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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 16, 2008

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


University of Pittsburgh New Policy May Place Female Students at Risk 


(Pittsburgh) --  Last week it was announced that the University of Pittsburgh would add ‘gender identity’ to its anti-discrimination policy.  A university spokesman specified that this policy would also include housing.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has contacted the Provost and Chancellor asking that they reconsider this policy change.


“Student safety should be utmost in the minds of the University of Pittsburgh and other schools.  The addition of ‘gender identity’ to their policies is anti-safety. This policy change opens the door for sexual assault of female students and lawsuits from concerned parents and students,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


The fax to Chancellor Mark Nordenberg and Provost James Maher said in part, “Since this policy also affects housing, what is to prevent a male who says he believes he’s ‘really a female’ from requesting and obtaining housing in the women’s dormitory?  This policy indicates that will be acceptable and, additionally, this ‘man who thinks he is a woman’ will be permitted to shower and use the restroom in the women’s dormitory.”


“Increasingly we see schools such as the University of Pittsburgh become agents of social change.  This attempt to validate the lifestyle of the gender confused places their other students at risk.  Why can’t the institutions of higher education stay within their academic goals and not seek to be agents of political correctness?” asked Gramley.


A look at the ‘Resident Life’ section of the University of Pittsburgh’s website raises questions about the addition of ‘gender identity’ to their policies.   “We strongly support and encourage a partnership with our entire community of responsible citizens to maintain the highest quality of life and to ensure that our living environment is clean, safe, and comfortable.” 


How could a responsible citizen believe that maintaining the highest quality of life means allowing men who think they are women to live in the women’s dormitory, use the women’s restroom and shower with female students?  How will this provide a safe and comfortable living environment?


“The AFA of PA is urging the University of Pittsburgh to remove ‘gender identity’ from its policy and provide a safe living environment for their female students,” Gramley stated.

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