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May 22, 2008  

Does Your Child’s School Have a Gay Club?

South Carolina Principal Will Resign Because He is Forced to Allow a GSA

According to the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) there are nearly 140 Gay Straight Alliances or GSAs in Pennsylvania.  Some of these’ gay clubs’ go by different names, but they have the same purpose – to normalize the homosexual lifestyle; convince students that people are born homosexual; gay is okay.  Many times GSAs play an integral role in having the school observe the Day of Silence.

I encourage you to check with your child’s school.  Some PA clubs go by the name ‘Diversity Club,’ ‘Spectrum,’ ‘Prism,’ ‘Freedom Club,’ ‘Safe Space,’ or ‘Ally Safe Schools Network.’  Don’t be fooled by a name!  Don’t assume your child’s school does not have a ‘gay club.’ 

In Irmo, SC the announcement that a high school must allow a Gay Straight Alliance has resulted in the resignation of that school’s principal.  Principal Eddie Walker announced his resignation to the student body over the intercom yesterday.  Why is he resigning?  He says the formation of a GSA conflicts with his “professional and religious
beliefs.”  Due to those same convictions he will not be leaving at the end of this school year, but will see his contract through to the end of the 2009 school year. 

In his letter of resignation, Mr. Walker said, “I feel the formation of a Gay/Straight Alliance Club at Irmo High school implies that students joining the club will have chosen to or will choose to engage in sexual activity with members of the same sex, opposite sex, or members of both sexes.” 

A school in Texas was able to successfully keep a GSA out of their district because of their abstinence only policy. 

By the way, gay-rights group Faith in America said Walker's decision is based on prejudice that is harmful to students and likened his decision to policies that once allowed segregation to flourish.

"We truly believe it is unfortunate that this principal cannot see the immense harm that is caused when a social climate of rejection, condemnation and violence is justified with misguided religious belief," said Brent Childers, executive director of the group.



1.)  Call your child’s school and ask for a list of all the clubs and their descriptions.  Many times these clubs are also listed on the school’s website. 

2.)  Contact Principal Eddie Walker (This story is being reported around the nation in homosexual newspapers.   How many phone calls is Mr. Walker receiving that compare him to a bigot and racist?)  The principal's e-mail is and the phone number is (803) 476-3000, if you'd like to contact him with encouragement and thanks.









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