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September 24, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Tomorrow Muslims March on Washington, on October 9-11 Homosexuals Will

2.)    Hate Crimes Legislation is on the Move!

3.)    Do You Know What the AFL-CIO Did Last Week in Pittsburgh?


1.)     Tomorrow 50,000 Muslims are supposed to gather in Washington, D.C. for a Day of Islamic Unity.   About half way down their ‘unity page,’ the reasons for the rally are explained.  They have the same First Amendment right to assembly as we who went to Washington, DC on 912 did.  However, there are many troubling aspects and one is the close ties one of the key organizers has to terrorists who have orchestrated attacks on US soil.  Click here for more details.  

On October 9-11 homosexuals will be gathering in Washington for their National Equality March to organize, strategize and receive training on how to get their demands met.

These activities are centered around National Coming Out Day – October 11.  The idea for this day:  If you’ve always felt like you were a homosexual, bisexual or transgender, that is the day that homosexuals have set aside to give you the chance to proclaim to your friends, neighbors, family, co-workers who you “really are.” 

It will be interesting to see how much media coverage these gatherings get!

2.)     The FY10 Defense Authorization conference committee begins meeting this week with the goal of completing a conference report before October.  It is imperative that all Americans become aware of this backdoor attempt to rewrite the nation’s criminal law and put religious liberty at risk.  Please do all you can to encourage those who value liberty to persuade their senators and representatives to remove the hate crimes bill from the Defense Authorization.  If the bill is necessary then let it go through regular order and be voted on without hitching a ride on a bill that actually protects Americans.

3.)    Today the G20 began its two-day meeting in Pittsburgh . . . who knows what global impact will result from this summit.  Last week Pittsburgh played host to the AFL-CIO annual conference.  What came out of the conference will also have a global impact. 

Action Steps

1.)  In response to the “Day of Islamic Unity,” Wallbuilders has a good idea!  All American Christians should respond and make this Friday a day of prayer – and please encourage others to participate with you. We know that our contest is with spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12), and we firmly believe that He Who is within us is greater than any other god or force (1 John 4:4),   Bob Knight helps explain what is likely to happen tomorrow.  Click here. 

 I believe October 9-11 should also be days of prayer for marriage and the traditional family.  The country needs prayer and these days would be a great time to zero in on the fact that America needs to turn back to God.

2.)    Congressman Louie Gohmert, a former judge says, “Existing federal law in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2(a) states that if anyone “induces” a crime’s commission, that person is as guilty as the one who actually committed the crime. I have asked and it is clear that any religious leader who teaches or preaches that homosexuality is wrong and harmful to society can be charged if someone hears them and in their own mind is induced to commit a crime.  It doesn’t matter if the charge holds up in court or not – the threat of prosecution will force leaders to alter their teaching over time.” 

There it is from someone who understands the judicial system.  Pastors free speech will be chilled, at the least, with passage of the Defense Authorization Act if it still has the hate crimes amendment attached.  Please contact Senators Specter and Casey (Don’t expect much from them as they are both co-sponsors of the hate crimes amendment, but they need to hear from constituents and you may mention their co-sponsorship of this discriminatory bill when you call them!) and your Congressman. Ask them to remove the hate crimes bill/amendment from the Defense Authorization Act . . . our military deserves a straight up or down vote on this bill that authorizes funding to equip our service personnel.  Click here for his or her contact information.

3.)Click here to read our news release concerning the AFL-CIO diversity resolution passed last week.  Apparently union leadership is completely out of touch with the rank and file members.  If you know a union member, please share this information with them.




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