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News Release
For Immediate Release:  July 23, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Statewide Pro-Family Group Signs Onto Letters:  Requesting Meeting with AG Holder and Sotomayor Nomination

(Harrisburg) – In recent days the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, has signed onto letters of great importance.  Last week the AFA of PA joined over 400 other national, state and local leaders requesting a meeting with US Attorney General Eric Holder concerning the issue of pornography.   Additionally, today a letter signed by 156 leaders, including AFA of PA president Diane Gramley, was sent to each Senator regarding the Sonya Sotamoyor nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

“In our letter to Attorney General Holder, we reminded him of his June 10, 1998 memo to all US Attorneys sent while he was the Deputy Attorney General.  In that letter he encouraged the prosecution of porn distributors at all levels.  Our hopes are that he still views stopping the distribution of illegal pornography as important and will expand the new administration’s efforts to stop this scourge upon our nation,” commented Gramley, signatory of the letter to AG Holder.

It appears the President’s claim to nominate judges that reflect his judicial philosophy was undermined during the confirmation hearings of Judge Sonya Sotomayor.  In answering a question posed by Senator John Kyl, she responded that she did not approach the issue of judging the way the President does. 

Other concerns also center around her decisions on the First and Second Amendments, private property rights, equal protection and race.  The recent endorsement of Sotomayor by NOW and Pro-Choice America are also troubling The letter states that we believe Judge Sotomayor should remain on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, where her decisions would be subject to the scrutiny of the US Supreme Court. 

“Promoting Judge Sotomayor to the very Court that recently overturned her discriminatory Ricci decision would be a mistake.  Do Americans want United States Supreme Court justices which discriminate against anyone because of race?  I don’t think so.  As Americans become increasingly pro-life, they also don’t want a judge that promotes the killing of babies in the womb,” further noted Gramley.

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