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July 16, 2009

Hate Crimes Vote Will be Today . . . Unless the Lord Intervenes

At 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday morning Senator Harry Reid filed the hate crimes bill as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill and filled the ‘amendment tree’ so that Republicans cannot offer amendments.  Reid filed cloture immediately after that.   Click here to read the 17 page amendment. 

There is a required 30 hours between the time cloture is filed and a vote can take place.   That would mean Amendment number 1151 to S 1390 would come up for a vote as early as 3:45 this afternoon.

The following is an excerpt from the letter the AFA of PA faxed Senators Casey and Specter Wednesday evening:

·        Jesse Dirkhising was a 13-year-old Arkansas boy who was murdered about the same time Mathew Shepard was murdered in Wyoming, Jesse was brutally sodomized by two homosexual men who were family ‘friends.’  He died suffocating in his own vomit as the two men took a lunch break from their ‘entertainment.’ You never heard of Jesse Dirkhising because of the media silence on this case.  The Washington Times notes that when homosexual Matthew Shepard was murdered in Wyoming in 1998, there were no fewer than 3,000 media stories about that killing. But The Times says in the month following Dirkhising's murder, there were only 46 stories.   

·        Mary Stachowicz of Chicago was murdered in 2002 by homosexual Nicholas Gutierrez.  He raped, battered, strangled and stabbed to death the 51 year old mother of four after she expressed her religious beliefs that the homosexual lifestyle was immoral.

·        In September 2006 another Shephard died – this time it was Jason Shephard in Philadelphia.  He was picked up by Bill Smithson, a co-worker who identified as homosexual.  Smithton slipped Jason the date-rape drug GHB and when he resisted Smithton’s sexual advances Jason was strangled.

In each of the above cases the murderers were not charged with a hate crime, yet each is serving a life sentence.  Now, let’s reverse the scenario and the murdered becomes the murderer.  If Amendment 1151 to S1390 with the ‘sexual orientation’ language becomes law, Jesse Dirkhising, Mary Stachowicz and Jason Shepard would each be charged with a hate crime if they had reversed the tables and been the murderer.  This will create unequal protection under the law – certain groups will have greater protection than others.  This is not the American way.

All violent crimes are hate crimes and all violent criminals should be severely punished.  While we all want to decrease hatred and bigotry in our society, we do not believe that passing a constitutionally-questionable law is the answer.  We must enforce existing laws so that all violent criminals know they will pay for their actions.”

Even though Senators Casey and Specter are co-sponsors of this bill, now amendment, they need to hear from their constituents:  that’s us!

FYI:  Senator Dick Durbin, during his defense yesterday of fast tracking this amendment, compared those who oppose the hate crimes language with those who opposed anti-lynching bills of decades before. 

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Pray.

2.)    Contact Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Robert Casey, Jr., ask them to vote ‘no’ on Amendment 1151 to S1390 – the hate crimes amendment.  Click here for contact information. Tell them this bill is unnecessary and creates unequal protection under the law.  Please contact them, even if you have already.   They need to hear from you again!









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