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News Release
For Immediate Release:  April 29, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Pennsylvania’s ‘Pro-Life Senator’ Votes for Pro-Abortion HHS Secretary Nominee

(Harrisburg) – Yesterday’s 65-31 confirmation vote for Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius for Secretary of Health and Human Services included the ‘yea’ vote from Senator Robert Casey, Jr.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-life group, expressed outrage that the United States Senator representing Pennsylvania who claims to be pro-life voted for her confirmation.  

“Governor Sebelius’ political ties to abortionist George Tiller and 11th hour veto of a bill that would have advanced women’s health in Kansas are but two reasons why she should have been disqualified from consideration for secretary of the principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans.  Apparently she knows nothing of protecting the health of many Americans,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

On April 23rd Governor Sebelius vetoed a bill that would have required abortionists to report the specific reasons for post-viability abortions, reinforcing her reputation as a pro-abortion extremist.  George Tiller, who performs abortions through all nine months of pregnancy and would benefit directly from this veto, personally contributed $200,000 to ProKanDo, a political action committee he controlled, to defeat Kathleen Sebelius’ challenger in the 2002 Kansas gubernatorial race.  According to a letter signed by Tiller, he wanted to “make sure we have a pro-choice Governor.”

“Senator Casey has once again failed the pro-life test.  He cannot truly be pro-life and then vote for the confirmation of someone like Kathleen Sebelius.  Pennsylvanians are becoming more and more aware that Senator Robert Casey, Jr. is not pro-life like his dad and thus not worthy of the support of those who view life as sacred,” further commented Gramley.


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