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January 6, 2010

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Health Care Bill and “Transparency”

2.)    Town Hall Meetings in Your Area?


1.)    This morning the Democratic leadership in the US House and US Senate met behind closed doors to iron out issues with the health care bills.  Last night the President and Vice President met at the White House with the top two Democrats from the House and Senate.  They will be meeting with him again this afternoon. Tuesday night’s meeting resulted in the consensus to use the ping-pong strategy.  This means the House will take up the Senate bill and amend it, then send it back to the Senate for final approval.  This will bypass a bi-partisan conference committee to work out the differences in the House and Senate versions.  This also means pro-life Democrat Congressmen like Bart Stupak (D-MI) and all Republicans will be left out of the process.   On December 30 CNN sent a letter to Congressional leaders asking that they and the President keep their promises of transparency in the health care debate.  Apparently the nation’s leaders have not read the letter!  The Democrats assure us that they are not trying to ram this legislation through, but they are simply tired of the Republican stalling tactics on a bill that they KNOW will pass.  Isn’t that part of the debate?

2.)    While your Congressman is home for Christmas break check will he or she be holding town hall meetings near you?

Action Steps

1.)  Please call your Congressman and Senators Specter and Casey’s district office nearest you and ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  This bill will destroy the best heath care system in the world, ration care, drive hospitals and doctors out of business, fund abortions and raise the taxes of all Americans.  If they support this bill, ask them if they will promise to relinquish their Congressional health care coverage and sign onto the system they are forcing the rest of Americans to be part of.   Click here for contact info for your Congressman and here for contact info for Senators Specter and Casey.  

2.)  While you have them on the line about the health care bill, ask them if they will be holding town hall meetings in your district.  If so, please plan to attend and be prepared to ask some probing questions.  Some examples are here and here.



















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