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Planned Parenthood Abortion Funding Requests in Obama Memo Top $4.6 Billion

by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 19, 2008

Washington, DC ( -- Planned Parenthood and dozens of other abortion advocacy groups presented their wish list to incoming President Barack Obama in a secret memo last week that wound up published on the transition team web site. In the memo the nation’s largest abortion business requested $4.6 billion in taxpayer funding for abortion and other efforts.

Jim Sedlack, the president of STOPP International, a Planned Parenthood watchdog group, compiled the total amounts of funding requested in the memo and said he was shocked by the amount.

“When reading Planned Parenthood’s plan for the Obama administration, we were struck by the massive amounts of money it would take to implement it,” Sedlack told “Especially in this time of economic hardship, it is particularly galling that PP would seek to further fatten its coffers at the expense of the American public.”

Sedlack said he added up the costs of the programs and funding requested and estimated the amounts not contained in the memo and reports that “it is clear that funding the entire package put together by Planed Parenthood would cost the American taxpayer $4.6 billion -- most of it in annual expenditures.”

Much of the funding would come in the form of increases in federal budget allotments -- ranging from a $300-700 million increase in the Title X family planning program to $540 million more in the Medicaid-funded family planning services program to $267 million to increase funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s STD Prevention Program.

Other high-priced goodies Planned Parenthood requested from Obama include $120 million for abortions by striking some of the current budget restrictions that prevent taxpayers from being forced to pay for abortions except in very limited circumstances.

The abortion funding would also include $65 million for the UNFPA, the United Nations population agency that has been involved in the China program limiting couples to one child and forcing them to have abortions or sterilizations when they don’t comply. Planned Parenthood also wants Obama to give the pro-abortion agency another $50 million in back payments.

Planned Parenthood also wants $50 million for sexual education programs, $66 million for school-based sexual education programs, $850 million more of the Title V maternal and child health program, and as much as $935 million for international family planning programs.












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