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News Release Where are the Other 18 Pennsylvania Congressmen? (Harrisburg) Congressman Joe Pitts is the only Pennsylvania Congressman to sign onto an amicus brief asking the Washington, DC City Counsel to allow the voters to advance the referendum process which would permit voters and not the City Counsel to decide the definition of marriage in the Nation’s Capitol. Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, faxed Congressman Pitts thanking him for his willingness to be part of the amicus brief. “On December 15 the DC Council voted to legalize same-sex marriage. The so-called "Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of 2009" is a joke as the voices of both prominent African-American churches and the powerful Roman Catholic Archdiocese were ignored by Council. This bill has nothing to do with religious freedom and everything to do with furthering the agenda of those seeking to redefine marriage and family. The AFA of PA applauds Congressman Pitts and the other 38 who filed this brief,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said. In the past the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics has rejected a referendum effort stating that it violates the city’s Human Rights Act because ‘sexual orientation’ language has been added to give special protections to homosexuals. The AFA of PA notes this is added confirmation that the addition of such language will lead to the legalization of same-sex marriage. “The bill was introduced by one of two openly homosexual Council members. They know that the majority of black voters in DC view marriage as only between one man and one woman and that’s why they want to keep the issue out of their hands. Consistently when the question of marriage is brought before the voters, traditional marriage wins. Our concern is that only one Pennsylvania federal elected representative thought this was an important enough issue in which to get involved. Where are the others, especially those who claim to be conservative?” questioned Gramley.
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