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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  December 11, 2003
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078  or 1.814.437.5355


Philadelphia) -- A statewide pro-family group finds it sadly ironic that the month of December started with World AIDS Day and Philadelphia beginning its three-year, $300,000 campaign to market itself as a 'gay-friendly' city.  Now newly re-elected Mayor John Street has apparently jumped on the bandwagon and indicated that next month's mayoral inaugural celebration will also officially include a gala for area gays and transgendered.  The mayor has just delivered another slap in the face to all in the City of Philadelphia who uphold traditional values.

"Mayor Street is continuing down the wrong path when it comes to the issue of homosexuality.  Besides encouraging homosexual adoption, he obviously has no qualms having his city  promoted as so-called 'gay-friendly.'  Now his inauguration will include an official 'gay' gala.   Philadelphia's already 'gay-friendliness' is costing it in lives and productivity lost to the AIDS epidemic" said Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA). 

According to the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) December 2001 report, in Pennsylvania the cumulative number of AIDS cases was 26,369.  Of those cases 20,369 were in Philadelphia.  Their report released last month states that as of December 2002 there are now 28,136 AIDS cases in Pennsylvania.  These reports consistently show that the highest exposure category is for men who have sex with men.

Other concerns of the CDC include the rapidly increasing cases of syphilis in men who have sex with men.  In a November 20, 2003 United Press International article states, "Syphilis rates rose dramatically for the second straight year in the United States, particularly among gay and bisexual men . . . rising by about 27 percent overall."

The efforts of promoting a 'gay-friendly' Philadelphia include advertising in homosexual magazines and on the Internet.  Community Marketing, Inc., a San Francisco homosexual travel research group, commissioned by the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Group conducted a survey of 740 recent homosexual travelers to Philadelphia.  Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed said they came for the city's fine arts attractions and history and culture attractions.

"Why is it necessary to promote Philadelphia as 'gay-friendly' when 68% of the homosexuals recently surveyed were not coming to Philadelphia for its homosexual events?" asked Gramley. 

Continuing Gramley also pointed out the City of Philadelphia has been involved in many anti-family, anti-Boy Scout activities this past year and didn't need any further promotion as 'gay-friendly.'  She particularly noted the following:

  • Under pressure from Philadelphia homosexual activists, the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania removed funding from the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council.
  • Again under pressure from homosexual activists the City is considering reneging on a 76-year-old resolution that permits the same Scout Council rent-free use of almost a half-acre of property in Center City.  Their headquarters is now built on this piece of property.
  • The Philadelphia Phillies held their first Community Gay Day in August.
  • Philadelphia's Department of Human Services held two so-called "Love Makes a Family" events that promoted adoption by homosexuals.

Part of "Get your History Straight, and Your Nightlife Gay" campaign includes revising history and having pictures of Ben Franklin flying a rainbow kite and Betsy Ross making a rainbow flag.

"Promoting Philadelphia as 'gay-friendly' is outrageous enough, but to take well-known people in our nation's history and make them appear accepting of the immorality of the homosexual lifestyle is beyond belief," Gramley declared.

"There is no doubt that the majority of our Founding Fathers were Christians who took strong stands for morality and decency.  If they were alive today, they may well be considering it was time for another Revolution to reclaim this nation," concluded Gramley.

Quotes from Founding Father Samuel Adams include: "Religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness."  "A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of a common enemy."

Charles Carroll, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, "Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion whose morality is so sublime and pure . . . are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free government."

Benjamin Franklin, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.  As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 18, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


  (Harrisburg) -- A Pennsylvania pro-family group responded to today's Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling that a ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional by issuing a statement accusing the state high court of destroying marriage and harming children.  Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of PA (AFA of PA) said,

"The decision made in Massachusetts today will have a horrendous ripple effect throughout the country.  Children are being given the message not only that 'gay is okay,' but gay marriage is on the same plain as heterosexual marriage. The very foundations of this nation are being undermined."

  The Massachusetts Supreme Court decision seeks to validate a lifestyle that is proven to shorten the lives of men by up to 20 years.  Those who engage in homosexual activity are more likely to also engage in other life-threatening activities such as alcohol and drug abuse.  They have a greater chance of being exposed to HIV/AIDS and other STDs, anal and breast cancer, domestic violence, eating and psychological disorders. Why would the Massachusetts Supreme Court seek to encourage this destructive activity?

  A recent poll released by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 59% of Americans opposed same-sex marriage.   This percentage has grown from 53% when in mid-summer the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Texas sodomy law. 

  "The majority of Americans know that marriage is between one man and one woman and don't want the courts to redefine it.  They know that if the foundations of the nation crumble, the nation itself will fall," continued Gramley. 

  Homosexuality is not a civil right.  This small group of about 3% of the population do not meet the criteria of a minority -- unchangeable characteristics such as skin color or nationality, political powerlessness or financial discrimination.  Their apparent purpose is to redefine American thought and culture and to mold it into their image.

  AFA of PA calls on both federal and state legislators to take every step possible to protect the institution of marriage as between one man and one woman and to stop any attempt to create counterfeit marriage through civil unions.

  " The Puritans and Pilgrims who first settled in Massachusetts are rolling over in their graves today," Gramley concluded.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 17, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


(Philadelphia) -- Fresh off the campaign trail and still weathering an FBI investigation Philadelphia Mayor John Street is once again encouraging those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual to adopt children through the City's Department of Human Services (DHS).  Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, sent statements to Mayor Street and the DHS voicing opposition to the continued plan of placing some of the most needy children in Philadelphia into situations that will further confuse them.  "Studies show that children do best when raised in a family with a married mother and father.  This helps them develop the right attitude towards their own sexuality as well as the opposite gender," said Diane Gramley president of AFA of PA.

This most recent meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 20 is a follow-up of a May 20 meeting also sponsored by the city's DHS.  As in the May meeting there will be a screening of "Daddy  & Papa."  Gramley continued,  "DHS Commissioner Alba Martinez and the so-called child welfare professionals who will be bringing the information during Thursday's meeting need to recheck their facts and truly do what is best for these children.   Do not place them in situations with potentially devastating effects upon their well-being."

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania, in its concern for the welfare of children, brought the following information to the attention of the DHS Commissioners and Mayor John Street. 

Is it healthy for children to be raised by adults whose behavior is characterized by the instability of serial promiscuity?

o      Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity among Men and Women found that among 574 individuals involved in homosexual behavior, 97 percent had had at least ten sex partners; 75 percent, at least a hundred; and 28 percent, at least a thousand.

o      The Centers for Disease Control warns that men involved in homosexual behavior "have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."

In addition, being raised by adults involved in homosexual behavior affect the behavior of children themselves.

o      Associated Press reported last year that a "new study by University of Southern California sociologists says children with lesbian or gay parents...are probably more likely to explore homosexual activity themselves...(and) grow up to be more open to homoerotic relations."

o      In February 2002, a British sociologist's review of 144 academic papers on homosexual parenting reported the same: "Children raised by gay couples will suffer serious problems in later life…The biggest investigation into same-sex parenting to be published in Europe claims children brought up by gay couples are more likely to experiment with homosexual behavior and be confused about their sexuality."

Thus, children raised by adults involved in homosexual behavior face not only second hand exposure to the health risks, but are more likely to suffer such hazards first hand by engaging in the same life-threatening behavior themselves.  A Harvard study of 4,000 high school students also found that "gay-lesbian-bisexual youth…engage in twice the mean number of risk behaviors…(such as) using tobacco, marijuana, and cocaine before 13 years of age. Among sexual risk behaviors, sexual intercourse before 13 years of age, sexual intercourse with four or more partners...and sexual contact against one's will all were associated with GLB orientation."

"Once again we strongly urge the mayor and DHS to stop using the tax dollars of Philadelphians who oppose adoption by homosexuals. Do what is best for these children and cancel the November 20 meeting.  Use the tax dollars to promote adoption into a family that will truly give them a healthy attitude towards themselves and not further confuse them," Gramley said.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 17, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




(Erie) -- Last year's Erie Pride Weekend organizers invited eighteen elected officials to speak, each of them made the right decision and declined the invitation.  Unfortunately, this year State Representative Linda Bebko-Jones and Erie Mayor Rick Filippi chose to turn their backs on the majority of their constituents and promote a dangerous lifestyle instead.  ''Apparently there are elected officials who still don't get it -- when they participate in so called gay pride events, they are participating in the efforts to undermine and redefine marriage and family," Diane Gramley director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania said today.

  This past weekend's Erie Pride Weekend was hosted by Trigon, the GLBT group from Penn State Behrend and Saturday's parade was co-hosted with the Erie/Crawford County PFLAG.  "I'm sure both these organizations really believe they are doing what is best for the community, but the promotion of this unnatural lifestyle is destroying lives.  If Trigon and PFLAG were really concerned with ones involved in the homosexual lifestyle or those who are supposedly struggling with their sexual identity, then they would be honest about the dangers."   continued Gramley. Gramley said medical studies and other evidence indicates that individuals who engage in homosexual behavior experience dramatically higher risks of domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse, life-threatening disease, and premature death by up to 20 years.  She cited the following documentation:

* College-aged men who engage in homosexual behavior are at risk of dying up

to 20 years younger than other men, according to Oxford University's

International Journal of Epidemiology, which reported:  "Life expectancy at

age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all

men. nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not

reach their 65th birthday

* "The probability of violence occurring in a gay couple is mathematically

double the probability of that in a heterosexual couple," write the editors

of the National Gay & Lesbian Domestic Violence Network newsletter.

* The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "people with

same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders" -

including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major

depression, and substance ause.

  * The Medical Institute of Sexual Health reports: "Homosexual men are at

significantly increased risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea

and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices. Women

who have sex with women are at significantly increased risk of bacterial

vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than are heterosexual women."

(Executive Summary, "Health Implications Associated with Homosexuality,"

199 )

* The Institute reports that "significantly higher percentages of homosexual

men and women abuse drugs, alcohol and tobacco than do heterosexuals."

* A Detroit homosexual newsmagazine columnist last month wrote regarding his

partner: "This is his first relationship, so he has not yet been ruined by

all the heartache, lies, deceit, and game-playing that are the hallmark of

gay relationships...A study I once read suggested that nine out of 10 gay

men cheat on their lovers."

* The Center for Disease Control warns that men who have sex with men "have

large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive

transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."

This past spring Trigon sponsored the so-called Safe Sex Cabaret at Penn State Behrend.  The approach was that of a "fun and safe" sex education class.  Participants included drag queens, guys wearing dental dams as headbands, girls pouring chocolate syrup over themselves and phone sex skits.  The evening ended with students parading in a sexy fashion show and condoms and lubrication being distributed.  (source: February 8, 2003 edition of The Behrend Beacon)  Was there education of the inefficiencies of condoms when it comes to STD prevention?

A look at some of the materials published by PFLAG and listed on their website also reveals the true nature of this organization. 

  Representative Bebko-Jones and Mayor Filippi's participation in Pride Weekend  provides endorsement of the weekend's activities.  It gives the message that they also endorse the tactics of Trigon and PFLAG.  AFA of PA urges not only these elected officials but others who may be considering participation in such events to stop and think about the implications of their participation. 

  "Our concern is the message they are sending when promoting a lifestyle that is so dangerous. We are sure Representative Bebko-Jones and Mayor Filippi do not want the lives of anyone in Erie or the state shortened by their lifestyle choice and we hope that they will reconsider any future participation in events that promote such a lifestyle.  We need politicians who will stand with and support the traditional family, not groups that want to redefine the historical definition of family and marriage," Gramley concluded.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 3, 2003
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
                      Bruce Clingan 1.724.964.8702


(Pittsburgh) -- Today a pro-family organization expressed disbelief over the support of a sexually oriented business by what was thought to be a family-friendly golf course.  "We have been contacted by numerous concerned citizens in the Pulaski area and they are all in shock that the Tanglewood Golf Course would host the 'First Annual Skinvitational' fundraiser for the Headliners Club located in Mercer County," Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) said today.
In May, 67.3% of the voters of West Salem Township, Mercer County voted overwhelmingly to prohibit bottle clubs in their municipality, yet the Mercer County DA, James Epstein, has chosen to not uphold and enforce this law. 
"Mr. Epstein has indicated that enforcing the bottle club law is not a high priority to him.  As courts have found, sexually oriented businesses go hand in hand with illegal sexual activities and other crimes.  The point is that his caseload, as a whole, would be lessened if he would enforce what he feels is an insignificant law," continued Gramley.
AFA of PA has contacted the owner of the Tanglewood Golf Course, Bruce Clingan, and expressed concerns about the planned activities.  The communication listed some of the adverse side effects the courts acknowledge a sexually oriented business brings to a community.  The list included:
  • Unlawful sexual activities
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • A harmful effect on surrounding businesses
  • Declining property values in surrounding neighborhoods
  • Increased crime
  • A general downgrading of the quality of life in the areas adjacent to the sexually oriented busine
"Our hope continues to be that Mr. Clingan will see that his decision to host this event is sending the wrong message to the families and other organizations that form the backbone of his business.  His business is either a family-friendly business, or it's not -- there's no gray area when it comes to this issue.  We also hold out hope that the Mercer County DA will stop picking and choosing which laws he will uphold.  Our question is what is the next law he will choose to ignore?" Gramley concluded.
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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
(Philadelphia) -- On Tuesday August 12,  the Philadelphia Phillies Major League Team will host its first "Gay Community Day."   A traditional values group has expressed outrage that an activity as 'American as apple pie' is being usurped by a group that is seeking normalization of their sexual activity.
"Families will take their children to Tuesday's baseball game for a good time, but instead they will be confronted with a 'Gay Community Day.'  What type message is this giving the children attending?  Those who engage in homosexual activity -- because this is what really defines a homosexual -- are using this in-your-face method to further seek acceptance of their unnatural and dangerous sexual behavior," Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania said today.
AFA of PA finds it "interesting" that those involved in homosexual behavior are willing to support the Phillies through ticket purchases, while the Phillies in turn support the Boy Scouts through participation in the Scouts Explorers Program.
"The question here is -- the Phillies have been involved with the Scouts since 1988, but didn't homosexual activists just convince the United Way of Southeastern PA to withhold funds for this very  'Learning for Life' Explorer program?  So the Phillies support the Scouts on one hand, but on the other endorse those who are responsible for the Scouts losing a $400,000 grant.  I'd call that somewhat double-handed," commented Gramley.
Stadium security is to be prepared to deal with so-called "anti-gay" bias, but perhaps they should be more prepared to deal with protecting the children who will be attending the game.  Philadelphia is the site where earlier this year 11 homosexual men were arrested in the Strawbridge Department store in Center City for engaging in public sexual activity in the store restroom.  Two of the witnesses to this activity were a young boy and his father who unsuspectingly walked into the restroom.
 "Public homosexual activity is becoming an increasing problem across the state and parents need to be prepared to protect their children.  The Centers for Disease Control recognizes that men who have sex with men have large numbers of anonymous partners thus resulting in the rapid transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STDs.  This creates a real public health risk," continued Gramley.
The AFA of Pennsylvania is encouraging the Phillies to reconsider their decision to host "Gay Community Day."  Most of their ticket sales come from traditional families and apparently the Phillies have chosen to turn their back on those very families which provide the backbone of their sales.  Kathy Killian, the director of group sales, says if this "Gay Community Day" is a success then it may become an annual event.
"Ms. Killian says that what they've started is an open door policy.  As a reminder -- that door swings both ways.  As parents are fearful of taking their children to Disney World in June during Gay Days, will parents become fearful of bringing their children to Phillies baseball games?  That's something the Phillies' sales office needs to think about long and hard," Gramley concluded.
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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

                Christine James-Brown (United Way SE PA, President) -- 215.665.2500


(Philadelphia) -- The last day of July brought the decision by the United Way of Southeastern PA to withhold the second half of grants totaling more than $418,000 from two local Boy Scout councils.  The Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council and the Chester County Council are the targets of pressure from the United Way attempting to force them to adhere to their pro-homosexual policies.  "The United Way of Southeastern PA is in essence holding over 87,000 Boy Scouts hostage because of their demands on these two local councils.  They're saying you change your policy and accept open homosexuals and you'll get the money.  In essence the United Way is discriminating against the Boy Scouts.  We are asking the United Way to look back on its 80-year history with the Scouts and stop its discriminatory practices.  Help these local councils help these boys," Diane Gramley, director of the traditional values group the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, said today.

 If the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania does not stop their demand that the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council and the Chester County Council include open homosexuals, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania is asking that concerned citizens stop giving to the United Way and give directly to the Boy Scout Councils.

"Individuals who are really concerned about the welfare of young men need to stop supporting organizations which discriminate against the Boy Scouts.  It is unconscionable that the United Way is using financial pressure to try and force the Boy Scouts into becoming an organization fashioned by homosexual activists," stated Gramley.

The Boy Scouts policy is in place to protect from homosexual predators the young men who have been placed in their care.  The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Boy Scouts' right to choose who they want as leaders.  The policy to prohibit homosexuals from being Scout leaders is in place because the National Office of the BSA recognizes the dangers of permitting homosexuals as scout leaders.  "How many parents would want a man as a Girl Scout leader? With those same thoughts in mind, how many parents want a male who has sexual desires for other males to be in a position of leadership in their son's scout troop?" Gramley questioned.  "Commonsense tells you the answer -- none."

Research scientist and professor of psychiatry Gene G. Abel, M.D., has conducted a study of non-incarcerated child sex offenders and has found that homosexuals "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring five times greater than the molestation of girls."  More specifically, the report shows that, on average, 150.2 boys are molested per homosexual offender, whereas only 19.8 girls are molested per heterosexual offender. Homosexual offenders admitted between 23.4 and 281.7 acts of molesting boys.

"Dr. Abel's statistics are why the National Boy Scout Headquarters do no want policies which permit open homosexuals in leadership positions.  What type organization would demand that the Scouts change policy and place these young men in potential danger?  Apparently an organization such as the United Way of Southeastern PA which is more interested in being politically correct than in the welfare of little boys and young men," asserted Gramley.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355




(Harrisburg) -- Today a pro-family organization voiced strong opposition to Governor Rendell's executive order which would add 'gender identity or expression' to state agencies' policies.  "How is the governor defining 'gender identity or expression'?  This phrase is so broad it will only open doors to disastrous situations. He is inviting men in dresses to work in state offices," commented Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania.


The change is policy is so outrageous that even openly homosexual Congressman Barney Frank opposes such wording in federal laws because he has met radical transgender activists who will insist that men who think they are women be permitted to use the women's restroom and shower.

". . . .  But there are workplace situations—communal showers, for example—when the demands of the transgender community fly in the face of conventional norms and therefore would not pass in any Congress."

"I've talked with transgender activists and what they want—and what we will be forced to defend—is for people with penises who identify as women to be able to shower with other women," said Frank, citing the activists' handbook which states that a person's declared gender is the one by which he or she should be recognized. "There are no votes for that."  LINK  

The March 5, 2002 edition of the National Post reported that in British Columbia "A high-school student in the early stages of changing his sex has been granted permission to use the girls' washroom at his school, despite the objections of some parents."

Some legislators in Harrisburg have responded by expressing surprise in the governor's decision to issue the executive order.  They have seen no evidence of discrimination concerning 'gender identity' in state government.  Yet newly governor-appointed chair of the PA Human Rights Commission Stephen Glassman disagrees.  Glassman, who is openly homosexual, states that there have been "several cases" of such discrimination.

In response to Glassman's assertions, Gramley stated, "Discrimination of any type should not be permitted, but we have to use some common sense.  This year we have 'several' cases" of so-called discrimination concerning 'gender identity' and the result is an executive order from the governor.  From July 2000 to June 2001 there were 19 confirmed cases of so-called hate crimes against homosexuals across the state -- these are PA Human Relations Commission statistics -- and homosexual activists push through the PA Hate Crimes Bill last year.  Nineteen out of a total of 382 bias-related incidences.  What's next?"

"What our governor has chosen to do by adding this terminology does in fact fly in the face of conventional norms and may place state employees in danger.  I don't believe there are any female state employees who want a man dressed as a woman in their restroom or taking a shower with them, but this must now be permitted.  The legislative process was circumvented, thus the fallout from this disastrous decision rests squarely on the shoulders of the governor," said Gramley

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


  (Mercer) -- During the May 20 primary the voters in West Salem Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania overwhelmingly voted to prohibit bottle clubs in their township.  A bottle club does not have a liquor license, but usually operates as a bring your own bottle establishment.  Today, three days after the law went into effect, a statewide traditional values group questioned the apparent decision of the Mercer County District Attorney, James Epstein, to go against the will of the people and not proactively enforce the law.

"The citizens of West Salem Township made their voice heard loud and clear when 67.3% of the voters said we don't want this type business in our township.  Now the DA decides this is not high priority for him.  Perhaps he should listen to the people who helped put him in office.  We know of other townships in Pennsylvania where bottle club referendums have worked.  The question is what's wrong with Mr. Epstein," said Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania. 

  In addition to the DA's lack of interest in enforcing the law, Christopher St. John, the township solicitor, has accused the ones who actively participated in gathering signatures on the petitions as making matters worse.

"What Mr. St. John has done is despicable in that he has publicly stated that people who are concerned with the well-being of their community are wrong.  These concerned citizens have taken legal steps to prohibit this detrimental influence when their elected officials, apparently under the advisement of Mr. St. John, would not take action.  They are to be praised not maligned," asserted Gramley.  

  "Mr. St. John has said since the Headliners Club, will no longer operate as a bottle club it can now have totally nude dancing.  A situation Mr. St. John has failed to acknowledge is the fact that in the past this club has advertised as "Totally Nude BYOB".  Were they openly advertising their illegal activity?"  asked Gramley.

Sexually oriented businesses are recognized by the courts to have a negative impact on communities.  Studies have indicated lowered property values, increased crime and blight, illegal sexual activity and an increase in sexually transmitted diseases go hand in hand with the presence of a sexually oriented business.

"The District Attorney needs to realize that these studies show there is a link between such businesses and serious crime.  Perhaps his workload would be lessened, if he took care of what he considers a minor problem.  It's like a cancer if it isn't addressed it will only get worse," Gramley said.

"The citizens of West Salem Township have chosen to address the cancer and no longer ignore it.  But this situation does not just involve West Salem Township, but all of Mercer County.  We have elected officials who believe they do not have to listen to the people who have put them in office.  Perhaps this should be addressed during the next election cycle," concluded Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

                      Steve Crampton  1.662.680.3886


(Erie, PA) -- On May 27 the Millcreek Township School Board voted to amend their harassment policy to include 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity.'  During a July 17 public forum attended by over 40 concerned citizens, Diane Gramley director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania stated that the policy changes were unconstitutional.  Reading from a July 16th letter faxed by the American Family Association Center for Law and Policy (AFACLP) to Dr. Verel Salmon, superintendent of the Millcreek Township School District, "After careful review, the AFACLP has concluded that Millcreek Township School District's Harassment Regulation suffers serious constitutional defects.  As an initial matter, it should be noted that no federal law or regulation requires Millcreek to adopt either this anti-harassment policy or the sexual orientation non-discrimination policy." 

The policy change was brought about through pressure from McDowell High School's newly formed Gay Straight Alliance.  It was part of the implementation of PFLAG's (Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) program "From Our House to the Schoolhouse."  Gramley, who addressed the Millcreek School Board on May 21, said, "Our concern has been that the school board did not fully comprehend the ramifications of this policy change.  To give some students special rights and privileges simply because of their sexual preferences infringes upon the rights of other students.  We understand that the pink triangles, which are also a part of this program have been removed, that's a good first step.   We are now asking that the school board reverse their May 27 decision and not include 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' in their harassment policy."

Presented during the May 27 meeting as reasons for Millcreek Township School District to change their harassment policy were a letter from the Philadelphia Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education and Presidential Executive Order No. 13160 of June 23, 2000.  However, upon closer examination of these documents, the following was noted:

o      The letter from the OCR is asking for a "review of grievance procedures used by many PA school districts to effectively handle complaints of sex discrimination and harassment under Title IX."

o      Enclosed with the letter was "a procedure provided by the Virginia School Boards Association, 'Sexual Harassment/Harassment Based on Race, National Origin, Disability and Religion.'"

o      Executive Order No. 13160 is a "Statement of policy on education programs and activities conducted by executive departments and agencies." Federally conducted education and training programs and activities are defined as "programs and activities conducted, operated, or undertaken by an executive department or agency."

"The ball is now 'in the court' of the Millcreek Township School District.  AFA of Pennsylvania is asking the school board to take immediate steps to remedy the problem that has been created by the inclusion of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity in their harassment policy.  For the well-being of all the students in the district, we ask that this be remedied before the next school year begins," stated Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078  or 1.814.437.5355


  (Harrisburg) -- Today a statewide traditional values group blasted Governor Ed Rendell for his appointment of Stephen Glassman to chair the PA Human Relations Commission.  Glassman is also the co-chair of the homosexual special rights organization the Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition.  "All in Pennsylvania who uphold traditional values are shocked that the governor would 'sell us out' to a radical homosexual activist and we are asking that he rethink his decision.  Glassman used his position as commissioner on the Human Relations Commission to further undermine Pennsylvania's traditional families by working to get the "Hate Crimes Bill" passed last year. Now this governor rewards him by giving him more power -- this is unconscionable," remarked Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania.

  The goal across the state has been to give special right to those who are engaged in a very destructive lifestyle. The effort has been portrayed as a fight to obtain civil rights for those with minority status, but the three requirements for a group of individuals to claim minority class status and special protection from discrimination has been consistently overlooked.  The three requirements:

o      unchangeable characteristics like skin color

o      financial discrimination resulting in the inability to earn an income, obtain an adequate education or enjoy cultural opportunities

o       political powerlessness

  According to a survey by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 76 percent of lesbians, gays and bisexuals reported they feel more accepted by society today than a few years ago.  A new online survey finds that the income of homosexual households is 65 percent higher that the U.S. median income.  Nearly 6,000 respondents completed the "2001 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census," conducted by Opus Commgroup.  More than a fifth of the respondents reported a combined household income of $100,000 or more, with nearly 60 percent of gay male households and 46 percent of lesbian
households reporting a combined income greater than $60,000.

  "This is not a civil rights issue, but Steve Glassman and other homosexual activists have hijacked the civil rights movement.  There are no 'gay' or 'straight' water fountains, nor do those living in the homosexual lifestyle have to sit at the back of the bus.  Even though homosexual activists and the mainstream media refuse to acknowledge it, there are thousands who have come out of the homosexual lifestyle -- no one is born gay," Gramley stated.

  Governor Rendell's appointment of Glassman will further undermine the biological family in Pennsylvania and validate a very destructive lifestyle.  Gramley said medical studies and other evidence indicates that individuals who engage in homosexual behavior experience dramatically higher risks of domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse, life-threatening disease, and premature death by up to 20 years.  She cited the following documentation:


* College-aged men who engage in homosexual behavior are at risk of 
dying up to 20 years younger than other men, according to Oxford 
University's International Journal of Epidemiology, which reported:  
"Life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years 
less than for all men. nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently 
aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday."

* "The probability of violence occurring in a gay couple is mathematically 
double the probability of that in a heterosexual couple," write the editors 
of the National Gay & Lesbian Domestic Violence Network newsletter. 

* The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "people with 
same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders" - 
including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major 
depression, and substance abuse.

* The Medical Institute of Sexual Health reports: "Homosexual men are at 
significantly increased risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea 
and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices. Women 
who have sex with women are at significantly increased risk of bacterial 
vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than are heterosexual women." 
(Executive Summary, "Health Implications Associated with Homosexuality," 1999)

* The Institute reports "significantly higher percentages of homosexual men 
and women abuse drugs, alcohol and tobacco than do heterosexuals."


* A Detroit homosexual newsmagazine columnist wrote regarding his partner: 
"This is his first relationship, so he has not yet been ruined by all the 
heartache, lies, deceit, and game-playing that are the hallmark of gay 
relationships...A study I once read suggested that nine out of 10 gay men 
cheat on their lovers."

* The Centers for Disease Control warns that men who have sex with men 
"have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, 
extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."

"Governor Rendell's decision will further harm all those who uphold 
traditional values.  For the sake of those families, we are asking the 
governor to appoint someone who does not have the goal of giving special 
rights to a group simply because of their sexual practices," said Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


(Philadelphia) -- In a statement released today a traditional values organization blasted the City of Philadelphia for its attempt to oust the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council from their headquarters. The City is attempting to either remove the Scouts from the property or begin charging them rent.   "The City has permitted the Scouts to use this half acre of property rent-free since 1928, now under pressure from homosexual activists the City is reconsidering the three-quarters of a century agreement.  This is unconscionable," American Family Association of Pennsylvania director, Diane Gramley said in a statement to Mayor John Street.

The recent addition of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to Philadelphia's Fair Practices Ordinance is what has brought about the re-evaluation of the City's relationship with the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council.  "We continually warn municipalities that adding such terminology will directly affect the Boy Scout and other groups who cannot in good conscious permit homosexuals to be in leadership positions.  Homosexual activists deny this will affect these groups, but the situation today shows that our word of warning should have been heeded," Gramley asserted.

The Cradle of Liberty Scout Council has been under intense pressure for the past several weeks to conform to what homosexual activists envision for the Boy Scouts.  The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Boy Scouts' (BSA) right to choose who they want as leaders.  The policy to prohibit homosexuals from being Scout leaders is in place because the National Office of the BSA recognizes the dangers of permitting homosexuals as scout leaders.  "How many parents would want a man as a Girl Scout leader? With those same thoughts in mind, how many parents want a male who has sexual desires for other males to be in a position of leadership in their son's scout troop?" Gramley questioned.  "Commonsense tells you the answer -- none."

Research scientist and professor of psychiatry Gene G. Abel, M.D., has conducted a study of non-incarcerated child sex offenders and has found that homosexuals "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring five times greater than the molestation of girls."  More specifically, the report shows that, on average, 150.2 boys are molested per homosexual offender, whereas only 19.8 girls are molested per heterosexual offender. Homosexual offenders admitted between 23.4 and 281.7 acts of molesting boys.

"We urge the Mayor and the entire City Council to do what is right for the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council and for the entire City of Philadelphia and support the Scouts right to choose who they want as leaders.  The AFA urges them not to give in to homosexual activists who desire to remold the Scouts into an organization that would be detrimental to young men.  Support the Boy Scouts and stand by the 75 year-old agreement," demanded Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


  (Harrisburg) -- Today's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court will further undermine already hurting American families, a traditional values group declared.  "Six extremist U.S. Supreme Court Justices have just thrown out states' rights to decide what is immoral sexual perversion.  They have rewritten the Constitution to include a right to privacy that does not exist and declared war on America's traditional families and values.  Homosexual activists will use this ruling to further their agenda," Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania said.

  Gramley continued, "Our U.S. Senator, Rick Santorum, has endured weeks of attack simply for speaking the truth.  He knew, and AFA of Pennsylvania agrees with his statement, that the door will be swung wide open for laws against bigamy, prostitution and incest to be challenged if the Court overturned the Texas sodomy law.  Already many homosexual activists argue that sexual relations with minors under the age of 14 that are deemed "consensual and harmless" should be considered as a 'gay rights issue,' and should not be prosecuted under the law.  With today's decision, this could easily be considered a 'right to privacy."

  The majority of Americans do not agree that homosexual sex should be protected under a constitutional right to privacy. In 1986 the Bowers v. Hardwick decision upheld laws against sodomy.  Then Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote in his concurring opinion " in constitutional terms there is no such thing as a fundamental right to commit homosexual sodomy."  Today's decision also threw out Chief Justice Burger's statement.

  "What a difference seventeen years and changes in the make up of the Supreme Court makes.  This highlights the importance of not having activist justices appointed to the bench.  We need Supreme Court Justices who will uphold America's traditions and beliefs, who will defend traditional families and who will not view the Constitution as an ever changing document," stated Gramley.

  "Today the U.S. Supreme Court declared sexual perversion as being protected under the Constitution by declaring there is a right to privacy to protect private, adult consensual sexual activity.  Which are next to be struck down:  prostitution, bigamy, incest?  What further attack will the courts have on American's families and values?" Gramley asked.

  This ruling strikes down the sodomy laws in thirteen states:  Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia.




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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355                                 
                  Pew President:  Rebecca Rimel  215.575.4700


(Philadelphia) - Today in separate statements a statewide traditional values group condemned the Pew Charitable Trusts for pulling funds from the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council, the third largest Boy Scout Council in the nation and urged the
United Way of Southeastern PA to continue its support of the Scouts.

  "Withdrawing the $100,000 grant from the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scouts
reveals that the Pew Charitable Trusts is not really concerned about children.  The
inner city children will be the ones hurt by pulling this grant and we
demand that Pew reverse their decision," Diane Gramley, director of the
American Family Association of Pennsylvania said in response to the
decision.  "The Scouts' policy to ban homosexuals is in place to protect the
young men which have been placed in their care.  The Scouts should be
applauded, not penalized for making the right decision."

Gramley continued, "Since the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the
Scouts right to ban homosexuals from leadership positions, it appears that
the United Way of Southeastern PA has been under intense pressure from
homosexual activists groups to drop funding.  We urge the United Way to do
what is right for the thousands of children who would be directly affected
by any such decision and maintain their support of the Scout."

Homosexual activists celebrated last month with the announcement that the
Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council had voted to go against Boy Scout of
America's (BSA) national policy and changed its non-discrimination policy to
include "sexual orientation."  Due to pressure, the United Way of
Southeastern Pennsylvania organized talks that led to the change. Christine
James-Brown, president of the regional United Way, admits, "We did get some
pressure from other groups who said, 'This program (Learning for Life) may
not discriminate, but this organization does.'"

Announcement of the Cradle of Liberty's policy change brought a response
from the BSA that included the possible revocation of the local scout
council's charter.  A recent press release listed on the BSA's website
states that "BSA members are free to hold their own opinions, but we ask
that they respect the values of the organization and abide by its policies,
which they have agreed to be becoming members."

"AFA of Pennsylvania applauds the BSA for applying pressure to the Cradle of
Liberty Council which led to a statement affirming it will carry out all the
policies as set forth by the National Council.  But in turn, we urge the
National Council to apply the same type pressure to councils around the
country which are not 'toeing the line' and are allowing homosexuals into
leadership positions.  Case in point is the BSA's Lake Huron Area Council
(Midland, Michigan) where a prominent attorney and president of a statewide
homosexual activist group serves as a counselor and role model for the
council's "Learning for Life" program.  Permitting this type situation is
courting disaster," Gramley asserts.

Since men who are "exclusively homosexual" - only 2 percent of the total
male population - are responsible for 21 percent of child molestation cases
involving little boys, this finding by one of the nation's leading experts
on pedophilia (  ) indicates that
exclusively homosexual men are ten times more likely per capita to molest
little boys than are other men.  (The long discredited claim by homosexual
activists that homosexual men comprise 10 percent of the population would
still indicate that such men were twice as likely per capita to molest little boys.)

"The Boy Scouts' decision to ban homosexuals is the right decision for the
safety of the young men with whom they are entrusted.  But our hopes are
that the National Council will require all its programs to enforce the BSA's
ban on homosexuals.  The Pew Charitable Trusts and the United Way of
Southeastern PA now have a decision to make:  side with an organization that
is striving nationally to protect children from sexual molestation or side
with those, who in many cases, argue that sexual relations with minors under
the age of 14 that are deemed "consensual and harmless" should be considered
as a 'gay rights issue,' and should not be prosecuted under the law.  The
choice is theirs, we hope they make the right one," concluded Gramley.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


  (Philadelphia) -- Yesterday's overwhelming decision by the U.S. Supreme Court will help protect children from exposure to Internet pornography.  "Thanks to this decision a giant step forward has been taken in protecting children across the nation. Libraries that receive federal dollars will have to make the right choice for children and install filters or lose those dollars.  We call on all Pennsylvania public libraries that do not already filter Internet access to do so immediately," American Family Association of Pennsylvania director, Diane Gramley, said.

  In March 2001, with the help of the ACLU, the American Library Association, Planned Parenthood and, among others, filed suit in the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. They claimed that requiring filters violated free speech and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 21, 2000, should be declared unconstitutional.   In May 2002 the 3rd Circuit Court sided with the ALA and struck CIPA down.  "How many children were needlessly exposed to Internet porn in their public library because the 3rd Circuit Court here in Pennsylvania made the wrong decision last year?  The Court has confirmed that the government has a compelling interest in protecting children from Internet pornography.  Those are not safe waters out there with as many as 200 new porn sites added to the Internet each day, our children need protecting and filters on library computers will go a long way in doing just that," continued Gramley.

  Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling reinstated CIPA, which requires federally financed libraries to use filtering devices to block obscene material, child pornography and other sites that could be harmful to minors. The government argued that libraries do not have X-rated magazines and movies on their shelves, thus should not have to offer access to Internet pornography.  Obviously, the Supreme Court justices agreed and did not view filters as a great burden on free speech.

  The problem with Internet pornography in public libraries has even brought lawsuits from librarians who have charged that they were forced to work in a sexually hostile work environment.  On May 24, 2001 the EEOC in Minneapolis determined that the Minneapolis Public Library violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and in March 2003 a federal lawsuit was filed by a dozen female employees of the library.  They allege that the pornography freely available on the library computers is attracting hard-core male pornography users who act in a threatening and abusive manner. The male patrons publicly masturbate while viewing the pornographic websites and this has added to the hostile environment in which the female employees work.

  The American Library Association has consistently attempted to block filters under the ruse of freedom of speech.  The official ALA statement, "Access to Electronic Information," declares that libraries "must support access to information on all subjects that serve the needs or interests of each user, regardless of the user's age or the content of the material."


  Judith Krug of the ALA not only seems to feel that pornography is not harmful to children, but feels that reading Playboy should be an acceptable past time for children and states that parents who object "don't really care about their kids growing up and learning to think and explore."

  "Yesterday's decision is landmark.  Taxpayers no longer have to pay for the access of pornography at public libraries.  Library patrons and employees will not be so readily exposed to the dangerous situations that pornography can create.  Interesting that despite the ALA, a January 15, 2002 Library Journal's Budget Report found that 43% of the 355 libraries participating in the survey had filtered Internet use.  The U.S. Supreme Court's decision yesterday will force the other public libraries in the nation to re-evaluate their policies and make the right decision for not only children, but all their patrons," stated Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078

                      Robin Ennis 1.419.626.0830



 (Franklin, PA) -- A traditional values group said that parents should be aware that same-sex couples plan on once again descending on Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.  The 'unofficial Gay Day' will be held on Fathers' Day as it has been for the past several years.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania today spoke with Robin Ennis of the Cedar Point Public Relations Department expressing concerns that parents would unwittingly attend with their children.

  "Supposedly this day is chosen because there are fewer families there!  But there will be families with children and parents will find themselves in the uncomfortable position of having to explain why men are holding hands and kissing other men and why women are doing the same with other women.  Men dressed as women will also pose a problem.  And what might children witness as they enter the public rest rooms? Once again unsuspecting parents will enter the park and be shocked by what they encounter," Diane Gramley, director of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania said.

  Increased homosexual activity in the park will be a major concern for families.  “Parents do not want to go for a fun-filled day at “the Best Amusement Park in the World” only to have it undermined by concerns about what their children are exposed to,” continued Gramley.

  On June 17,  2001 during the ‘unofficial Gay Day’ at Cedar Point a man dressed as a woman was asked to leave the park.  According to spokeswoman, Janice Witherow, the individual’s attire was against the park dress code policy.   The dress code prohibits costumes and was adopted to address safety and security concerns.  Witherow further says, “We need to be able to identify our guests should something happen, and we can’t allow one sex to be dressing up as another sex and entering restrooms where they’re not supposed to be.”

  Homosexual activity increasingly goes hand in hand with public sexual activity.  A recent article on a Canadian gay web site states that anyone cruising “in a park knows it can be a sexually exciting experience and tons of fun.”  It goes on to acknowledge that this activity “comes naturally.”  Dr. Tom Coates, director of the USCF AIDS Research Institute further states, “The whole idea of gay liberation is having sex with whom you want to have sex.”  But the CDC sees anonymous homosexual activity as a major concern in the spread of HIV/AIDS and views it as a public health risk.

  Increasingly across Pennsylvania and in other parts of the nation homosexual public sex has become a problem.  Earlier this year 11 gay men were arrested for engaging in public sex in a restroom at Strawbridge Department store in Philadelphia.  There have also been problems at Camp Hill Mall in Camp Hill, the Upper Main Line YMCA, Schenley Park in Pittsburgh and Scott Park in Erie to name only a few locations.

  “We again urge Cedar Point to consider the traditional families which are the backbone of their business.  They do not want their children exposed to this type activity.  Cedar Point’s concern should be for the safety and well-being of families and children.  AFA has already been contacted by several parents who have recently become aware of “Gay Day” on Father’s Day.  They are extremely disappointed and have changed their plans.  How many more families we will never hear from have done the same thing,” asked Gramley?


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078

  Traditional Values Group Outraged that University is Advocating Sadomasochism

  (Philadelphia) – One week after Temple University’s announcement that same sex partners of employees would be extended health benefits, the announcement was made that the university will play a major role in Equality Forum (formerly PrideFest America).  Temple University will be the location of 35 of the 76 events which will take place from April 28 to May 4th. On May 3 Temple University will be the location of workshops that range from spirituality, queering the Bible to bondage, kinky sex and sado-masochism.  The American Family Association of NW PA (AFANWPA), a traditional values group, has contacted Temple President David Adamany with their concerns.   “It appears that Temple University has gone beyond extending health benefits to the same sex partners of employees to further advocating homosexuality.  The Philadelphia Bondage Club, Matrix, and Ornery Women are invited to not only conduct discussions on bondage, sadomasochism and kinky sex for gay men and lesbians, but to provide live demonstrations.   It is unbelievable that a university would allow groups that advocate such practices on their campus,” president of AFANWPA, Diane Gramley, said.


Another workshop extends the idea that abstinence education is physically and psychologically damaging to homosexual, bisexual, and transgender youth.   The question arises as to whether the facts on the dangers for those who engage in homosexual activity will be given.  “Will the participants be told of increased cases of AIDS, anal cancer and syphilis among men who have sex with men or that 1 in 3 homosexual men have genital human papillomavirus?  Will they be told that condoms offer no protect from the human papillomavirus or will they be told the lie that safer sex practices will protect them?” asked Gramley.

  “It appears that Temple University is on the road to allowing dangerous misinformation to be presented on their campus.  An educational establishment must be concerned with the facts and present those without hesitation, to do otherwise may cause great harm to the students who have been entrusted to them.  We call on President Adamany to step in and protect his students and the community,” Gramley said.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 

PA Traditional Values Group Proud to Call Rick Santorum -- "The Senator from Pennsylvania"

  (Pittsburgh) -- The American Family Association of NW PA (AFANWPA) today expressed support for Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.  The senator has come under fire from pro-homosexual groups for comments reported by the Associated Press.  "The majority of Pennsylvanians and Americans believe what Senator Santorum has expressed is true.  If the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Lawrence v. Texas, the door will be swung wide open for laws against bigamy, prostitution and incest to be challenged.  We support him and his statement 100 percent," Diane Gramley, president of AFANWPA said.

  The Human Rights Campaign, as well as Pennsylvania pro-homosexual groups the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, OutFront, The Pennsylvania Gender Rights Coalition and Log Cabin Republicans have joined their voices demanding the senator's removal from GOP leadership.  These groups have, in the past, called for 'tolerance.'  Obviously, they define that term as total agreement with them or one is considered intolerant!  "It seems that the ones who are crying 'tolerance' the loudest are the ones who are the most intolerant towards those who do not totally agree with them," continued Gramley.

"Senator Santorum has been a consistent defender of family values and those who believe the traditional family is the very foundation of a successful society call on the GOP leadership to turn a deaf ear to those calling for the senator's removal," said Gramley. 

  The Republican Party platform includes the defense of marriage.  Unfortunately, last month's meeting with the Human Rights Campaign by RNC Chairman Mark Racicot made many Republicans question the party's real stand on the issue.  The reaction of the Party on this attack of a senator who has defended the traditional family will perhaps 'clear the water' on the issue.

  Apparently those who have chosen to live in the homosexual lifestyle are determined to silence all who oppose them and this is just another example of their efforts.  "To permit these outspoken groups which endorse a lifestyle that has been proven to expose the participants to increased disease, alcohol and drug abuse, psychological and eating disorders to proceed with their accusations and demands without challenging them would be a danger to our free society," Gramley concluded.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078
                       Dr. Darie Jane Gilmour -- 1.800.367.9222
Traditional Values Organization Urges Pennsylvania College of Technology to Stop Weekend Conference
(Harrisburg) -- A traditional values organization contacted the Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport today urging them to stop this weekend's BGLAD (Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Allies in Dialog) Networking Conference.  Participants include homosexual and bisexual activists and a Penn State professor.  The American Family Association of Northwestern PA (AFANWPA) expressed concerns over the homosexual activism and the promotion of a lifestyle proven to shorten the lives by up to 20 years of those who participate in it.   "The dangers posed to those in this lifestyle choice are well documented and acknowledged by the Lesbian and Gay Medical Association," Diane Gramley, president of AFANWPA said.  "We urge President Gilmour to reconsider the apparent endorsement of this extremely dangerous lifestyle by the school through this conference and the school's participation in the Day of Silence on Wednesday, April 9th."
Workshops include topics of discussion on bisexuality, organizing to push for same-sex domestic partner benefits, and mobilizing to support Human Rights Campaign's federal legislative and electoral priorities.  The overall purpose of the workshop seems to be to create activists to further push legislation to undermine the traditional family. 
AFANWPA's concern is not only the encouragement of students becoming activists for homosexual issues, but the one-sided information that may be presented this weekend.  Recently the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force stopped offering same-sex domestic partner benefits because of the cost.
"Will the true statistics be revealed -- the CDC stats -- overwhelming cases of AIDS are men who have sex with men, CDC acknowledges that bisexuals are a bridge to heterosexuals for AIDS transmission, increased drug and alcohol abuse, psychological and eating disorders, increased domestic violence?  Will students leave that conference with the truth or will they be encouraged to 'experiment' in homosexual activity?  How many young men will become entangled in this trap that according to the Oxford University's International Journal of Epidemiology can shorten their lives by up to 20 years?" asked Gramley.
The Journal of the American Medical Association
Centers for Disease Control
Most disturbing is the participation of Penn State professor Anthony R. D'Augelli, Ph.D.  He is recognized by many as a homosexual activist on the campus of Penn State.  His presentation is to give supposed updates on research.  Again will he present the dangers of this lifestyle or tainted research?  "Professor D'Augelli should be concerned with presenting the truth of this lifestyle, not participating in the distribution of lies and half-truths," Gramley said.
Pennsylvania School of Technology is another example of a college that has fallen into the trap of endorsing homosexual activity and encouraging activism.
 "We are urging Pennsylvania College of Technology to stop this weekend's conference and not participate in the Day of Silence or at the very least present the facts about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle," concluded Gramley.
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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078

Parents Disapprove of Teaching Homosexual Relationships as Being Normal

(Harrisburg) – The Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Senate and House Education Committees were contacted today by a traditional values organization concerning the results of a recent Zogby Poll.  The American Family Association of Northwestern PA (AFANWPA) sent statements to inform education and elected officials that parents do not want their children taught that homosexual relations are normal.

A Zogby International poll involving over 1,200 Michigan parents of K-12 students was released on February 13. It revealed that 71% of parents responding to the poll opposed sex education programs that teach students that homosexual love relationships are comparable to heterosexual relationships.  It is strongly held by AFANWPA that the same poll conducted in Pennsylvania would garner similar results.

Public school officials should honor parents’ strong opposition to ‘normalizing’ homosexual behavior in the classroom to avoid harmful consequences to children and avoid legal liability. 

"School officials should be careful to avoid legal liability for the 'tort of negligence' if it is viewed that they are encouraging or endorsing homosexual behavior.   A student may respond to what is heard in school and engage in such behavior and suffer physical harm as a direct result," AFANWPA president, Diane Gramley said.

Such risk of liability for the "tort of negligence" is acknowledged even by attorneys for homosexual activist groups (see Section II-b, "A Legal Sketch of the Issues of Parental Consent and Related Tort Liability in the Context of Youth Service Providers Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Youth," David Buckel, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Sept. 14, 1995).

Unfortunately just last April a workshop called “Oh, That's So Gay” was held for Pittsburgh public school teachers.  Those attending this free workshop received Act 48 credits.   The workshop presented through a partnership between the Renaissance City Choirs/Pittsburgh Gay Choruses, Inc, and Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and  the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network was geared toward K-5 teachers.   On May 3 the same workshop will be held at Temple University as part of the weeklong Equality Forum gay-pride event  It is for "teachers, school staff and anyone who works with children." Is this part of an agenda?

“Reportedly within the past few weeks, a kindergarten teacher at Ben Franklin Elementary School, Bethel Park near Pittsburgh read the class Heather Has Two Mommies, which normalizes families headed by same sex partners,” commented Gramley,  “Parents nationally and in Pennsylvania don’t want their children indoctrinated with dangerous and false information by  ‘politically correct’ sex education or diversity programs.  Programs which tell kids there’s nothing wrong with homosexual sex can pose major health risks for children,” said AFANWPA president Diane Gramley. 

Additionally, Gramley cites a Harvard Medical School study of 4,000 high school students which found that "gay-lesbian-bisexual [GLB] youth report disproportionate risk for a variety of health risk and problem behaviors…engag(ing) in twice the mean number of risk behaviors as did the overall population.”

The study, which was published in The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, also found:

  • GLB orientation was associated with increased use of cocaine (and other illegal) drugs'
  • GLB youth were more likely to report using tobacco, marijuana and cocaine before 13 years of age;
  • GLB orientation is associated with sexual intercourse before 13 years of age, sexual intercourse with four or more partners and sexual contact against one's will.

Lives shortened by up to 20 years, mental and eating disorders, increased drug and alcohol abuse, increased domestic violence and increased cancers and HIV/AIDS name only a few dangers for those who participate in homosexual sex.  

“Schools should be heeding the results of this Zogby International poll and warning students of the dangers involved in homosexual activity, not becoming avenues through which ‘gay is okay’ is taught,” concluded Gramley.

AFANWPA’s efforts to education public school officials will continue by contacting local school districts throughout the state, in addition to the PA Department of Education and Senate and House Education Committee members which were contacted today.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 

  Adelphia’s Offer of Pornography is Not Appropriate – Upper St. Clair’s Commission Commended

  (Pittsburgh) – An anti-pornography organization, today, sent a statement commending Upper St. Clair’s decision to vote on a resolution urging Adelphia to return to family-friendly programming.  In the statement the American Family Association of NW PA (AFANWPA) urged passage of the resolution to send Adelphia a clear message that this new programming was inappropriate and unwanted in their municipality.  Additional statements to surrounding municipalities urged them to join Upper St. Clair in passing similar resolutions.  “Adelphia is having a major disconnect with its customers.  Last year Adelphia was the largest cable company in America that refused to offer pornography, this year they are the latest to fall for the lie that this is what their customers want.  Their decision will negatively impact the community,” Diane Gramley, president of AFANWPA said.

  Some of the statistics included in the statement included:

  • James Weaver of the University of Kentucky found that portrayals of sex, rather than violence, led viewers to lose respect for women and trivialize rape.
  • The LA and Louisville, KY Police Departments released a study showing that pornography was used in two-thirds of child molestation cases. 
  • Child sex abusers use pornography to lower the inhibitions of children.
  • The UN Commission on Human Rights defines pornography as “a form of violence against women that ‘glamorizes the degradation and maltreatment of women and asserts their subordinate function as mere receptacles for male lust’” 

Recently Adelphia announced plans to pay two new executives, former AT&T Broadband William Schleyer and Ronald Cooper, up to $41 million.  “Supposedly Adelphia’s decision is in response to customer demand, but apparently the decision is based on the perceived need to pay top dollar to executives.  It appears the bankrupt company has gotten its values skewed.  We urge them to reconsider their anti-family decision and to once again put their customers first,” said Gramley.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  February 17, 2003

 CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078


(Philadelphia) -- Today a pro-family group blasted Temple and Drexel Universities for giving in to homosexual activists and changing their policy to offer health benefits to domestic partners of gay and heterosexual employees.  A statement released by the American Family Association of NW PA  (AFANWPA) to the University of Pittsburgh commended them for standing strong against the demands to offer same-sex domestic partner benefits.  Other statements sent to Temple and Drexel Universities blasted each for contributing to the moral freefall so prevalent in today's society. 

Diane Gramley, president of AFANWPA said in the statements, "Unfortunately, not all are as willing as the University of Pittsburgh has been to take the moral highroad on this issue and give in as Temple and Drexel have.  In essence these two universities are now offering shack-up insurance to their employees," said Diane Gramley, president of AFANWPA. 

"Temple University is one of three Pennsylvania public research universities," continued Gramley,  "obviously they have not done the thorough research needed in the issue of domestic partnership health benefits to unmarried couples."

Even though the benefit changes are offered to both homosexual and heterosexual employees, the demand has been from homosexual activists.  "Same-sex couples are trying to be put on equal footing with married couples through their demands for health benefits.  The goal is to undermine marriage and further undermine the traditional family," Gramley said. 

Medical studies and other evidence indicates that individuals who engage in homosexual behavior experience dramatically higher risks of domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse, life-threatening disease, multiple sex partners and premature death by up to 20 years.  Gramley cited the following documentation:

* College-aged men who engage in homosexual behavior are at risk of dying up to 20 years younger than other men, according to Oxford University's International Journal of Epidemiology, which reported:  "Life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men -- nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday."

* "The probability of violence occurring in a gay couple is mathematically double the probability of that in a heterosexual couple," write the editors of the National Gay & Lesbian Domestic Violence Network newsletter.

* The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders" - including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major depression, and substance abuse.

* The Medical Institute of Sexual Health reports: "Homosexual men are at significantly increased risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices. Women who have sex with women are at significantly increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than are heterosexual women." (Executive Summary, "Health Implications Associated with Homosexuality," 1999)

* The Institute reports that "significantly higher percentages of homosexual men and women abuse drugs, alcohol and tobacco than do heterosexuals."

* A Detroit homosexual newsmagazine columnist last month wrote regarding his partner: "This is his first relationship, so he has not yet been ruined by all the heartache, lies, deceit, and game-playing that are the hallmark of gay relationships...A study I once read suggested that nine out of 10 gay men cheat on their lovers."

Pride Source

* The Centers for Disease Control warns that men who have sex with men "have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association confirmed these statistics in an article published by the homosexual advocacy website 'gaywired' in July 2002.

   "The Valentine's Day announcement by Temple and Drexel Universities will further encourage immoral behavior and the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle as normal.  Why choose Valentine's Day for the announcement?  The love and compassion that is equated with Valentine's Day was completely thrown out the window with the announcements by Temple and Drexel.  To show compassion for those in the homosexual lifestyle is to be honest about the destructive practices in which they have chosen to engage not to accept the abnormal as normal," concluded Gramley.


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NEWS RELEASE                                                                             

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  February 14, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

  Homosexual Activity in Department Store Restroom is Further Proof that Philadelphia Has Made Wrong Decisions

(Philadelphia) -- The City of Brotherly Love, in the past few years, has chosen to extend special rights to homosexuals through the passage of amendments to existing ordinances -- which in turn encourage the activity that was uncovered in the public restrooms of the Strawbridge Department Store in Center City.   Today a pro-family organization sent statements to the Philadelphia Police Department Sixth District Vice Unit and the manager of the Strawbridge Department Store thanking them for the stand they have taken to stop homosexual activity in the public restrooms in the store.  "Incidents of homosexual activity in public places is an increasing problem across the state and we commend the Strawbridge manager for responding to complaints from patrons of homosexual activity in his store's restrooms.  We also commend the Vice Unit for responding so quickly and effectively in the arrest of 11 men over the past few weeks and for the promise to continue monitoring the situation throughout the city," Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of NW PA said today.

Unfortunately one of the witnesses to this activity was a ten-year-old boy.   How many other young boys witnessed this activity since it had been taking place for several months?  This type activity also poses a real danger to them.  It is not safe to send our sons into public restrooms for fear of witnessing homosexual activity or, even worse, of being assaulted while there.

"Dr. Gene G. Abel, professor of psychiatry at Columbia and Emory-Morehouse University, whose research is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, found "that, on average, 150.2 boys are molested per homosexual pedophile offender, whereas only 19.8 girls are molested per heterosexual pedophile offender," World Net Daily reported.  Thus, men involved in homosexual behavior "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring five times greater than the molestation of girls."

  In other parts of the country where such crackdowns have taken place there has been criticism by gay activists.  In August 2001 the Triangle Foundation, a Detroit homosexual advocacy group, claimed that such law enforcement efforts to curb homosexual activity in public parks and restrooms are "discriminatory." 

  "The men involved in the alleged incidents in Strawbridge used a gay website out of New Orleans and word of mouth to find out about these locations in the store's restrooms.  The Internet is increasingly used by gay men to set up anonymous sexual encounters," commented Gramley. 

  This most recent incident in Philadelphia confirms a study that shows one in three gay men use the Internet to find casual sex partners.  The study was published in the August 17, 2002 issue of the journal AIDS.  Almost 750 gay men were surveyed by researchers from the University College Medical School at University College in London, England.  Of those surveyed 35 percent said they'd logged onto the Internet to find a partner for casual sex.'s medical director, Dr. Stephen Goldstone said, "The Internet has become the bathhouse of the new millennium."

  Some of the reported incidents of homosexual activity in public places in the state this past year include:

  o      The arrest of over 20 men over the past two years for homosexual activity in the public restroom in the Camp Hill Shopping Mall.  The most recent arrests, being in July 2002, included a college professor.

o      September 2002 -- Scott Park in Millcreek Township, Erie County-- homosexual activity became so blatant that groups of men followed male hikers around and small groups of men could seen disappearing into the woods.

Erie Times News

o      November 2002 -- Upper Main Line YMCA in Chester County -- a member of the Norbertine Religious Order is charged with indecent assault for fondling men in the hot tub of the Y.

Local ABC TV Station

  This type activity is commonplace in the homosexual community.  A Canadian gay website states it plainly:  "The reality is that, gay and bisexual men face greater risk of violence and harassment for doing what comes naturally to every community. So, it's worth thinking about how you are going to avoid trouble while still getting what you want." 

  The great danger to children and both public and private health threats when homosexual activity in public places is permitted to occur cannot be understated.  The CDC reports that men who have sex with men (MSM) 'have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid and extensive transmission of (sexually transmitted diseases) . . . MSM may be recruiting sex partners in anonymous venues more often now than in the recent past.'

Centers For Disease Control

  Gay Health reports that men who have sex with men are 320% more likely than heterosexuals to have unprotected sex without telling their partners they're HIV-positive

"Unfortunately municipalities that amend human relations ordinances to include "sexual orientation" in their list of protected classes are, in essence, giving their stamp of approval on this type activity. Philadelphia was one of the first in the state to add this phrase to their list of protected classes.  Has this approval by the elected officials contributed to the increase in HIV/AIDS cases? The CDC reports that from June 2000 to December 2001 Philadelphia has jumped from number eight to number six in the nation for the number of cumulative AIDS cases.  What is the factor that has contributed most to this increase?" Gramley asked.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- January 21, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078


  (Harrisburg, PA) -- Today, out of concern over an effort to have homosexuality declared a civil right in Pennsylvania, a traditional values group sent a letter to newly sworn-in Governor Ed Rendell.  Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Northwestern PA said,  "There are very grave concerns that Governor Rendell may not be getting the whole picture here.  Homosexuals make up only 2-3% of the total population.  They are a very small, but vocal group pushing for acceptance of an extremely dangerous lifestyle.  The attempt is being made to hijack the civil rights movement, even though they have never been forced to sit in the back of a bus or drink from another water fountain as African-Americans.  Homosexuals still declare they are being discriminated against."

  Governor Rendell has already been contacted by the Pennsylvania Lesbian and Gay Task Force (PLGTF).   Homosexual activists are asking that he and the legislature lead in adopting the Pennsylvania Civil Rights Initiative proposals to amend the Human Relations Act and the Fair Educational Opportunities Act. The goal is to have homosexuality declared a civil right.  As then-Governor Mark Schweiker and House members were warned, homosexual activists will use the passage of H.B. 1493, the state hate crimes bill, as a stepping stone to further advance their plans for special rights. 

  "As with the hate crimes debate, homosexual activists will twist the truth to try to highlight discrimination that does not exist.  The statistics speak for themselves -- ask the PA Human Relations Commission.  According to their statistics, there were 382 bias-related incidents from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001, of those 19 were against gays and lesbians," continued Gramley.  "According to The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs 2001 report, there were 81 incidents of harassment and 12 physical assaults on persons in the Pennsylvania gay community.  The 12 physical assaults are tragic, but hardly an epidemic."

It is obvious from The Core Principles listed in the PLGTF Abstract that the ultimate goal is to have domestic partnership and gay marriage legalized in Pennsylvania. In part it states:  'We will not suffer any restriction of our rights (e.g. parental rights, domestic partnership rights, the recognition of marriage) nor homophobic insults (e.g. the presumption of criminality or immorality) in a Pennsylvania civil rights law.'

The well being of Pennsylvania families is in the hands of the new governor for the next four years.  The traditional family is being undermined and a lifestyle that creates a public health risk through its increased HIV/AIDS cases, anal, breast and ovarian cancers, drug and alcohol use, eating and psychological disorders is being given increased protection simply because of the sexual activity involved.

  "We encourage the governor to review the real statistics for so-called discrimination against homosexuals and recognize the public health risk involved and the danger to the very foundation of our society if homosexuality is declared a civil right.  Compassionate leaders and societies do not encourage, but rather discourages, such dangerous lifestyle choices," concluded Gramley.

  Below is a copy of the letter faxed to Governor Rendell today:


  January 21, 2003

Governor Rendell:

Congratulations on being sworn in as Pennsylvania's 45th governor at noon today.  I am sure that you will strive to do what is best for all Pennsylvanians during your term in office. Although, I must voice grave concerns about one issue in particular. 

  It has come to our attention that the Pennsylvania Lesbian and Gay Task Force (PLGTF) has already called upon you to lead in adopting Pennsylvania Civil Rights Initiative proposals to amend the Human Relations Act to make homosexuality a civil right.  Having just commemorated Dr. Martin Luther King's fight for civil rights for African-Americans, we recognized this as an excellent opportunity to address the problems of declaring homosexuality a civil right.  Homosexuals have not suffered discrimination as blacks have and, in some cases, still do. 

  The PLGTF's Core Principals include:  "We will not suffer any restrictions of our rights (e.g. parental rights, domestic partnership rights, the recognition of marriage) nor homophobic insults (e.g. the presumption of criminality or immorality) in a Pennsylvania civil rights law."  Evidently, their ultimate goal is to have their lifestyle be put on equal footing with traditional marriage and woe to those who oppose the idea. 

  So the question comes to mind:  "Is homosexuality a civil right?"  The facts show that it is not.  Homosexuals are not a true minority.  According to the U.S. Supreme Court, there are three requirements for a group of individuals to claim minority class status. 

  o      Immutable characteristics -- clearly identified as unchangeable physical characteristics such as race, ethnicity, disability or national origin.  Homosexuals are the only group to claim minority status based on behavior.  There is no reliable scientific evidence which shows that homosexual behavior is biological in origin.

o      Financial discrimination -- This group must have suffered a history of discrimination resulting in the lack of ability to earn an average mean income, obtain an adequate education, or enjoy cultural opportunities.  Jennifer Gilbert wrote in Advertising Age, "Gays are twice as likely as the general population to have a household income between $60,000 and $250,000." The '2001 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census' conducted by OpusCommgroup found that the income in homosexual households is 65 percent higher than the U.S. median income.

o      Political weakness -- The group must demonstrate they are politically powerless.

      Homosexuals display political power far beyond their tiny numbers of 2-3% of the population. 

  As evidenced by the three requirements listed above, homosexuals are not a minority class.  They already have the same rights as every Pennsylvanian.  Declaring homosexuality as a civil right would undermine the institutions of marriage and family - the very foundations of civil society.  It is our hope that you also recognize this danger.


  Diane Gramley


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  January 16, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 

  Anti-Violence Group Asks How Human Sacrifices Can be Acceptable in Schools, Demands Removal of 'Artist'"

  (Erie) -- Today an anti-violence organization questioned the wisdom of the Erie Arts Council program Arts in Education and demanded the removal of an artist in residency.  The demand stems from a Christmas program entitled Bizarre Bazaar which was to have taken place in Pleasantville Elementary School as part of the Artist in Residency program.  "Zero tolerance policies in schools prohibit students from bringing table knifes, toy guns or even fingernail files to school, yet these students were permitted to practice for weeks the depiction of human sacrifices and hacking bodies to pieces.  This is absolutely ludicrous," Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Northwestern PA, said.

  The artist in question, Abby Alter, chose to direct the attention of her "very physical" and "rambunctious" group of boys to the practice of human sacrifice.  The sounds of screaming permeated the school's hallways the day before the Christmas play took place. According to one news account in the Titusville Herald, "On Monday morning, the hallways and gymnasium of the school building echoed with the ghoulish sounds of Aztec warriors searching for victims.  'Get ready for the sacrifices,' said Abby Alter. . . .Led by the pounding of a drum the kids snaked through the halls of the school, looking for their well-hidden victims."  Gramley commented, "Public education at its best?  Recently Alter questioned why parents would not trust the school system, this is a prime example of why parents do not trust the public school system. We've also been told that the 'victims' were encouraged to scream louder during practice to make it more realistic sounding! I have only one question, 'Why?'"

  This activity was not what one would assume to be a typical Christmas program as the program was to take place on December 17.  The school administration had no qualms about permitting screaming 4th graders (Aztec warriors) chasing down 5th graders (victims) for human sacrifice nor with this program being practiced in front of the entire student body.  "If these students had practiced a play about the real Christmas story and Baby Jesus, there would have been administrators and other groups immediately rise up and say the school could not permit that because of the so-called wall of separation between church and state.  Human sacrifices and hacking apart bodies are okay in school, but leave Baby Jesus out -- and we wonder why there is so much violence in schools," said Gramley.

"Unfortunately Abby Alter has called the parents who have opposed the program 'violent' not the play she directed.  It seems apparent that she is not the person to continue in the Artist in Residency program and come in contact with elementary age children.  We are calling on the Erie Arts Council to protect the children who participate in their Arts in Education program.  To have children depicting human sacrifice and hacking bodies apart should not be part of the educational process," Gramley concluded.

Below is a copy of the e-mail sent to Arts in Education Director, Doug Irish-Hosler and Erie Arts Council Executive Director Charlotte Mashyna:

Begin e-mail________________________________

Dear Doug Irish-Hosler:

I am writing concerning alleged statements made by artist Abby Alter in reaction to Pleasantville Elementary School parents' objections to the program "Bizarre Bazaar."  Ms. Alter is quoted in a recent Derrick article as calling the parents who objected to the program 'violent.'  "Those people were the violent thing in that production.  Kids were crying, teachers were crying."

It seems that Ms. Alter has difficulty with the definition of the word 'violent.'   Parents objecting to one of her programs are 'violent,' but 4th graders chasing down 5th graders for the purpose of depicting human sacrifice is not violent!!  Portraying a body being hacked to pieces is not violent?

Reasons for the Arts in Education program include, according to the website,  "Exposing students to the arts can help to improve test scores and grades, foster the development of creativity and better thinking skills, and lead to future arts audiences.  For at-risk youth, the arts can be a medium through which anger and frustration can be vented and self-esteem increased." (emphasis added)

How are these students being taught to vent their anger and frustration -- human sacrifices and hacking bodies to pieces?? Ms. Alter is also quoted, "I gave them something they really thought was cool - a violent culture - and they came to discover it wasn't really violent but was religious."  So her students thought a violent culture was cool?  Under her direction did they also "discover" that terrorists flying airplanes into the World Trade Center were not violent but religious? Her decision of how best to direct her "very physical" and "rambunctious" group of boys must be questioned. 

Ms. Alter's choice of programming is inappropriate for all school students.  Violence in schools is a real problem and encouraging students to portray violence is wrong.  I believe her actions have proven her unfit to be a part of the Arts in Education program and demand her removal.  After this incident, parents and schools will no longer be able to trust the program and its choice of those who come in contact with children.  Ms. Alter's removal from the program is the only decision the Erie Arts Council can make to begin regaining public trust.


Diane Gramley


American Family Association of NW PA


End e-mail_______________________________________


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  January 13, 2003

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078


(Harrisburg) -- A survey outlined in the December 2002 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, article entitled "Battering Victimization Among a Probability-Based Sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men" again confirms that Governor Schweiker's signature last month on H.B. 1493, the hate crimes bill, was a mistake, a pro-family group said today.  "Gay activists used the victim card, as they have in other parts of the state and nation, when they pushed H.B. 1493 on the members of the House and Governor Schweiker.  This survey again shows that mistakes were made in Harrisburg.  The problem is same sex domestic violence, not hate crimes," Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Northwestern PA said. 

Researchers with the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies report that 19 percent of the 2,881 men surveyed during the two-year period said they'd been physically abused by an "intimate partner."   Thirty-four percent said they' been psychologically abused by sex partners and five percent said they've been forced to have sex.    

  (complete article available by subscription only)

"Homosexual activists cannot acknowledge the truth that those in the homosexual lifestyle are much more likely to be attacked by their same sex partners than by someone committing a so-called hate crime" said Gramley. 

Many homosexual activists agree with Gramley's assertions:

"Perhaps the most significant difference is the community's invalidation.  Unlike mainstream's recognition and response to battered women the gay community has responded to its battered gay men with denial and silence.  Community leaders have stated there is 'no problem" while correspondingly and not surprisingly support services remain virtually non-existent.  Remarkably the community and greater social body understand that gay men are victims of hate crimes (which occur with less frequency than gay domestic cases) yet buy into the myth that men are not victims of domestic abuse.  Of all the differences between heterosexual and homosexual abuse that silent denial of the community is the most detrimental of all as it perpetuates the abuse . . ."

"The truth of the matter is, however, that you are much more likely to be injured by someone you love than by a gay-basher on the street. In fact, research indicates that between 25-33% of us will experience domestic abuse in our lifetimes," according to the web site of Community United Against Violence, a San Francisco group that describes itself as "the most comprehensive lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender domestic violence program in the nation."

The number of incidents of violence committed by individuals involved in homosexual behavior against their own homosexual partners is astronomical by comparison, Gramley said.

  Compared to only 1,317 so-called "hate crimes" in 1999, two prominent homosexual activists and researchers in San Francisco write that as many as 650,000 men alone (not counting women) are each year victims of domestic violence at the hands of their own homosexual sex partners.

Homosexual activists David Island and Patrick Letellier -- co-editors of the National Lesbian & Gay Domestic Violence Network Newsletter -- write in their book, Men Who Beat the Men who Love Them, that violence is a primary health problem for individuals involved in homosexual behavior ranking behind only AIDS for males, cancer for females, and drug abuse for both.

Island and Letellier write:  "The probability of violence occurring in a gay couple is mathematically double the probability of that in a heterosexual couple…we believe as many as 650,000 gay men may be victims of domestic violence each year in the United States."  (page 14)

Island and Letellier also estimate "domestic violence may affect and poison as many as 50 percent of gay male couples" (page 12), while "we believe (heterosexual domestic abuse) is closer to 20 percent." (page 50).

Gramley concluded, "Those in the homosexual community who insist on pushing so-called hate crimes and homosexual anti-discrimination legislation are in essence abandoning the truth and allowing those trapped in homosexual domestic violence to continue being victimized by their own same sex partners.  Domestic violence, eating and mental disorders, HIV/AIDS, increased drug and alcohol abuse, anal cancer in men who have sex with men and ovarian and breast cancer in lesbians are but a few of the dangers for those involved in the homosexual lifestyle.  It is clear that if we truly care about people ensnared in this lifestyle, society must discourage such behavioral choices, not play the role of 'enabler' by passing laws affirming this destructive lifestyle. There is no doubt that House members and Governor Schweiker made a mistake in passing and signing H.B. 1493."


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Copyright 2002,- 2008    American Family Association of PA