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Marriage Amendment Articles

Banned in Boston -- How Same-sex Marriage Will Impact Religious Liberties in America -- by Maggie Gallagher

Beyond Gay Marriage - the Road to Polyamory -- Commentary by Stanley Kurtz

Death of Marriage in Scandinavia by Stanley Kurtz

For Better or Worse -- Wall Street Journal Editorial by Mary Ann Glendon

Frequently Asked Questions About Same-Sex Marriage 

Gay Marriage - Why It Would Affect Me -- by Dr. James Dobson

If Gays Marry, Churches Could Suffer -- May 26, 2006 Chicago Tribune article by Douglas W. Kmiec, a professor of constitutional law at Pepperdine University School of Law

Polygamy Vs. Democracy -- Stanley Kurtz

Queering the Social -- Stanley Kurtz

Talking Points by Robert Knight of the Culture and Family Institute

What Homosexual 'Marriage' Will Mean to America's Children by Linda Harvey

What Marriage is For by Maggie Gallegher

Homosexuality:  The Threat to Family and Marriage by FRC's Peter Sprigg

What is Wrong With Letting Same-Sex Couples 'Marry'? by Peter Sprigg









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