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News Release
For Immediate Release:  January 22, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Pennsylvania Pro-Life Group Thanks Three Congressmen for Signing Letter to President;
President Obama Will Not Rescind Mexico City Policy Today

(Harrisburg) –  On January 16th 78 U.S. Congressmen signed a bi-partisan letter to then President-elect Obama asking that  he not overturn the Mexico City Policy which bans the use of taxpayer dollars for overseas abortions.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide family advocacy organization, commends the strong life stand shown by three of Pennsylvania’s 19 Congressmen, but questions where the others are hiding.

“Today is the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in all the states in America.  Unfortunately, that has expanded beyond the borders of the United States into foreign countries. Why is it only three of our Congressmen -- Joe Pitts, Jason Altmire and Glenn Thompson -- were willing to sign this important letter?  Is it not important to Pennsylvania’s other sixteen Congressmen that America’s image is tainted when we provide abortion money in countries where abortion may be illegal or restricted,” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The Congressional letter says in part, “First developed in the Reagan Administration, this policy is important because it establishes a bright line between family planning activities and abortion, therefore ensuring that United States family planning funds are not co-opted by groups who promote abortion as a method of family planning.  Such activities would send a wrong message overseas that the United States promotes abortion."

The AFA of PA also agrees with the Congressmen that in these hard economic times Americans do not want their taxpayer dollars used to fund abortions.  Additionally public opinion polls regularly reflect that over 60 percent of Americans oppose any taxpayer funding for abortion. A December Harris Interactive Poll found 63 percent of Americans favor laws preventing the use of taxpayer funds for abortions.

President Obama has indicated that one of his first priorities will be to rescind the Mexico City Policy.  But apparently he has decided not to take this step today -- the day when hundreds of thousands of Americans descend on Washington in the annual March for Life.

 “Rescinding a policy which saves babies’ lives is bad policy for any administration.  The AFA of PA encourages President Obama to respect the pro-life laws of other countries and send a strong message that America cares about their women and children by not rescinding the Mexico City Policy,” Gramley remarked.

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