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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


Will Senator Bob Casey Follow the Example of Bishop Charles E. Blake and Condemn the Democratic Party’s Position on Abortion, Pro-Life Group Asks?


(Harrisburg)  --  Tomorrow Pennsylvania’s ‘pro-life’ Senator Bob Casey is scheduled to address the Democratic National Convention.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a state pro-life organization, is urging Senator Casey to take this opportunity to take a stand for life and condemn the Democratic Party’s position on unrestricted abortion at every stage of life.  During the first official event of the convention – the interfaith service – Bishop Charles Blake, a Pentecostal preacher in the Church of God in Christ, denounced abortion and Senator Obama and the Democratic Party’s stand on the issue of life. 


“Tomorrow Senator Casey needs to take this opportunity and address his party’s stand on abortion – the death of 50 million babies since 1973 and the attempts to stop any efforts to protect babies in the womb cannot go unanswered.  The question basically is - will this Bob Casey, surrounded by pro-abortion speakers, have the same courage as the previous Bob Casey when it comes to the issue of life?” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA questioned. 


The proposed Democratic platform to be voted on by delegates has a plank for abortion rights that is stronger than usual. On page 50 it states "The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”


“Senator Casey endorsed Senator Barack Obama before the April 22nd Pennsylvania Primary.  Additionally, actions he has taken since being in office raise questions about how strong his pro-life stands are.  We want to see a strong pro-life speech at the Democratic National Convention from our supposed pro-life Senator,” Gramley continued.


In September 2007 Senator Casey voted to effectively scrap the Mexico City Policy voting to approve a funding appropriations bill (HR 2764) that would provide US funding to foreign organizations that promote and provide abortions.    This is a foreign aid policy put into place by President Ronald Reagan which expressly prohibits the funding of overseas agencies involved in abortion.


Tomorrow will show all Pennsylvanians whether Senator Bob Casey has the backbone to take a true stand for life and confront his own party on their pro-abortion platform.

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