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November 5, 2008


Post-Election Thoughts


Well, the voters have spoken.  The economy drove the majority of voters to the Democratic side of the aisle.  But should the economy be the most important issue for Christians?  I believe Jesus addresses that issue squarely when in Matthew 6:33 he said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  A nation which centers its attention on economic issues and ignores the daily destruction of over 4,000 babies in the womb, ignores the sanctity of marriage, ignores the damage done to children exposed to pro-homosexual curriculum in schools, sex-saturated television, radio and magazine covers, will have to answer to God.  Those issues are more important to God than the economy – in God’s eyes it is NOT “the economy stupid.” 


Despite loses there were some major gains for traditional values!


q    Marriage Protection Amendments passed in Arizona (two years ago one was defeated), California (Over $38 million was raised to defeat this amendment effort.  Those included donations from PG&E, the huge utility company that services Northern California, and Hollywood actors such as Brad Pitt and Stephen Spielberg who donated $100,000 each) and Florida where they had to get 60% of the vote to amend their Constitution. Sixty-two percent of Florida voters said ‘yes’ on traditional marriage.  Unfortunately, many of these same voters voted for the Presidential candidate who has said one of his first acts as President will be to get rid of the federal Defense of Marriage Act because it is ‘abhorrent.’ 

q    Arkansas passed a ban on adoption by homosexuals.

q    The three open homosexuals running for State House seats in Pennsylvania were all defeated.  Those were Fern Kaufman running against Tim Hennessey for the 26th District in Chester County, Kevin Lee running against Nicholas Micozzie for the 163rd District in Delaware County and Joanne Tosti-Vasey running against Kerry Benninghoff in the 171st District in Centre County.

q    The Democrats did not attain the filibuster-proof 60 seats that they so desperately wanted in the U.S. Senate.

q    Even though pro-marriage heroine Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave was defeated for re-election in Colorado, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann did win in Minnesota to begin her second term.  She was blasted in recent days for questioning the patriotism of some members of Congress.   Note:  Homosexual millionaire Tim Gill and other homosexual groups poured money into Colorado to target Mrs. Musgrave for defeat.  Tim Gill’s money has turned Colorado from a red state to a blue state in just a couple years.


David Barton and Rick Green on Wallbuilders Live have an excellent program addressing the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  Click here to visit the archive section of WallBuilders' Live for the November 5 program.  


Today Peter Marshall’s commentary said in part, “For me, the bottom line is that the Lord God has some time ago entered into judgment with the American people - and now has taken that judgment to a new level with this election. Until we come to repentance - both individually and corporately - I believe that things will continue to get worse. The mature Christian leaders (as opposed to the "whoop it up and just have faith" preachers on TV) have been saying this for years. I can say this with confidence because of what I know about God's plan for this nation, and His hand in our history. He is not through with us, and is now moving to purge us so that we can return to Him. If we respond in repentance, things will eventually change. But, not until.”




1.)  Read II Chronicles 7:14.  This verse holds the key to getting our nation back on track.


2.)  Pray for America.  Pray for the Church that she will get her priorities straight and become the salt and light that we so desperately need in this nation.  Pray for the Shepherds who are to be preaching the truth of God’s Word  . . .  which does include the condemnation of sin and the Gospel message.













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