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March 11, 2002 Erie Times News:

Schenker signs anti-discrimination ordinance

By George Miller

Erie County's new anti-discrimination ordinance, including a clause
protecting sexual orientation, is now in effect.

The ordinance became effective when County Executive Rick Schenker signed it
late Friday. "All the amendments we worked on with County Council were in
there and we've got a good document," he said Monday.

Before taking office, Schenker said he would veto the anti-discrimination
ordinance if it contained the sexual orientation clause. He said it could
generate lawsuits and harm business development.

However, he worked with County Council on some amendments to address his
concerns. Council approved the ordinance by a 6-1 vote on Feb. 26, including
three amendments specifically addressing the sexual orientation clause.

One of the amendments changes the definition of sexual orientation to
exclude sexual acts already prohibited by law. Another protects employers
against requests for health insurance and benefits for same-sex partners.
And a third protects the Erie County Human Relations Commission against
frivolous lawsuits.

Maureen Koseff, president of the Erie and Crawford County chapters of
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, hailed the enactment.

"I am just delighted, very pleased that he signed," she said. "It looks like
Erie chose tolerance and inclusion. It affirms the equality of all Erie
citizens. I think it was people power that did it, the public interest."

She said the ordinance is "blemished" by the amendments, but adding, "they
don't change the substance. We think it's a very ... enforceable and just

The Rev. Willie Damper Jr., the commission's chief compliance officer for
the HRC, said the ordinance clarifies the commission's enforcement powers.

GEORGE MILLER can be reached at 870-1724 or by e-mail.

Last changed: March 11. 2002 2:18PM





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