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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078
                     Robin Ennis 1.419.626.0830


  (Franklin, PA) -- A traditional values group said that parents should be aware that same-sex couples plan on once again descending on Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.  The 'unofficial Gay Day' will be held on Fathers' Day as it has been for the past several years.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania today spoke with Robin Ennis of the Cedar Point Public Relations Department expressing concerns that parents would unwittingly attend with their children.

  "Supposedly this day is chosen because there are fewer families there!  But there will be families with children and parents will find themselves in the uncomfortable position of having to explain why men are holding hands and kissing other men and why women are doing the same with other women.  Men dressed as women will also pose a problem.  And what might children witness as they enter the public rest rooms? Once again unsuspecting parents will enter the park and be shocked by what they encounter," Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania said.

  Increased homosexual activity in the park will be a major concern for families.  “Parents do not want to go for a fun-filled day at “the Best Amusement Park in the World” only to have it undermined by concerns about what their children are exposed to,” continued Gramley.

  On June 17,  2001 during the ‘unofficial Gay Day’ at Cedar Point a man dressed as a woman was asked to leave the park.  According to spokeswoman, Janice Witherow, the individual’s attire was against the park dress code policy.   The dress code prohibits costumes and was adopted to address safety and security concerns.  Witherow further says, “We need to be able to identify our guests should something happen, and we can’t allow one sex to be dressing up as another sex and entering restrooms where they’re not supposed to be.”

  Homosexual activity increasingly goes hand in hand with public sexual activity.  A recent article on a Canadian gay web site states that anyone cruising “in a park knows it can be a sexually exciting experience and tons of fun.”  It goes on to acknowledge that this activity “comes naturally.”  Dr. Tom Coates, director of the USCF AIDS Research Institute further states, “The whole idea of gay liberation is having sex with whom you want to have sex.”  But the CDC sees anonymous homosexual activity as a major concern in the spread of HIV/AIDS and views it as a public health risk.

  Increasingly across Pennsylvania and in other parts of the nation homosexual public sex has become a problem.  Earlier this year 11 gay men were arrested for engaging in public sex in a restroom at Strawbridge Department store in Philadelphia.  There have also been problems at Camp Hill Mall in Camp Hill, the Upper Main Line YMCA, Schenley Park in Pittsburgh and Scott Park in Erie to name only a few locations.

  “We again urge Cedar Point to consider the traditional families which are the backbone of their business.  They do not want their children exposed to this type activity.  Cedar Point’s concern should be for the safety and well-being of families and children.  AFA has already been contacted by several parents who have recently become aware of “Gay Day” on Father’s Day.  They are extremely disappointed and have changed their plans.  How many more families we will never hear from have done the same thing,” asked Gramley?


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