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October 15, 2009

As of today over 3.25 million Pink Slips have been delivered to Congress!  Be a part of this effort . . .  Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congressthe 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer? You can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.    Click here.

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Hate Crimes – Will Our Senators Promise?

2.)    Radical Homosexual Nominated for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

3.)    Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Has An Idea!


1.)     Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. are both co-sponsors of the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Prevention Act., which, as you recall, was added as an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act.  This bill was voted out of the House last Thursday.  Click here for the language of the hate crimes amendment.  Today the Defense Authorization Act was voted out of the Senate Armed Services Committee and now will go to the full Senate for a vote.  Republican members of this Committee refused to sign off on the bill because it’s so bad!   Since our two US Senators are such strong supporters of this bill, we need in writing a guarantee from them that we will not be arrested and charged with a hate crime for believing that engaging in homosexual acts is sinful.

2.)    President Obama has nominated Chai Feldblum to be a commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  She is co-director of Workplace Flexibility 2010, which she described at a 2001 UCLA symposium as a homosexual rights group aimed at "[changing] the American workplace and revolutionize social mores." Feldblum believes homosexual sex is moral and is the architect of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which, if passed, will force businesses to hire homosexuals and men who think they are women.  These businesses would also be required to let these confused individuals use the bathroom of their choice.  Click here for more information. 

3.)    Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has become one Republican the Democrats thoroughly hate.   She takes bold stands for traditional values when too many fear to trod down that path.  We are facing mandated government health care coverage, cap and trade that will skyrocket not only our household energy costs, but everything else we purchase, and funding ACORN – that’s right beginning at midnight October 31st they will once again receive taxpayer dollars!  Click here for the transcript of Congresswoman Bachmann on the Glenn Beck program last night. Towards the end of the transcript, please read the percentages very carefully.

Action Steps

1.)  Call Senator Specter’s and Senator Casey’s district office nearest you.  Since they plan on voting for the Defense Authorization Act with the hate crimes amendment, no matter how many constituents call them asking for a ‘no’ vote, we need a guarantee from them!    If you teach Sunday School or are a pastor teaching from Romans 1 or other Scripture that calls homosexual acts sinful, if you are a parent teaching your children about God’s plan for sexuality and marriage, if you teach in a Christian school, you need an guarantee that your First Amendment rights will not be infringed upon by this law. Ask for it in writing and have it mailed to your home address.  When your receive this guarantee, make a copy and mail it to the AFA of PA at P.O. Box 1048, Franklin, PA   16323.  You file your original away and we will do the same on this end ready to pull it out to remind them of their promise when the first Christian is arrested and charged with a hate crime for teaching against engaging in homosexual acts. The goal of this bill is to silence those who do not ‘celebrate’ homosexuality.  Click here for contact information. 

2.)  While you have Senators Specter and Casey’s offices on the line, ask the two Senators to oppose the nomination of Chai Feldblum to be a commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  Her history and her statements show she seeks to radicalize the workplace in America.

3.)Congresswoman Bachmann has a plan to help get and keep the attention of our two US Senators and our Congressman – three phone calls every day is all it takes!  Here’s her plan in her words, “But if we have to keep the pressure up and that's why your listeners have to melt the phone lines every day. When they wake up and comb their hair and take their vitamin, pick up their phone and call their two Senators, call their Member of Congress. . . .   And then the next day you pick up the phone, you give the same message. Trust me, hardly anyone picks up the phone. Hardly anyone makes the phone calls. . . . We have to make those phone calls now until the end of the year.”  Specter’s and Casey’s contact link is in number 1, here’s the link for your Congressman. 


















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