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December 9, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Copenhagen Conference is in Session

2.)    Healthcare Debate Continues – Pro-life Amendment Defeated

3.)    Hate Crimes in PA


1.)     Yesterday the ‘climate change’ conference  in Copenhagen, Denmark began.  On Monday, here in the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, to be a danger to humans.    This will be used as leverage to force Congress to pass Cap and Trade, saying that Congress will pass less stringent laws than EPA regulations will be if it’s left up to them to address so-called climate change.

2.)    Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson did introduce a pro-life amendment to the bill; however there was a motion to table the amendment and it passed last night by a 54-45 vote, in essence killing the amendment.    Senator Casey did vote against tabling the amendment whose language was modeled after the Stupak Amendment to the House version of the health care bill.  This language would have prevented the use of tax dollars for abortion.  However, “pro-life” Senator Casey has NOT committed to vote ‘no’ on the overall bill, if the final version still contains taxpayer funded abortion. 

3.)    The State House will meet several days in December before the Christmas break.  As you recall H.B. 745,  the state hate crimes bill, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in a surprise move on November 17th.   This bill adds ‘actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the state’s ethnic intimidation law.  However, the terms are not defined.  Click here for a list of sexual orientations that are apparently protected under this bill. The bill now moves to the House Appropriations Committee which is scheduled to meet on December 14, and 15.  Currently no committee agenda has been posted for any of those days.

Action Steps

1.)  Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Minority Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, has a “Skeptic’s Guide” on his website, click here.   Contact Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘No’ on Cap and Trade    Click here for contact info, please call and e-mail their DC office and the district offices nearest you. 

2.)  While you have Senators Specter and Casey on the line ask them to vote ‘No’ on HR 3590  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act because it does everything but protect patients and is not affordable.  Make it very clear that a vote for this bill is a vote FOR abortion and against the family.

3.)  If your State Representative is on the House Appropriations Committee,   it is CRUCIAL that you contact him or her and ask that they vote ‘no’ on SB 745 in Committee.   But even if your State Rep is not on this committee, contact him or her to vote ‘no’ on HB 745.  Click here for contact information; key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner to find your State Representative.  Remember a similar law was used to arrest eleven Christians in 2004 for singing choruses and reading Scripture at a homosexual event in Philadelphia. It was declared unconstitutional last year.



















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