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November 5, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Can’t be in Washington today?

2.)    Senator Robert Casey, Jr. Wants Your Thoughts!

3.)    Scholastic Books Pushing Homosexuality


1.)     As our fellow Pennsylvanians gather on the steps of the US Capitol today to join with Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and others who oppose the Pelosi/Reid health care plans, we can help them here on the home front. 

2.)    Senator Bob Casey, Jr. apparently believes everything is going ‘hunkydory’ and wants to hear from YOU!  He wants to know your thoughts on the 2008 election, what’s happened in the past year and what our priorities should be for next year.  Do you have any thoughts for him?

3.)    Scholastic Books has decided to include the pro-homosexual book for 9-12 year-olds, Luv Ya Bunches, in its middle school book fairs. This troubling book is already in the Scholastic Book Club catalogue, which is distributed to elementary school children.

Author Lauren Myracle "who regularly makes the list of the most banned and challenged authors in the US -- capitulated on the language, removing words such as 'geez', 'crap', 'sucks', and 'God', but refused to replace the lesbian parents of her character Milla with a heterosexual couple." Scholastic Books includes Luv Ya Bunches on it's "Teacher's Picks" page as one of the "Best Books" for grades 3-5.

Action Steps

1.)    For those who were not able to make the trip to Washington, DC today, we can still   help send a message to our Congressman.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to push for a vote on her bill on Saturday.  CALL your Congressman TODAY and again tomorrow and ask him or her to vote ‘NO’ on HR 3962 – Pelosi’s 1,990 page “Affordable Health Care for America Act” -  Click here for contact info. 

2.)    Click here to send Senator Casey your thoughts and suggestions.  

3.)    AFA affiliate the Illinois Family Institute is urging parents to notify your children's schools that

a.)    because Luv Ya Bunches is listed in the Scholastic Book Club catalogue, the catalogue is not to be distributed to your child;

b.)    you will not be ordering any books from Scholastic Books;

c.)    if Luv Ya Bunches is included at the Scholastic Book Fair, your child is not to be taken to the fair during or after school hours.

You can also leave an e-mail message to let Scholastic know that as long as they carry books that affirm homosexuality as moral you will not be purchasing books from them.  Click here to send the e-mail. 

Also  contact:
Jeanie Salgado, Scholastic Book Fairs: (407) 829-8265
Scholastic Book Group: (212) 343-4731
Scholastic Books feedback line (212) 343-6834






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