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July 21, 2009 -- Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana) introduced an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Bill (H.R 3293).  The purpose of the amendment was to forbid Title X monies from going to support Planned Parenthood.  Only six of PA's 19 Congressmen vote for life.  Roll Call


March 31, 2009 -- Attack on Medical Civil Liberties-- President Obama has said he wants to rescind the conscious rules put in place by President Bush. These  regulations are to implement a series of federal laws protecting medical personnel who refuse to participate in abortion-related activities from discrimination. Federal laws include the 1973 “Church Amendments”, the 1996 Public Health Service Act amendment, and the 2004 “Hyde-Weldon amendment”. The regulations were finalized on December 18, 2008 and went into effect January 20, 2009. The regulations are intended to educate those in the medical field as well as the general public about the rights of medical personnel to treat their patients in accordance with their conscience free from discrimination or intimidation.  Click here to read the proposed rescission order. 


Senators Bob Casey and Ben Nelson send a letter to President Obama asking him not to rescind the conscious rules.  Click here to read the story.

January 23, 2009 -- Late in the afternoon without the presence of the media or cameras, President Obama rescinds the Mexico City Policy.  The result will be millions of American taxpayer dollars used to fund overseas abortion. America will once again export abortion.  Click here to read the full story.

January 16, 2009  -- Seventy-eight Congressman urge President-elect Obama not to overturn Reagan-era Mexico City Policy which prohibits taxpayer dollar from going to abortion-performing organizations in other countries.  Three of Pennsylvania's 19 Congressman sign the letter:  Congressman Jason Altmire, Congessman Joe Pitts, and Congressman Glenn Thompson   Click here to read the letter.  Click here to read our News Release.

December 19, 2008 -- Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups deliver to President-elect Obama a 55-page request that will cost taxpayers $4.6 billion.  Click here to read article. 

December 18, 2008 -- President Bush clarifies laws allowing doctors to say 'no' to performing abortions.  Click here to read article.

July 19, 2007 -- How did Pennsylvania's Congressmen vote on Representative Pence's amendment to defund Planned Parenthood?  Click here to see the roll call.

April 18, 2007 -- In a 5-4 decision the United States Supreme Court declares the Partial Birth Abortion ban constitutional!   Click to read article

January 3, 2007 -- Special Court Panel Overturns Law Restricting Pro-Life Election Ads -- Click here to read article

October 10, 2006 -- U.S. Supreme Court Says It Will Not Revisit Doe v. Bolton, which allowed virtually abortion for any health reason.

August 14, 2006 -- Commonwealth Court Backs Governor Rendell's line-item veto of pro-life restrictions on budget.

June 2003 Norma McOrvey (the original Roe in Roe v. Wade) files legal papers to get Roe V. Wade overturned.  She is joined by 999 other women who have suffered because of abortion!  Unfortunately the court throws the legal action out declaring it has been too long!  

Consider:  If someone had been exposed to cigarette smoke when they were a child and later developed lung cancer, would they have been able to  sue?  Or what about the child who was exposed to asbestos when they were in grade school back in the 50's, could they have brought a lawsuit?  Recent successful legal action against the tobacco companies and schools being forced to spend millions of dollars to rip out asbestos are the answers to those questions.

But the court deems it has been too long to raise objections to Roe v. Wade!  We agree with the courts that it has been too long -- but we do not see the problem of time in the same way the courts do. The problem is the length of time we've permitted the  courts to sit silently by as millions of pre-born babies are legally killed each year.  How many more babies must die before the American holocaust ends?  God will not hold those blameless who sheds innocent blood.  How much more innocent than a baby who has not even been permitted a chance to live outside his mother's womb?




JANUARY 22, 2003 -- Today marks the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade -- 42 million babies dead and it appears, according to polling, that Americans may be reconsidering abortion on demand.  Unfortunately, abortion is no longer a surgical" procedure" performed on an abortionist's table.  It has gone beyond surgical to chemical warfare against the unborn -- RU486 and the morning after pill alter the abortion landscape.  It will be much harder to 'track' the number of abortions.  The tangible numbers may be lower, but that does not change the fact that it is still legal in this nation to kill the unborn simply because it is an "inconvience" for the baby to be born. What about the baby?  That baby, no matter what the circumstances, is created in God's image.

"So the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth?  Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind?  Have not I, the Lord?"  (Exodus 4:11 NKJ)

"Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground.  Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands?'  Woe to him who says to his father, 'What have you begotten?' or to his mother, 'What have you brought to birth?'  This is what the Lord says -- the Holy One of Israel, and its maker; concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands?"

(Isaiah 45:9-11 NIV)

Following is a story that appeared in Christmas in My Heart by Joe Wheeler (Review & Herald Publishing Co., 1993).  It is entitled "The Tiny Foot."

Several years ago a fragile woman came to my office, expecting her first baby.  One month before she was due, the baby was in a breech position.  The death rate of breech babies is high because of the difficulty in delivering the after-coming head and the imperative need of delivering it quickly after the body is born. 

During the delivery, I waited as patiently as I could for the natural forces of expulsion to thoroughly dilate the firm maternal structures.  At last the time had come, and I gently drew done one little foot.  I grasped the other, but it would not come down beside the first one.  To my consternation, I saw that the other little foot would never be beside the first one.  The entire thigh from the hip to the knee was missing.

I knew what a dreadful effect this would have upon the unstable nervous system of the mother.  The family would almost certainly impoverish itself in taking the child to every famous orthopedist in the world.  I saw this little girl sitting sadly by herself, while the other girls danced and ran and played.

I could slow my hand; I could delay those few short moments.  No one in this world would ever know.  The mother, after the first shock of grief, would be glad she had lost a child so sadly handicapped.

The little pink foot on the good side bobbed out from its protecting towel and pressed firmly against my slowly moving hand, the hand into whose keeping the safety of the mother and the baby had been entrusted.

I couldn't do it.  I delivered the baby with her pitiful little leg.  Every foreboding came true.  The mother was in the hospital for several months -- she looked like a wraith of her former self.  As the years went on, I blamed myself bitterly for not having had the strength to yield to my temptation.

Our hospital stages an elaborate Christmas party each year for the staff.  This past year, three lovely young musicians on the stage played softly in unison with the organ.  I was especially fascinated by the young harpist. She played extraordinarily well, as if she loved it.  Her slender fingers flicked across the strings, and her face was upturned as if the world that moment were a wonderful and holy place.

When the short program was over, there came running down the aisle a woman I did not know.  "Oh, you saw her," she cried, "You must have recognized your baby.  That was my daughter who played the harp -- the little girl who was born with only one good leg 17 years ago.  We tried everything else first, but now she has a whole artificial leg on that side.  Best of all, through all those years, she learned to use her hands so wonderfully.  She is going to be one of the world's greatest harpists.  She is my whole life and now she is so happy. . . And here she is!"  The sweet young girl had quietly approached us, her eyes glowing.

Impulsively I took the child in my arms. Across her warm young, shoulder I saw the creeping clock of the delivery  room 17 years before.  I lived again those awful moments where her life was in my hand.  As the last strains of "Silent Night" faded, I found the comfort I had waited for so long.


end story

How many great harpists, doctors, astronauts, scientist, nurses, teachers, pastors, authors, moms and dads have been aborted in the past 30 years?  Pray that this terrible law will soon be overturned.  In the meantime, we must take a strong stand for life -- because it is ALL precious in the sight of God.




JANUARY 20-27, 2002




On January 22, 1973 The United States Supreme Court handed down its infamous Roe vs. Wade decision which unleashed a holocaust on the unborn. By a vote of 7-2 they declared the "shedding of innocent blood" to be a constitutional right. Since that time, over 40,000,000 babies have died.  Over 4,000 continue dying daily, and all but a scant 4% are for the sake of  “convenience”. This has become our American holocaust!

According to the  Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of the nation’s leading abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, the United States has one of the highest abortion rates among developed countries.  Also according to Guttmacher statistics “about 15,000 abortions each year are attributed to rape and incest – representing 1% of all abortions.”   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Abortion Surveillance Report: roughly one half of women who had abortions in the U.S. had no other children; 44% of women who had abortions in the U.S. had at least one previous abortion; 20% of women who had abortions in the U.S. were married, 80% were unmarried; the percentage of teenagers under 19 years of age having abortions began to drop in the 1980’s, coinciding with the passage and enforcement of laws requiring a parent’s involvement in their teenage daughter’s abortion decision.

  There has always been the argument that a “fetus” is not really a baby, just a blob of nothing.  I believe the photo taken in mid-1999 of a 21- week- old “fetus” undergoing a spine operation in his mother’s womb dispels that myth.  The photo is of him reaching out of the womb and grasping the surgeon’s finger.  There’s no doubt that his little hand has four fingers and a thumb.  By the way, he could have been “legally” aborted at that age.  If this is not enough proof, new medical technology is proving what pro-abortion advocates have claimed is untrue.  Joseph Howard heads up the American Bioethics Advisory Commission.  The end of last year, he addressed members of the Washington press corps on the new information regarding the beginning of life for a human being.  “Studies involving ultrasound, electronic fetal heart monitoring, amniocenteses…radio-immuno- chemistry, fetoscopy and contact embyoscopy…have conclusively yielded one, and only one, valid scientific conclusion,” Howard says.  “Namely, that the life of a human being, scientifically, is clearly established at the moment of fertilization.”  --Of course this was the lead story in EVERY paper around the country!  Not likely, how many, even now, over a month after the statement was made had even heard the news?  The pro-abortion people want it that way.

  There are many ways to take the baby’s life now.  There’s the “morning after pill” – also known as “emergency contraception” – is a high dose of birth control pills that the FDA has approved for prescription-only use.  It is taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.  Basically it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.  PARENTS:  The December 21 signature of Bill Clinton on the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Omnibus Appropriations bill just made it legal for schools to dispense the morning after pill without parental consent!

  There’s, of course, all the standard ways of aborting  a baby, then there’s the newest—RU486—which was approved by the FDA on fast track approval the latter part of last year.  Congressman Tom Coburn’s response, “Never before has the FDA approved a drug intended to kill people.”  This regimen of drugs blocks progesterone in the womb causing the breakdown of the uterine lining, cutting the child off from his or her supply of food and oxygen.  This causes death from starvation and suffocation over a period of about three days.  This abortion drug cannot be used prior to the fifth week of pregnancy—there’s no doubt that a beating heart is stopped, as a baby’s heartbeat can be detected as early as 18 days from conception.

 While RU 486 is often touted as a pill that makes abortion safe, the contrary is true.  Eight American women who took the drug in the trial went into cardiac arrest and had to be revived in intensive care. In Europe many women died taking Cytotec, the second chemical in the regimen - a fact not reported in the media.  Roussel-Uclaf, the company that owns the patent and manufactures RU 486 in Europe, showed in studies that nearly 30 percent of the women in the study needed narcotics for the intense pain involved and for some the hemorrhaging was severe enough that they needed blood transfusions. 

  Using RU 486 is definitely a safe procedure!!  This is, of course, why Planned Parenthood is promoting it on their teen website.  They are saying the results of taking RU 486 is a miscarriage.  How many young women are prepared to pick their dead, aborted baby up off the bathroom floor?  Meanwhile, Glamour Magazine has joined the promotion of RU-486 in a recently published article about the drug’s “life-saving” capabilities.  The article tells the story of three women who took the drug, but does not mention that one took it for abortion purposes, while the other two took it for its intended use: to stop cancerous growths and tumors.  Surely there was no intentional deception!

Another story:

"The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Than the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out, like a startled reaction, like a flinch, like a baby does when he thinks he is going to fall.  The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby's brains out.  Now the baby went completely limb."  H.R. 1833 18 (statement of Brenda Pratt Schafer).--

A partial birth abortion has just been completed!  In this scenario the doctor manipulates the baby in the womb so it is delivered feet first and just before the head is completely delivered the above procedure ends the baby’s life.

  Dr. Leroy Sprang, who teaches obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University and is president of the Illinois State Medical Society, says a partial-birth abortion subjects the unborn child to pain and suffering and that some of the things done in it “would probably not meet the same guidelines of what we consider appropriate treatment of laboratory animals”.  Sprang said his state medical society, the American Medical Association and other professional medical organizations oppose partial-birth abortions and said he knows of no situation where it is medically necessary.

  Obviously the truth about abortion is beginning to get out and people are being awakened to what abortion really is.  A Gallup Poll taken on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade last month found that people who considered themselves pro-life rose from 33 percent to 43 percent over the past 5 years.  The percentage who saw themselves as “pro-choice” declined from 56 to 48 percent.  Surveys show that a majority of college-age women are, for the first time since 1973, more likely to identify themselves as pro-life than pro-choice.  This will really put a crunch on the abortion industry, as women in their early 20’s are more likely than any other group to seek abortions.

  A “successful” abortion stops a beating heart and leaves a dead baby as evidence of its success.  But many women also experience complications. Of women who have had abortions, 24.3% experience complications in future pregnancies, first-trimester abortions can result in infections leading to pelvic inflammatory disease.  Uterine perforations can often occur and sometimes may go unrecognized and untreated.  Abortion appears to contribute to an increase in tubal pregnancy—30% increased risk after one abortion and a 160% increased risk after two or more abortions .  Placenta previa—a condition producing extremely severe, life threatening bleeding in future pregnancies –statistics show a 600% increased risk.  Retention of the placenta is increased in subsequent pregnancies.  These statistics are found in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. A national poll also shows that at least 56% of women experience a sense of guilt over their decision. Numerous studies reveal that women who have had an abortion experience a  high incidence of depression, stress, low self-esteem, suicidal feelings and substance abuse.

  Last, but surely not least, is an increase in breast cancer.  It has risen dramatically in America by 50% since 1973.  Recent studies have pointed out a dramatic relationship between the rate of abortion and the rising incidence of breast cancer.  In fact, as the rate of abortion rises in American, so does the rate of breast cancer, with those women who have aborted having significantly higher rates.  Abortion interrupts natural changes in the breast, leaving millions of cells at high risk.  Thus far, twenty-four studies have confirmed this relationship.  Dr. George Bonney, Chairman of the Department of Biostatistics at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia reported recent surveys conducted by the center also present evidence which strongly suggests an association between abortion and breast cancer.  Dr. Bonney, who taught genetics and biostatistics at University of North Carolina, L.S.U. and Howard University, is considered the individual most knowledgeable in their statistical study of breast cancer.  Dr. Bonney indicates that “the breast cancer abortion link demands further research and studies” as well as additional media and organizational attention.  Dr. Ian Schemk, former Chairman of the Committee on Medical Ethics at Fairfax (Virginia) Hospital and a Clinical Assistant Professor at Georgetown, hinted abortionists should consider discussing the possible dangers of breast cancer with a mother considering abortion.

America has come a long way since 1973.  We, as a nation, have the blood of 40 million aborted babies upon our hands.  Abortion is neither safe nor rare as has been promised by the “pro-choice” crowd.  This same crowd promised us that if abortion was legalized, every child would be a loved and wanted child.  In reality, child abuse almost quadrupled between 1977 and 1993!  America needs to open her eyes and begin to question the “legal” right to stop the beating heart of an innocent child.   We have to consider approximately one-half of those hearts belonged to little girls who had no choice nor were her “reproductive rights safeguarded”!  Who will speak for the rights of these who cannot speak up for their own rights? 

Will you?


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