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October 13, 2009

Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congressthe 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer? You can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.    Click here.

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Health Care Bill Vote

2.)    Hate Crimes Law Passes in the U.S. House

3.)    President Speaks at Homosexual Fundraiser/Homosexual March on Washington

4.)    How are Schools Affecting the “Homosexual Debate”?


1.)    The vote in the Senate Finance Committee on the Baucus health care bill is currently scheduled for TODAY. Now there is question as to whether there is actually a bill or is there simply an outline which the Senate plans on ‘filling in’ once the Baucus “Bill” passes!   But there is no doubt that this ‘bill’ does include taxpayer-funded abortions and a mandate that all Americans must obtain health insurance or pay a fine. 

2.)    Last Thursday afternoon the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed in the U.S. House as an amendment to the must pass Defense Authorization Act – a bill that funds the military for the next year.  Obviously the Democratic majority did not believe it would pass as a stand alone bill, so over in the Senate, Senator Harry Reid attached the unrelated hate crimes bill on to the Defense bill as an amendment.  Remember this amendment still does not contain a definition for ‘sexual orientation,’ thus could include bestiality and pedophilia and others – click here – WARNING: graphic descriptions. Democrats deliberately placed Congressmen in a tough situation last Thursday by placing the hate crimes amendment on the must-pass Defense Authorization Act – vote to continue funding the military and vote to expand the definition of a ‘hate crime’ to include ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or vote against the Defense Authorization Act.   Many Congressmen made the tough choice and voted ‘no’ on the bill – it passed by a vote of 281 – 146.  Click here for the roll call.   Votes to give special protections to homosexuals included Pennsylvania Congressmen Jason Altmire, Robert Brady, Kathy Dahlkemper, Charlie Dent, Michael Doyle, Chakah Fattah, Tim Holden, Paul Kanjorski, Patrick Murphy, John Murtha, Todd Russell Platts, Allyson Schwartz and Joe Sestak.  The bill now goes to the Senate.    Some history:  Hate crimes legislation was first enacted shortly after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.  and defined hate crimes as those carried out on the basis of race, color, religion and national origin.  Note all these are inherent traits except ‘religion’ which is also protected by the First Amendment.  This expansion approved by the House on Thursday expands the very concept of hate crimes to include hate crimes protection simply because of the sexual activity in which one engages.  As with most legislation, the intentions were good, but the results have been questionable.  Even now the FBI reports that of the 8,000 hate crimes committed annually more than half are based on race.  In actuality no hate crimes legislation is necessary – there are already laws on the books to deal with crime.  This new expansion will allow the federal government to intervene in matters that should be dealt with by local authorities. 

3.)    On Saturday President Obama received a standing ovation as he reiterated his promises to about 3,000 homosexual activists who attended the annual banquet of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual lobby.   He affirmed his intention of delivering to homosexuals those things which he had promised on the campaign trail.  The White House website outlines his agenda.   His promises included: getting rid of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, passing hate crimes legislation and allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military by getting rid of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy.’  The following day several thousand homosexual activists and their “allies’ marched to the Capitol Building with their demands in hand.  All demanding Obama keep his promises.  USA Today  noted that Sunday’s homosexual march was critical for young ‘gays and lesbians’ to be able to organize.  The Washington Post Reports that homosexuals are tired of getting their agenda passed piecemeal and they want it accomplished on the federal level.  (I don’t believe Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution would agree with their tactic, but we’ve allowed the federal government to overstep it’s constitutional authority for too many decades.  When and where will it stop?)

4.)    Do you know anyone attending higher education?  Many of these supposed institutions of higher education have become arenas for homosexual activism – even those with the label ‘Christian’ or ‘religious’ are not immune from this agenda.  A close look at their policies, majors, classes offered and campus clubs reveal a lot of what your student can expect.

Action Steps

1.)    Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. are not members of the Senate Finance Committee, however they need to hear from you.  Contact them – e-mail AND call – asking that they vote ‘no’ on the health care bill.  Click here for contact info. 

2.)    While you have Senators Specter and Casey on the line about the so-called health care bill, please also ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 2647 – the Defense Authorization Act. You need to be aware that they are both co-sponsors of the hate crimes amendment, but they still need to hear from those who oppose them.  If your Congressman voted ‘no’ on this bill, please thank him

3.)    If President Obama’s agenda to force Americans to ‘celebrate’ homosexuality concerns you, please contact him using this form or call the comment line at 202-456-1111.   Here’s a picture of the Saturday event.  Here’s the link to a high resolution picture of the 912 March  -- what do they tell you?

4.)    If you have a child or grandchild attending a college or university, I strongly urge you to look under the veneer and ask some tough questions of that school.  – especially if you are helping pay for tuition.  What are their views on promoting homosexuality or transgenderism?  Do their policies reflect a view that they are simply alternative lifestyles equal to heterosexuality?  What are their ‘hook-up’ policies?  Recently Tufts University in Boston passed a written policy banning sex in the dorm room if the roommate was present.  Students in Pennsylvania schools who were interviewed thought that was overkill – the roommates should just communicate better and agree between themselves not to have sex with their ‘hook-up partner’ while the other was present; the school didn’t need to get involved.  So . . . what is your child’s school policy? 


















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