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October 2, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    Registered to Vote?   Deadline Approaching

2.)    “Healthcare” Bill Update

3.)    Send ALL Congressmen and US Senators a Pink Slip

4.)    PA Budget Update   

5.)    Beware HPV Vaccination


1.)    The November 3rd General Election is fast approaching.  Don’t think this is an ‘off year’ – there’s never an off year because each election cycle will in some way impact you and your family.  In just a few short weeks, Pennsylvanians will be voting for Judges on all level.  Additionally, there will be row officers, school board members and other local elected officials to consider.  Do your homework and vote for the one who best understands what the Constitution says and is willing to uphold it.

2.)    The healthcare debate changes on a daily basis!  But it appears there will be a vote on the Baucus bill on October 6th in the Senate Finance Committee.  Senator Harry Reid wants to get this bill onto the floor of the Senate for debate as quickly as possible, maybe even by Thursday, October 8th.   In fact, he’s so concerned about YOUR health care that he has cancelled the Senate Columbus Day recess!  Or, is it that he doesn’t want YOUR Senator to have another opportunity to interact with YOU and hear your concerns about the government takeover of healthcare?    Some things to consider follow – each of these amendments were voted down by the Democrats:

a.)    Grassley (R-IA) amendment to require that all immigrants, both legal and illegal, prove their identity with photo identification when signing up for federal healthcare programs.  (Baucus bill requires ‘verification’ of name, place of birth and social security number.  Without a photo ID, this does not protect against false or stolen identifies or Social Security numbers.)

b.)    Hatch (R-UT) amendment to prohibit federal funds from being used for elective abortions and health plans that cover such abortions.

c.)    Hatch (R-UT) amendment to ensure respect for the conscience rights of health care workers who choose not to perform abortions because of moral or religious objections.

d.)    Bunning (R-KY) amendment to require that final legislative language and a final CBO score be made publicly available on the committee website for at least 72 hours prior to voting.

e.)    Ensign (R-NV) amendment to require any "czar" handling health care issues to be subject to the Senate confirmation process.

f.)      Cornyn (R-TX) amendment to ensure that nothing requires individuals or employers to change the coverage they currently have.

g.)    Enzi (R-WY) amendment to allow individuals who would otherwise be enrolled in Medicaid through the expansion of the program the right to choose to enroll in private coverage.

3.)    Are you dissatisfied with the job performance of the 111th Congress – the 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 United States Senators?  Are you tired of them not listening to you, their employer?  Well, there’s a plan . . .

4.)    Pennsylvania is still without a budget.  Governor Rendell has told legislators that he wants one passed by this Sunday, but things are unraveling again!  The existing $28 billion budget proposal includes increased taxes and fees and an expansion of gambling by legalizing table games.  It is not sustainable without placing a further tax burden on Pennsylvanians.  But where are the so called Blue Dog Democrats – the ones who claim to be fiscally conservative?

5.)    Warnings were issued about the dangers of the HPV vaccination when it was first recommended that all girls and young women between the ages of 11 and 26 receive the three-shot series.  The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease which may lead to cervical cancer.  The vaccine is being touted as a way to prevent cervical cancer and many Pennsylvania pediatricians and doctors are adding it to the list of ‘recommended vaccinations’.  Upon the recommendation of their trusted physicians, parents are giving the okay to begin administering the three-shot round.  But those dangers still exist and a 14 year old girl died in England this week within hours of receiving the shot at school.  A 15 year old from the same school was also adversely affected and taken to the hospital.  She is expected to recover.   But what about Pennsylvania? 

Action Steps

1.)    You must be registered to vote by October 5th in order to vote in the November 3rd General Election.  You can register at your county's voter registration office or by clicking here.

2.)    Neither Senator Specter nor Casey is on the Senate Finance Committee. But they need to hear from you!  Please call and e-mail Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote against the Baucus bill when it comes to the floor of the Senate for a vote.  The bill will force taxpayers to pay for abortions, give illegal aliens healthcare and force doctors to perform abortions even when it is against their deeply held religious beliefs.  Click here for contact information. Please target Monday or Tuesday for two phone calls to each Senator – one to their DC office and the other to the district office nearest you. 

3.)    . . . . for a cost of $29.95 you can send each of the 435 Members of the US House and all 100 Senators a personalized pink slip.  They will be delivered by Fed Ex to the Congressmen and Senators’ offices.  Thus far almost two million pink slips have been delivered!  As we said at the 912 March, “Can you hear us now?”  Click here to have those pink slips delivered by Fed Ex.  If you were to attempt this on your own, it would cost you $235 in stamps alone and the letters would sit for weeks in an irradiation facility before reaching Washington, D.C.  We can’t wait that long!

4.)    The Pennsylvania House Blue Dog Democrats have been silent on the budget!  Now is the time for them to publicly stand for the fiscal conservatism they claim.  Here’s who they are: Representatives
Gary Haluska , R. Ted Harhai , William Kortz , Nick Kotik, John Pallone, Joseph A. Petrarca, Harry Readshaw, Tim Seip, Timothy Solobay, Jesse White.  
Please consider contacting each one and asking them to publicly state they will only support a balanced budget that reigns in excessive spending and does not add more of a tax burden to the already heavy load that the Pennsylvania taxpayer bears.  If you don’t know who your State Rep is, key in your nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner of this page

5.)    According to the National Vaccine Information Center, America’s Vaccine Safety Watchdog, there have been 410 ‘events’ in girls aged 6-17 after they received the HPV vaccination – many times after just the first round of shots.  Please note that recently there has been numerous diagnosis of diabetes that has been traced directly back to the HPV vaccination.  There have been 256 ‘events’ for young women aged 18-30. 

Click here for a Fact Sheet we have up on our website.  Please, do the research before you agree to have your daughter receive the HPV vaccination.  Remember HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and if your daughter and her future husband do not engage in pre-marital sex, they will not contract it.   God addressed the need for sexual purity throughout Scripture and the rapidly increasing number of sexually transmitted ‘diseases’ (the politically correct term is ‘infections’) attest to His wisdom.  Up until the 1960’s there were only two STDs – syphilis and gonorrhea – both treated with penicillin.  Now the number – many of which are incurable -- is staggering.





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