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January 30, 2010

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Progressive Summit This Weekend

2.)    Pro-family Senator Casey?

3.)    Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

4.)    Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment – the Problem


1.)     Some people just don’t’ get it.  This weekend Pennsylvania’s Progressives are holding their first ever ‘summit.’  Remember ‘progressive’ is the new name for ‘liberal.’  Listen to known liberals like Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid call themselves ‘progressive.’’  Their ideology will not lead the country to greater progress, but regression because of their anti-life, anti-marriage, anti-family and anti-limited government mantra.  Click here for more information.   Here’s the agenda for the Progressive Summit  and the sponsors

2.)    Pro-family Senator Casey is doing what?  On February 18th Jesse Salazar, who heads Senator Casey’s statewide LGBT and Latino Affairs, will participate in a legislative advocacy meeting in Erie.  He will be meeting with homosexual activists to see how best to pass laws that force businesses to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders, to permit open homosexuals to serve openly in the military and how to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act. 

3.)    During President Obama’s State of the Union address he stated for all Americans to hear that he wants the Defense of Marriage Act overturned and the ban on open homosexuals serving in the military lifted.   He is responding to pressure from the homosexual lobby which claims he has not done enough for them.   Polls continually show that Americans do not want same-sex marriage or the admission of open homosexuals in the military legalized.  These are yet two more examples of the President not connecting to the real world.  The Pentagon will make recommendations to Congress next week.  Read here for more info.   NOTE:  The Human Rights Campaign, the largest homosexual lobby in the nation has pledged $2 million to overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

4.)    On Tuesday Senator John Eichelburger (R-Blair County) introduced SB 707 – Pennsylvania’s Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA). Passage of this bill would be the first step in getting the question before Pennsylvania voters.  The AFA of PA has some concerns.  Here is the language of the amendment, "Only the union of one man and one woman shall be valid and recognized as a marriage in this Commonwealth."   Okay as far as it goes, but this language will not prevent the legalization of civil unions or domestic partnerships – counterfeit marriage, as they convey all the rights and privileges of marriage.  These have been used as stepping stones to same-sex marriage in other states. 

Action Steps

1.)  Pray for those who participated in the Progressive Summit and for all those in positions of authority.  But especially pray for those who are behind this summit and are pushing the ‘progressive’ ideology.

2.)  Contact Senator Bob Casey with your concerns about his staff’s participate in a homosexual advocacy meeting, by clicking here. 

3.)  Contact your US Congressman  and Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Casey, Jr.  and ask them to oppose HR 1283 – the bill to overturn the law banning open homosexuals serving in the military.  For more information, click here.  In this politically correct world, it is difficult for current members of the military to express their views on this issue without the danger of being ostracized.  However, if you know any veterans who would like to express their concerns about lifting the ban, please ask them to contact their Congressman and Senators too.

4.)  Click here to read the views of a lesbian who watched the trial in California attempting to overturn Prop 8 – remember that is the referendum that California voters overwhelmingly passed in 2008 overturning that state’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.  Basically, she is saying if homosexuality is not viewed as immoral then there are no arguments against ‘gay marriage.’    Are we afraid to talk about the immorality of sinful acts such as engaging in homosexual sex?  Should our effort in a Marriage Protection Amendment simply be to preserve the word marriage or should it be to preserve the institution of marriage?  The AFA of PA opposes SB 707 now in favor of a stronger amendment. 





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