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News Release
For Immediate Release:  December 24, 2009
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

Senators Specter and Casey’s Gag Gift to Pennsylvanians

(Harrisburg) – Today United States Senators Arlen Specter and Robert Casey, Jr. handed Pennsylvanians their Christmas gift.  Unfortunately, it was simply a gag gift as that is the reaction of the majority of Pennsylvanians who saw their trust betrayed by these Senators.   Senators Specter and Casey ignored the tens of thousands of e-mails and phone calls asking them to vote ‘no’ on this gigantic step towards socialized medicine in America.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional family values organization, noted that unlike a gift that isn’t wanted the so-called health care bill cannot be returned or exchanged to regain our freedom from further government intrusion in our lives.

“This morning 60 United States Senators who took an oath to uphold the Constitution voted to ignore the words written in that document and chose to turn ordinary Americans into criminals simply for not purchasing health insurance  Our two Senators were a part of this disgraceful vote,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.  She was referring to Section 1501 “Requirement to Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage” which requires a $750 fine for not maintaining a government approved policy.

No where in the Constitution is anyone given the ‘right’ of health care.   This Congress has taken the Constitution and twisted it into something unrecognizable.  It’s a stretch beyond imagination to say the Commerce Clause allows this power grab.  That was intended for the regulation of economic activity across state lines that involves production distribution or consumption of commodities.  Going to the doctor has nothing to do with interstate commerce or consuming commodities. 

Some are hiding behind the ‘General Welfare’ clause found in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution which gives Congress the authority to raise taxes for the common defense and general welfare of the nation. If this clause permits Congress to mandate the purchase of health insurance for the general welfare of citizens, what’s next - mandating each American walk five miles or exercise one hour each day or will it be mandated membership at the local Y?

Blind eyes have been turned to the open bribery taking place to buy votes such as the $300 million “Louisiana Purchase” to get Mary Landrieu’s vote, $100 million for Chris Dodd’s vote and a reported $300 million for Ben Nelson 60th vote for cloture.   What additional vote buying took place that has not yet been exposed?

“The prisons will soon be full of ‘harden criminals’ who have chosen not to purchase health insurance mandated by Senators who have not even read the almost 3,000 page bill. We know this mandate is in the bill as well as taxpayer funded abortion and a section that forbids future Congresses from passing laws to change the provisions passed this morning.  What else is lurking in the pages of this monstrosity? Haven’t we been down this road before with mandated retirement contributions to that government retirement program called Social Security, which is currently near bankruptcy?” further questioned Gramley.

It’s not just United States Senators ignoring the Constitution.  So is the President.  The words ‘health care’ do not appear in the Constitution, but the word "care" does appear in Article II, Section 3.  It says the president of the United States "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."  The laws are not being faithfully executed and the responsibility for this ‘dance around the Constitution’ falls directly at the feet of the President of the United States.

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