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News Release
For Immediate Release:  June 5, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Parents Should be VERY Concerned with Kevin Jennings’ Appointment to Safe and Drug Free Schools

(Harrisburg) –  On May 19, very quietly and under the radar screen, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan appointed homosexual activist Kevin Jennings to the post of Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools.    The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) is repulsed by the idea that Jennings, who has a twisted idea of safety, will help make official policy for our nation’s school children.

“Since Jennings was one of President Obama’s fundraisers during his campaign, apparently this is payback time by giving Jennings access to America’s impressionable children to further indoctrinate them that ‘gay is okay,’” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Kevin Jennings is the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and was its Executive Director until August 2008.  Under his leadership GLSEN has sponsored events where pornographic material was handed out (Brookline High School, Brookline, MA in 2005), how to sessions on engaging in homosexual acts (this became known as Fistgate) were given to school children (high school conference held at Tufts University in 2000) and he  has created political activists out of high schools students through GLSEN’s “Days of Action” such as Day of Silence, TransAction Day and Ally Week.

In a White Plains, New York GLSEN conference in 2006, the theme of Dani Newsum's keynote address was the 'Ally' concept, getting straight kids to support and fight for homosexual 'rights.' She stated that heterosexist- thinking (that all people are born heterosexual) is 'sick, unhealthy, not accepted.'

In his book One Teacher in Ten, Kevin Jennings reported the story of a 15-year-old boy named "Brewster" who came to him in 1989 for assistance. Jennings said the boy was having difficulty in school and did not know why. However, during a speech in Iowa five years ago, Jennings stated that "Brewster" had confided to him that he had a sexual encounter with an older man in Boston. Jennings claims he responded to the teen by saying, "I hope you knew to use a condom." The apparent case of sex abuse was not reported to authorities.

“Kevin Jennings, along with Arne Duncan who supported the ‘gay school’ in Chicago, only spells trouble for our nation’s schools . . . trouble that they cannot afford.  Our schools are being used in a great social experiment and it’s the children who are the guinea pigs,” Gramley said.

She was referring to a recent article by Walter Williams entitled, “Dumbest Generation Getting Dumber,” where he opens with this sentence:  “The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international comparison of 15-year-olds conducted by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that measures applied learning and problem-solving ability. In 2006, U.S. students ranked 25th of 30 advanced nations in math and 24th in science. McKinsey & Company, in releasing its report "The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools" (April 2009) said, "Several other facts paint a worrisome picture. First, the longer American children are in school, the worse they perform compared to their international peers.”

“Apparently the longer our children are in school the more social engineering they are involved in and the less academic learning takes place.  Kevin Jennings will use this new appointment to further his social engineering agenda, all under the guise of ‘safe schools,’  while our kids and our nation continue losing in the world market of ideas,” concluded Gramley.

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