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News Release:
For Immediate Release:  December 11, 2008
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Allegheny County Council Considering an Ordinance to Allow Men in Women’s Shower Facilities

(Pittsburgh) – Allegheny County Council is considering Ordinance 4201-08 which would create a County Human Relations Commission and a county human rights ordinance which contains the words “sexual orientation and gender identity.”  Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, took steps to educate the voters of Allegheny County on the dangers of the passage of such an ordinance.   The AFA of PA generated robo calls into the county this morning.

“We’ve found very little media coverage on this effort by the County Council and believe that the majority of Allegheny County residents have no idea what is going on.  It may well be that even the members of council do not fully understand the ramifications of this ordinance.  In other areas where such ordinances have passed, the Boy Scouts, Salvation Army and Catholic Charities have been discriminated against simply because of their deeply held beliefs,” noted Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA.

During a November 25th Council meeting open homosexual Chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission Stephen Glassman testified in favor of the ordinance.  But even he has admitted that if such ordinances pass the Boy Scouts would not be permitted to use county or city parks or buildings. 

“Just recently we read stories out of Philadelphia and Cleveland, Ohio where men who think they are women – which would be the gender identity component of Ordinance 4201-08 – had demanded to use the women’s fitting room in a Kmart and the locker room in a city pool.  These type situations would create an unsafe environment for women in Allegheny County, if this ordinance passes,” Gramley further explained. 

Additionally, Philadelphia is currently working to evict the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council from the headquarters they built and have maintained since 1929 on property the 1928 City Council gave them free use of in perpetuity – forever.  Because of the Boy Scouts ban on open homosexuals and Scout members, ‘forever’ was defined by the 2003 City Council to mean less than 80 years. 

Allegheny County Council needs to not pass this discriminatory ordinance which in essence gives special rights to homosexuals because of the sexual activity in which they engage and transgendered people because of who they think they are.  This has nothing to do with civil rights or non-discrimination and everything to do with advancing the agenda of a special interest group.

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