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News Release
For Immediate Release: 
September 11, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Thousands of Pennsylvanians Join Fellow Americans in Sending Message to the President and Congress

(Harrisburg) – Tomorrow September 12 is an exercise of our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, to peaceably assemble and our right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  Dozens of buses and cars will leave Pennsylvania from all parts of the Commonwealth to make the trip south to Washington, D.C. to take part in the 912 March on Washington.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, will be represented by many of its members who will be participating.  

“This is not about being a Republican or Democrat.  Members of both parties are equally fed up with what is taking place in the two dominant political parties in the nation.  There will be Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and many other party labels attend tomorrow’s historic event,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Many issues of concern have caused the average American, many of who have never protested anything in their lives, to wake up and take a stand to stop the remolding of America into something they do not recognize.  Last fall, under a Republican President, the first economic bailout was passed.  This provided a foot in the door for a more radical, all-encompassing, so-called stimulus packet in February of this year that resulted in a government takeover of the car industry, banking and mortgage industries and much more.  Citizens’ concerns also center around an attempt by government to take over the health care industry, 6% of the nation’s economy,  and force them into a system of which they want no part.  All this is an attempt to undermine or destroy capitalism, the economic system that has sustained and set America apart since its inception.

“Tomorrow patriotic Americans will deliver a message to Washington – to the President and Congress – that, as the Constitution says, WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who ordained and established that Founding Document.  The government is answerable to We the People and We the People voted those politicians into office and we can replace them during the next election cycle.  They are answerable to us . . . that’s the American Way.  We want our country back,” Gramley further stated.

In addition, there will be other TEA Parties held in various parts of the Commonwealth as those on the home front take their stand to take back America. 

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