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July 24, 2009

1.)     Scorecards are Completed

2.)    Health Care Reform – biggest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade!

1.)     The Scorecards for Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Jr. and Pennsylvania’s nineteen Congressmen are completed. They will be updated as necessary.  Click here

2.)    H.R. 3200, “America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009” is currently in markup in the Energy and Commerce Committee.  It is being delayed by Blue Dog Democrats who are uneasy with the impact to the deficit and the haste of the Administration to get something passed.  Also, click here to read pro-life Democrats June 25th letter to Nancy Pelosi. 

Here are some problems associated with the bill:

·        A Minimum Health Benefits Committee will be created to define the minimum requirements for insurance companies.  The bottom line: Individuals must provide a public healthcare plan or pay a 2.5% tax penalty and employers must do the same or pay an 8% tax penalty.

·        There is a MANDATE for access for abortions so organizations like Planned Parenthood will get contracts to build abortion clinics in neighborhoods across America whether wanted or not.  Currently 87% of US counties do not have abortion clinics . . . that all changes if Obama’s ‘health care reform’ becomes law.

·        This bill would implement, de facto, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) pre-empting more than 200 state laws such as parental consent and late term abortion laws.

·        There is no conscience protection for healthcare providers.

·        It also mandates the collection of LGBT statistical data for the first time.

The language of the bill says it all!  In the 1018 page piece of legislation the words “choice,” “options,” and “freedom can be only found 85 times.  The words “require,” “limit,” and “must” can be found 700 times!!  There are 1,000  mentions of the Secretaries of Health, Labor, Defense, and Veterans Affairs because of their involvement.  Absolutely NO MENTION of “liberty,” or “patient driven” in the whole bill!

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)  Contact your member of Congress and ask them to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 3200.  2/3’s of the American people do not believe that tax payers should fund abortion, yet Obama ‘s idea of ‘health care reform’ requires it.  Besides does the Constitution give the federal government the power to be involved in the health care industry?  Click here for congressional contact info. 












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