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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  December 1, 2008
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Should Lifestyle That Increases Spread of HIV/AIDS be Embraced, Asked Pro-Family Group

(Philadelphia) – This year during World AIDS Day the world needs to take a hard look at the disease and ask whether the necessary steps are being taken to stop the spread of the disease.  Last February Matt Foreman, former executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, called AIDS a ‘gay disease.’ Why are so many afraid to acknowledge the correlation between male homosexual contact and HIV/AIDS, asked the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization?

“Increasingly we see the effort to normalize the homosexual lifestyle . . . to make a lifestyle choice a civil rights issue . . .  while totally ignoring Centers for Disease Control statistics which confirm Matt Foreman’s February statement.  Why use our taxpayer dollars to pay for the studies, if they are going to be ignored?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

According to the CDC between 2001 and 2006 men who have sex with men (MSM) was the largest HIV transmission category in the United States.   Further the CDC reported that in 2005 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents were MSM

Homosexuals have taken to the streets around the country in protest to the passage of California Proposition 8 which defines marriage solely as between one man and one woman.  Yet in California 67% of AIDS cases are men who have sex with men. 

More experts are complaining that funding for HIV/AIDS research is shortchanging research funding for more pressing health concerns.  According to the Global Health Council in 2006 AIDS funding accounted for 80% of all American funding for health and population issues.  In that same year Rwanda received $18 million for that country’s biggest killer – malaria – while AIDS received an astounding $47 million. 

“This World AIDS Day needs to be a wake up call to all who are truly concerned about the welfare of their fellow man – AIDS has become a ‘politically correct disease’ where none dare expose the truth about the lifestyle choice and sexual activity that is the biggest contributor to the spread of HIV/AIDS,” further noted Gramley.

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