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News Release Archives 2008 -- Part II
News Release More Proof of PA Homosexual Politicians Pushing Their Agenda (Harrisburg) – The quickly closing 2008 offers additional proof that some elected and non-elected ‘public servants’ in Pennsylvania have an agenda – specifically the homosexual agenda. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization, noted that during this year open homosexual politicians have used their positions of power to push efforts imposing, not only the acceptance of but celebration of, the homosexual lifestyle on all of Pennsylvania. “Stephen Glassman, open homosexual chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission, continues to use his position as he has since 2003 to push the homosexual agenda. The mission of the PA Human Relations Commission is to enforce the existing PA Human Relations Act and PA Fair Educational Opportunities Act, not push for special rights for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders,” Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA said recently. Mr. Glassman, in his official capacity, has testified against the Marriage Protection Amendment, in favor of adding ‘actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the PA Human Relations Act, and convinced several local municipalities in southeastern Pennsylvania that they need to change their ordinances to give special protections to homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders. Most recently Mr. Glassman testified before the Allegheny County Committee on Government Reform in favor of creating a county-wide Human Relations Commission and a human rights ordinance with ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ language. Glassman continues to use his chairmanship as a bully pulpit to push the homosexual agenda. During the first half of 2008, newly elected open homosexual Pittsburgh Council member, Bruce Kraus, wrote, introduced and got passed a domestic partner registry. On April 10 Mr. Kraus testified against the Marriage Protection Amendment during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Pittsburgh. During the summer Harrisburg Council Vice President Dan Miller proposed a domestic partner registry for the City of Harrisburg. The registry passed on December 22nd. Dan Miller, an open homosexual man, spoke at the November Harrisburg rally opposing passage of California’s Proposition 8 – the Marriage Protection Amendment. On December 10th Dan Miller announced he will run for the City Controller office. Even though Mr. Miller was fired in 1990 supposedly for being ‘gay,’ it apparently has not hurt his business or political career. Nor has the ‘sexual orientation’ of Stephen Glassman and Bruce Kraus hurt their political careers. Where is the discrimination they claim? “The values and beliefs of the majority of Pennsylvanians are under attack as increasingly we see homosexual activists who are elected or confirmed by the Senate, as in the case of Mr. Glassman, work not for the good of the Commonwealth but to push an agenda to validate the lifestyle of less than 3 percent of the population,” further noted Gramley.
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News Release: Allegheny County Council Considering an Ordinance to Allow Men in Women’s Shower Facilities (Pittsburgh) – Allegheny County Council is considering Ordinance 4201-08 which would create a County Human Relations Commission and a county human rights ordinance which contains the words “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, took steps to educate the voters of Allegheny County on the dangers of the passage of such an ordinance. The AFA of PA generated robo calls into the county this morning. “We’ve found very little media coverage on this effort by the County Council and believe that the majority of Allegheny County residents have no idea what is going on. It may well be that even the members of council do not fully understand the ramifications of this ordinance. In other areas where such ordinances have passed, the Boy Scouts, Salvation Army and Catholic Charities have been discriminated against simply because of their deeply held beliefs,” noted Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA. During a November 25th Council meeting open homosexual Chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission Stephen Glassman testified in favor of the ordinance. But even he has admitted that if such ordinances pass the Boy Scouts would not be permitted to use county or city parks or buildings. “Just recently we read stories out of Philadelphia and Cleveland, Ohio where men who think they are women – which would be the gender identity component of Ordinance 4201-08 – had demanded to use the women’s fitting room in a Kmart and the locker room in a city pool. These type situations would create an unsafe environment for women in Allegheny County, if this ordinance passes,” Gramley further explained. Additionally, Philadelphia is currently working to evict the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council from the headquarters they built and have maintained since 1929 on property the 1928 City Council gave them free use of in perpetuity – forever. Because of the Boy Scouts ban on open homosexuals and Scout members, ‘forever’ was defined by the 2003 City Council to mean less than 80 years. Allegheny County Council needs to not pass this discriminatory ordinance which in essence gives special rights to homosexuals because of the sexual activity in which they engage and transgendered people because of who they think they are. This has nothing to do with civil rights or non-discrimination and everything to do with advancing the agenda of a special interest group. # # #
NEWS RELEASE Should Lifestyle That Increases Spread of HIV/AIDS be Embraced, Asked Pro-Family Group (Philadelphia) – This year during World AIDS Day the world needs to take a hard look at the disease and ask whether the necessary steps are being taken to stop the spread of the disease. Last February Matt Foreman, former executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, called AIDS a ‘gay disease.’ Why are so many afraid to acknowledge the correlation between male homosexual contact and HIV/AIDS, asked the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization? “Increasingly we see the effort to normalize the homosexual lifestyle . . . to make a lifestyle choice a civil rights issue . . . while totally ignoring Centers for Disease Control statistics which confirm Matt Foreman’s February statement. Why use our taxpayer dollars to pay for the studies, if they are going to be ignored?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. According to the CDC between 2001 and 2006 men who have sex with men (MSM) was the largest HIV transmission category in the United States. Further the CDC reported that in 2005 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents were MSM. Homosexuals have taken to the streets around the country in protest to the passage of California Proposition 8 which defines marriage solely as between one man and one woman. Yet in California 67% of AIDS cases are men who have sex with men. More experts are complaining that funding for HIV/AIDS research is shortchanging research funding for more pressing health concerns. According to the Global Health Council in 2006 AIDS funding accounted for 80% of all American funding for health and population issues. In that same year Rwanda received $18 million for that country’s biggest killer – malaria – while AIDS received an astounding $47 million. “This World AIDS Day needs to be a wake up call to all who are truly concerned about the welfare of their fellow man – AIDS has become a ‘politically correct disease’ where none dare expose the truth about the lifestyle choice and sexual activity that is the biggest contributor to the spread of HIV/AIDS,” further noted Gramley. # # #
News Release For Immediate Release: November 25, 2008 Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Another Shepherd Dies – Where’s the Outrage?
(Philadelphia) -- Bill Smithson of Delaware County, Pennsylvania will spend the rest of his life in prison for the strangulation murder of 23-year-old college student Jason Shephard. Smithson, an openly homosexual man, murdered Shephard after slipping him the date rape drug GHB. Smithson attempted to rape Jason Shephard and when the young man resisted his sexual advances, he was strangled. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), remembers another Shephard who was murdered ten years ago in the state of Wyoming and homosexual activists used that murder to push for hate crimes laws to include ‘sexual orientation.’
“The silence of homosexuals is deafening when it comes to their own murdering innocent people. The murders of both Matthew Shepherd and Jason Shephard were tragic, but one murder is being used by homosexual activists to push their agenda of special rights. No additional laws are needed – murder is murder, but apparently the murder of Matthew Shepherd was more important for those pushing an agenda,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
Homosexual activists say that Matthew Shepherd was specifically targeted to be killed because he was homosexual, yet the evidence shows something else. An ABC 20/20 investigation which included interviews with the two murderers revealed that Shepherd’s murder resulted from a botched robbery. Yet this has been largely ignored by the mainstream media.
A couple additional examples of silence are the murder of Benton County, Arkansas 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising who was sodomized numerous times by two homosexual men and allowed to die in his own vomit in 1999 [Click here to read the affidavit. WARNING: Graphic material] and another is the 2002 murder of Chicago grandmother Mary Stachowicz who was sexually assaulted and her body stuffed under the floorboards of the homosexual murderer’s apartment.
“Jason Shephard was a young college student targeted by a homosexual man to fulfill his sexual desires. Homosexual activists are silent on this murder – yet they still use Matthew Shepherd as the poster child for their campaign to write ‘sexual orientation’ into hate crimes laws. Hate crime laws are not needed – Wyoming still does not have one and Pennsylvania’s was thrown out this summer. Matthew Shepherd’s murderers are spending the rest of their lives behind bars just as the murderers of Jason Shepherd, Jesse Dirkhising and Mary Stachowicz are. Murder is murder and increased penalties for attacking a specially protected group listed in a hate crimes law is a waste of everyone’s time and resources. Such a law creates unequal protection under the law,” concluded Gramley.
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 14, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Barbara Walters Seeks to Normalize Transexual “Pregnant Man”
(Harrisburg) – Yesterday’s ‘The View’ offered a sneak preview of tonight’s 20/20 episode with Barbara Walter’s interview with the so-called ‘Pregnant Man’ from Oregon – Thomas Beatie. During the interview the announcement is made that she is again pregnant and due in June. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, questions the reason behind a program entitled "What Is a Man, What Is a Woman? Journey of a Pregnant Man." The AFA of PA has contacted ABC for an explanation.
Supposedly the once Hawaiian beauty contest finalist is now a man, but common sense says otherwise. In actuality Thomas Beatie is Tracy LaGondino, a lesbian activist who worked to get homosexual adoption and hate crimes laws passed in Hawaii before moving to Bend, Oregon. About ten years ago she underwent self mutilation through a double radical mastectomy and began hormone therapy to change her gender to that of a male, but keeping her female reproductive organs.
“A woman falling under the surgeon’s knife to have her breasts removed does not make her a man. Even taking hormone treatments and having an artificial penis implanted does not change a woman into a man. A woman is born with and has throughout her life two X chromosomes. Thomas Beatie is still a woman whether she or Barbara Walters likes it or not,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
According to Gramley this is simply another attempt to normalize the lifestyle of the gender confused. And once again it is the children who are the victims – the guinea pigs – in this experimental family structure. The daughter born in June will grow up asking what is a man and what is a woman simply because the desires of two adults – Thomas/Tracy and Nancy – outweigh what is best for children. Now they will bring another child into this experimental family structure who will undoubtedly question his or her gender as well.
“A woman getting pregnant should not be news. ABC and other news outlets seek the sensational to sell their programs and promoting a so-called ‘pregnant man’ does just that. A man, no matter how much Tracy LaGondino or Barbara Walters would like to say otherwise, cannot get pregnant . . . period. Biologically that is impossible and biologically Tracy LaGondino will always be a woman no matter how many hormone treatments she takes or how long her beard gets,” Gramley further stated.
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 13, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
California Homosexuals Protest Voters’ Passage of Ban on Same-sex Marriage
(Harrisburg) – Homosexual activists’ true colors have been shown since the November 4th passage of Proposition 8 – the Marriage Protection Amendment. This decision by the voters to define marriage as only between a man and a woman overturns the May 15th decision by the California Supreme Court to permit so-called same-sex marriage. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has signed onto a letter of support to the Mormon Church as it was immediately targeted by homosexual activists because of its role in the passage of Prop 8.
“Theological differences did not hinder Catholic, Evangelical, and Mormon churches from working together to see the definition of marriage restored in California. Members of the Mormon Church donated money and time to help in the passage of Proposition 8 and should not be targeted by hateful protests because of their involvement in the amendment effort,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
The letter notes several ways in which the Mormon Church has been targeted:
Large organized protests designed to disrupt places of worship; Public calls to investigate and “dig up dirt” on Americans of a particular faith who donated to a political cause; An outrageous television ad campaign crudely and deliberately designed to incite fear and hatred of a minority religious community. It appears that those who are crying the loudest for tolerance are being the most intolerant as they seek to intimidate and harass those who do not believe marriage should be between members of the same sex.
“Homosexual protests of the Mormon Church have gone beyond California into Utah where 3,000 protested outside the church’s headquarters in Salt Lake City. There has even been a call to boycott the entire state of Utah. One must ask: ‘Who are the haters, who are bigots?’ Homosexual activists cannot comprehend that even in California – one of the most liberal states in the nation – voters know that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Gramley stated.
Because of the California Supreme Court’s decision not to stay their May 15th decision legalizing so-called same-sex marriage until after the November 4th vote on the ballot initiative, 18,000 homosexual couples from around the United States have ‘married’ in California. Attorney General Jerry Brown said on August 5th that passage of Proposition 8 would not be retroactive.
“Homosexual activists acknowledge that even with the passage of Proposition 8 California same-sex couples have essentially the same rights under that state’s domestic partner law. This proves that homosexuals aren’t after the rights associated with marriage, they want to devalue the word and thus the institution of marriage through redefining it,” concluded Gramley.
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 6, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley -- 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Is Pennsylvania Really a ‘Blue State’? Did Race Play a Part in the Presidential Election?
(Harrisburg) – Pennsylvania finds itself in the same quandary as other states such as New York which has several large liberal metropolitan areas and has been labeled ‘a blue state,’ but where the vast majority of the physical area remains conservative and is labeled ‘red.’ Those holding the beliefs and values historically held by the majority of Americans have to overcome the increasingly liberal views of those in the large cities. Senator John McCain won 49 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. However, Senator Barack Obama received 41% of his Pennsylvania vote in the liberal Philadelphia area.
Additionally, voters were told many times that if they did not vote for Obama they were racist. Even Congressman John Murtha made the outrageous statement that people in his district were racist. But if someone votes for a candidate simply because of their skin color, are they racist? Exit polling shows that 95% of African-American voters pushed the touch screen beside Obama’s name. Again, is this racist?
“Race definitely played a role in the Presidential race. I’ve spoken to black pastors here in Pennsylvania who were very frustrated because the people in their church pews on a Sunday morning were not willing to look at the liberal views of Senator Obama, they were simply going to vote for him because he is a black man,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group.
Marriage Protection Amendments were on ballots in Arizona, California and Florida. All three state constitutional amendments passed, but California and Florida also went to Senator Obama. In California 70% of black voters voted for Proposition 8 and overwhelmingly supported Amendment 2 in Florida, then turned around and voted for the man who has called the federal Defense of Marriage Act ‘abhorrent’ and publicly opposed the states’ Marriage Protection Amendment efforts.
“Race should never play a role in voting for or against any candidate. But when a voter is not willing to look beyond the color of a candidate’s skin to see where he or she stands on issues such as one man one woman marriage that are important to the voter as evidenced in both California and Florida, then something is wrong. Because of this unwillingness to look at the voting record of Senator Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion, pro-homosexual presidential candidate ever has just been voted into the Oval Office,” further commented Gramley.
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 10, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Connecticut Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage – Another Step in the Wrong Direction
(Harrisburg) – Today’s decision by the Connecticut Supreme Court to throw common sense out the window and legalize same-sex ‘marriage’ is yet another example of the judicial branch overstepping its bounds. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, views this decision as judicial tyranny as four of Connecticut’s Supreme Court justices have created the right for same-sex couples to ‘marry.’
“The Court did confirm our warnings that legalizing civil unions will be used as a stepping stone to same-sex marriage. The Justices said Connecticut’s civil union law was not enough, thus they had to go the next step to so-called same-sex ‘marriage,’” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
Throughout the recent battles in Pennsylvania to get a Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) before the people the civil unions issue has been brought up relentlessly. Traditional marriage advocates have been told the MPA would be too restrictive if it also banned civil unions. We now have positive proof that we cannot allow civil unions to be legalized in Pennsylvania. Allowing such would be used to legalize same-sex ‘marriage.’
Connecticut is the third state where judicial activists have, by the slimmest of margins, legalized homosexual ‘marriage.’ On November 18, 2003 four judges in Massachusetts, quoting Canadian court decisions, legalized same-sex marriage. On May 15, 2008 four judges in California ignored the will of over 60% of California voters and threw out Prop 22 which defined marriage as solely between a man and a woman.
When the first homosexual couples ‘married’ in this nation on May 17, 2004 the AFA of PA predicted the beginning of the end of marriage. That prediction is proving true as we see homosexual activists side-stepping the will of the people and getting same-sex ‘marriage’ legalized through judicial tyranny.
“It is not the job of the judicial branch to make law; that is the job of the legislative branch. Yet, are there any calls for the impeachment of these judges who have overstepped their constitutional duties? Rather than a representative republic is America becoming an oligarchy where we are ruled by a few judicial elitists?” questioned Gramley.
When will the lawsuits begin to force so-called same-sex ‘marriage’ on the rest of the country? Within days of the first homosexual ‘marriages’ in California, homosexual legal groups like the ACLU and Lambda Legal issued a six-page warning to those taking their ‘wedding vows’ not to go back to their home state to file lawsuits challenging their marriage laws. These legal groups pushing same-sex marriage know that the rest of the country is not ready for the redefinition of marriage and want a well-planned out strategy to further attack traditional marriage through lawsuits.
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National Coming
Out Day and
“Homosexuals say they are born that way, according to them they have no choice in the matter; it is perfectly natural and normal. If that was the case, then wouldn’t all their family and friends know about their ‘natural’ homosexual tendencies? Why the need to make a special announcement. African-Americans or Asian-Americans don’t need a ‘coming out day’ to announce their ethnicity. National Coming Out Day is simply another homosexual activist’s gimmick,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
“I don’t believe parents pay big bucks for their children to go to college to be ‘helped’ by the school to ‘discover’ they are homosexual,” Gramley said.
May 2008 study by
Increasingly universities and colleges, such as Penn State Altoona, are becoming institutions of social change and not institutions of higher education. Students are taught that the homosexual lifestyle is simply a safe alternative lifestyle. Bisexuality is becoming more commonplace on campuses. However, even in 1987 bisexuals were rejected by the ‘homosexual community’ as being a ‘little strange.’ Up until recent years sexually confused individuals (transgenders) were also considered ‘a little off the wall’ by homosexuals. It was upon the realization that they would need to combine forces to accomplish their goals of so-called ‘civil right protection’ that homosexual activists laid down their animosity toward bisexuals and transgenders.
“There is no such thing as a gay gene. There are thousands of former homosexuals. The more the truth is revealed about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle, the more desperate homosexual activists become to convince school and college age students that ‘it’s okay to be gay.’ National Coming Out Day – giving a forum to troubled students to announce they are homosexual -- is one of those tools of misrepresentation and deception,” further noted Gramley.
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NEWS RELEASE PA State System of Higher Education Imposes Smoking Ban, But Supports a More Dangerous Lifestyle (Harrisburg) – Last week the State System of Higher Education interpreted the new Pennsylvania Clean Indoor Air Act as requiring a ban on both indoor and outdoor smoking at Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has contacted Chancellor John Cavanaugh asking for an explanation as to why they restrict a less dangerous lifestyle choice - smoking, yet promote one which kills the participants at a much younger age. “Last year the State System of Higher Education voted to extend domestic partner benefits to same-sex partners of faculty members including tuition and health benefits. It appears the Board of Governors of the State System does not read health risk statistics for men who have sex with men,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that
men who smoked shortened their lives by up to 7.2 years. The Oxford
University International Journal of Epidemiology stated that men who
have sex with men shorten their lives by up to 20 years. Which is the
more dangerous of the two practices? A 2005 study presented at the Third International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment in Rio de Janeiro estimates that the lifetime cost of treating an HIV-positive person exceeds $400,000 and can run as high as $648,000. Based on their findings, the researchers estimate that the 40,000 people newly infected with HIV each year in the United States will require about $12.8 billion in medical care. “These figures just look at the devastating effect of HIV/AIDS. What about the increased cases of other sexually transmitted diseases, anal cancer among men, eating and psychological disorders and domestic abuse associated with living the homosexual lifestyle?” questioned Gramley. Restricting smoking on campus may be a good thing, but until the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education stops promoting the homosexual lifestyle, it really does not have the best interest of the students, faculty or tax payers in mind. # # #
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 16, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
University of Pittsburgh New Policy May Place Female Students at Risk
(Pittsburgh) -- Last week it was announced that the University of Pittsburgh would add ‘gender identity’ to its anti-discrimination policy. A university spokesman specified that this policy would also include housing. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has contacted the Provost and Chancellor asking that they reconsider this policy change.
“Student safety should be utmost in the minds of the University of Pittsburgh and other schools. The addition of ‘gender identity’ to their policies is anti-safety. This policy change opens the door for sexual assault of female students and lawsuits from concerned parents and students,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
The fax to Chancellor Mark Nordenberg and Provost James Maher said in part, “Since this policy also affects housing, what is to prevent a male who says he believes he’s ‘really a female’ from requesting and obtaining housing in the women’s dormitory? This policy indicates that will be acceptable and, additionally, this ‘man who thinks he is a woman’ will be permitted to shower and use the restroom in the women’s dormitory.”
“Increasingly we see schools such as the University of Pittsburgh become agents of social change. This attempt to validate the lifestyle of the gender confused places their other students at risk. Why can’t the institutions of higher education stay within their academic goals and not seek to be agents of political correctness?” asked Gramley.
A look at the ‘Resident Life’ section of the University of Pittsburgh’s website raises questions about the addition of ‘gender identity’ to their policies. “We strongly support and encourage a partnership with our entire community of responsible citizens to maintain the highest quality of life and to ensure that our living environment is clean, safe, and comfortable.”
How could a responsible citizen believe that maintaining the highest quality of life means allowing men who think they are women to live in the women’s dormitory, use the women’s restroom and shower with female students? How will this provide a safe and comfortable living environment?
“The AFA of PA is urging the University of Pittsburgh to remove ‘gender identity’ from its policy and provide a safe living environment for their female students,” Gramley stated. # # #
NEWS RELEASE What to Do With a Politician Who Doesn’t Just
Talk But Does (Harrisburg) – One week ago very few Americans knew of Sarah Palin. But with Senator John McCain’s announcement last Friday that she was his vice presidential running mate the mainstream media has been on the attack. According to the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values organization, as Americans get to know Governor Palin and her willingness to not only talk about being pro-life but live it, the media’s unprecedented scrutiny of her family has been relentless, uncalled for and mean-spirited. The AFA of PA also asks, “Where is NOW” and has contacted them with a few questions. “The silence of women’s organizations such as the National Organization for Women is very telling. According to their website NOW wants to ‘bring about equality to all women.’ Apparently that is unless that woman is a conservative, pro-life Republican VP pick,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. It has been asked: q Is the baby boy Trig really Governor Palin’s son or grandson – is she providing cover for her 17-year old daughter Bristol? (Daily Kos blogger) (This was quickly squelched when it was announced that Bristol is five months pregnant, will keep the baby and marry the father.) (PBS’ Mark Shields, ABC’s Diane Sawyer) q Why would a mother choose to have a baby at 44 years of age, let alone a Down’s Syndrome baby? q Did Governor Palin take proper pre-natal care? (Fox News Alan Colmes) q Does Governor Palin have the necessary experience to be Vice President? (NBC’s Matt Lauer, ABC, CBS, CNN Wolf Blitzer) q Since she is a mother of five – including a Down’s baby -- will she have the time to be Vice President? Will she neglect her infant son? (CNN’s John Roberts, ABC’s Bill Weir) The AFA of PA contacted NOW to ask them if they would stand quietly by if Hillary Rodham Clinton, Nancy Pelosi or any other liberal female politician were asked these same questions or if their children were placed under a media microscope. “Governor Palin is a politician who doesn’t just say she is pro-life, she lives it everyday. She was advised that her recent pregnancy would end in the birth of a Down’s Syndrome baby and was encouraged to abort her baby. Rather than have an abortion, like 90 percent of mothers of Down’s babies do, she delivered him four months ago. Rather than encourage her 17 year old unmarried daughter Bristol to have an abortion when it was announced she was pregnant, the family extended their unconditional love and support. All the media seems to be able to do is attack a pro-lifer simply because she’s walking what she’s talking,” continued Gramley. The Palin family
statement concerning their daughter’s pregnancy: “Our
beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew
would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of
Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become
grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she
knows she has our unconditional love and support. “The media just doesn’t know how to deal with someone the caliber of Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin and their media bias is revealed daily,” concluded Gramley
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Will Senator Bob Casey Follow the Example of Bishop Charles E. Blake and Condemn the Democratic Party’s Position on Abortion, Pro-Life Group Asks?
“Tomorrow Senator Casey needs to take this opportunity and address his party’s stand on abortion – the death of 50 million babies since 1973 and the attempts to stop any efforts to protect babies in the womb cannot go unanswered. The question basically is - will this Bob Casey, surrounded by pro-abortion speakers, have the same courage as the previous Bob Casey when it comes to the issue of life?” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA questioned.
The proposed Democratic platform to be voted on by delegates has a plank for abortion rights that is stronger than usual. On page 50 it states "The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”
“Senator Casey endorsed Senator Barack Obama before the April 22nd Pennsylvania Primary. Additionally, actions he has taken since being in office raise questions about how strong his pro-life stands are. We want to see a strong pro-life speech at the Democratic National Convention from our supposed pro-life Senator,” Gramley continued.
In September 2007 Senator Casey voted to effectively scrap the Mexico City Policy voting to approve a funding appropriations bill (HR 2764) that would provide US funding to foreign organizations that promote and provide abortions. This is a foreign aid policy put into place by President Ronald Reagan which expressly prohibits the funding of overseas agencies involved in abortion.
Tomorrow will show all Pennsylvanians whether Senator Bob Casey has the backbone to take a true stand for life and confront his own party on their pro-abortion platform. # # #
Adding ‘Sexual Orientation’ to Laws is Dangerous, Just Ask CA Doctors
“As Pennsylvanians face
the prospect of laws being passed which would add actual or perceived
sexual orientation and gender identity to the PA Human Relations Act,
they need to take note of what happened in
Currently H.B. 1400 is in the House State Government Committee and S.B. 761 is in the Senate Judiciary Committee. These are identical bills which would add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to the PA Human Relations Act which currently deals with employment, housing and public accommodations. What legislative changes or court decisions could ‘reinvent’ this law?
“In today’s courts the
homosexual activist's wants and
desires trump the First Amendment rights of Christians. These
In an effort to force Americans to accept their dangerous lifestyle as normal, homosexuals are relying on distortions of the facts and a hijacking of the civil rights movement. Court decisions such as the California Supreme Court decision in May legalizing same-sex marriage and yesterday’s decision stating that all doctors must perform non-emergency procedures no matter what their religious convictions are also being used to further the homosexual agenda.
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NEWS RELEASE Ridge is Wrong, Pro-Abortion VP Choice Would be Mistake (Harrisburg) – One way to alienate Pennsylvania pro-life voters would be for Senator John McCain to choose a pro-abortion running mate, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization said today. On Sunday former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge remarked he did not think the GOP would have a problem with McCain choosing a pro-abortion vice-presidential running mate. “The last time I checked the Republican Platform still has a pro-life plank. To sway from that strong pro-life stance would be a mistake of epic proportions. Pro-lifers are a large voting block and it would not be wise for any candidate to ignore them,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. Page 84 of the Republican Platform states, “As a country, we must keep our pledge to the first guarantee of the Declaration of Independence. That is why we say the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.” The ‘big tent’ approach former Governor Ridge spoke of in his comments on Sunday can have a devastating effect upon any party that presents itself as pro-life and pro-family. A ‘tent’ can become too big and weaken its stalwart supporters and collapse. “Any truly pro-life voter would have trouble with a pro-abortion presidential or vice presidential candidate. If John McCain expects to take Pennsylvania in November, he needs to choose a pro-life and pro-family running mate,” Gramley further stated. Speaking as an individual, Gramley said McCain’s best choice to get the pro-family, pro-life vote he needs would be former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
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NEWS RELEASE Massachusetts to Allow Out-of-State Same-Sex Marriages—Further Evidence Pennsylvania Needs a Marriage Protection Amendment (Harrisburg) – Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick signed a bill today repealing a 1913 law that barred couples from marrying in Massachusetts if their union would not be valid in their own states. The repeal now makes it legal for homosexuals from outside Massachusetts to marry in that state. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) cites this as yet another example of why Pennsylvania needs a Marriage Protection Amendment. “In the six weeks that so-called same-sex marriage has been legal in California, Pennsylvania homosexual couples have been going there to ‘marry.’ Now they will be making the shorter trip to Massachusetts,” predicted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. This sets the groundwork for a challenge to Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act and is further evidence that state legislators must give the people of Pennsylvania the opportunity to vote on a Marriage Protection Amendment. The majority of voters want to define marriage as between one man and one woman and not leave it up to a judge to define marriage. As marriage is under increased attacks, this becomes an even more important issue to the voters. But . . . do the majority of legislators get it? Governor Rendell made in clear in July 2005 that he wants the courts to define marriage in Pennsylvania. On June 11th, nine homosexual-supporting organizations such as the ACLU and Lambda Legal issued a six-page memorandum warning that homosexual couples should not go back to their home state from California to challenge the marriage laws because it could lead to ‘bad court rulings’ which would set their efforts back by years. The groups want to be given more time to lay the groundwork for the legalization of same-sex marriage across the country. Homosexuals continue to say their fight is a fight for civil rights, but they are wrong. Homosexuality is not an unchangeable characteristic such as skin color or race. Yet less than 2% of America’s population wants to change the historic definition of marriage and family to include same-sex couples. Legislative bodies and Governors in California and Massachusetts have allowed for the legalization of same-sex marriage in their states. “Will the legislative body in Pennsylvania have the courage to do the right thing and allow the people to vote on the definition of marriage?” questioned Gramley. Noting that Governor Rendell has no veto power over constitutional amendments. “Today’s repeal of the 1913 law in Massachusetts places the spotlight once again on our State House and State Senate and their indecision within the past few months. There is no more important issue than protecting the foundation of society from redefinition,” Gramley concluded.
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 31, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Islamic Symbolism in Planned Flight 93 Memorial – Check the Facts
(Pittsburgh) – In 2005 architect Paul Murdoch’s design for the Flight 93 Memorial was chosen from over 1,000 entries. The first public showing of that design sent red flags up for some viewing it. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette’s article announcing the winner and a picture of the design sent red flags up for more, but where has the media been during the continued controversy asked the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group.
“You can’t help but look at the September 2005 Post Gazette picture and see a star and crescent . . . just like the Turkish flag or other Islamic countries. Why has there been virtually a media blackout on this and other Islamic features of the planned Flight 93 Memorial? If I can check the facts, why can't they?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
Because of public outcry, within three months of the announced winner of the Flight 93 Memorial design contest, a redesign was announced by architect Paul Murdoch. But the addition of a few more trees in the so-called redesign does nothing to change the Islamic symbolism which goes beyond the crescent and star shape.
Examples of Islamic symbolism which Gramley checked using source documents:
1.) 44 translucent blocks – one for each passenger and crew member and, in separate locations, one for each terrorist 2.) an individual facing away from the center of the broken Memorial Wall toward the middle of the large crescent of trees (many of which will be red maple to show a red crescent in the fall when the leaves turn) will be facing Mecca .
Another example of Islamic symbolism is the 93 foot tall crescent-shaped ‘Tower of Voices’ and the surrounding crescents of trees at the proposed Memorial entry off Route 30. This structure can be seen as a sundial which would determine the times for daily Islamic prayers. Additionally, it has a near Mecca orientation.
“We do not want a memorial to terrorists built – this memorial is supposed to commemorate the courage of the 40 passengers and crew who stopped the attack on our nation’s capitol. There should be no hint of any Islamic symbolism in the Flight 93 Memorial. I challenge members of the media to take the time, as I did, to open the source documents and check the facts and report what they find,” remarked Gramley.
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NEWS RELEASE Original Plaintiffs Respond to PA Hate Crimes Decision (Harrisburg) – Last week’s decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to uphold the November 2007 ruling by the Commonwealth Court to declare the hate crimes law unconstitutional is being applauded by the original plaintiffs in the constitutional challenge. In June 2003 Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, and Frances Bevan, president of the Pennsylvania Eagle Forum, as individuals, were named as plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging the way in which H.B. 1493 was passed. In July 2005 the court ruled Bevan and Gramley did not have ‘standing’ to sue. Shortly after that, the lawsuit advanced with the names of seven members of the Philadelphia Eleven who were arrested in October 2004. “The PA Supreme Court made the right decision in upholding the Commonwealth Court’s decision. The seven petitioners were all arrested in October 2004 and charged with a ‘hate crime’ for singing choruses and reading scripture at a homosexual event in Philadelphia. No crime was committed and their First Amendment rights were infringed,” commented Gramley. H.B. 1493 was gutted of all language dealing with its original intent which was to make a law against agricultural vandalism. All language dealing with eggs, fruit trees and livestock was stripped from the bill and “actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity’ was inserted. In November 2002 warnings about the potential for loss of religious liberties were ignored and the bill passed and was signed into law by Governor Mark Schweiker on December 3rd. In less than two years eleven Christians were arrested and charged with a hate crime; each faced 47 years in prison and up to $90,000 in fines. The unheeded warnings had become fact. “What part of unconstitutional don’t they understand? You take a bill and completely gut it of its original language and it’s unconstitutional!” remarked Bevan. There is no need for hate crimes laws . . . there are already laws on the books against murder, assault, property damage, etc.
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“The Golden Arches, Ronald McDonald, Big Macs and Quarter Pounders are all terms known by the average American. How many times has the average American family of mom, dad and 1.34 children gone to McDonalds for a night out and a chance for the kids to play at McDonalds Playland? How many of those families know that McDonalds now supports the redefinition of marriage and family to mean two men or two women legally married? McDonalds donation to and membership in the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce mean just that,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
Those attending the news conference in favor of the boycott ranged in age from six-years-old to grandmother. All were very concerned that McDonalds membership in the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) also means their support of that homosexual organization’s agenda. NGLCC and obviously their partners such as McDonalds support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would permit men who think they are women to use the women’s restroom, dressing rooms and shower facilities in the workplace. They also support hate crimes legislation which would effectively silence those who believe the homosexual lifestyle is wrong. The legalization of same-sex marriage is something the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and their partners – including apparently McDonalds -- would love to see happen in this nation.
This is not about McDonalds hiring homosexuals; this is not about homosexuals eating at McDonalds – those are not the problems – the problem is McDonalds using its corporate clout to undermine the very families that buy their products. McDonalds made a $20,000 donation to the NGLCC and their Vice President of Communications Richard Ellis is now on the Board of Directors of this homosexual organization.
“McDonalds’ has made the wrong decision to become involved in the culture war and to support an agenda that their average customer knows is wrong. We join other pro-family groups in calling on McDonalds to leave the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and to stop supporting the homosexual agenda,” Gramley concluded.
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NEWS RELEASE Let’s Not Forget Who These Boy Scouts Are, Traditional Values Group Says (Philadelphia) -- A recent report on ABC Channel 6 tells of Troop 44 in Delaware County coming to the rescue of a wood duck and her new ducklings. The report has ‘a nice feel’ to it, but failed to mention the fact that Troop 44 is part of the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council (COLBSA) which the City of Philadelphia is trying to evict from their downtown Philadelphia headquarters. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization, believes omitting this information does a disservice to the community as well as Troop 44. “Obviously the Glenolden community is appreciative of the efforts of the Troop 44 Scouts. I wonder how many know of this direct assault on the Scouts and would be outraged to know the City of Philadelphia is seeking to evict the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council if they don’t begin paying $200,000 in annual rent on a building the Scouts built and have maintained since 1929. Channel 6 would do a great service to Troop 44, by telling the eviction story also,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. According to COLBSA spokesman Jeff Jubilier, paying $200,000 annual rent to the City of Philadelphia means cutting 30 new Cub Scout packs, or 800 needy kids going to summer camp. Ultimately, Philadelphia is not concerned with the 64,000 boys that are serviced by COLBSA, they are only interested in making a political statement at the expensive of young men. If the Scouts have to use $200,000 to pay rent for their headquarters, what will happen to the 40,000 boys from Philadelphia who are part of the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council? What will happen to the additional 50,000 school youth in grades K-12 who are part of the Learning for Life program? This program which is in over 135 schools in the three counties served by COLBSA encourages positive behavior, assists in building self-esteem and rewards positive work ethics. “Boy Scouts do more than protect wood ducks, they also help in rescue efforts and during times of disaster. It would be a tragedy to penalize the Boy Scouts because of the policy banning open homosexuals and atheists. The Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter – as a private organization they can choose their leaders and members. Homosexuals who complain about the Scouts can start their own organization just as those who oppose the Girl Scouts current liberal leanings did when they started American Heritage Girls. The only explanation can be that homosexuals aren’t interested in having an organization for kids and teens who identify as homosexual to do things Scout do, they simply want to make an example of the Boys Scouts and remold them in their image,” further stated Gramley. Channel 6 should tell this side of the story. # # #
CONTACT: Diane Gramley
Congressional Subcommittee Holds Hearing with Groups Wanting to Allow Men to Use the Women’s Restroom
“Last year ENDA caused a split among homosexual activist groups because of the inclusion of ‘gender identity’ in the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. This whole issue shows how radical these groups are as they try to force Americans to not only accept the homosexual lifestyle as normal, but accept men who think they are women in the women’s restroom and workplace shower facilities,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. For once we agreed with Congressman Barney Frank (sort of), at least before last year when he sold out to the "transgender" lobby. "There are workplace situations - communal showers, for example - when the demands of the transgender community fly in the face of conventional norms and therefore would not pass in any Congress. I've talked with transgender activists and what they want - and what we will be forced to defend - is for people with penises who identify as women to be able to shower with other women." -Homosexual Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), BEFORE he changed his mind and embraced including "transgenders" in the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA) Today Congressman Frank testified in favor of a ‘trans-inclusive’ ENDA – does that change the facts of his above statement? If ‘gender identity’ is included in ENDA, Congress will be forced to explain to the husbands, fathers and grandfathers of this nation why their wives, daughters and granddaughters are going to be forced to go to the restroom with men and take showers with men who think they are women. Is this a civil rights issue? There are thousands of ex-gays and one cannot really change the sex they were born. Homosexuals are not born homosexual and men will always be men and women will always be women no matter what type body-altering surgery they subject themselves to. "Technically, you cannot truly change one's sex. That's why the procedure is not really called 'sex change surgery' but 'sex reassignment surgery.' The idea is to alter the physical appearance of a person's anatomy to approximate as nearly as possible the anatomic arrangement of the other sex." - Melanie, "Sex
Reassignment Surgery ( “ENDA is an attempt to change the law to give special rights to homosexuals and gender confused individuals simply because of the sexual activity in which they engage or the gender they think they are even though that does not match their body parts. Congress needs to work on important issues such as advancing Congressman Paul Broun’s Federal Marriage Amendment,” Gramley concluded.
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CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
It Appears Representative Sally Kern Was Right About
“Representative Kern made her initial remarks in January
and these past six months have shown that
n January Bruce Kraus sworn in as new Pittsburgh City Council member representing District 3.
January 29th the
City Council passes a resolution
encouraging the
n April 10th both City Council President Doug Shields and Council Member Bruce Kraus testify in opposition to S.B. 1250, the Marriage Protection
Amendment, in a joint
hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Senate Appropriations Committees
held in
n June 3rd Bruce Kraus introduces legislation to create a ‘mutual commitment registry.’ Giving some of the same rights of married couples to unmarried couples. n June 17th City Council passed Bill 2008-0484 which creates a ‘mutual commitment registry’ or domestic partner registry for all Pittsburgh unmarried couples.
The Victory Fund endorsed
Bruce Kraus when he ran for Pittsburgh City Council in 2007 and is
very proud of his push for a
“For her remarks Representative Kern received over 30,000 e-mails – most of them hateful, obscene and threatening. One of those to respond was Pittsburgh City Council President Doug Shields who called Representative Sally Kern’s remarks ‘hateful, bigoted, and un-American’ and demanded an apology. His remarks were much more hate-filled than hers were. What is his response now looking back on the first six months’ activity of the new Pittsburgh City Council?” questioned Gramley.
What will be the next step – requiring all businesses which have contracts with the City of Pittsburgh to offer domestic partner benefits to all who have registered in the ‘mutual commitment registry’? The City Council continues to insult married couples and all those who hold traditional values when they say the registry is required for the city to be competitive and to be able to bring in ‘cutting-edge people.’
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 12, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Group Thanks Park for Addressing Homosexual Activity Problem
(Philadelphia) -- Recently rangers in Nockamixon State Park near Quakertown in Bucks County arrested several homosexual men who were engaged in lewd acts. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide family group, contacted Jessica Doxsey, the assistant park manager, and thanked her and the rangers for their diligence in trying to keep Nockamixon a family park. The fishing pier and Sterner Mill Hiking Trail were locations described as especially troublesome spots where men exposed themselves and sometimes solicited other men for sex. But the 5,300 acre nature reserve offers other locations where men can engage in anonymous sex and is listed on an international internet homosexual hook-up site as a ‘cruisy place.’ This site informs homosexual men of locations where they can find other homosexuals who want to engage in anonymous sex. It also gives directions to both Bucks County ‘cruisy’ parks listed and offers a place for comments . . . the comment left for Nockamixon directs the reader as to the best time to ‘find action.’ “The Nockamixon State Park management and rangers are to be praised for taking steps to protect families and children who will be coming to their park in huge numbers this summer. Fathers and mothers should not be faced with a situation where they have to explain to their children about homosexual sex. But the fact that this park has been placed on the homosexual hook-up site will make their job much harder,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said. In 2003 a ten-year-old boy witnessed men engaged in homosexual sex when he went to use the restroom in Strawbridge Department Store in Philadelphia’s Center City. The men had found the restroom through use of a homosexual hook-up website. Additionally, the AFA of PA is concerned for the safety of young boys who may be using the public restrooms in the park. Parents need to be especially diligent when this type activity is known to take place in an area. Is a public health risk being created by this type activity? Consider the following: q According to the CDC men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 2005 even though only about 5% to 7% of male adults and adolescents in the United States identify themselves as MSM. The vast majority of young gay and bisexual men in the United States who were found to have the AIDS virus were unaware of their infection, according to findings reported at the 14th International AIDS Conference in July 2002. q Homosexual writer, Jack Hart, wrote in his 1991 book Gay Sex, A Manual for Men Who Love Men, "most common" sex-transmitted diseases other than HIV confronting homosexual men, including: chlamydia, crab lice, giardiasis, gonorrhea, hepatitis-A and -B, herpes simplex, nongonococcal urethritis, scabies, syphilis, and venereal warts." Not far from Nockamixon State Park in New Hope on May 17th Governor Ed Rendell and Stephen Glassman, openly homosexual chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission, in their official capacities, helped lead that town’s Rainbow Pride Parade. Did it concern them that they were placing the state’s stamp of approval on this dangerous lifestyle? In other parts of the country where such crackdowns have taken place there has been criticism by gay activists. In August 2001 the Triangle Foundation, a Detroit homosexual advocacy group, claimed that such law enforcement efforts to curb homosexual activity in public parks and restrooms are "discriminatory." “In March Amsterdam decriminalized public sex in the Vondelpark , the Netherlands most popular park. The Dutch police's National Diversity Expertise Center is advising the rest of the country to following Amsterdam’s example. Is this what homosexual activists will be demanding in this country?” questioned Gramley. “If so, no family or child will be safe in our public parks.”
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“As Senate leadership
watches the clock tick away on this session, it is placing
She was referring to a Los Angeles Times article which reported a six-page memo targeting same-sex couples which had been released by nine groups including the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal. This memo outlined the dangers to the effort toward so-called marriage equality, if early court decision were handed down that did not favor same-sex marriage. The groups warned that such decisions could take years to overturn.
“Today’s LA Times
article once again exposes the strategy of the proponents of same-sex
marriage – depend on the courts to legalize same-sex marriage. That is
exactly why homosexual activists here in
The article specifically
says, “the battle for marriage must be orchestrated strategically, state
by state, court by court.” “Since
Working on a statewide smoking ban is much less important than working on protecting the foundation of society and Pennsylvania's children. One man one woman marriage is the bedrock of society and to expand that definition to include homosexuals is to the detriment of any culture. Validating a lifestyle which, according to the Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology, shortens the lives of males by up to 20 years creates a greater public health risk than smoking does. The CDC has found that male and female smokers lose an average of 13.2 to 14.5 years of life, respectively. Which is the more dangerous activity – smoking or engaging in male homosexual sex?
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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 3, 2008 CONTACT: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Philadelphia Mayor Nutter is Wrong in Appointing a Homosexual Activist as New Human Relations Chair
(Philadelphia) – Following in the footsteps of his two predecessors Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is promoting the lifestyle which has placed Philadelphia in the top 10 cities with the highest number of HIV/AIDS cases in America. On Thursday Mayor Nutter named Rue Landau, the co-chair of Liberty City, a political group that promotes homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism, as the new executive director of Philadelphia’s Commission on Human Relations. On Monday the traditional values group, American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), faxed Mayor Nutter with concerns over his appointment.
In recent months the most controversial issue the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations got involved in was trying to force Geno’s Philly Cheese Steaks to take down their ‘When ordering, please speak English’ sign. But Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, predicted that with the new executive director at the helm that would change as there would be a greater push for all Philadelphians to ‘celebrate’ the homosexual lifestyle.
What will happen to those who continue to believe that engaging in homosexual acts are wrong? Will their religious freedoms be infringed upon?
“Why would the Mayor appoint a homosexual activist as the new executive director of the Commission, unless he has the intention of further promoting this dangerous lifestyle?” asked Gramley. “In our fax we asked him to reconsider his appointment and to appoint someone who was impartial and did not have a political agenda.”
The fax also let the Mayor know that according to Ray Murphy, co-chair of Liberty City, his appointment of Landau “is a real victory for Liberty City” and they now have “a powerful new ally in city government.” Again the question: “Why appoint someone who will promote the normalization of a lifestyle that even the majority of Philadelphians know is wrong?”
Some of the health risks listed in the fax included:
q The Centers for Disease Control reports that men who have sex with men account for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 2005. q A recent study found that HIV prevalence among black MSM (46%) was more than twice that among white MSM (21%). q The Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology found that men who have sex with men shorten their lives by up to 20 years. q In February Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force -- in an address to the National Conference on Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender Equality in Detroit -- shocked attendees by calling HIV "a gay disease.” q Other health risks include a greater risk of domestic violence, eating and psychological disorders. q HIV positive homosexual men are 9000% more likely to develop anal cancer according to the February 2007 issue of the International Journal of STD and AIDS.
“Mayor Michael Nutter needs to take a close look at the statistics and how those stats are affecting his city. If he is honest, he will know his choice of new executive director of the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations is wrong. Will he take an honest look at the harm done to his city or continue down his politically correct path?” Gramley asked in conclusion.
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