Knoebels Grove Picnic Saturday, August 13th, 2005 will be the date for this years 11th Annual Pride Picnic At Knoebels Grove. With the tremendous success of the 10th Anniversary last summer and the record numbers of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Allies participants, we hope to grow those numbers at this year’s family style get together. Last year we saw an increase in GLBTT families with children attending the day long festivities. Some traveling from as far away as Philadelphia , Pittsburgh , Washington DC And Baltimore. This year we will “go back in time” revisiting our childhood family reunion picnics. We will have door prizes for such categories as “Who is Together the Longest”, “Who Traveled the Farthest”, “Who Arrived The Earliest” and more. We will also have special KIDS ONLY raffle prizes. New this year will be the ALL GAY PHOENIX roller coaster. All picnic participants will gather to make the famed wooden classic roller coaster a QUEER COASTER starting at 6:00 PM . These are some of the highlights at this year’s 11th Pride Picnic at Knoebels Grove. The picnic is held at Pavilion T-10. Registration begins at 11am . The covered dish lunch and raffle begin at 3:00 PM. Everyone should bring a covered dish to share. Hot Dogs and Tableware will be provided. Questions and directions: Call Russ and Rick – 610-379-9592 or email
  or Mike and Mike – 717-572-9111 or email at  . Join us for the meal and or stay for the whole day. “The River View Inn” of Sunbury is a short 25 minute drive to Knoebels Grove and is the official bed and breakfast of “GayDay at Knoebel 2005”. Call 1-866-592-4800 or visit them online at  " 


I don’t believe it is actually sponsored by Knoebels Grove, but the statements noted above “New this year will be the ALL GAY PHOENIX roller coaster. All picnic participants will gather to make the famed wooden classic roller coaster a QUEER COASTER starting at 6:00 PM .”  I don’t know how an ‘All Gay Phoenix roller coaster’ could happen without the park’s knowledge.


Also note the official bed and breakfast of GayDay at Knoebel 2005 is The River View Inn of Sunbury.  In that situation it appears that they are fully aware of who a number of their guests will be for the weekend.


Tomorrow at Knoebels Grove how many parents are going to take their children for a good time and instead have to explain why two men or two women are holding hands and/or kissing?  How many children will be put in potential danger when sent into the restroom alone?


There’s an upcoming First Annual Miss Gay Pennsylvania, Miss Gay Pennsylvania American 2006 Pageant, and a gay and lesbian film festival.  Also Shippensburg University will have its first ever Pride Fest on October 1st.   For additional disturbing activities going on in central Pennsylvania click here.  




1.)  Contact Knoebels Grove and express your concern about Pride Picnic at their family-friendly park.  E-mail at   or call 1-800-487-4386.


2.)  If your family has plans for a fun-filled day at an amusement park, you may consider doing a Google search at on the park to see if any ‘gay pride events’ are planned the day your family plans to attend.


3.)  Plan on attending the September 17 AFA of PA ‘Preserving Traditional Values in Today’s Culture Conference’ in Franklin .  It will be from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. Confirmed speakers are Rick Green of Wallbuilders, Jim Metrock of Obligation, Inc., and Dr. Paul Schenck of Priests for Life. Click here for additional information and for registration form. 


4.) Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking hear 


















August 4, 2005


Governor Rendell Says the Courts Should Define Marriage


In a Harrisburg Patriot-News article on Sunday Governor Rendell’s spokesman, Chuck Ardo, indicated that Governor Rendell believes the courts should decide the definition of marriage.  This is exactly what homosexual activists are wanting.  Consistently voters have voted to protect traditional marriage and decisions by activist judges have overthrown the will of the people.


The AFA of PA has sent the Governor a fax outlining some of the problems with legalizing same-sex marriage.  They are listed below:


Scandinavian countries have had some form of same-sex marriage for a decade – marriage is no longer viewed as important, in some areas up to 80%of all births are out-of-wedlock

Homosexuality will be viewed and taught in schools as a safe, alternative lifestyle while in reality the health ramifications are enormous – according to the CDC , almost 60% or 2 in 3 cases of AIDS involve men who have sex with men (MSM), cases of anal cancer soar among MSM, 1 in 5 gay men claim they are victims of domestic violence, according to the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association those involved in the homosexual lifestyle are more prone to substance abuse, cancers, STDs, and psychological disorders, the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology reports that a man involved in the homosexual lifestyle can shorten his life by up to 20 years.    

q    Studies have consistently shown that children need a mother and a father.   Children raised in same-sex households grow up confused about their sexuality and are more prone to early sexual experimentation and substance abuse.

q Parents of natural families will be discriminated against if they try to protect their children from homosexual indoctrination within the public school system.  This has already happened in Massachusetts where the father of a kindergarten student was arrested when he requested permission to opt his child out of pro-homosexual classes and parents who tried to videotape a pro-homosexual assembly for middle school students were forced to leave the school or face arrest.  Even a reporter was refused admission. 

q If the definition of marriage is changed to include same-sex relationships, it can be changed to include any other type relationship.  In June 2005 addressing an Ivy League school, ACLU president Nadine Strossen stated that her organization has "defended the right of individuals to engage in polygamy.” 




1.)  Call Governor Rendell and tell him that we don’t need the courts to decide the definition of marriage in Pennsylvania .  It was decided in 1996 when the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) passed overwhelmingly.  His number is 717.787.2500 or fax 717.772.8284.  In addition to calling his office, please e-mail him using the form at 


2.) Statements such as the Governor’s show the importance of an amendment to our state’s Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here. You will need Adobe Reader to access the petition.  Click here to download for free.


























July 22, 2005


State Employees Benefit Trust Fund to Study Providing Benefits to Same-sex Partners


Yesterday by a unanimous vote the board of the State Employees Benefit Trust Fund decided to study the possibility of extending coverage to the same-sex partners and unmarried heterosexual partners of state employees.  This all would have taken place in a completely closed meeting if it had not been for House Majority Leader Representative Sam Smith (R-Jefferson) and Appropriations Committee Chairman Representative Brett Feese (R-Lycoming) demanding that the meeting be opened to the public because of the State’s Sunshine Laws.   The meeting was not opened, but these two representatives were permitted to attend.  They have sued to open the meetings to the public, especially if a dramatic change in policy such as extending same-sex domestic partner benefits occurs.  The court will decide on Tuesday whether their injunction will be upheld. 


It is of interest to note that the proposal was introduced by Joan Bruce, the union rep from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and seconded by a Mr. Kornfeld of the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA).  The SEIU is a member of the AFL-CIO and the PSEA is the state affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA). Remember the AFL-CIO Executive Committee voted in March to condemn all efforts to pass federal and state marriage amendments to protect traditional marriage and we all know where the NEA stands on promoting the homosexual agenda in our nation’s schools!


Check out the State Employees Benefit Trust Fund website at      




1.)  Contact the State Employees Benefit Trust Fund and tell them that you don’t want your tax dollars used to fund the health care benefits of same-sex or heterosexual live-in partners of state employees.  Pennsylvanians do not want traditional marriage undermined and this is one more step towards doing that.  Rachel Oliver is the Supervisor of Benefit Services.  The contact information is below.


·    Local (717) 561-4750

·    In State (800) 522-7279

·    Out of State (800) 628-0174

Postal Address

·    150 South 43rd Street , Harrisburg , PA 17111

Electronic Mail



2.)  Contact your State Representative and State Senator and tell them that you don’t want your tax dollars used to fund such a move by the State Employees Benefit Trust Fund.  Also tell them that this is another reason why we need a marriage protection amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution.  Click here to find your State Representative’s contact information – key in your zip code or county in the upper right hand corner.


Click here to find your State Senator’s contact information – key in your zip code or county in the upper right hand corner.


3.)  Plan on attending the September 17 AFA of PA ‘Preserving Traditional Values in Today’s Culture Conference’ in Franklin .  It will be from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. Confirmed speakers are Rick Green of Wallbuilders, Jim Metrock of Obligation, Inc., and Dr. Paul Schenck of Priests for Life. Click here for additional information and for registration form. 


4) Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here.    You will need Adobe Reader to access the petition.  Click here to download for free.























July 1, 2005


Sorry to Ruin Your Fourth of July Weekend, BUT the Gay Historical Marker to be Unveiled Today!!


On June 15 I attended the quarterly meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission at the State Museum in Harrisburg.  Four of us addressed the commissioners and each expressed concerns about the approval of a historical marker commemorating the 1965 homosexual rights parade in front of Independence Hall.  It is our understanding that it was approved unanimously by the commissioners.  I came with a list of questions, three of which were when, where and by whom the marker would be unveiled.  They had no answers at that time and for two weeks we waited.  Finally, Wednesday I faxed a list of the questions to the commissioners again asking for answers. 


The AFA of PA received a phone call late yesterday afternoon from the PHMC to inform us that the historical marker will be unveiled today!  The marker will be unveiled by Barbara Franco, the Executive Director of PHMC, at 10:00 a.m. at the National Constitution Center, 525 Arch Street in Philadelphia. The ceremony is by invitation only and is not open to the public (Apparently the National Constitution Center is not large enough to accommodate the great ‘throng’ of people who anxiously await the unveiling of this marker!)  The historical marker’s final location will be the corner of Chestnut and Sixth Streets – less than a stone’s throw from Independence Hall which is located between Fifth and Sixth Streets on Chestnut Street.


Yes, I believe we can be cynical about the timing -- the late afternoon call and the holiday weekend! Click here to read the news release we issued.


What an outrage during the time when we will be celebrating our nation’s birth! This marker will be unveiled right there, where America’s Founding Fathers took the step to declare ‘enough is enough’ and began the fight to throw off the English crown.


Are we ready to declare ‘enough is enough’ as we see our nation’s history rewritten?  Our nation’s children are being taught that people are ‘born gay,’ that homosexuality is a matter of civil rights just as when African Americans struggled for their civil rights.  This is the constant mantra of the mainstream media and liberal politicians both in Pennsylvania and on the national level.  One propaganda tool is the constant repetition of an idea and we’ve all heard “If you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe it.”  Well, that is what is happening with this issue.




1.)  Contact your state representative and state senator and ask them to support Representative Metcalfe’s effort to stop the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle using your tax dollars.  Click here to find who your legislators are – in the upper right hand corner enter your county, or for a more accurate response, enter your nine-digit zip code.


2.)  Contact the commissioners of the PHMC –
Mailing Address:
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
300 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 787-3362
fax: (717) 783-9924

2005 Commission Members

Executive Director:  Barbara Franco; Chairman: Wayne S. Spilove; Members: Francis Barnes, ex officio, Secretary of Education; Rhonda R. Cohen; Representative Lawrence Curry (Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties) ; Senator Jane Earll (Erie County); Dr. Gordon A. Haaland; Robert A. Janosov, Janet S. Klein; Representative Stephen Maitland (Adams and Franklin Counties); Cheryl McClenney-Brooker; Dr. Brian C. Mitchell, Kathleen Pavelko

3.)  Plan on attending the September 17 AFA of PA ‘Preserving Traditional Values in Today’s Culture Conference’ in Franklin.  Confirmed speakers are Rick Green of Wallbuilders, Jim Metrock of Obligation, Inc., and Dr. Paul Schenck of Priests for Life.  We will have a registration form on our website soon. 


4.) Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here. You will need Adobe Reader to access the petition.  Click here to download for free.
















June 29, 2005


Representative Daryl Metcalfe Sends Memo to Colleagues – Stop Using Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexual Lifestyle

This is ‘budget season’ in Harrisburg .  In recent days Butler County (District 12) State Representative Daryl Metcalfe has sent a memo asking his colleagues to help him stop the use of tax dollars in promoting the homosexual lifestyle.  On Monday the Philadelphia Inquirer reported in an article that “At the height of the budget season in Harrisburg , a state representative is circulating memos to colleagues in an effort to block state funds from being used to promote gay tourism in the Philadelphia region.”  As you can read in the article certain people in Philadelphia, especially Malcolm Lazin of Equality Forum, are rather upset with Representative Metcalfe’s actions.  Remember Equality Forum has received $185,000 of our tax dollars since December 2003 for “tourism promotion.” This year’s Equality Forum involved a panel discussion on Abraham Lincoln being ‘gay’ and workshops on overturning state marriage laws and getting homosexual special rights laws passed.

The AFA of PA sent a news release out earlier today.  Click here for for additional information.


Your state representative and state senator need to hear from you.  Contact them and tell them to stop spending your tax dollars to promote the homosexual lifestyle.  Ask them to support Representative Metcalfe’s efforts.  Consider writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.


Also consider writing a short note to thank Representative Metcalfe for his efforts.




1.)  Contact your state representative and state senator and ask them to support Representative Metcalfe’s effort to stop the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle using your tax dollars.  Click here to find who your legislators are – in the upper right hand corner enter your county, or for a more accurate response, enter your nine-digit zip code. Thank Representative Metcalfe; click here for his contact information.


2.) Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.  Other concerned Pennsylvanians need to hear of the use of their tax dollars to promote the homosexual lifestyle.  A letter to the editor only needs to be a few sentences long.


3.)  Plan on attending the September 17 AFA of PA ‘Preserving Traditional Values in Today’s Culture Conference’ in Franklin .  Confirmed speakers are Rick Green of Wallbuilders, Jim Metrock of Obligation, Inc., and Dr. Paul Schenck of Priests for Life.  We will have a registration form on our website soon. 


4.) Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here. You will need Adobe Reader to access the petition.  Click here to download for free.



















June 27, 2005


Supreme Court Deals Us a Double Whammy!

Last week they gave municipalities the right to take your property and use as they see fit for their‘economic development.”  Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the majority decision: "Promoting economic development is a traditional and long accepted function of government. Clearly, there is no basis for exempting economic development from our traditionally broad understanding of public purpose."

So ‘eminent domain’ now means your private property can be ‘confiscated’ (at fair market value, of course) and replaced by a WalMart, shopping mall, or golf course – whatever your local elected officials believe will help in your community’s economic development and increase the tax revenue. Remember in the Connecticut case they were deciding, the city is going to place the private property in question into the hands of a private developer.  Who will in turn tear down the homes of the private owners and replace them with a riverfront hotel, offices and a fitness club. Prior to last Thursday, this was true in ‘blighted areas’ of the inner city.  Now I guess, the majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices look upon all of America as a blighted area and the property owners should no longer be allowed to tell the government ‘No’ if it wants to allow a WalMart to build on that piece of property. 

One piece of good news from Washington , D.C. today has been a bill introduced by Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas.  In his opening remarks on the floor of the Senate, he stated:  Mr. President, I rise today to introduce new legislation, entitled the Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005.  I introduce this legislation in response to a controversial ruling of the United States Supreme Court issued just last Thursday.”


Let us pray that his fellow Senators and the Congress will see the mistake that was made in Thursday’s decision and act quickly. 


As I’m sure you all have heard by now – the Supreme Court handed down its Ten Commandments’ decision today.  This decision does nothing to clear up the already ‘muddy waters’ of the Ten Commandments issue!  In the Kentucky case the Ten Commandments could not be permitted in a display with many other historic documents about our nations founding because sometime in the distant past the county commissioners had mentioned their desire to see God back in the public square.  Quite obviously, according to the majority of the Supreme Court Justices, their efforts in creating the display were to establish a religion!  BUT in the Texas case where a Ten Commandments monument is located in a less visible area on their 22-acre capitol complex, it’s okay to remain. 


Rather than address the issue today, the Supreme Court threw additional mud into the already murky waters.  Why not look at the words of our Founding Fathers and their acknowledgement that our legal system is based on the Ten Commandments?  Why not acknowledge the polls which show over 70% of Americans do not have a problem with the public display of the Ten Commandments?  My thoughts – because if they did address the issue historically, they would have to admit that America is a nation founded by Christians for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that America is a Christian nation – or at least it was until the Church became silent on moral and ethical issues – and they would have to admit that God has a rightful place in the public square and the ACLU is wrong in its assertion that He does not.




1.) Pray for America .  Pray for President Bush as he nominates judges.


2.)  Contact Senator Santorum and Senator Specter and ask them to support Senator Cornyn’s Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005.  Find Senator Santorum’s district office nearest you by clicking here.  Find Senator Specter’s district office by clicking here

3.)  Plan on attending the September 17 AFA of PA ‘Preserving Traditional Values in Today’s Culture Conference’ in Franklin .  Confirmed speakers are Rick Green of Wallbuilders, Jim Metrock of Obligation, Inc., and Dr. Paul Schenck of Priests for Life.  We will have a registration form on our website soon.  


4.) Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here.

You will need Adobe Reader to access the petition.  Click here to download for free.
























June 16, 2005


Southern Baptist Convention Resolution on Homosexuality in Public Schools


This past week the AFA of PA has been working to put together a coalition of statewide pro-family leaders to issue a joint statement to the Chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Resolutions Committee.  We have successfully put together a great coalition of over fifty statewide leaders who are urging the Resolutions Committee of the SBC to move the “Resolution on Homosexuality in Public Schools” forward so the SBC messengers can vote on it.  


Click here to read the news release.    Read the letter to Dr. Mims.

If you attend a Southern Baptist Convention church, please contact the members of the Resolutions Committee and also ask them to move this forward.  Also urge the messengers from your church who will be attending the Nashville conference next week to vote in favor of this resolution if it makes it to the floor.  Dr. Rick Scarborough, author of “Enough is Enough” and president of Vision America has written in support of this resolution.   


If you know someone who attends a Baptist church, ask them if it is a Southern Baptist congregation.  (Actually there are quite a few Southern Baptist churches in Pennsylvania ! You can go to their website to see)  If it is an SBC church, please inform them of this important resolution – give them a copy of it to read or direct them to our website where they can read the news release, the letter and follow a link to the resolution.


Yesterday a Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) pastor introduced a resolution urging Presbyterian parents to remove their children from the public school system.  Dr. D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries has endorsed the PCA resolution.  This resolution has quickly moved out of committee and will be given a full and fair hearing before the entire body.   We are simply urging the SBC to do the same.


The purpose of either resolution is not to condemn Christian administrators or teachers who are part of the public school system.  As I’ve told reporters who have interviewed me on this issue, many times Christian teachers and administrators find themselves in a difficult situation and these resolutions are a ‘win win’ situation for all involved.




1.)    If you attend a Southern Baptist Church, please contact members of the Resolutions Committee, ask them to move the “Resolution on Homosexuality in Public Schools” forward.  Click here for the contact information.  Talk to your pastor.  Let the messengers from your church who are attending the Nashville conference next week know the importance of this resolution and the need for a ‘yes’ vote if it makes it to the floor.  




























June 7, 2005


Your Tax Dollars at Work!


In recent days the AFA of PA has received documentation from the Department of Community and Economic Development.  Did you know that $185,000 of your tax dollars were used to give grant money to the Philadelphia-based Equality Forum?  This grant was approved under the auspiciousness of ‘tourism promotion.’  Remember this is the week-long ‘gay pride’ event that this year included a panel discussion on historic ‘gay icons’ like Abraham Lincoln and workshops on how to overturn state marriage laws and get pro-homosexual laws passed.


Your State Senator and State Representative need to hear from you!  At the end of this e-mail is the correspondence the AFA of PA just sent via e-mail to all State Senators and State Representatives.  It asks them to investigate this outrageous use of tax dollars.


We’ve already received a response from one member of the House, Daylin Leach,: 


Ms. Gramley


This is just ugly. Fortunatly, someday bigotry like this will be as socially unacceptable as the racist garbage that our forebearers in the legislatures had to deal with.


Not to sound like a bumper sticker, but hate is not a family value.


He sent a carbon copy of this response to all House members and the Capitol Staff.  I guess he wanted to get his point across!




1.)  Read the e-mail below that the AFA of PA sent to all State Senators and State Representatives.


2.)  Contact your State Representative and State Senator.  If you do not know who they are please click here.  In the upper right-hand corner, key in your nine-digit zip code.


begin e-mail:


June 7, 2005


Honorable ____________________:


Recently the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, a statewide pro-family group, acquired documentation from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).  This documentation showed that the Philadelphia-based Equality Forum, an organization which promotes the homosexual lifestyle, has received $185,000 in tax dollars since December 2003.  The grants were requested for “tourism promotion.”  This money was used to help promote their week-long event in April/May.  This year's event included panel discussions on 'homosexual historic icons' such as Abraham Lincoln and workshops on how to overturn existing marriage laws and how to get homosexual special rights laws passed. 


Tax dollars should not be used to promote a lifestyle which, according to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, shortens the lives of the male participants by up to 20 years, exposes those involved to greater risks of HIV/AIDS and other STDs, cancers, substance abuse and eating and psychological disorders.  The findings of a new study mirror the findings published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. This new study entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, and has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).


The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders" - including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major depression, and substance abuse.


 A Detroit homosexual newsmagazine columnist last month wrote regarding his partner: "This is his first relationship, so he has not yet been ruined by all the heartache, lies, deceit, and game-playing that are the hallmark of gay relationships...A study I once read suggested that nine out of 10 gay men cheat on their lovers."


 The Centers for Disease Control warns that men who have sex with men "have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."


The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association also agrees with the above findings.


In addition, the official tourism site for Pennsylvania , which falls under the umbrella of the DCED, has a page linked from the home page, which specifically targets homosexuals.  It lists ‘gay-friendly’ locations in several cities in Pennsylvania .    Again – use of tax dollars to promote an extremely dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle which will have a negative impact on all Pennsylvanians.


Most Pennsylvanians do not want their tax dollars used to promote such a dangerous lifestyle.  Promoting gay tourism by using tax dollars is outrageous.   This sends the message to tax-paying families which hold traditional values that their values do not matter - we just want your tax dollars and we’ll spend them however we wish.


I urge you to further investigate this outrageous use of Pennsylvanians hard-earned tax dollars.  Promotion of the homosexual lifestyle is dangerous and not in the best interest or the well-being of Pennsylvanians.  Steps must be taken to see that this waste of tax dollars is not repeated.




Diane Gramley


American Family Association of Pennsylvania

P.O. Box 1048

Franklin , PA    16323

814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355



































April 29, 2005




Thank you for making those phone calls to Governor Rendell and the PA Historic and Museum Commission.  You have made a difference!  Reports are that they are beginning to sound exasperated when answering the phone -- good!


Did you know this week's 'gay' celebration in Philadelphia -- Equality Forum -- is being partially funded by your and my tax dollars -- reportedly to the tune of approximately $100,000.00!!  It appears that the money was given through the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).  The AFA of PA has made a formal request using the Right to Know Law to obtain this information from the DCED. 


This year the City of Philadelphia has contributed $80,000 of taxpayers' hard-earned money to help sponsor Equality Forum.  In addition, according to Equality Forum's own financial statements, they received $183,000 in government grants last year!


I have spoken to several legislators over the past couple days and NONE of them knew that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was helping 'foot the bill' for Equality Forum and needless to say they are all very concerned.  I will be meeting with legislators on Monday and this will be one topic of discussion.


As Governor Rendell complains about not having enough money and insists upon the need for 61,000 new slot machines to help raise money for the state, there appears to be enough "extra" money in the General Fund to help sponsor Equality Forum in Philadelphia.  Also remember programs are being cut around the state, but there's still enough money to sponsor this homosexual program which includes discussions on "Gay Abe," overturning marriage laws and getting laws passed that give homosexuals special rights. 


Governor Rendell and our state legislators need to hear from us TODAY!


To read the News Release the AFA of PA distributed to newspapers across the state, please click here.    




1.)  Contact Governor Rendell at 717.787.2500 and let him know how you feel about the use of your tax dollars to help sponsor Equality Forum.  .  In addition to calling his office, please e-mail him using the form at



2.)  Contact your State Senator and State Representative and express concern about this waste of our tax dollars.  Programs in our communities are operating under-funded or being dropped, yet the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has enough money to help sponsor this homosexual event!  Click here to find your legislators -- key in your zip code or county.


3.) Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here































April 22, 2005


1.)  Justice Sunday Simulcast

2.)  Contact Senator Specter and Senator Santorum

3.)  Sign our Marriage Protection Petition


1.)  This Sunday has been proclaimed Justice Sunday by most pro-family groups in the nation.  Family Research Council Action is hosting a live simulcast from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, April 24.  The purpose of the simulcast is to engage values voters in the all-important issue of reining in our nation's out-of-control courts.  The event will be held at the East Campus of Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.  Speakers include Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Al Mohler and Chuck Colson.  


The event can be viewed a number of different ways:

A. Watch via live webcast

Click this link for more information on how to participate via webcast: http://www.ligh

B. Watch the live simulcast via SkyAngel (no charge for SkyAngel subscribers)

Angel 2 - Channel 9702 Sunday APRIL 24, 2005, 7PM-8:30 PM EST

C. Attend a local church during the simulcast

Churches across the nation have registered to host this simulcast. To find a host church in your area please click here.   After keying in your zip code, this page will carry you not only to a list of host churches, but also you can scroll down the list of other media outlets in Pennsylvania to find out which television stations will carry it. 

D.)  American Family Radio Network:

Unfortunately at this point in time there is only one AFR station in Pennsylvania. -- that's WAWN 89.5 FM in Franklin which will be airing it live from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday evening.  WTMV 88.5 FM, our affiliate station in Youngsville, may also be airing it.

Please help spread the word about this important event.

2.)  Justice Sunday will kick off Justice Week which is a week designed to let our Senators know how important ending the judicial filibuster is to our nation.  Much misinformation is out there.  Read this World Net Daily article. 


Dr. Don Wildmon states: "We cannot afford to lose this one.  The liberals want to keep the super majority rule of 60 votes to end the filibuster.  Conservatives are trying to change it to the Constitutional standard of a simple majority.  If we lose, then our very form of government will be changed.  The Judiciary will no longer be an equal partner with the Executive and Congressional, but superior to them. . . . As far as our issues are concerned, this is probably the most important vote in the last 75 years. 


Read a Q and A About the Constitutional Option by clicking here. 


3.)  Sign our on-line petition for a Marriage Protection Amendment in Pennsylvania.


  Since Pennsylvania's Constitution does not have a petition and referendum provision, the decision to place the amendment question on the ballot is entirely up to the legislative body in Harrisburg.  But we must let them know that the protection of one-man, one-woman marriage in Pennsylvania is of utmost importance to us. The earliest such an amendment could be on the ballot is November 2007.




1.)  If possible, view Sunday night's simulcast from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  Click here


2.)  Contact both Senator Specter and Senator Santorum and ask them to vote to end the unconstitutional judicial filibuster. 


Contact info for Senator Specter can be found by clicking here. 


Contact Senator Santorum and give him the same message -- end the judicial filibuster.  Contact information for his Washington D.C. office is 202.224.6324. 


Click here for contact info for his district offices.  


Please call their Washington offices and the district office nearest you.  We must have the phones once again ringing off the walls.


3.)  Sign our online petition by clicking here. 






















April 19, 2005




An article in today's Philadelphia Inquirer  proves that the AFA of PA is correct in its assertion that the PA Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) made a mistake in approving the historical marker which recognizes the 1965 homosexual rights protest of 20 people at Independence Hall as a significant historic event.  The article quotes one of the protesters who will be attending the May 1st event -- again the PHMC guidelines states that the persons being recognized are to be deceased!  Obviously this individual is not!! 


Equality Forum is still stating that the Governor will be there on May 1st to unveil the historic marker.




1.)  Call Governor Rendell's office at 717.787.2500 and ask him not to participate in unveiling this historic marker on May 1st.  It is an affront to our Founding Fathers and our nation's history.  In addition to calling his office, please e-mail him using the form at The Governor is forwarding all e-mails concerning this to the PHMC, so your response will come from them.  BUT, please contact both the Governor's office and the PHMC.


2.)  Call Barbara Franco, Executive Director of the PA Historical and Museum Commission and express your concerns about the approval of this historical marker and the apparent disregard for their own established guidelines.  Her number is 717.787.3362


3.)  Sign our online petition to Protect Traditional Marriage and encourage our legislators to allow Pennsylvanians to vote on a marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. 

You can also download a copy to circulate by clicking here. 









































April 19, 2005


  "The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn
about Darwin's Theory of Evolution and eventually to take a
standardized test of which evolution is a part.
Because Darwin's Theory is a theory, it continues to be tested as new
evidence is discovered.  The Theory is not a fact.  Gaps in the Theory
exist for which there is no evidence.  A theory is defined as a well-tested
explanation that unifies a broad range of observation.
Intelligent Design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from
Darwin's view.  The reference book, Of Pandas and People, is available
For students who might be interested in gaining an understanding of what
Intelligent Design actually involves.
With respect to any theory, students are encouraged to keep an open
mind.  The school leaves the discussion of the Origins of Life to individual
students and their families.  As a Standards-driven district, class
instruction focuses upon preparing students to achieve proficiency on
Standards-based assessments."

Why is the ACLU so afraid of that statement?  This is the statement that the Dover Area School District approved to read to students at the beginning of their 9th grade Biology class.  If parents object to the statement, parents can have their student excused for the one minute it takes to read the statement.  The first time it was read in January fifteen students out of 175 were excused. 

The ACLU has accused the school of teaching intelligent design (horror of horrors) even though, after reading the statement, they continue using the same textbook they always have used.  Of Pandas and People is available in the school library for students to check out.

In December, on behalf of eight families opposing the policy, the ACLU filed a federal lawsuit against the Dover Area School District.  The lawsuit argues that intelligent design is merely a secular variation of creationism and teaching it in public schools violates the separation of church and state.

Needless to say the media has distorted what is actually going on and twisted it to look as if a few 'whacko religious right' school board members are trying to force the school to throw out the theory of evolution and teach intelligent design.  Many of these board members are facing a primary election on May 17.  Challengers include plaintiffs in the lawsuit and their plan is to get the incumbents voted out so they can reverse the 6-3 October decision making the statement mandatory. . 

The local newspapers have been filled with letters to the editor lambasting the decision to have the statement read.  Please consider writing a letter to the editor in support of the board's decision.  Below is contact information to the two local newspapers.

Addresses to send letters to:  

York Daily Record/Sunday News                The York Dispatch

Mail: Daily Record/Sunday News                Mail:  The York Dispatch

122 S. George Street 1">      205 N. George Street

P.O. Box 15122 1">              York, PA   17401

York, PA   17405 FAX:  1.717.843.2958

FAX:  1.717.771.2009 1">          E-mail: 

E-mail:                            Letters should be about 250 words

Letters must be fewer than 300 words
(ask that your letter be put in both the
York Daily Record and Sunday News)

If you mail the letter in, don't forget to sign it.  Whichever way you decide to send it, make sure it contains your full name, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. 

Some statements you might emphasize in your letter include: 

1.)  Intelligent Design is not being taught. 

2.)  Over 300 scientists, including scholars from Yale, Princeton, MIT and the Smithsonian, signed a public statement declaring they were "skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life" and encouraged "careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory."

3.)  This is a science vs. science debate, not a science vs. religion debate -- it is scientists looking at the same data and reaching different conclusions.

 4.)  If a controversial subject is taught No Child Left Behind requires curriculum to help students to understand the full range of scientific views that exist.         

Remember a letter to the editor need not be that long and may only be a few sentences long.

The school board members who were brave enough to make this decision need our immediate help.


 1.)  Consider writing a letter to the editor to either the York Dispatch or the York Daily News. See above for contact information.

2.) As an additional show of support, send a copy to Superintendent Richard Nilsen, Dover Area School District, 2 School Lane, Dover, PA   17315-1498.  Their fax number is 717.292.9659.  The superintendent supports the policy.

3.)  If you are in the WAWN 89.5 listening area, tune in at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday as I discuss this situation with a Dover Area School District school board member.  If you are in the WTMV 88.5 listening area in the Youngsville area, tune in at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday for a rebroadcast of that program.







































April 12, 2005


Day of Silence in Pennsylvania Schools


April 13 is the annual Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network-sponsored Day of Silence.  During this day students remain silent throughout the school day to show support for gay, lesbian and transgender 'rights.'  This is simply another example of our schools being used for those who seek to change our culture and our nation's view on homosexuality. If homosexual activists can convince the younger generation that this is a 'civil rights' issue, then they have won the battle.


The Alliance Defense Fund has organized a 'counter-protest' to the Day of Silence on April 14 called the Day of Truth.  This is approaching the issue from a Christian perspective because many times Christian students are not permitted to express an opposing view, especially during the Day of Silence.  Many schools effectively silence Christian students.  For additional information go to Alliance Defense Fund's website


Below is the list of Pennsylvania schools appearing on the Day of Silence website as participants.  This website also gives pointers to students whose school may not have approved the observance of a Day of Silence this year and advises them to use the day to garner support for next year's Day of Silence.





There is a separate listing of colleges and universities in Pennsylvania which are also participating in the Day of Silence.  That list can be found on the Day of Silence website.




1.)  If your school is listed above, please contact them and express your concerns about the observation of the Day of Silence and ask them to intervene.  If you know of others in some of the districts listed above, please contact these individuals and let them know that their school is listed as a participating school in the gay Day of Silence.


2.)  Check out the Alliance Defense Fund resources and encourage Christian students to participate in the Day of Truth as a means to counter the lies being propagated by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network and other gay 'rights' that use schools to further advance their agenda




























April 11, 2005


1.)  Homosexual Activist Says It Doesn't Matter If We Lobby Against It

2.)  Sign our New Marriage Petition


1.)  April 24 through May 1st is the annual 'gay pride' event Equality Forum in Philadelphia.  The week-long event will culminate on May 1st with an Out Street Festival and events commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first 'gay rights' protest outside Independence Hall in 1965.  But did you know that your tax dollars are being used to help sponsor the event?  Check out Equality Forum's sponsors page.  Note that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is listed as one of the sponsors along with Comcast, Bank of America, NBC, Wachovia and others.  Additionally, Governor Ed Rendell will be attending, as he normally does, and according to sources, he will be unveiling an historic marker at Independence Hall which will commemorate the 1965 'gay rights' protest. 


This marker was approved by the PA Historical and Museum Commission a couple weeks ago, although according to their own website this event does not qualify for an historic marker.   Governor Rendell's office is denying he will be there to unveil the marker and Equality Forum's Dan Wagner is telling me, "Rendell has attended in the past and is expected to attend this year.  You can lobby against him being there, but probably won't have any luck changing his mind."   Well, lets see if we can make a difference.  The Governor needs to hear from us!


2.)  Our new marriage petition is now online, please go to our website, sign online and download a copy to circulate. November 2007 is the earliest possible date an amendment can be on the ballot for Pennsylvanians to decide if they want to define marriage as between one man and one woman or whether they want to leave it up to the courts to decide.  The Republican leadership needs to hear from us as their survey is showing that 'marriage' is not an important issue to Pennsylvanians.




1.)  Call Governor Rendell's office at 717.787.2500 and ask him not to participate in unveiling this historic marker on May 1st.  It is an affront to our Founding Fathers and our nation's history.  In addition to calling his office, please e-mail him using the form at 

2.)  Our new petition for a marriage protection amendment is now online.  Please sign the petition and download a copy to circulate.  

































April 5, 2005




1.)  Send Your Condolences to Terri Schiavo's family

2.)  Tune in to WAWN 89.5 FM Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. or listen on WTMV 88.5 FM on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. -- Guest: Ken Conner

3.)  Contact Senator Arlen Specter and ask him to vote to end the judicial filibuster. 


1.)  Terri's death on March 31st is a giant step further down the slippery slope to euthanasia, so-called 'mercy killing' and physician assisted suicide.  Please send your condolences to Terri's family at


The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
4615 Gulf Blvd - #104/103
St Petersburg Beach, FL 33706


2.)  I interviewed Ken Conner today for tomorrow's American Family Focus on PA Issues program.  Ken is the former president of the Family Research Council, current chairman of the Center for a Just Society and Governor Jeb Bush's legal counsel in defense of Terri's Law in 2003 and 2004. We will be discussing the potential ramifications of Terri's starvation and dehydration death.  The program will air on WAWN 89.5 FM at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6th and again on Saturday, April 9th at 4:00 p.m. on WTMV 88.5 FM.


3.)  Terri's death is another example of judicial activism.  Judges scoffed at a Congressional subpoena, refused to permit evidence that would have shown that Terri was responsive and refused to look at the case de novo (anew) as the passage of the compromise bill on Easter Sunday asked them to do.  We need pro-life judicial nominees to be given an up or down vote before the full Senate, not filibustered in the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Senate Republicans had the votes to stop the judicial filibuster, but some are now faltering and (surprise) Senator Arlen Specter is one of them.  Please contact his office and ask for an end to the judicial filibuster.  He promised that as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee all President Bush's judicial nominees would be given an up or down vote.




1.)  Send your condolences  to Terri's family at


The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
4615 Gulf Blvd - #104/103
St Petersburg Beach, FL 33706


2.)  If you are in the WAWN 89.5 listening area tune in tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. for my interview with Ken Conner or if you are in the WTMV 88.5 listening area tune in on Saturday at 4:00 p.m.


3.)  Contact Senator Arlen Specter and ask him to stop the judicial filibuster and keep his promise that the President's judicial nominees would get an up or down vote before the full Senate.  Call Senator Arlen Specter at his Washington Office 202.224.4254 or Fax at 202.228.1229.  If you cannot get through to his Washington Office call one of his district offices.  Click here to obtain that information.  You can also e-mail him at

















March 30, 2005   


The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) has approved a historical marker to mark the 1965 homosexual protest in Philadelphia as a significant historic event in America!  Governor Ed Rendell will be unveiling the historic monument on May 1st -- the final day of the homosexual 'pride' event Equality Forum.

This is another attempt by homosexual activists to rewrite history and is a slap in the faces of our Founding Fathers.  There is no doubt where our Founding Fathers stood on the issue of homosexual acts.  Laws in the Thirteen Colonies concerning those engaging in such abhorrent behavior  ranged from confiscation of property and jail time to hanging.  Thomas Jefferson authored a Virginia bill that required 'removal of the offending member' -- castration. 

In Pennsylvania, the law was clear:  That if any person or persons shall commit sodomy . . . he or they so offending or committing any of the said crimes within this province, their counsellors, aiders, comforters, and abettors, being convicted thereof as above said, shall suffer as felons. [And] shall forfeit to the Commonwealth all and singular the lands and tenements, goods and chattels, whereof he or she was seized or possessed at the time . . . at the discretion of the court passing the sentence, not exceeding ten years, in the public gaol or house of correction of the county or city in which the offence shall have been committed and be kept at such labor.

The guidelines set by the PA Historical and Museum Commission for historical markers adopted on December 2, 1987 are also clear. 

In announcing the decision, Chairman Wayne Spilove spoke of events which advanced 'civil rights' in America.  Apparently he is confused, as the debate on homosexuality has nothing to do with civil rights, but rather forcing the acceptance of abhorrent sexual behavior on all America.  Homosexuals have never been denied the right to vote, never had to sit in the back of the bus, never had to attend segregated schools, and there have never been "Gay Only" water fountains.  Homosexual activists are attempting to hijack the civil rights movement.

Talking Points When Contacting the Following:

(You may also want to consider contacting your State Rep and State Senator.  Click  here to find yours.)  

q    The decision is driven by current events, not a truly historic happening.  Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue.

q    Two of the organizers of the homosexual protest in 1965 helped fill out the application for the marker.  Obviously they are still alive.

q     It is doubtful that their accomplishments place in history has been established to qualify for a historical marker.


1.)  Contact Governor Ed Rendell and express your outrage in this attempt to rewrite history.  Express your disappointment in his part in this effort, but more specifically his appearance on May 1st to unveil the historic marker. 

Phone:  717.787.2500
FAX:  717.772.8284

E-mail using the form at  or


Governor Ed Rendell's Office
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA   17120

2.)  Contact Chairman of the PHMC, Wayne Spilove, and express your concern for the apparent disregard for their own guidelines in the decision to approve the historic marker for Independence Hall.  Ask him to use his position as chairman to set in motion the reversal of this decision.  Contact information:

Historical Marker Program
Division of History
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Commonwealth Keystone Building, Plaza Level
400 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0053

(717) 214-7125
Fax: 717-214-2989   

3.)  Contact the Historic Marker Program of the PHMC:  Phone at (717) 783-9927 or e-mail at






























March 24, 2005


Terri Enters Her Sixth Day Without Food or Water


Governor Jeb Bush could issue an executive order right now to take Terri Shiavo into protective custody and save Terri's life.  But, will he do it?  Under the Florida Constitution, which he swore to uphold, he must protect the rights of all Florida citizens -- even the disabled.


There are too many unanswered questions in this case.  Too many unanswered accusations.  If Terri Schiavo is permitted to die, the evidence will die with her and if there was criminal activity involved in her collapse and subsequent lack of proper care no one will have to answer to the courts for it.  Although, throughout this tragic saga the courts have turned a deaf ear to such possibilities!


All who are disabled in this nation should be very frightened at the way this scenario is playing out.  Will this be the "Roe v. Wade" of the euthanasia movement?




1.)  Please continue praying.


2.)  Call Governor Jeb Bush's office at 850.488.4441 or fax him at 850.487.0801 and ask him to exercise his legal authority and take Terri Schiavo into protective custody before it's too late. 































March 22, 2005

IMMEDIATE ATTENTION NEEDED – Call these two Florida Senators and Contact President Bush Today!

Terri Schiavo has been without food or water since 2:00 p.m. Friday, March 18.  To sentence someone to such a death is incomprehensible.  When Hitler began killing the mentally and physically disabled, he at least had them disposed in a quick manner.  He gassed them.  Yet Judge George Greer and now a Clinton-appointed federal judge have said that it is okay for Terri to die by dehydration and starvation.  Judge Greer has even ignored a Congressional subpoena. 

Please call the following two Florida State Senators, asking them to vote for Terri's Law.  Terri's life could rest on these 2 senators....ask them to not turn their back on her.  They may be the only 2 people standing in the way.  Call them & keep trying if you get a busy signal.

Also, contact President Bush and ask him to issue an executive order –

Suggested wording for a letter to the President:

Dear Mr. President:

America will have reached a point of no return if Terri Schiavo is allowed to die by court-ordered starvation and dehydration.  We implore you to issue an Executive Order to save this innocent woman’s life.  She has left no clear directive – only the words of her husband who insists she did not want to live by ‘artificial means.’  Many questions surround Michael Schiavo’s actions prior to and since Terri’s collapse.  

Is allowing someone to eat and drink keeping them alive artificially? NO!  We need to eat and drink.

Therefore, we urgently call upon you to issue an Executive Order to send federal marshals to stop the court-ordered murder of Terri Schiavo and restore her feeding tube. The grounds you can stand upon include: 

q     the natural moral law against murder

q     the right to life in the 14th Amendment

q     and federal authority to uphold the written Constitution.

America does not allow this to happen to any of her citizens.  If you do not act quickly, not only will Terri Schiavo’s life be lost, but America will be lost.


_____________________________________end letter

I am reminded of the quote attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville: America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.

Where is the Church?  Where is God’s people?


1.)  Pray for divine intervention; that the Lord will work in the hearts of those involved.     This must be our first priority, but we must also act. 

2.)  Please call Florida State Senators Evelyn Lynn (850) 487-5033 and

   State Sen. Bert Saunders (850) 487-5124.  It their lines are busy,

   Keep trying.

3.)  Contact President Bush --  e-mail him at    (feel free to

       use the suggested wording above) or call the White House Comment Line 1-202-















March 21, 2005


Shortly after midnight the U.S. House passed the compromise bill which will allow Terri Schiavo's parents to remove the case from Florida state courts and have a federal court review it. It passed by a vote of 203-58 (the roll call is not yet available).  President Bush signed the bill into law at 1:11 a.m. this morning. 

Below is the text of the compromise bill:

U.S. Congress “Compromise Bill” Re: Terri Schiavo

The “compromise bill” shown below was introduced on Saturday, March 19, 2005, and was being considered by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives Sunday, March 20, 2005.

According to lawyers for Terri Schiavo’s parents, the Bill is similar to a U.S. Senate Bill passed on Thursday “tailored to give the Federal District Court jurisdiction in the Schiavo case,” while the Bill proposed by the U.S. House of Representatives “sought broader legislation.”



For the relief of the parents of Theresa Marie Schiavo.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


The United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida shall have jurisdiction to hear, determine, and render judgment on a suit or claim by or on behalf of Theresa Marie Schiavo for the alleged violation of any right of Theresa Marie Schiavo under the Constitution or laws of the United States relating to the withholding or withdrawal of food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to sustain her life.


Any parent of Theresa Marie Schiavo shall have standing to bring a suit under this Act. The suit may be brought against any other person who was a party to State court proceedings relating to the withholding or withdrawal of food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to sustain the life of Theresa Marie Schiavo, or who may act pursuant to a State court order authorizing or directing the withholding or withdrawal of food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to sustain her life. In such a suit, the District Court shall determine de novo any claim of a violation of any right of Theresa Marie Schiavo within the scope of this Act, notwithstanding any prior State court determination and regardless of whether such a claim has previously been raised, considered, or decided in State court proceedings. The District Court shall entertain and determine the suit without any delay or abstention in favor of State court proceedings, and regardless of whether remedies available in the State courts have been exhausted.


After a determination of the merits of a suit brought under this Act, the District Court shall issue such declaratory and injunctive relief as may be necessary to protect the rights of Theresa Marie Schiavo under the Constitution and laws of the United States relating to the withholding or withdrawal of food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to sustain her life.


Notwithstanding any other time limitation, any suit or claim under this Act shall be timely if filed within 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act.


Nothing in this Act shall be construed to create substantive rights not otherwise secured by the Constitution and laws of the United States or of the several States.


Nothing in this Act shall be construed to confer additional jurisdiction on any court to consider any claim related--

(1) to assisting suicide, or
(2) a State law regarding assisting suicide.


Nothing in this Act shall constitute a precedent with respect to future legislation, including the provision of private relief bills.


Nothing in this Act shall affect the rights of any person under the Patient Self- Determination Act of 1990.


It is the Sense of Congress that the 109th Congress should consider policies regarding the status and legal rights of incapacitated individuals who are incapable of making decisions concerning the provision, withholding, or withdrawal of foods, fluid, or medical care.


1.)  Thank President Bush for signing the law that can help save Terri's life. E-mail him at

2.)  Check with your Congressman to see how he or she voted.  Go to   for contact information.

3.)  It passed in the Senate on Friday by unanimous consent -- thank your senator for his vote.  Go to   for contact info.


























March 19, 2005




In a rare Saturday session Congress met and came to a compromise agreement which, they say, addresses everyone's concerns.  The bill is narrowly tailored and would allow Terri Schiavo's parents to have the case heard in federal court.  President Bush has said he will sign the bill as soon as it reaches his desk. 


The Senate met late Saturday to vote for adjournment which would allow the House to reconvene after it had declared a recess earlier.  A 1:00 p.m. meeting on Palm Sunday is expected by the House to pass the Senate version of the bill. 


This is not the Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act introduced by Florida Congressman Dave Weldon and passed by the House.  Due to the objections of Senate Democrats and some 'moderate' Republicans who did not like the bill introduced by Florida Senator Mel Martinez, which contained the same language, this narrower Senate version was passed.   Thus resulting in the need for a compromise version and another vote in the House. 


The Sunday vote in the House must pass by unanimous consent.  Please e-mail your Congressman and ask him or her to vote for the compromise bill to allow Terri's parents to have their case heard in the federal court. 

When asked how he would respond to Michael Schiavo and his attorney's contention that Congress should stay out of his business, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) said that he didn’t have a whole lot of respect for a man who has treated a woman in the way that Michael Schiavo has treated Terri.  He pointed out that Michael Schiavo has refused her therapy, has kept  her in a hospice for five years, has refused her medical treatment.   Delay noted that Michael Schiavo has not allowed Terri to be taken outside for over three years and is kept in a darkened room. 

   “The abuse and negligence he has engaged in as a guardian is outrageous and he has partnered with the judge to do this---what kind of a man is he.  The U.S Constitution protects life of human beings being taken by other human beings needlessly."

Click here for full article.


Click here to read the "Last Visit Narrative" by Attorney Barbara Weller. 




1.)  Continue praying for Terri and her family.


2.)  E-mail your Congressman and ask him or her to support this compromise bill to save Terri's life.  Click here for contact information -- key in your zip code in the upper left hand side.
























March 17, 2005




Tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. is when the court-ordered removal of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube is scheduled.  This will begin the slow one to two-week agonizing death for this brain-damaged Montgomery County, Pennsylvania native.


Legislative active is taking place in both the Florida House and Senate as well as in the U.S. Congress. 


Last week U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) introduced the Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act of 2005 (S. 539).  In the U.S. House Congressman Dave Weldon (R-FL) introduced identical legislation -- H.R. 1151.


Votes are scheduled in both the Florida House and Senate as well as the U.S. Congress today and tomorrow.  Calls are needed ASAP to both Washington and Tallahassee.




1.)  Call the Florida House and ask support for HB 701.  Call the Florida Senate and ask support for SB 804.  Ask them to move quickly on these bills to help save Terri's life.  Both House and Senate can be reached at 800.342.1827.  Call Governor Jeb Bush at 850.488.4441 and ask him to sign the bill when it reaches his desk. 


2.)  Call Senator Specter's office and him to support   S.  539.  His Washington Office number is 202.224.4254 or Fax at 202.228.1229.  If you cannot get through to his Washington Office call one of his district offices.  Click here to obtain that information.


3.)  Call Senator Rick Santorum and thank him for co-sponsoring S 539.  His Washington Office is 202.224.6324.  Click here for contact information for his district offices.


4.)  Call you member of the U.S. House and ask him or her to support H.R. 1151.  Click here to find you Congressman.   On the upper left hand side,  key in your zip code.



















March 16, 2005


 URGENT calls to the Senate needed today and tomorrow

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Please take five minutes today to call both Senator Rick Santorum and Senator Arlen Specter and request a “Yes or No” vote for judicial nominees.  As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Senator Specter must take the lead and push for the end of the judicial filibuster.

BACKGROUND: The threat of court-imposed same-sex marriage in EVERY state became even more apparent after an outrageous decision Monday by a single California judge.

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer single-handedly outvoted more than 61% of California voters yesterday when he nullified that state’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) – effectively declaring the voice of the people unconstitutional!

That is why the battle in the Senate over judicial appointments is critical. Senate Democrats and a few moderate Republicans are using the filibuster to block the President’s federal judicial appointments, denying them a Constitutionally guaranteed right to a majority vote.

Defeat on every issue important to Christian conservatives – school prayer, abortion, euthanasia, gay rights – has been decided in the courts by activist judges against the majority of Americans who opposed their decisions.

We have federal judicial nominees – common sense judges – who are prepared to administer the law rather than re-write it. But they can’t get a vote.

Your Senators must hear from you today. It is urgent that you call and request an end to the judicial filibuster, and to give each nominee a fair “Yes or No” vote. Tell your friends and neighbors to call too. Flood the phone lines. If you can’t get through to the Capitol, call one of their district offices. They must know you want the obstruction and filibustering to end, and a fair vote for each nominee!  If they say this is the way it has always been, tell them that is not historically correct.  We are talking about a judicial filibuster -- unheard of until recent years -- not a legislative filibuster which historically has been used as part of the legislative process.

Only when we have judges who will rule with a gavel instead of a pen will majority rule be restored. And it starts with your call.

It is CRITICAL that you CALL TODAY! If you don’t act now and the Senate continues to allow this obstruction, we can expect more rulings like those from San Francisco and, despite the will of the people, same-sex marriage will be forced on us by judicial fiat.


It is very important that a phone call is made or fax is sent.  E-mailing is okay, but most elected officials say it's the phone calls that really make the difference. 




1.)  Call Senator Rick Santorum at his Washington Office 202.224.6324.  Click here for contact information for his district offices.  Politely tell him to stop the judicial filibuster and stop obstructing President Bush's judicial nominees


2.)  Call Senator Arlen Specter at his Washington Office 202.224.4254 or Fax at 202.228.1229.  If you cannot get through to his Washington Office call one of his district offices.  Click here to obtain that information.  Tell him to take the lead in ending the judicial filibuster and have a 'yes' or 'no' vote on all of President Bush's judicial nominees.  They all have the right for a vote before the full Senate, not to get 'stuck' in the Senate Judicial Committee.






























March 7, 2005

Sheetz 'Pushes the Envelope' With Billboard

Have you noticed Sheetz Convenience Stores' most recent billboard? 

They are not satisfied with selling pornographic magazines on their shelves, but have become increasingly bold with crass messages on their billboards.  We must let Sheetz know that enough is enough and this time they've insulted us once too often!

Read about Sheetz "Responsible Retailing" by clicking here and then clicking on that link in the upper left-hand corner.  

They have not included the sale of pornographic material; obviously it does not bother them to sell "Playboy"," Playgirl," "Penthouse," etc.   Perhaps we should remind them that the consumption of pornography is not healthy either. 

From the above page, you can also click on "Contact Us" to voice your concerns about the billboard pictured below and Sheetz sale of pornography.  A picture of the billboard is also attached to this e-mail.




1.)  Click here for direct link to the Comment Page  to leave your concerns.

2.)  Please strongly consider spending your hard-earned money elsewhere besides Sheetz.   Any business that does not see a problem with selling pornographic magazines or putting up a billboard like their newest one does not deserve our business.  Be sure to let Sheetz know why you are taking your business elsewhere.
























February 10, 2005




In Erie last night I attended a preview showing of the "Sugartime" episode of "Postcards from Buster."  It was the local PBS station's attempt to downplay all the negative publicity that the episode had received.  Supposedly they wanted public feedback, although they have already determined to air it on March 21 at the regular time. 


Believe me -- all the negative publicity just touches the tip of the iceberg.  There is again no doubt that homosexual activists are targeting our children at ever younger and younger ages.


A Brief History:


1.)  For years the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has encouraged high schools to participate in the 'Day of Silence' in April.  This is the day when students remain silent throughout the school day to show support for gays, lesbians and bisexuals.  According to GLSEN thousands of schools participate each year.


Where were we?


2.)  Last year was the first 'No Name Calling Week' (another brainchild of GLSEN) which targeted middle schools.  It's a nice sounding name, until you take a closer look at some of their lesson plans which throw families with 'same-sex parents' in with other families and how gay, lesbian and bisexual students are called names everyday and, in GLSEN's eyes, they are the most harassed group of students in any school in the nation!  January 24-28, 2005 was the second annual 'No Name Calling Week."  According to the No Name Calling website ( thousands of educators and schools participated and it was a great success!!


Where were we?


3.)  Now they are coming for our youngest children through animated characters and other characters our children have come to love and trust -- Sponge-Bob Square Pants, Barney, Big Bird, Pooh Bear, Clifford the Big Red dog and Bob the Builder.  Episodes like 'Sugartime' on 'Postcards from Buster' and the We Are Family Foundation's video remake of "We are Family" will tell our youngest children that it's okay to have two mommies or two daddies.  It's okay because there are lots of different kinds of families and we have to accept them all because there is no right or wrong kind of family.  We must be tolerant and accepting of all types of lifestyles.  That's the message that is being conveyed and our children are the targets or shall we say victims of this deception.


Where are we now?


Below is a letter to the editor I just sent to the Erie Times News which further explains what I witnessed tonight.




After watching the "Postcards from Buster" episode "Sugartime" at Hirt Auditorium, it is quite evident that our fears are validated.  Not only is one 'lesbian family' introduced to the children, but there are two.  Are all families in Vermont made up of two lesbian moms and three children?  These are the only type families the viewers meet. 


It's apparent that the goal of this episode is to introduce children to same-sex 'families.'  In a February 5, 2005 New York Times article, Paul Vallette, executive producer of the show, said, "We had not done a same-sex household and had our eyes open to that when we came across Karen Pike and her family."  What better way to get the message of tolerance for all across to children than to use cute animated characters?


When Buster meets the first 'family with two moms,' he takes a mini-tour of the house and is shown several pictures of the family.  When shown a picture of just the adults in the house Buster comments on that being a lot of moms.


No, this 'Sugartime' episode is not about Vermont and maple sugar, but about teaching elementary school-age children to accept alternative family structures. The closing 'family picture' of the two 'lesbian families' and their six children prove that. 


It's amazing how those who cry tolerance the loudest are the least tolerant.  The hissing and catcalls from those who support the episode whenever anyone with an opposing view voiced their concerns made it quite evident who the truly tolerant ones are.  By the way -- teaching our children what is right and wrong is not teaching them bigotry and hatred.


Diane Gramley


American Family Association of Pennsylvania


P.O. Box 1048

Franklin, PA    16323

814.271.9078 or 814.437.5355




1.)  The Boston PBS station WGBH, where the 'Postcard from Buster' episodes are produced, is sending preview copies to all PBS stations in the nation to have them decide if they want to air the 'Sugartime' episode.  Check with your local PBS station to see if they plan to air this episode of 'Postcards from Buster.'  Click here for a listing of all PBS stations in Pennsylvania.

If they plan to hold a public viewing like Erie's WQLN did, please try to attend.  Write a letter to the editor.  Feel free to use ideas from the one above.  Remember PBS receives millions of our tax dollars each year!


2.)  On March 11 the We are Family Foundation will be delivering copies of their video remake of "We are Family" along with suggested lesson plans to 61,000 elementary schools around the nation.  Lessons plans that had previously been available on the We are Family Foundation website included "Talking About Being 'Out.'" and "Uncovering Attitudes about Sexual Orientation."  Mysteriously all these have disappeared from the website!!  Please check with your local elementary schools around March 11 to see if they plan on using the "We are Family" music video.  For more information go to the AFA Journal's website 


3.)  Pray for our families.  Pray for our children's protection.  Pray for public school officials that they will have discernment to see through the facade of those who introduce nice-sounding programs that really encourage their students to accept homosexuality. 
















  January 13, 2005


  On November 26, 2002 the State House passed changes to the state hate crimes law which added "actual or perceived sexual orientation" and "gender identity."  The vote was taken after an almost two hour debate on the floor of the House.  Governor Schweiker signed H.B. 1493 into law on December 3, 2002. 

  During the debate on the floor of the House those who opposed the bill repeatedly said that it would infringe upon the First Amendment rights of Christians who view the homosexual lifestyle as sin.  Those who supported the bill consistently said the proposed changes had nothing to do with words, as one Philadelphia legislator said, "This bill is about blood in the streets."

  On October 10, 2004 eleven Christians from the Philadelphia-based Repent America were arrested for preaching from the Bible that homosexuality is sin.  Five of them still stand charged with ethnic intimidation and each face up to 47 years in prison.  There was no blood on the streets of Philadelphia!  So where are the assurances of those who voted in favor of the bill?  The AFA of PA has contacted them to ask them just that question.  But not only this, we are also asking for a repeal of the law.  Enough is enough -- all Pennsylvanians need to regain the freedom of speech that this law takes away.

  Here are several quotes during the debate on the floor of the House taken from the November 26, 2002 Legislative Journal:

  Representative Cohen from Philadelphia County:  “Mr. Speaker, it seems to me that imaginations are running rather freely in this debate by opponents of this bill.  This bill is not – is not – about calling names.  This bill is about breaking bones and causing serious injury or death.  This bill is not about what ministers or Sunday School teachers say.  This bill is about what thugs, hooligans, and murderers do.  This bill is not about jokes that are offensive or tasteless.  This bill is about blood in the streets.”  (page 2269)

  Representative Nickol from York County:  “So I think it pretty well speaks to the fact that what we are doing here is not outlawing fighting words or outlawing ethnic slurs or doing anything of that nature.  What we are dealing with here are actual crimes committed against someone, not words."  (page 2270)

  Representative Metcalfe of Butler County specifically asked for clarification, "It was mentioned that this bill was not about verbal communication. It was not going to infringe on the ability of people who believe in the Word of God and believe that homosexuality is an abomination, that it was not going to prevent these people from stating that and preaching against homosexuality . . . . So it would not infringe on people's rights to do that, is what was said." 

  Representative Nickol from York County responded, "Mr. Speaker, the gentleman is correct."  (page 2273)

  If the gentleman is correct, Representative Nickol, why are five Christians facing ethnic intimidation charges in Philadelphia for preaching from the Bible?  No crime was committed!


  1.)  Please contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to repeal the hate crimes law that was passed on November 26, 2002.  It has proven to infringe upon the First Amendment rights of Christians and we want our rights back. 

  If you do not know who your state senator or state rep is follow this link and enter your zip code or county in the upper right hand corner. 

  2.)  If your Senator or Representative voted in favor of H.B. 1493, ask them why -- ask them why Christians cannot preach against homosexuality on the street corners of Philadelphia without fear of being charged with ethnic intimidation.  All the assurances handed out during the debate in November have proven to be untrue.  Words spoken against homosexuality are now a hate crime in Pennsylvania!  Follow this link to our website to see how your elected officials voted on H.B. 1493.






  January 7, 2005

  Is a Diversity Day Coming to a School Near You?

  On December 1 a Diversity Day at Palisades High School (Bucks County) was rescheduled for January 18 because about a dozen parents and community leaders were concerned of possible agendas by some of the speakers.  Below is the link to the December 7th story

  The AFA of PA has written the principle, Mr. Rich Heffernan expressing concerns also.  Unfortunately, he sees no problem having Planned Parenthood come in and speak about racism and homosexual issues.  A Muslim professor will also be there to speak about how he has been persecuted since 9-11.  This is the link to the story after we wrote the principal and sent out a news release the first part of December

Below is a letter to the editor just sent to the local newspaper, the Intelligencer Record.  If you know anyone who lives in the Palisades School District in north Bucks County, please contact them about Diversity Day.


Is presenting only one viewpoint truly diverse?  Palisades High School's upcoming Diversity Day will do just that on the issues of homosexuality and religious persecution.

On January 18 students will hear from Planned Parenthood about racism and gay and lesbian issues and a Muslim professor will tell of his persecution since 9-11.  

  Will Planned Parenthood equate race, an unchangeable characteristic, to homosexuality? Do parents really want Planned Parenthood to tell their children about homosexuality?  Their website geared towards teens shows the message will be:  "The truth is this: If you're lesbian, gay, straight, or bisexual that's what you are, and it's a fine thing. Don't sweat it, accept it, because no amount of denial is going to change what makes you hot." 

  No, that is not the truth!

  The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) recognizes the dangers of increased HIV/AIDS and other STDs, increased substance abuse and psychological disorders.  The CDC reports that bisexuals are a proven bridge for HIV transmission to women.  Will these facts be presented? 

  Why not offer a panel discussion including former homosexuals?  Why not invite the Philadelphia Christians who were arrested on October 10 for attempting to preach the Gospel on a public sidewalk during Outfest?  Those actions would show that the school was truly interested in diversity. 


end letter to the editor


  1.)  Pray that parents will continue expressing concerns over Diversity Day.  Please be aware of what is happening in your child's school.  Even 'nice' sounding activities such as "Diversity Day" may present problems.

  2.)  If you know anyone in Bucks County, please consider contacting them about the dangers of a Diversity Day which only presents one side of the issue of homosexuality and religious persecution.  Ask them to consider contacting the school and/or writing a letter to the editor.


Copyright 2002 - 2009 American Family Association of PA