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December 3, 2004


Eastern PA United Methodist Church Trial; Meanwhile in Philadelphia


Yesterday a United Methodist jury of 13 found lesbian minister Beth Stroud guilty.  She had 'come out' in a sermon in April 2003 revealing that she was a lesbian living in a 'committed relationship.'  The jury was made up of Stroud's peers -- the interesting part is that only 12 of the 13 believed she was living a life inconsistent with church teaching! 


But the penalty phase of the trial was a real eye-opener!     Prior to them leaving the courtroom, the counsel for Stroud played on the heartstrings of the jury.  He used such phrases as "a woman of integrity," "a woman used by God to build bridges," "she loves the United Methodist Church," "her gift of sexuality," "a disciple of Jesus Christ," and asked them to "be creative in fixing a lesser penalty."


Obviously some of them took this last phrase to heart and about two hours into the decision making process asked for further clarification.  There was even talk of not be able to make the decision before Friday.  Although it took over three hours for the jury to come to a decision, they did make the right one.  By a vote of seven to six they handed down the decision to defrock Stroud. How can twelve determine she is not living according to church teaching and only seven vote to defrock her?   Scripture is quite clear -- why the questions, why the delay? 


Beth Stroud has thirty days to appeal the decision.


As I was in Pottstown yesterday afternoon among mostly Stroud supporters, I made a few observations -- mostly they were geared up for the media and the media 'fed' upon that like a school of hungry piranha. 


q    While the jury was out determining the verdict, about fifty of Stroud's supporters were outside the gymnasium holding signs and singing hymns and choruses.  Signs included: 

-- "We are all different"

--"We are all God's children"

--"Different Gifts, Same Spirit"

-- "Stop Spiritual Violence"

q    PFLAG, Philadelphia chapter was there as was Boy Scout Troop 221 (at least their sign was!)

q    Stroud's supporters also wore rainbow scarves and/or name tags that said My Name is ________________ and Beth is my friend or pastor (whichever applied)

q    At least three of these individuals wearing scarves also wore clerical collars.

q    Sweatshirts and t-shirts carried messages such as

-- "Trial of Jimmy Creech 1999 -- an Act of Spiritual Violence;"

-- "We are All God's Children Too" (front); "Stop Spiritual Violence" (back)

-- "Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind, Open Your Doors to God's Gay, Lesbian

       and Transgender Children"

--  "Open the Door-- Dignity or Discrimination?"


q    As I listened to the talk around me during the three-hour wait of the penalty phase, never once was there a reference to Scripture -- 'church' and 'spirit' were referred to and some talk of God - mostly we are all God's children and God loves everybody.

q    Probably most disturbing was that half of Stroud supporters were middle-aged or older!  It was not just teens and 20-somethings!


Stroud's church, the First United Methodist Church of Germantown, has already indicated that they will still allow her to be a lay leader in the church.  A very disturbing picture that was forefront was an enlarged colored photograph of Beth Stroud surrounded by children, stooping down and giving them all a hug.  So . . . what will these children be told on Sunday morning?  The church has punished their favorite minister?  Quite obviously the messages will be delivered that the church is wrong, the Bible doesn't say being involved in a homosexual relationship is sin, it's okay for a woman to love another woman -- it's no different than your mommy and daddy being together. 


What is the church to do?  Maybe get back into God's Word!


Meanwhile in Philadelphia . . . the AFA Center for Law and Policy held a news conference yesterday at the Independence Visitor Center.  It was sparsely attended.  The media was too busy covering the story of 'spiritual violence' taking place in Pottstown, while it chooses to ignore the real story of spiritual violence and unconstitutional arrests!

A hearing of the Philadelphia 11 scheduled for yesterday was rescheduled for today.  Keep this situation in your prayers.


If you are in the WAWN 89.5 listening area, tune in on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. as my guest will be Michael Marcavage, the individual at the center of the arrests at the Philadelphia homosexual Outfest event in October.  We will be discussing various aspects of the case.



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