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News Release
For Immediate Release:  March 9, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

President Obama is Wrong to Allow Federally Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research

(Harrisburg) – Today President Obama took another step in isolating himself from pro-life Americans.   His first step was in rescinding the Mexico City Policy which had prohibited the use of federal taxpayer dollars to fund overseas abortions.  His second step was taken today when he signed an executive order allowing for the use of federal dollars to fund embryonic stem cell research.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values organization, notes that President Obama’s continued attacks on the strong pro-life stands of millions of Americans will further polarize the country.

“The destruction of innocent life, which is the first requirement in this so-called scientific research is repulsive to many voters. . .  . including many who voted for the new President.  This type ‘change’ is not good for the country.  Additionally, during these tough economic times, this is a misuse of federal dollars and takes us down the road of killing potential new Americans,” remarked Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The AFA of PA and other pro-life groups are not the only ones to raise serious questions about President Obama’s decision.  Bernadine Healy, the former head of the National Institutes of Health and the American Red Cross wrote in U.S News and World Report that induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and adult stem cell research successes have "diminished" the prospect that ESCR is the future of regenerative medicine.

"Even for strong backers of embryonic stem cell research, [Obama's decision] is no longer as self-evident as it was, because there is markedly diminished need for expanding these cell lines for either patient therapy or basic research," Healy explained.

 The President is ignoring the medical breakthroughs that have taken place using adult stem cells.  In fact the use of embryonic stem cells in patients have resulted in tragic situations, most recently in Israel.  Embryonic stem cells have formed tumors when injected into animals and immune systems have rejected the insertion of the cells. Those are two big hurdles embryonic stem cells have yet to overcome that don't plague either adult stem cell research or the new iPS cells created by direct reprogramming.

“President Obama describes embryonic stem cell research as sound science.  Killing human embryos is not sound science.  Why does the President want to advance research that even scientists involved in the field are doubting will be successful?” asked Gramley.

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