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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Christine James-Brown (United Way SEPA, President)   215.665.2500


(Philadelphia) -- The last day of July brought the decision by the United Way of Southeastern PA to withhold the second half of grants totaling more than $418,000 from two local Boy Scout councils.  The Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council and the Chester County Council are the targets of pressure from the United Way attempting to force them to adhere to their pro-homosexual policies.  "The United Way of Southeastern PA is in essence holding over 87,000 Boy Scouts hostage because of their demands on these two local councils.  They're saying you change your policy and accept open homosexuals and you'll get the money.  In essence the United Way is discriminating against the Boy Scouts.  We are asking the United Way to look back on its 80-year history with the Scouts and stop its discriminatory practices.  Help these local councils help these boys," Diane Gramley, director of the traditional values group the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, said today.

If the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania does not stop their demand that the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council and the Chester County Council include open homosexuals, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania is asking that concerned citizens stop giving to the United Way and give directly to the Boy Scout Councils.

"Individuals who are really concerned about the welfare of young men need to stop supporting organizations which discriminate against the Boy Scouts.  It is unconscionable that the United Way is using financial pressure to try and force the Boy Scouts into becoming an organization fashioned by homosexual activists," stated Gramley.

The Boy Scouts policy is in place to protect from homosexual predators the young men who have been placed in their care.  The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Boy Scouts' right to choose who they want as leaders.  The policy to prohibit homosexuals from being Scout leaders is in place because the National Office of the BSA recognizes the dangers of permitting homosexuals as scout leaders.  "How many parents would want a man as a Girl Scout leader? With those same thoughts in mind, how many parents want a male who has sexual desires for other males to be in a position of leadership in their son's scout troop?" Gramley questioned.  "Commonsense tells you the answer -- none."

Research scientist and professor of psychiatry Gene G. Abel, M.D., has conducted a study of non-incarcerated child sex offenders and has found that homosexuals "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring five times greater than the molestation of girls."  More specifically, the report shows that, on average, 150.2 boys are molested per homosexual offender, whereas only 19.8 girls are molested per heterosexual offender. Homosexual offenders admitted between 23.4 and 281.7 acts of molesting boys.

"Dr. Abel's statistics are why the National Boy Scout Headquarters does not want policies which permit open homosexuals in leadership positions.  What type organization would demand that the Scouts change policy and place these young men in potential danger?  Apparently an organization such as the United Way of Southeastern PA which is more interested in being politically correct than in the welfare of little boys and young men," asserted Gramley.


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