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November 12, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Pray for Pastors Participating in Act of Civil Disobedience in DC

2.)    Invited to Participate in a Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer

3.)    March on Harrisburg

4.)    Update on Health Care Bill


1.)     On October 28th  President Obama signed the federal hate crimes law expanding it to include homosexuals and sexually confused individuals.  Some pastors are gathering at 1:30 on Monday, November 16 in Washington, DC in front of the Department of Justice for a press conference and time of preaching.   They will then travel to the DuPont Circle area of Washington to the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual lobby group, where they will pray.    Some of those participating have already heard their fellow pastors saying they will stay away from addressing the sin of homosexuality for fear of being charged with a hate crime.  Pastor Paul Blair, founder of Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ, summed up the sentiments of participants, when he observed: "Pastors have preached the Bible in America for more than 400 years, pointing the people to Jesus Christ and standing against sin. If preaching the Bible is now against the law, then let us be arrested. If not, may every pastor in America know that he can stand strong and proclaim Biblical Truth without fear of persecution or prosecution."

2.)    Each year the Iowa Chapter of Concerned Women for America invite fellow Iowans to participate in a Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer the third Thursday in November.  They choose this day because it falls right after the elections and right before Thanksgiving and the rush of the Christmas season.  This year they have a special invitation.

3.)    March on Harrisburg this Saturday from 1:00 till 5:00. 

Event Agenda:
1:00 PM - Meet at City Island Parking Lot
2:00 PM - March begins from City Island to Capital Steps
2:30 PM - Rally begins on Capital Steps

            Speakers will address several topics including the possible tolling of I 80.

4.)    After a visit from former President Bill Clinton, Senator Harry Reid has decided to place the House health care reform bill that passed on Saturday on the Senate calendar for a vote next week. 

Action Steps

1.)    Pray for these pastors and leaders participating in the Washington witness on Monday.  Check out their website here. 

2.)    CWA Iowa has invited the entire nation to join them in a Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer next Thursday November 19th.

3.)    Consider participating in the Harrisburg rally on November 14th Click here for more information. 

4.)    Contact Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and ask them to vote ‘no’ on the health care bill.  Click here for contact info. 


















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