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News Release
For Immediate Release: October 7, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

The Documentary, the Curriculum, All Point to Pushing a Dangerous Lifestyle – But they leave those facts out

(Pittsburgh) – With the campaign of Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer to promote the homosexual lifestyle in Pennsylvania and the nation in full swing through the showing of their recently completed documentary “Out in the Silence,” they are leaving out a major component of the storytelling.  The film talks about bullying of students who identify as homosexual, but the filmmakers fail to talk about the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics which point to much more danger involved in the sexual activity they are promoting than in bullying, noted the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization. 

“I find it interesting that these two homosexual men arrived locally with the intention of promoting “same-sex marriage” through the printing of their ‘marriage’ announcement in the paper and used the uproar they created to highlight so-called ‘homophobia’ in small town USA.  These Washington, DC residents do not understand that the majority of Americans do not support the lifestyle they are advocating,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The AFA of PA believes all students should be provided a safe learning environment, but for the filmmakers to single out students who identity as homosexual as the only targets of bullying is wrong.  Students who wear glasses, hearing aids, or braces are also targets as well as those who are considered too smart or not smart enough.  Wilson and Hamer have taken the plight of two teenage boys and used their situations to promote their agenda. 

Additionally, the filmmakers failed to mention the Christian students in Boyd County, Kentucky who were forced to attend diversity training that claimed people are born homosexual.  They also failed to talk about the second grade students in Massachusetts whose teacher read the “same-sex marriage” story of King and King to them over the objections of their parents. These students and parents were bullied and harassed for their objections to the ‘gay is okay’ theme.

“The most troubling aspect of this documentary is the facts that are being left out.  “Out in the Silence” promotes the unproven idea that people are born homosexual and if one is confused about his or her sexuality, they must be homosexual.  But the real tragedy of this homosexual promotional film is ignoring the dangers outlined in CDC statistics.  In 2005 men who have sex with men accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents, even though only about 5 to 7% of that age group identity as homosexual.  I also doubt that they have a clip of Matt Foreman, former Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force admitting  in a February 8, 2008 speech that HIV is a ‘gay disease’ included in their documentary.  Did they include the fact that 3% of the residents in their hometown of Washington, DC have AIDS and the group greatest affected are homosexual men? Somehow I doubt Joe and Dean have included those statistics revealing a lifestyle more hazardous than bullying in school.  The real losers are those teens and young adults who view this film and buy into the lie that engaging in homosexual activity is simply a ‘safe, alternative lifestyle,’” Gramley concluded.


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