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August 12, 2009


1.)    Who’s Really the ‘Mob’ Behind the Town Hall Meeting Confrontations?

a.)    Report from Senator Specter’s Lebanon Town Hall Meeting Yesterday.
 -- the AFA of PA has reviewed the Senate health care bill that was voted out of committee on July 15th

2.)    Has Your Congressman Cancelled His/Her Town Hall Meeting?

3.)    House Resolution 615 – has your Congressman signed on?

4.)    AARP Supports Obamacare!


1.)  In addition to President Obama’s political organization, “Organizing for
     America,” getting involved to push for his so-called health care bill, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and AFL-CIO have announced their efforts to push through this health insurance takeover.  Click here to watch what happened in Denver when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was there last week. 
Also, click here to read Michelle Malkin’s take on the demonization of citizens who have asked tough questions of their legislators at town hall meetings.   We need to remember that President Obama and his radicals have thrown so many issues into the mix that even though health care is the center of our attention right now, bills like Card Check are still inching their way through.  Keep in mind that if Card Check does pass that means the unions will have millions of dollars in additional dues that they can use in organizing to push Obama’s agenda.

a.)    An eyewitness report from Senator Specter’s Lebanon town hall meeting yesterday – thanks to Louis Petolicchio, Course Director for the Constitutional Organization for Liberty (COOL)

Just a few highlights regarding the Specter town hall in Lebanon I attended this morning:

  • Doors at HACC were not scheduled to open until 9:00 AM; people concerned about Obamacare were in line at 7:00 AM
  • Specter made a brief statement and then opened it up for questions; problem is that unknown to the audience, Specter's people had given numbered cars to select people and they were the only ones allowed to ask questions!  You could feel the air get sucked out of the room when Specter said only people with cards could ask questions because everyone felt the event was rigged.  Fortunately, because so many real Americans were early, the scheme back-fired and the majority of the questions dealt with the issues of concern; this prompted one attendee to get up and demand the right to speak (that's the video that's been run on TV all day)
  • Specter either is ignorant about the House bill which is the crux of the debate or lying about some things because when challenged on the euthanasia aspects of the bill, he claimed it was a malicious lie (the language of the bill clearly indicates otherwise)
  • Overwhelming majority of attendees are not happy with these healthcare "reform" plans
  • A TEA Party rally was held outside during the town hall which several hundred people who could not get into the town hall (which held 250) attended
  • There were a couple of verbal efforts by the union thugs to initiate confrontation but they were blown off
  • The Lebanon City police were great - polite but firm and they worked well with the HACC security people
  • Despite the one episode that generated all of the media attention, the majority of attendees were very civil but very vocal in their opposition to Obamacare and I am proud of the character of my neighbors
  • I was also impressed with the knowledge my fellow citizens demonstrated about Obamacare in general and the US Constitution in particular, and the ardent defense that so many were willing to make in defense of the Constitution was very encouraging
  • The Obamabots were the true 'organized mob'; they had pre-printed campaign-style signs, "Healthcare Now" stickers and other paraphernalia, and it was obvious many had been shipped in from outside of the area because they had received marching orders to do so

2.)    In response to constituents demanding answers from their elected officials, many Congressmen are announcing the cancellation of Town Hall Meetings or they will be holding “telephone town hall meetings.”  Congressman Michael Doyle will be holding such a meeting the end of this month.  But we have some suggestions?

3.)    Louisiana Congressman John Fleming, a family doctor, has introduced a resolution concerning health care reform, but many aren’t signing on because it would require them to use the health care system that they are trying to push on the rest of us.

4.)    AARP is saying they aren’t endorsing any health care bill, but their actions are saying something else.  Members of the organization expressed their discontent at a meeting recently and the AARP representative unplugged her microphone and went home!

Action Steps:

1.)    Senator Specter has another town hall meeting tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.:
Open House Town Meeting
Belmont Complex
415 Butler Road
Kittanning, PA 16201

Make your signs, take your questions, plan on being there early because the unions and other pro-health care takeover groups will be there to try to drown out grassroots Pennsylvanians.  Additionally, before going check out AFA of PA’s review of the Senate health care bill – click here.

2.)    If your Congressman has cancelled his or her town hall meeting or just plans on having a ‘telephone’ town hall meeting, here’s what you can do:  visit their District office in pairs (no more than 6 people) and meet with the member or his/her Chief of Staff.  Obama's ACORN force is doing the same.   If the member is not there, have a petition to leave behind ready.  Take a picture of leaving it behind, in case the District office claims they haven't heard from their constituents.

3.)    Ask your Congressman to support of House Resolution 615.    Click here for more details. 

4.)    If you haven’t seen this video of an AARP meeting about the health care bill, check it out.  Do you know anyone who is a member of AARP?  They might like to know what their dues are helping support.   Additionally, AARP opposed the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment and Prop 8 in California. 



















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