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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  October 10, 2008

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


Connecticut Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage – Another Step in the Wrong Direction


(Harrisburg) – Today’s decision by the Connecticut Supreme Court to throw common sense out the window and legalize same-sex ‘marriage’ is yet another example of the judicial branch overstepping its bounds.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, views this decision as judicial tyranny as four of Connecticut’s Supreme Court justices have created the right for same-sex couples to ‘marry.’   


“The Court did confirm our warnings that legalizing civil unions will be used as a stepping stone to same-sex marriage.  The Justices said Connecticut’s civil union law was not enough, thus they had to go the next step to so-called same-sex ‘marriage,’” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


Throughout the recent battles in Pennsylvania to get a Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) before the people the civil unions issue has been brought up relentlessly.  Traditional marriage advocates have been told the MPA would be too restrictive if it also banned civil unions.  We now have positive proof that we cannot allow civil unions to be legalized in Pennsylvania.  Allowing such would be used to legalize same-sex ‘marriage.’


Connecticut is the third state where judicial activists have, by the slimmest of margins, legalized homosexual ‘marriage.’  On November 18, 2003 four judges in Massachusetts, quoting Canadian court decisions, legalized same-sex marriage.  On May 15, 2008 four judges in California ignored the will of over 60% of California voters and threw out Prop 22 which defined marriage as solely between a man and a woman. 


When the first homosexual couples ‘married’ in this nation on May 17, 2004 the AFA of PA predicted the beginning of the end of marriage.  That prediction is proving true as we see homosexual activists side-stepping the will of the people and getting same-sex ‘marriage’ legalized through judicial tyranny. 


“It is not the job of the judicial branch to make law; that is the job of the legislative branch.  Yet, are there any calls for the impeachment of these judges who have overstepped their constitutional duties?  Rather than a representative republic is America becoming an oligarchy where we are ruled by a few judicial elitists?” questioned Gramley.


When will the lawsuits begin to force so-called same-sex ‘marriage’ on the rest of the country?  Within days of the first homosexual ‘marriages’ in California, homosexual legal groups like the ACLU and Lambda Legal issued a six-page warning to those taking their ‘wedding vows’ not to go back to their home state to file lawsuits challenging their marriage laws.   These legal groups pushing same-sex marriage know that the rest of the country is not ready for the redefinition of marriage and want a well-planned out strategy to further attack traditional marriage through lawsuits.    


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