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April 8, 2010

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Will Students Be Silent in Your Child’s School?

2.)    Gay Prom in Harrisburg


1.)     The Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will again act as the primary organizer for the Gay Day of Silence which will be observed in most schools on April 16th.  This day is supposedly used to highlight the ‘silence’ and discrimination that students who identify as homosexual, bisexual or transgender must endure during the school day.  However, the stories out of schools show that it’s Christian students who are being forced to remain silent or be labeled a homophobe or bigot.  The majority of parents/taxpayers have no idea this effort to normalize the homosexual lifestyle is taking place in their local school.  GLSEN used to post the participating schools on the Day of Silence website, but in recent years they have kept that information top secret!  The AFA of PA helped expose Pennsylvania schools which permitted students to remain silent throughout the school day, perhaps this is one reason they no longer make that list public!  Also, remember Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s ‘Safe Schools Czar’ was the founder and executive director of GLSEN until August 2008 when he left the organization to work for candidate Obama’s campaign. 

2.)    Last month I was contacted by a reporter from the Harrisburg Patriot News about an upcoming ‘gay’ prom that was being sponsored by local homosexual activists groups (that’s my description, not the reporter’s).  I told her the groups had every right to have such an event, but I believed they were taking advantage of troubled students, that students should not be encouraged to engage in the homosexual lifestyle and the compassionate response to students who are questioning their sexual identity is to warn them of the dangers of engaging in homosexual activity and encourage them to steer clear.  I also told her adults should be protecting students not leading them down the wrong path.  Click here to read the online version of the story (which doesn’t mention my comments, but apparently they were in the print edition, see below) 

Action Steps

1.)    The AFA of PA has joined a national coalition asking parents to be part of the Day of Silence Walkout if their child’s school permits students who are participating in the Day of Silence to remain silent during instructional time.  Click here to listen to my interview with Laurie Higgins, Director of the Division of School Advocacy for IFI.  Go to the Illinois Family Institute’s (an AFA affiliate) Day of Silence Walkout webpage for a list of additional reasons for the Day of Silence Walkout, instructions for parents, and a sample letter to send your school if you decide to keep your child home that day.   What NOT to do:  Don’t call your school and ask if they are sponsoring, endorsing or supporting the Day of Silence.  Their answer will be ‘No’ because technically it is to be student initiated.  Click here for specific ways to approach your school.  For an idea of PA schools which have participated in the Day of Silence in the past, check out our website here.  But remember GLSEN allowed anyone to register any school, so even if the school is on one of the lists the administrators may not have permitted silence during instructional time.  Call your school to find out what their plans are this year..

 2.)  Note the organizations which sponsored the ‘gay’ prom:  Allies at Millersville University  (note they have 35 members out of a student body of over 7,300) , Common Roads and TransCentral PA .  As mentioned above my comments were included in the print edition of the article and apparently were not appreciated by a Lancaster County homosexual activist, click here to read that letter to the editor.  Beware that this issue is no longer simply a ‘big city’ issue, but rural Pennsylvania is also being targeted. The only way to counter this homosexual activism is to be vigilant as to what is taking place in your local schools and community and be a voice for Biblical truth and  PRAY. 






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