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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 13, 2008

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


California Homosexuals Protest Voters’ Passage of Ban on Same-sex Marriage


(Harrisburg) – Homosexual activists’ true colors have been shown since the November 4th passage of Proposition 8 – the Marriage Protection Amendment.  This decision by the voters to define marriage as only between a man and a woman overturns the May 15th decision by the California Supreme Court to permit so-called same-sex marriage.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has signed onto a letter of support to the Mormon Church as it was immediately targeted by homosexual activists because of its role in the passage of Prop 8.


“Theological differences did not hinder Catholic, Evangelical, and Mormon churches from working together to see the definition of marriage restored in California.  Members of the Mormon Church donated money and time to help in the passage of Proposition 8 and should not be targeted by hateful protests because of their involvement in the amendment effort,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


The letter notes several ways in which the Mormon Church has been targeted:


Large organized protests designed to disrupt places of worship;  

Public calls to investigate and “dig up dirt” on Americans of a particular faith who donated to a political cause;  

An outrageous television ad campaign crudely and deliberately designed to incite fear and hatred of a minority religious community.    

It appears that those who are crying the loudest for tolerance are being the most intolerant as they seek to intimidate and harass those who do not believe marriage should be between members of the same sex. 


“Homosexual protests of the Mormon Church have gone beyond California into Utah where 3,000 protested outside the church’s headquarters in Salt Lake City.  There has even been a call to boycott the entire state of Utah.  One must ask:  ‘Who are the haters, who are bigots?’  Homosexual activists cannot comprehend that even in California – one of the most liberal states in the nation – voters know that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Gramley stated. 


Because of the California Supreme Court’s decision not to stay their May 15th decision legalizing so-called same-sex marriage until after the November 4th vote on the ballot initiative, 18,000 homosexual couples from around the United States have ‘married’ in California.  Attorney General Jerry Brown said on August 5th that passage of Proposition 8 would not be retroactive. 


“Homosexual activists acknowledge that even with the passage of Proposition 8 California same-sex couples have essentially the same rights under that state’s domestic partner law.  This proves that homosexuals aren’t after the rights associated with marriage, they want to devalue the word and thus the institution of marriage through redefining it,” concluded Gramley.


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