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June 2, 2006

Vote on Marriage Protection Amendments on Both the Federal and State Level Next Week

 1.) On June 6th in Harrisburg, debate will begin on Pennsylvania's Marriage Protection Amendment (H.B. 2381). The vote will probably come early in the week.  It will be a very close vote.

Pennsylvania’s Marriage Protection Amendment language:

"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this Commonwealth, and neither the Commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall create or recognize a legal status identical or substantially equivalent to that of marriage for unmarried individuals."

Have you contacted your member of the State House yet to ask him or her to support H.B. 2381?  Please contact them today and again on Tuesday morning.

2.) On June 5th the Senate will reconvene and resume consideration of the motion to proceed to the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment (SJ Res. 1 ).  This is a vote for cloture -- a procedural move to end debate and bring the bill to the floor of the Senate.  A super majority is necessary (67 votes) to be successful.    

Our U.S. Senators’ positions: 

Senator Rick Santorum supports the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment.

Senator Arlen Specter does not support the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment -- although he did vote for cloture in July 2004! 

Note:  In a March 2, 2004 Associated Press article he stated, "If the states can't preserve the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, I would consider it (the constitutional amendment), but I think at this point it's premature."

Senator Specter believes state courts will successfully defend the institution of marriage between a man and a woman.  Since Senator Specter made those comments in March 2004, Nebraska's and Georgia's constitutional amendments have been struck down by judges and Maryland's Defense of Marriage Act was declared unconstitutional by a Baltimore judge.  Currently there are challenges to marriage laws in seven states including New York, Washington state, New Jersey and Iowa. 


1.)  Please contact your State Representative and ask him or her to support the Marriage Protection Amendment – H.B. 2381.  If they are listed as a sponsor, please tell them ‘thanks,’ 

Click here to find your State Rep and contact information – key in your county or nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner.

2.)  Contact Senator Santorum’s office and tell him ‘thanks’ for supporting the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment. 

Senator Rick Santorum
511 Dicksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C   20510
(202) 224.6324
E-mail using the Web Form at

 3.)    Ask Senator Specter to vote to end debate on the Federal Marriage Amendment remind him that he did in July 2004. 

Senator Arlen Specter
711 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-4254
Use the web form at 









May 25, 2006

Carlisle Considers Giving Special Rights to Homosexuals – Do You Know Anyone Who Lives There?

Recent published accounts in the Harrisburg Patriot-News have revealed that the Borough of Carlisle is considering the addition of ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to their anti-discrimination ordinance.   Passage of such an ordinance would require Christian landlords to rent to homosexual couples and possibly require churches and other Christian organizations to hire open homosexuals to be on staff.  Additionally, it could negatively impact the Boy Scouts and Salvation Army. 

Homosexual activists are taking over the state, municipality by municipality, by convincing local elected officials that this is necessary because homosexuals are fired and kicked out of their apartments on a regular basis.  Interesting that none of the stats show a problem exists.  Last year the PA Human Relations Commission documented 51 inquiries about sexual orientation discrimination statewide!

The apparent push for adding ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ is to further the effort to normalize homosexuality in the eyes of society.  So . . . it you know anyone who lives in Carlisle Borough, please have them call their mayor and borough council members.

The Borough is also considering becoming a member of the National League of Cities’ Partnership for Working Toward Inclusive Communities.  Click here for a news release we sent out earlier today that contains more information on what ‘inclusive’ means to the National League of Cities.  


1.)  If you live in the Borough of Carlisle, please call the borough at 717.249.4422 and ask them not to add ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to their non-discrimination ordinance.  

2.)  If you know someone who lives in the Borough of Carlisle, please ask them to call their mayor and borough council members.

















University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics Symposium Speakers Include Judge George Greer and Michael Schiavo!
The Tenth Anniversary Symposium of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania has two invited speakers that should cause us all to pause when it comes to the debate on bioethics – Judge George Greer and Michael Schiavo!
The Legacy of the Terri Schiavo Case: Why is it so hard to die in America ?” will take place on April 30 and May 1.  Click here for more details about the Symposium. 
Terri Schiavo died a little over a year ago from state-sanctioned dehydration and starvation.   Michael Schiavo fought to have his disabled wife put to death as her family fought to be given the opportunity to care for their daughter and sister.  Terri’s death sentence was handed down by Judge George Greer.  Apparently neither Schiavo nor Greer share the same definition of bioethics as most of America !  Read the University’s version of the story by clicking here.  Notice in paragraph three that they do not mention that Michael was condemned by Terri’s family also – in fact there is no mention of Terri’s mother and father. 
The AFA of PA has contacted UPenn President Ann Gutmann and the Center for Bioethics to express outrage over their choice of speakers.  I encourage you to do the same.  Click here to read the news release we issued. 
Click here for information on the foundation that Terri’s family has started.   
1.)  Contact the Center for Bioethics at
Senior Administrator, Development and External Relations
for Bioethics
3401 Market Street, Suite 320
Philadelphia , PA 19104-3308

Tel. (215) 898-7136
Fax (215) 573-3036
2.)  Contact the University of Pennsylvania President Ann Gutmann at
Office of the President
100 College Hall
Philadelphia , PA 19104-6380

(ph) 215-898-7221
(fx) 215-898-9659




















April 20, 2006


The vote on H.B. 2381 – the Marriage Protection Amendment -- is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26th.    Marriage is such a controversial issue that this will be a VERY close vote.    

Please contact your State Representative TODAY and ask him or her to support the Marriage Protection Amendment – H.B. 2381.   Tell your State Representative that you want the bill voted on as is and not to allow compromising amendments to be added.

Go to our website for Talking Points and resources. 

FYI – Click here to see what will happen in Pennsylvania schools if our Defense of Marriage Act is challenged and a judge declares it unconstitutional.  This is one reason why we need a constitutional amendment.      


1.)  Please call your State Representative and ask him or her to support H.B. 2381.  They will be in their District Office through tomorrow.  If you do not know who your State Representative is, click here and enter your county or zip code in the upper right hand corner. 














March 30, 2006

Lynn Swann Supports Slots Parlor to Build New Penguin Stadium

Apparently the Republican gubernatorial candidate does not have a problem with gambling – at least if the money is used for a ‘good cause’ like building sports stadiums!

Yesterday he announced his support of the plan submitted by Isle of Capri, calling it a "win, win, win."  They say if they win a state gambling license, they’ll build a new Penguin stadium.

Thus far Lynn Swann has not stated support for the PA Marriage Protection Amendment and has been rather hesitant to state publicly where he stands on most issues important to the family and those who support traditional values.  The AFA of PA and others have contacted him about the Marriage Protection Amendment, but he has not responded.


1.)  Please contact the Lynn Swann campaign and ask him how he can support gambling and its money to build a new sports stadium.  Also, ask him where he stands on the effort to protect one man one woman marriage in Pennsylvania through passage of a Marriage Protection Amendment. 

Swann for Governor   
PO Box 3501
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-3501



















March 28, 2006

PA Human Relations Commission Chair Continues Pushing Homosexual Agenda – S.B. 912 Part of the Effort

Stephen Glassman, was first nominated by then-Governor Mark Schwieker to be a commissioner on the PA Human Relations Commission (PA HRC) in 2002.  His nomination was confirmed unanimously in the PA Senate.  When Ed Rendell became the Governor of Pennsylvania he gave the openly homosexual Glassman a promotion and named him Chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission.  This move did not require any further action by the PA Senate. 

Even though the PA Human Relations Act does not include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” Chairman Glassman continues to urge municipalities to change their Human Relations Ordinances to include that terminology.  The most recent municipalities to fall are Swarthmore Borough on March 14th and Lansdowne Borough on March 16th. Both these boroughs are in Delaware County.  This is additional evidence of eternal vigilance being necessary.  Glassman continues to work with municipalities and, apparently, the only sure way to get it stopped is for residents to monitor what their elected officials are doing at their monthly meetings.  If elected officials are voting in favor of such changes, perhaps this should be a campaign issue.

It has become increasingly evident that Stephen Glassman is using his chairmanship of the PA Human Relations Commission as a bully pulpit to push the homosexual agenda.  Earlier today the AFA of PA contacted Governor Rendell’s office asking him to rein in the PA HRC.  Glassman is receiving a paycheck funded by our tax dollars, yet he continues promoting his agenda to normalize homosexuality across the Commonwealth.  Perhaps the Governor needs to hear from other concerned Pennsylvanians!  Click here to read our news release. 

  Part of the effort to normalize homosexuality is by changing the PA Human Relations Act to include ‘sexual orientation’ and gender identity or expression.’  This renewed effort began on March 16 – the day after the Marriage Protection Amendment was voted out of the House State Government Committee – with the introduction by Senator Joe Conti (R-Bucks) of S.B. 912.  It is currently in the Senate Judiciary Committee – the same one that is ‘sitting on’ the S.B. 1084 – the Marriage Protection Amendmen
The week of March 13th may not have been as great a week as we had originally thought!

***PCN will air today’s House State Government informational meeting at 8:00 p.m. this evening.  If you have an opportunity, I encourage you to tune in. 


1.)If you are a concerned Pennsylvania taxpayer, you may consider contacting Governor Rendell and expressing your concerns that Stephen Glassman is using his position as Chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission as a bully pulpit to further his political agenda

Contact information:

 Governor Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

To telephone the Governor call:  (717) 787-2500.

Click here to e-mail him: 

2.)  Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee need to hear from concerned citizens on two issues: 

a.) ask them to move S.B. 1084 – the Marriage Protection Amendment -- out of committee

b.)  inform them that we do not need to change the PA Human Relations Act by adding ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity or expression.’  Ask them not to vote S.B. 912 out of committee. 











March 27, 2006

March 15 – Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) Voted Out of Committee – But What Happened the Next Day??

As we all know H.B. 2381, the Marriage Protection Amendment, was voted out of the House State Government Committee on March 15 by a vote of 15 – 13.  All Democrats and Representative David Steil (R-Bucks) voted against moving the bill out of committee.  During the morning meeting of the State Government Committee (traditional marriage is such a controversial issue it took two meetings to bring the bill to a vote!), Representative Steil made a motion to table the bill for two weeks to allow for hearings.  The motion was defeated by a tie vote. 

As I attended the two meetings of the State Government Committee, I heard some ‘interesting’ reasons for not moving H.B. 2381 forward.  I’ve listed a few below:

Representative Louise Bishop (D-Philadelphia) was concerned, as a divorcee, how the phrase ‘one man one woman’ in the amendment would affect her if she wants to remarry in the future.  She also stated that the majority of phone calls she received were opposed to the Marriage Protection Amendment. 

Representative Lawrence Curry, a Democrat representing parts of Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties, was concerned about how the amendment would affect polygamy and Mormons. 

Representative Thomas Blackwell, IV (D-Philadelphia) said that the majority of phone calls his office received opposed the MPA.  

Representative Josh Shapiro (D-Montgomery) was concerned about the domestic partner benefits that Montgomery County offers.  He was also concerned about restricting insurance companies, the ability to make medical decisions and how the MPA would affect existing laws. 

But most disturbing was Representative Greg Vitali (D-Delaware) and his comparison of those who supported the Marriage Protection Amendment to the Taliban!  He stated that those who support the amendment are trying to impose their religious and moral views on all Pennsylvania just like the Taliban.  Apparently there is no official transcript of the committee meeting because that was the first defense Representative Vitali gave when confronted by the Delaware County Times.  After several phone conversations with them and my assurances that there was no mistaking his comment as I was standing directly across from him when he made it, they covered the story.   

During the afternoon meeting of the State Government Committee, some additional ‘interesting’ comments came up.

Representative Mark Cohen (D-Philadelphia) said the Marriage Protection Amendment would affect more heterosexuals than homosexuals. 

Representative Babette Josephs (D-Philadelphia) made several comments: 

1.)  clergy will not have to perform same-sex marriage even without the amendment

2.)  children of  ‘gays’ will be negatively affected by amendment

3.)  economic development and growth in Pennsylvania will be negatively impacted by passage of the amendment

Representative Katharine Watson (R-Bucks) said as a former English teacher she was concerned with the placement of commas and periods in the language.  But she had made a promise to constituents to vote bills out of committee, which she did on H.B. 2381.  But she did not indicate she would vote ‘yes’ when it came to the vote on the floor of the House. 

Representative Mauree Gingrich (R-Lebanon) voiced hope that we will do the amendment right so it will negatively impact the least. 

I’ll take a few minutes to briefly address some of the concerns voiced by legislators on March 15th.

q     The amendment is not worded to affect divorcees

q     Polygamy is already illegal across the United States

q     Those who support traditional values are not forcing their views on everyone else like the Taliban – we do not fly planes into skyscrapers, kidnap, nor behead captives. 

q     The MPA is designed to prevent same-sex marriage and its counterfeit – civil unions.  This latter is so very important as we’ve seen in Connecticut and the recent decision by homosexual couples to sue for full marriage rights because they view that state’s marriage laws (which permit civil unions) as making them second-class citizens. Civil unions are not good enough.  

     A Vermont legislator introduced legislation in January to legalize same-sex marriage – remember Vermont was the first state to legalize civil unions, but homosexuals and, apparently, legislators want more.  

q     The MPA would not affect decisions insurance and other private companies make.  Medical decisions, hospital visitation and disposal of property can be dealt with through a power of attorney or a will.  Marriage and family do not need to be redefined to extend these benefits.  The Marriage Protection Amendment would strengthen the existing Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

q     I’m not sure how Representative Cohen came to the conclusion that “Only a marriage between one man and one woman” would affect more heterosexuals than homosexuals!

q     Representative Josephs may need to read about what has happened to Catholic Charities in Massachusetts!  They have been forced out of the adoption business because they cannot get a license to operate as an adoption agency.   Why?  Because they will not allow children to be adopted by ‘same-sex couples’ and the agency that issues licenses to adoption agencies has a non-discrimination policy which includes ‘sexual orientation.’  Do pastors sign a state-issued marriage license for a marriage to be recognized by the state?  

-- Children raised by homosexuals are negatively impacted by such a ‘family’ structure.  Thousands of studies consistently show that children do best when raised with their married biological parents.  Children need a mommy and a daddy.  Massachusetts Governor Mit Romney is being demonized because he has made that assertion!

            -- to make a statement that the economic growth and development of 
               Pennsylvania will be negatively impacted by the MPA is an outrageous
               statement that holds no merit!   It makes you wonder whether some
              legislators are willing to sell the soul of Pennsylvania to the highest bidder!

q     Being concerned with periods and commas is great.  We were concerned with the placement of punctuation in the hate crimes bill also, but none of the legislators who supported it were concerned with it.

This has been a rather lengthy discourse, but I believe it helps you understand the uphill battle that is before us for the next several years.  Most importantly do not allow legislators to hide behind ‘I support traditional marriage, but cannot support the language of the Marriage Protection Amendment because it bans civil unions.”  Remember Vermont and Connecticut – homosexuals want the full benefits of marriage and civil unions are just a foot in the door which we cannot allow!

*** Also, the day after H.B. 2381 was voted out of the House State Government Committee, Senator Joe Conti (R-Bucks) introduced S.B. 912 which will add ‘sexual orientation, gender identity or expression’ to the PA Human Relations Act.  The fight goes on -- more tomorrow!


1.)  Tomorrow (3/28) the House State Government Committee will hold an informational meeting about the Marriage Protection Amendment.  There will be both pro and con views on the MPA expressed.  Please pray for the ones involved in supporting the amendment and help the ones listening to understand the importance of it.

2.)If you have not yet contacted legislators who voted ‘yes’ to move H.B. 2381 out of committee and thanking them for their vote, please consider doing so.  Also, please contact those committee members who voted ‘no’ on moving the bill out of committee and encourage them to reconsider their stand on this issue. 

3.)  It you believe Representative Greg Vitali was out of line by making his comparison of the MPA supporters to the Taliban, please contact him and ask him to retract his statement.  

Gil Spencer, columnist for the Delaware County Times has asked Representative Vitali for a retraction.  His comments are toward the end of his March 22 column.  












3.13.06 -- Crucial Vote in the House State Government Committee on March 15th.  Please contact the members of that Committee and ask them to vote 'Yes' on H.B. 2381 -- the Marriage Protection Amendment.  Click here for Committee members.












March 1, 2006

PA Human Relations Commission Chair Meets With Groups to Oppose MPA

Last night Stephen Glassman, chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission met with 10 homosexual ‘rights’ groups at Lebanon Valley College.  Remember Stephen Glassman is an openly homosexual man who was appointed to the chairmanship by Governor Rendell in 2003.  He was first nominated to be a commissioner of the Human Relations Commission by Governor Mark Schweiker in 2002.  He received unanimous Senate confirmation!  

Click here to read today’s Patriot News article about last night’s meeting..  

The AFA of PA has contacted Governor Rendell with our concerns that a high-ranking state employee is working to undermine families in Pennsylvania.  The news release we put our earlier today is at the end of this alert.

If you are also concerned that the Chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission is working against children and families, please let Governor Rendell know.  You can also contact the Central Office of the HRC to express concern.


1.)  Click here to contact Governor Rendell via e-mail or call his office at (717) 787-2500.   

 To write a letter to the Governor send to:    
Governor Edward G. Rendell's Office
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

2.)  Click here for Stephen Glassman’s Bio.  

Call the Central HRC office at (717) 787-4410.

3.)  Plan on attending our “Coming Together to Work Together Conference” at the New Love in Christ Church in Harrisburg on March 25th.  Confirmed speakers are Gary Glenn, President of the AFA of Michigan,  Stephen Bennett, Executive Director of Stephen Bennett Ministries  and Leonard Ransil of Upon This Rock Foundation.   Click here for additional information and registration form. 



















  February 22, 2006

Marriage Protection Amendment Legislation Stuck in Committees

On January 24 the Marriage Protection Amendment was introduced in the State House.  H. B.  2381 is currently in the House State Government Committee.  A few days later on February 6 the same amendment was introduced in the State Senate.  S.B 1084  is now in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

These bills must be moved out of committee and brought before their respective legislative body for a vote.  If this doesn’t happen soon, they will ‘die in committee’ and the whole constitutional process stops for this legislative session!


1.)  Click here for a list of the members of the House State Government Committee.    If your State Representative is listed, please contact him or her and ask that H.B. 2381 for moved out of committee.  If your State Representative is not listed as a member, please contact Representative Paul Clymer, Majority Chairman, and ask that H.B. 2381 be moved forward.  Simply click on the name of the individual that you want to contact.

2.)  A list of Senate Judiciary Committee members can be viewed by clicking here.  Again if your State Senator is listed as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, please contact him or her and ask that S.B. 1084 be moved out of committee.  If your State Senator is not a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, please contact Committee Chairman, Stewart Greenleaf. 



February 15, 2006
PA State Treasurer (U.S. Senate Candidate) Bob Casey, Jr. to Speak 
at Radical Homosexual Event on February 18th!
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has announced the schedule for its 
upcoming ‘Black Tie Gala Dinner’ on February 18th in Philadelphia.  
Guess who the keynote speaker is!  U.S. Senate candidate and Pennsylvania 
State Treasurer Robert Casey, Jr.!   Click here to read the announcement 
on their website.  
Who is the Human Rights Campaign?  In their own words “The Human Rights 
Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve 
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality.”   One of the so-called 
civil rights they are seeking is legalized marriage for same-sex couples.  
They, as other homosexual groups, are seeking to hijack the civil rights 
movement.  These efforts are increasingly upsetting the African-American 
community, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson.  
In an interview published in the current issue of the Philadelphia Gay News,  
Bob Casey says he is supportive of civil unions and domestic partner benefits, 
but opposes same-sex marriage.  But his opposition to same-sex marriage 
apparently is not that strong since he DOES NOT support Pennsylvania’s effort 
to protect traditional marriage through a Marriage Protection Amendment.  If the 
link above does not work because you have an internet filter, the article is 
reprinted in its entirety at the end of this alert.
In addition to speaking at the $175 a plate dinner on the 18th, Casey is working 
co-operatively with the HRC and is listed on their Featured PowerSLATE Candidate 
list.  Individuals can even donate to the Casey campaign through HRC’s website!
For more details follow this link to a news release the AFA of PA issued yesterday.
If Bob Casey’s intention to speak at the HRC dinner concerns you, please consider 
contacting him and expressing those concerns.
A close look at his campaign website may further reveal what issues are important 
to him.  On the left sidebar he has “Economy” “Seniors” “Education” “Veterans” 
and “Environment” listed.  For a pro-life candidate apparently he forgot to list 
“Pro-Life” as an issue!
1.)  Contact the State Treasurer’s office at phone 717 787 2465 or fax 717 783 9760.
2.) In addition contact the Casey Campaign at or call at 
215.567.4190 or fax at 215.567.4191


begin Philadelphia Gay News article
Casey set for HRC dinner
By Alison Dickman

PGN Staff Writer
© 2006 Philadelphia Gay News
In a Senate race that is looking to be the most closely watched and most 
expensive showdown in the nation, Pennsylvania State Treasurer Robert P. 
Casey Jr. is looking to win the gay vote.

Casey, who said he is gearing for nine more months of hard campaigning, 
will introduce himself to the region’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 
community Feb. 18 at the Human Rights Campaign Philadelphia Region 
Steering Committee’s annual gala.]
In his first interview with a gay newspaper since announcing last March his 
intention to challenge U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, Casey spoke with PGN about 
his record on gay issues, his interest in advancing gay civil rights and his 
belief in tolerance and acceptance.

A son of a Pennsylvania governor, Casey has been serving in state government 
since 1996, and has run in two previous statewide primary elections.

Casey, 45, was elected auditor general in 1996 and re-elected in 2000. In 2002, 
he ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination for governor. 

In 2004, he was elected state treasurer, winning more votes than any other 
candidate for any state or federal office in Pennsylvania history.

But if he wins the primary in May against two other Democratic candidates — 
University of the Arts professor Chuck Pennacchio and pensions attorney Alan 
Sandals — Casey will have to win his biggest campaign yet, against two-term 
incumbent Santorum, who is the No. 3 Senate Republican.
Casey already has the support of Gov. Ed Rendell, who endorsed him quickly 
after he announced his run for office, and he is waiting to hear if the 
state Democratic Party, which votes March 25, will also endorse him.
According to the most recent Quinnipiac University poll released in December, 
50 percent of those surveyed would vote for Casey and 38 percent would vote 
for Santorum; 69 percent of Republicans chose Santorum, 20 percent chose Casey. 
Casey leads 78 to 12 percent among Democrats and 48 to 37 percent among 
independent voters.

The poll was based on phone interviews with 1,447 Pennsylvania voters, and 
has a 2.6 percent margin of error.
The endorsement
As a state elected official, Casey, who has name recognition as the eldest 
son of the late Gov. Robert P. Casey, is aware of the tremendous amount of 
outreach he has to do not only to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 
communities, but to all Pennsylvanians, he said.

Already he has the backing of the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest 
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organization; HRC’s political 
action committee endorsed Casey in October.

Ken Oakes, chair of the HRC Philadelphia Region Steering Committee, said an 
early endorsement like this is quite rare, but warranted.

“They [HRC] believe, and we agree, this is the race of the nation,” Oakes said. 
“Whatever happens here with Rick Santorum and Bob Casey is really a bellwether 
for the nation.”
As a result of the endorsement, HRC Philadelphia Region invited Casey to its 
annual equality dinner, which is expected to draw 700 guests Feb. 18 to the 
Philadelphia Marriott. As keynote speaker, Casey will introduce himself, his 
record, and his plans to community members and allies.
As Oakes explains it, Casey does not agree with HRC on everything — its issues 
include marriage, hate-crimes legislation, federal funding for HIV/AIDS, 
employment nondiscrimination among others — but he agrees with it about 90 percent 
of the time.

Casey supports civil unions and domestic partner benefits, but stops short of 
supporting marriage equality.

But, compared to Santorum — who has equated gay sex with bestiality, and said 
there is nothing wrong with intolerance — Oakes said Casey is a fair-minded 
candidate with a proven record of respecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 
individuals and working on their behalf.
Many members of the sexual and gender minority communities probably cannot 
understand HRC’s endorsement of Casey, Oakes said.

But Casey, a devout Roman Catholic ro-life Democrat, who, like President 
John F. Kennedy has removed his religious beliefs from his legislative 
agenda, is clearly better than the alternative, Oakes said.

“Bob Casey is a good person; there is a lot about him we like, but we think 
this race is as much about defeating Rick Santorum as electing Bob Casey,” 
Oakes said. “But this doesn’t diminish Bob Casey, though.”
He added that Casey, who has significant fund-raising potential and powerful 
support in the party, has the best opportunity to beat Santorum in November.
Having his say
Casey is not taking his support from HRC for granted. He worked with leaders of the 
national organization to gain its support, which involved speaking with leaders from 
the national office and in Pennsylvania.
“It’s the kind of thing that takes place over time,” Casey explained in a Feb. 3 
phone interview. “And we’re very happy to have the endorsement, and the support that 
comes with it.”

When asked if he thought Santorum would try to use the endorsement against him, he 
acknowledged the possibility, but noted that it would not be successful, because it 
would only show a “narrow and ideological” focus.

“The whole foundation of the kind of state Pennsylvania is, is a state that 
is going to recognize, celebrate and affirm the principle of tolerance, the 
principle of acceptance, the principle of fairness and freedom, and I think 
that it would be a big mistake for him to try to use more division than he 
has already been a part of in his campaign on issues of concern to gay, 
lesbian, bisexual and transgender Pennsylvanians or Americans,” Casey said.

Contrasting himself with Santorum, Casey said he wants to unite people, not 
divide them, noting that he plans to work on tough bipartisan solutions in 

Since it’s still early in the campaign, Casey said he is not concerned that 
some voters, including those in the sexual and gender minority communities, 
do not seem overly enthused about his candidacy, and instead are only 
concerned with defeating Santorum.
“I think it’s very, very early, and frankly at this stage of the campaign, 
there will always be voters who don’t know a lot of the details of your 
record,” he said.
He attributed this to the fact that the offices of auditor general and state 
treasurer are not widely visible in the media, saying it is his responsibility 
to educate voters about 
his record.
In 2001 as state auditor general, Casey implemented a non-discrimination 
policy protecting both sexual and gender minority employees, a Pennsylvania 
first, according to Stephen Glassman, out chair of the Pennsylvania Human 
Relations Commission. This affected about 780 employees.

“I was the first statewide official to add gender identity to our office 
nondiscrimination policy,” Casey said. “That was never, ever done before I 
did it, and there was no requirement — I did it because it’s an important 
statement of my values and the values of a lot of Pennsylvanians.”
This came about after Glassman, who was then co-chair of the Statewide Pennsylvania 
Rights Coalition, asked him to consider adding sexual orientation and gender identity 
to the department’s employment non-discrimination policy.

Glassman said this occurred during a 2001 meeting with Casey in which he also received 
Casey’s support for expanding the state hate-crimes legislation to include sexual and 
gender minorities.

“He was enthusiastic about it [expanding the auditor general employment non-discrimination 
policy], and he immediately agreed,” Glassman said.

When Casey was elected state treasurer, Glassman visited him again, and Casey added sexual 
orientation, gender identity and expression to the department’s employment non-discrimina-
tion policy. This affects more than 500 workers.
Casey said he is committed to advancing employment non-discrimination, and if elected he 
would push for federal legislation that would prohibit employment discrimination based on 
sexual orientation.
But when asked about his position on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, he said 
he did not have enough information yet to speak on the issue.
Glassman — who called “don’t ask, don’t tell” an uninformed, antiquated and discriminatory 
policy that harms the military — said Casey’s lack of a position on the policy simply means 
members of the community still need to educate him about it.
He said he anticipates Casey will be supportive of the community’s position on the policy 
because he supports many community issues including second-parent adoption, civil unions 
and domestic-partner benefits, and expanding federal hate crimes law to cover crimes 
motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity.
Casey is also opposed to state and federal constitutional amendments defining marriage. 
He told PGN he believes the Pennsylvania lawmakers who introduced legislation into the 
House of Representatives on Jan. 24 to amend the state constitution and ban same-sex 
marriage are simply trying to score political points.
“They should work on problems that are confronting people across Pennsylvania — health care, 
creating jobs — the things that federal and state officials, especially in the legislative 
branch, should be working on, not ways to demonize and divide people,” Casey said.

He said it is pretty clear where Santorum stands on the issue, as he has been a leading 
proponent of a federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
Casey says he is looking forward to running a tough campaign against his two Democratic 
opponents in the primary, one which he believes he will win because as a public official, 
he has a strong record of fairness, fiscal responsibility and bringing people together.

The toughest road lies ahead in November, he said.  Casey said he is looking forward to 
earning community members’ votes, so he can defeat Santorum in November which will put the 
country on a more tolerant, accepting path.
“One of the things I have to do as a candidate is to give people a sense, not just of my 
record, and my background and my ideas for what I’d like to do in the Senate, but also 
what’s in my heart,” Casey said.
“I think it’s not just a question of language and words, but it’s really a question of 
what’s in your heart and what your values are, and I hope I can do a good job of that 
and convey what is in my heart.”
End article















February 2, 2006

NBC Is At It Again – "Cruci-fixin's"

The April 13 episode of ‘Will and Grace’ will include a guest star appearance by Britney Spears.  She will appear as a Christian conservative beside ‘Jack’ who hosts his own talk show.  Jack’s network Out TV is bought by a Christian television network.  This buy out leads Spears’ character to contribute a cooking segment called “Cruci-fixin’s.’    

Click here to read the AP story

Just last week it was announced that NBC was dropping the “Book of Daniel” because of poor ratings and the lack of paid sponsors.  Its final program on January 20 only included two paid sponsors, Kia and Hyundai; the rest were ads about upcoming NBC programs.  NBC received over 600,000 e-mails from outraged Americans urging them to drop the program.  Apparently NBC did not learn a lesson from the demise of the ‘Book of Daniel.’

It is again time to contact NBC about their programming.


1.)  Contact your local NBC affiliate – remember NBC cannot force their affiliates to air programs.  Choose the contact information from the list below.  Click here for an AFA Pass Along Sheet.  

Erie:  WICU-TV

Toll Free: 1-800-533-8812
Business offices: (814) 454-5201

Programming: Fax # (814)453-5718

Lancaster:  WGAL

Station General Telephone Number:
(717) 393-5851

Johnstown/Altoona – WJAC-TV

Phone: 814.255.7600
Fax: 814.255.3958

Philadelphia – WCAU

Only contact is by e-mail using form at: 

Pittsburgh – WPXI

Phone: (412) 237-1100
e-mail at 

Wilkes Barre – WBRE

John Dittmeier – VP/General Manager – 570-823-2828 ext # 230; e-mail 

Randy Williams – Station Manager – 570-823-2828 ext # 213; e-mail 


















January 30, 2006

Bill to Repeal Gambling Expansion Needs Support

On December 6, 2005 Bucks County Rep. Paul Clymer, R-145 introduced House Bill 2298 which would repeal the 2004 gambling expansion law that added slot machines at horse racetracks and other facilities at 14 Pennsylvania locations.   Remember that added 61,000 slot machines to Pennsylvania’s gambling interests!  Click here to read the bill.  It’s short and to the point!

If your State House member is not listed as a co-sponsor, please contact him or her to support H.B. 2298.  Click here to find your House member – key in your zip code or county in the upper right hand corner.  

During a December press conference introducing the bill, Representative Clymer stated, "This repeal is necessary due to the lack of foresight in the creation of the law, which leaves Pennsylvania nearly defenseless in its ability to oversee the gambling operation and protect its own citizens from crime associated with this particular form of recreation."

H.B. 2298 is currently in the Tourism and Recreational Development Committee.  Click here for a list of those committee members. If your House Member is listed as a member of this committee, please click on his or her name for contact information.   Tell them how important it is to move H.B. 2298 out of committee. 


1.)  If your State House member is not listed as a co-sponsor of the gambling repeal bill – H.B. 2298, please contact him or her and ask them to contact Representative Paul Clymer to become a co-sponsor. 

2.)  If your House member is also a member of the Tourism and Recreational Development Committee, please contact him or her to ask that H.B. 2298 be moved out of committee.  





















January 25, 2006

1.)    Marriage Protection Amendment Was Introduced in House Yesterday

2.)    Judge Alito is Voted Out of Senate Judiciary Committee

1.) Yesterday I was privileged, along with other state pro-family leaders, to participate in a news conference with State House and State Senate sponsors of Pennsylvania’s Marriage Protection Amendment.  There were about five television crews and numerous print media covering the event.  In addition, about two hundred supporters traveled to the Capitol Building to show their support for one man, one woman marriage and the effort to get a constitutional amendment before the voters.  As the majority of them stood in back of us, the cameras panned the crowd – but I wonder how truthful the media will be about the numbers that turned out for the news conference and the enthusiastic support they showed for traditional marriage? 

The bill has been introduced in the State House and has almost 90 co-sponsors!  Homosexual activists have already begun exerting pressure to derail the constitutional process.

The same language (“Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this Commonwealth, and neither the Commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall create or recognize a legal status identical or substantially equivalent to that of marriage for unmarried individuals.”) is to be introduced in the State Senate soon.  Please contact your State Senator and ask him or her to contact Senator Bob Regola to sign on as a co-sponsor. 

Contacting both your State Representative and State Senator on this issue is extremely important.  Click here to read our news release.   

2.)  On Tuesday Judge Samuel Alito was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee along a party line vote.  Click here to read our news release. The debate on the floor of the U.S. Senate begins today with a final vote on Judge Alito expected by week’s end.   Please contact Senator Rick Santorum and thank him for his announced support of Judge Alito.  Contact Senator Arlen Specter and thank him for Judge Alito’s fair confirmation hearings, for his vote of support in the Senate Judiciary Committee and for his announced support of Judge Alito in the final vote. 


1.)  Contact your State Representative and ask him or her to support H.B. 2381.  Click here to view H.B. 2381 and its sponsors. 

If your State Representative’s name is not listed as a co-sponsor, please contact him or her and let them know how important this issue is to you!  If the name is listed, please contact him or her and say ‘thank you.’  Click here to find your State Representative.  Key in your zip code or county in the upper right hand corner.  

2.)  Contact your State Senator and ask him or her to contact Senator Bob Regola to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Senate Marriage Protection Amendment legislation.  Click here to find your State Senator.   Key in your zip code or county in the upper right hand corner.  

3.)  Contact Senator Santorum and thank him for his announced support of Judge Alito’s confirmation.  Contact Senator Arlen Specter and thank him for his vote for Judge Alito in the Senate Judiciary Committee and his announced support for final confirmation.  Click here for contact information for both.   






















January 16, 2006

Senator Arlen Specter Says He Will Vote for Judge Samuel Alito

Judge Samuel Alito’s confirmation hearings are completed.  Unlike liberal United States Supreme Court nominees, Judge Alito had to withstand eighteen hours of scrutiny  -- in many cases outright attacks on his character.  Time and again, Democrat Senators accused Judge Alito of being a racist, a bigot, a crook.  Throughout this ordeal he maintained his composure.  In addition, he answered 94% of the questions compared to Chief Justice John Roberts 89% and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 79%.  For more detail on Judge Samuel Alito, go to our website.   

Senator Arlen Specter has kept his word for a full and fair hearing for Judge Alito.  Even he was openly frustrated with the antics of some of his fellow Senate Judiciary Committee members from the other side of the aisle.   He and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) have a gentlemen’s agreement that the final vote on Judge Alito will be January 20th.  The date was set in exchange for the Democrats demand to postpone the hearings until January.  Now it looks like the Democrats may push for a delay on the vote until January 23rd.  Senator Specter has said that the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee will take place on Tuesday, January 17, as had been previously agreed upon, even if the final vote on the floor of the Senate is postponed. 


Contact Senator Specter to thank him for his fairness during Judge Alito’s confirmation hearings.  Also, thank him for saying he will vote for Judge Alito’s confirmation.  His contact information can be found by clicking here or if you want, you can e-mail using his webform, click here. 













January 5, 2006

“Book of Daniel” Should Be Fed to the Lions

That is the conclusion of AFA National after Ed Vitagliano reviewed the premiere episode of NBC’s new drama “The Book of Daniel” on Tuesday.  Ed’s review can be read by clicking here 
or by pasting  in your browser.

KARK-TV in Little Rock will not be carrying NBC’s controversial show which is scheduled to air Friday night. The station joins Terre Haute, Indiana, NBC affiliate WTWO. 

Here’s the description of the program from the Philadelphia affiliate:

 “The reverend also has loving, but challenging relationships with his three children: Peter (Christian Campbell, “Trick”), his 23-year-old gay son, who struggles with the loss of his twin brother; Grace (Alison Pill, “Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen”), his 16-year-old daughter who doesn't try to push her father's buttons but succeeds at it nonetheless; and Adam (Ivan Shaw, “All My Children”), his 16-year-old adopted Chinese son, a handsome and cocky high school jock with a wicked sense of humor. Keeping Webster grounded is his strong and loving wife Judith (Susanna Thompson, “Now and Again”), who is fighting her own fondness for mid-day martinis, as well as Jesus (Garret Dillahunt, “Deadwood”), whose frequent chats with Daniel serve to remind him of his strengths and weaknesses.”

A little bit different from Ed’s review: 

“The program's main characters include Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest; his alcoholic wife; his son, a 23-year-old homosexual Republican; his daughter, a 16-year-old drug dealer; a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop's daughter; his lesbian secretary who is sleeping with his sister-in-law; and a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus who talks to the priest.” 

By the way, Ed describes the Jesus character as a counselor figure and assures the priest that he ‘has good kids.’  Nothing about sin and the need for redemption!

Have you contacted your NBC affiliate yet?  Here’s the contact info for all Pennsylvania NBC stations.  No matter what they say, these stations can REFUSE to air the program.

NBC Affiliates in Pennsylvania are as follows:

Erie:  WICU-TV
3514 State Street
Erie, PA   16508
1.814.454.5201 or 1.800.533.8812

Lancaster:  WGAL
P.O. Box 7127
Lancaster, PA   17604 

Johnstown/Altoona:  WJAC-TV
49 Old Hickory Lane
Johnstown, PA   15905
Fax:  814.255.3958

Philadelphia:  WCAU
City Avenue and Monument Road
Philadelphia, PA   19131

They have a special web page set up to comment on the Book of Daniel.  It can be found at

Pittsburgh:  WPXI
P.O. Box 1100
Pittsburgh, PA   15230

Wilkes-Barre:  WBRE-TV
62 South Franklin Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA   18773
General Manager:  John Dittmeier   1.570.823.2828 ext 230


1.)  Contact your local NBC station listed above.  Ask them not to air the very offensive “Book of Daniel.”











Copyright 2002-2009 American Family Association of PA